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The British Waste Line” Vocabulary

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  1. A Russian / Soviet / Ukrainian and a British / UK / Welsh war hero.
  2. A. Vocabulary
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  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary
Word Transcription Definition Synonym/Antonym Set expressions Examples
  allied (близкий, связанный, союзный) [əʹlaıd]   joined by or relating to members of an alliance Syn.: connected, related, akin the Allied Powers - союзные державы allied banks - ассоциированные банки allied species - родственные виды They're backed by allied warplanes and tanks. Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciate this.
  appalling (ужасающий, страшный; отталкивающий) [əʹpɔ:lıŋ] causing extreme dismay, horror, or revulsion Syn.: terrible, horrible appalling cruelty — ужасающая жестокость it is appalling that — это ужасно, что appalling handwriting/taste — ужасный почерк/вкус We heard the appalling news about the earthquake. They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.
  to assume (брать на себя, принимать, притворяться) [əʹsju:m] to suppose to be the case, without proof Syn.: to undertake, to feign, to pretend, to sham, to suppose let us assume that... — допустим, что... to assume responsibility - взять на себя ответственность to assume measures - принять меры These Doctrines assume at once a reasonableness and an importance. She assumed an air of confidence in spite of her dismay.
  conceivable (мыслимый, вероятный, потенциальный) [kənʹsi:vəb(ə)l] capable of being imagined or grasped mentally Syn.: thinkable, possible to take every conceivable precaution - принять все возможные меры предосторожности Is there any conceivable justification for betraying your family?
  to discard (избавляться от чего-либо, отказываться, увольнять с работы) [ʹdıskɑ:d] to get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable; Syn.: to cast, to shed, to slough, to scrap, to junk Ant.: to keep, to preserve, to save to discard a hypothesis - отвергнуть гипотезу to discard old friends - забыть старых друзей We have discarded our faith in astrology and witches.  
  eccentric (эксцентричный, странный, экстравагантный) [ıkʹsentrık] unconventional and slightly strange Syn.: strange, odd, whimsical, eccentrical eccentric in one's habits — имеющий эксцентричные привычки eccentric behaviour - странное поведение; чудачество He noted her eccentric appearance. He is an eccentric character who likes wearing a beret and dark glasses.
  to estimate (оценивать, приблизительно подсчитывать, прикидывать) [ʹestımıt] to calculate roughly or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of Syn.: to value, to consider, to judge to estimate the value of a gem - оценить драгоценный камень the losses are estimated at £50 - убытки оцениваются в 50 фунтов I would estimate the size of the garden at 1.000 square metres. Bacon could not estimate Shakespeare.
  estimated (предполагаемый, расчётный, оценочный) [ʹestımeıtıd] roughly calculated Syn.: approximate estimated income — планируемые поступления estimated requirements — плановая потребность Great Britain, for example, had an estimated expenditure of £26,100,000.
  excessive (чрезвычайный, неумеренный, заядлый) [ıkʹsesıv] more than is necessary, normal, or desirable Syn.: superfluous, unnecessary, redundant excessive praise - неумеренные похвалы an excessive smoker - заядлый курильщик He was drinking excessive amounts of brandy.
  expenditure (потребление, издержки, расходы) [ıkʹspendıtʃə] an amount of money spent; the use of energy, time, or other resources Syn.: consumption to meet expenditures - обеспечивать пополнение расхода to save expenditure - давать экономию в расходе expenditure record - учёт расхода They should cut their expenditure on defense. An expenditure for clothing will qualify as a trade or business expense.
  fallacy (обман, ошибка, заблуждение) [ʹfæləsı] a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments Syn.: guile, trickery, deception a statement based on fallacy - ошибочное утверждение popular fallacies - обычные заблуждения the fallacy of friendship - ненадёжность дружбы It's a fallacy to assume that he will help. The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.
  grant (подарок, грант, дотация) [grɑ:nt] a sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose Syn.: present, gift in grant - по дарственной to receive a State grant - получить государственную субсидию We received a grant to attend the conference.  
