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М. Первомайськ. І. Актуальність теми: Вивчення теми «Healthy Way of Life» займає одне з важливих місць серед

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  1. м. Первомайськ
  2. М. Первомайськ



І. Актуальність теми: Вивчення теми «Healthy Way of Life» займає одне з важливих місць серед інших тем навчальної програми. Вивчаючи цю тему, студенти поширюють свої знання про серцево-судинну систему, вдосконалюють свої знання з термінології.

II. Навчальні цілі:

Знати: лексику по темі

Вміти:вірно вимовляти лексичні одиниці; вживати їх в мовленні.

III. Матеріали для підготовчої роботи:

3.1. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для самостійного вивчення теми. Матеріали доаудиторної самостійної роботи.

Дисципліни Знати Вміти
Українська мова Анатомія Біологія лексику до теми   перекласти з англійської мови на українську Спілкуватися в межах даної тематики з опрою на зразок

3.2. Зміст теми:

Health is above wealth.

Our health depends on many things: the food we eat, our good or bed habits, our physical activity and environmental influence.

Obesity and physical inactivity are known from ancient times. Besides such bad habits as smoking and drinking too much alcohol, the surprising "danger" of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast can double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases.

Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative dangerously chaotic lifestyles.

Some people worry about their weight and follow a calorie-controlled diet. They eat a low-fat food and more fibre. Eat is thought to be the cause of disease. Besides, people believe that they should exercise more not to be fat. Some people have started counting the calories they eat every day. So, that they can try to take in less calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet.

Such bad habits as smoking, drinking too much alcohol can cause a cough, a headache, some diseases, slow reactions and even loss of memory. Bad habits make teeth yellow, skin unhealthy, speech unclear and brain centers sleep. 10

The role of sports is significant as it gives good physiological results on the body. Good exercises increase heart action and blood circulation. They strengthen the nerves. Taking long walks in the open air is also important. The sun and the air are good medicines. It's interesting to know that bees drivers who sit all day have heart diseases twice as more than conductors who move all day. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who exercise. If a man does daily exercises he feels refreshed and has good posture. And good posture lifts spirits. Poor posture often causes fatigue.

Every one should remember the Latin saying "Mens sana in corpore sano". A healthy lifestyle is " a good remedy" for the protection of our organism against diseases. It's well known that it's easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Doctors must promote a healthy lifestyle and serve an example for other people.

2. Поисковое чтение: а). Поясните, что подразумевает девиз «Здоровье для всех», б). Перечислите, что необходимо для оздоровления человечества, с) Какие факторы влияют на здоровье?

Today nearly one thousand million people do not live satisfying lives, since they exist in a state of social and economic poverty.

In the 90th the world medicine has made great progress in some fields of the protection of human health, but along with the achievements in some spheres of world medicine it is still faced with a number of problems. There is a rise tropical diseases. Pneumonia, tuberculosis and hepatitis В remain serious threats. The AIDS pandemic is spreading globally and rapidly becoming a most serious threat to human existence. Chronic non-communicable diseases are becoming more widespread. Especially in the developing world, where the number of cancer cases is higher than in the developed countries.

Diabetes is increasing everywhere. Alcohol-related diseases are on the rise. And thanks to health education cardiovascular diseases are on the wane in developed countries, except in eastern Europe.

3.3. Рекомендована література:

Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шад­ская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007.

Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку» М:1985 ст.57

3.4. Орієтновна карта для самостійної роботи з літературою з даної теми:

№п/п Основні завдання Вказівки Відповіді
  - засвоїти лексику; перекласти текст «Health is above wealth. -»; - дати відповіді на запитання; - виконати завдання. Ст. 112 Ст. 114 Ст.117 Ст.118  

3.5. Матеріали для самоконтролю: Питання:

1. Questions:

- How do you define health?

- What does the expression «social and economic poverty» mean? Explain.

- What have recent studies shown?

- What do you know about achievements in some spheres of world medicine?

- What is the most serious threat to human existence?

- What well-known diseases in the developing world can you enumerate? Текст «Health is above wealth):

- What factors influence health?

- What bad habits do you know?

- How do they influence your health and appearance?


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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