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М. Первомайськ

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м. Первомайськ



І. Актуальність теми: Вивчення теми «Types of suicide» займає одне з важливих місць серед інших тем навчальної програми. Вивчаючи цю тему, студенти поширюють свої знання про англійську мову, про сфери її вживання, вдосконалюють свої знання з термінології.

II. Навчальні цілі:

Знати: лексику по темі

Вміти:вірно вимовляти лексичні одиниці; вживати їх в мовленні.

III. Матеріали для підготовчої роботи:

3.1. Базові знання, вміння, навички, необхідні для самостійного вивчення теми. Матеріали доаудиторної самостійної роботи.

Дисципліни Знати Вміти
Українська мова   лексику до теми   перекласти з англійської мови на українську Спілкуватися в межах даної тематики з опрою на зразок

3.2. Зміст теми:

Investigating the suicide Durkheim attracted the attention of several reasons. First, suicide - a "clearly delineated group of facts" that can be easily identified. Second, sociologist saw their work as applied to empirical data basic principles of sociological method set out in the "Rules...": the study of social facts as things recognizing the existence of a special, social reality, which does not depend on the will of individuals.
Durkheim identifies three main types of suicide, egoistic, altruistic and anomichnyy fourth type fatalistic.
Scientist examines egoistic suicide using correlation between suicide rates and social framework of religion, marriage, family. Based on official statistics, the French sociologist found that more men commit suicide than women; alone - more than family; Protestants - are more likely than Catholics.
Durkheim wrote that when selfishness can be called human condition where the individual "I" without knowing the extent and at the expense of others, opposes the public body, then this term is a special kind of suicide
Durkheim believed that the real cause of suicide is selfish "sick society", "collective indifference" loss of common goals. This common condition is generated and displayed in the disintegration of social groups: religious, family, political, directly affecting the individual.
So, the first type of suicide termed "self-interest". Man is more inclined to attempt on his own life when she thinks only of himself when it is not integrated into the social group when desire that govern this man is not correlated domestic wholesale and assessment of these desires of the person's life.
The second type of suicide - altruistic, selfish opposed. In contrast egoistic suicide, characterized typically loss of strength, altruistic suicide is "the manifestation of energy, passionate feelings." Breaking away from society, a person has an easy suicide; as easily puts it himself, being a little too closely associated with him
Altruistic suicide occurs when personal interests are completely absorbed by social as integration in a group so large that the individual does not exist in the society as a separate independent unit. In their study, Durkheim takes a suicide three examples. One of them is when a widow is free Indians in the fire, which burned body of her husband or suicide of a woman who was a widow because her husband was killed in battle. Also for Danish soldiers face death in bed of old age or illness was a disgrace. So they impose himself to avoid disgrace. Altruistic suicide is considered to be the custom in ancient societies, when after the death of Prince captain and any other ruler committed suicide his servants. In particular, the custom was common in Gaul in Hawaii.
Thus, Durkheim established the second type of suicide, which includes three types: mandatory, random and acute altruistic suicide. Between them lies a certain distance that separates primitive peoples of modern civilized nations
The third type of suicide - anomichnyy who are most interested in Durkheim. Sociologist attracted to this type of suicide excessive attention, because it is most characteristic of contemporary society. This type of suicide is common in times of great social upheaval, economic crises, when an individual loses the ability to adapt to new social changes and loses touch with society. State social anomie, flooring which scientists understand the lack of clear rules and standards of conduct when the old hierarchy of values is destroyed, and the new has not yet arisen, generates instability moral individuals. When ranges and disorganized social structure, some individuals rise rapidly, while others lose their place in society, when disrupted social harmony - a growing number of suicides.
Therefore, the third type of suicide - suicide anomichne to which individuals are doomed because of their conditions of existence in societies where life is not regulated by custom: individuals constantly compete with each other; They expect much from life; they have high needs, so they constantly guard suffering that appear when mismatch between aspirations and pleasures
The fourth type of suicide - fatalistic. It is the opposite anomichnomu, just as are altruistic and selfish opposite kinds of suicide. Study fatalistic suicide, Durkheim pays very little attention because they are very rare and spend time on their study scientist considered unnecessary. This suicide is caused by excessive impact of regulatory factors - enhanced control on the part of the individual society. Such control tends to be strong and constant and so it becomes unbearable. Fatalistic suicide carried out by a person whose future ruthlessly regulated, whose passion ruthlessly suppressed inhuman, cruel discipline. Ending a manner, for instance, young married men and married women who do not have children.
So scientists believed that suicides are individual phenomenon, which is precisely the social causes. These social causes of suicide are social forces that vary from society to society, from group to group, from religion to religion. They came from groups, not from isolated individuals.

3.3. Рекомендована література:

Основна: Козырева Л. Г. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г Козырева, Т. В. Шад­ская. — Изд. 7-е. — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007.

Допоміжна: С.А.Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку» М:1985 ст.57

3.4. Орієтновна карта для самостійної роботи з літературою з даної теми:

№п/п Основні завдання Вказівки Відповіді
  - засвоїти лексику; перекласти текст; - дати відповіді на запитання; - виконати завдання.    

3.5. Матеріали для самоконтролю: Питання:

Complete the following sentences:

1. If life is the supreme value, how to evaluate the heroism, self-sacrifice?.

2. Does a person have the right to control their own lives by choice?.

3. Will you communicate with the person, knowing that he was in the past tried to commit suicide?.

4. What can save man from suicide?.

5. "Suicide - is a sign of weakness, which is more common in people strong." What do you think: suicide is inherent in strong or weak people?.

6. What are the living conditions should be provided to the person that he never thought about suicide?.

7. What makes a person decide to commit suicide?.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

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