  to grudge (завидовать, выражать недовольство, жадничать) [grʌdʒ] to be resentfully unwilling to give or allow; to be jealous Syn.: to begrudge to grudge no pains - не жалеть труда to owe smb. a grudge - не без причины злиться на кого-л.; затаить злобу против кого-л. to harbor/nurse/hold a grudge – испытывать злобу Miss Ironside seems to have had some grudge against her. He grudged the work and time that the meeting involved.  
  inevitable (неизбежный, неотвратимый, неизменный) [ıʹnevıtəb(ə)l] certain to happen; completely predictable Syn.: unavoidable, inescapable, necessary Ant.: avertible, preventable inevitable changes of the seasons — постоянная смена времён года to bow to the inevitable — соглашаться с неизбежным It was inevitable that she would find out. The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.
  inseparable (неотделимый, неразделимый, неразлучный) [ınʹsep(ə)rəb(ə)l] unable to be separated or treated separately Syn.: indivisible inseparable union - неразрывный союз inseparable quality - неотъемлемое качество to be inseparable from smth. - быть неотделимым от ч.-л. Research and higher education seem inseparable. They met 18 months ago and have been inseparable ever since.
  to lavish (быть щедрым, раздавать, расточать) [ʹlævıʃ] to give someone generous amounts of Syn.: to bestow, to deal out, to distribute to lavish care on an only child - чрезмерно опекать своё единственное чадо to lavish money - проматывать деньги The media couldn't lavish enough praise on the film. He was lavish with his hospitality.
  layman (непрофессионал, дилетант, любитель) [ʹleı|mən] a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject Syn.: amateur political layman — политический дилетант a book for laymen - книга для широкого круга читателей T he book seems well suited to the interested layman.
  niggardly (скупой, скудный) [ʹnıgədlı] meagre and given grudgingly Syn.: stingy, tight-fisted, scanty, poor niggardly rich man - богатый скупец niggardly of advice - неохотно дающий советы I don't want to seam niggardly but the thing is really too expensive.
  prone (склонный, предрасположенный) [prəʋn] likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable Syn.: susceptible, vulnerable   prone to anger - вспыльчивый to be prone to laziness - любить бездельничать Man is prone to error. Untreated wood is prone to rotting.
  scheme (план, махинация, структура) [ski:m] a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect Syn.: plan, project, strategy diabolical scheme — дьявольский план to foil / thwart a scheme — разрушать планы under the proposed scheme - согласно предложенному плану The company was pouring around $30 million into the scheme. Police uncovered a scheme to steal paintings worth more than $250,000.
  to strive (пытаться, стремиться, бороться) [straıv] to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something Syn.: to try, to exert, to struggle, to compete, to contend to strive against fate — бороться с судьбой to strive for success — стремиться к успеху The minister begged the worshippers to strive against evil. We must strive to secure steady growth.
  an eventual dividend (возможная прибыль, конечный доход) [ıʹventʃʋəl] [ʹdıvıdend] a possible income from some research, operation etc.     It is commonly assumed that research will pay an eventual dividend.
  interior decorations (оформление интерьера) [ınʹtı(ə)rıə] [͵dekəʹreıʃ(ə)n] the decoration of the interior of a building or room Syn.: interior design   There is the art of an interior decorator.
  in time of emergency (в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах) [ıʹmɜ:dʒ(ə)nsı] in the extreme situation     It’s difficult to act proper in time of emergency.
  juvenile delinquency (подростковая преступность) [ʹdʒu:vənaıl] [dıʹlıŋkwənsı] antisocial or criminal conduct by juvenile delinquents     We have also to meet the closely associated costs of juvenile delinquency.
  on the brink of (на грани чего-либо) [brıŋk] on the edge of something     A year ago we were on the brink of a great discovery.
  the grand total (итоговая сумма, общий итог) [grænd]   the final amount after everything is added up; the sum of other totals     The calculated grand total was very measly.
  to come high on the list (быть в первых числах, быть вверху списка)   to be in the beginning of a list     As an item of public expenditure, education comes high on the list.
  visual aids (наглядные пособия, визуальные средства) [ʹvıʒʋəl] [eıdz]   Devices (films, slides, models and blackboards), that display in visual form material to be understood or remembered     The school was filled with workshops and art-rooms, projection theatres and visual aids.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 304 | Нарушение авторских прав

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