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Solvents, pesticides and radioactive materials

Читайте также:
  1. Baggage carts are used for the transportation of luggage, mail, cargo and other materials between the aircraft and the terminal.
  2. Classes of materials
  3. Composite materials
  4. Contents of the training materials
  5. Describe some of the effects of spraying the land with pesticides.
  7. Further materials


Apoaodbiriabc: niche

Artemotsoadswbbda: primary consumer

Asptticrfaeui: zapovednik

Aspttippfaeai: zapovednik

Asotl-tcoeabpi: Sustainable Development

Aveiaeo: a density-independent factor

Afa: the nonliving components of an ecosystem

Afiaeci: sunlight

Atnpaqooaahtl: decreases

Ari: rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusual

Ly acidic

Arihbic: dissolve nutrients and toxic metals in the soil

Aroa: rain, snow, mist, fog, hail

Atpiaaf: community

Asoei: sun, wind and waves

Aoepfotlttnoi: 10%

Aei: all the interacting parts – living organisms and the


Aeiaaw: is a biome found throughout the world freshwa

ter rivers…

Aeoarfpwb: phosphorus – containing rock stratums and

Deposits of..

Aibtsiwsbeoi: mutualism

Asopa: automobile exhausts

A–iasoetsaeoeft: individual organisms

Aoa: plants

Aos,std,anopaa: density dependent factors

BddNi: terrestrial, marine, aquatic

Bmitpo: increasing concentration of hazardous wastes


Bnowbappda: 2.5

Bpci: biological contaminants include bacteria, molds,


Bi: that area of the earth where life exist

Bfiaeci: pollination of flowers by insects

Behuottliaep,h: omnivores

Cpci: household, acids, petrol, kerosene, paint thinner

Cstsctpgoupac: herbicides

C,p,asaato: biotic relationships

Cstiaisiapaic: ecosystem

Ctotnbepa: herbivores

C,sah,totnbebpaocac: carnivores

C,sav,tfoothrda: scavengers

Cwlfrh: population decline

Dtroocittc“t–r–f”: producer–primary consumer–2ndary


D–iasoets: common characteristics of population in an


Di: non-living particulate organic material

Dogcitaidoi: nitrogen-oxygen-argon-carbon dioxide

Duowi: 6%

Dcopi: population growth rate

Eftlvooi: critical

Eftlldit’spa: temperature, food shortage

EftllitoBUTdnultolotla: sunlight

Ef(oacoep)i: the average amount of productive land and


El“Nature knows better”wpb :Commoner

Enosltc: competite

Ei: an ecological unit that includes.biotic.abiotic.factors

Es,saseagemhtrco: fossil fuel.

Ecbpi: "Third Nature", or "Art- nature"

Ei: outside the organism in which an organism lives and

Which affects it

Eticbpi: second nature, or quasi-nature

Eitlostrf: abiotic factors

Ela: Eutrophic lakes are rich in organic matter and

vegetation, making the waters relatively murky.

Eowiaw: intensive algae propagation

Esobtbpaacbtsci: Noosphere

Eoicirb: black cockroaches and red cockroaches

Eci: harmful environmental or social cost borne by people

Not directly involved in buying or selling a product

Eaow: a large range tolerance to an ecological factor

Ftscadedac: teratogens

Ftsdgmooa: mutagens

Ftso,"old growth forest"ii: habitat

Hditmco: species extinction species extinction

Ha: The different types of environment, which provide

Food, water and shelter for living organisms.

Howa: Wetland

Hitaott: Ecology

Hw dn i: acidic resins, arsenic, heavy metals, organic

solvents, pesticides and radioactive materials

Hactccpgouosa: plants

Het.oa: jellyfish

Hom.oa: birds and mammals

Iymtboae,yam: dry weight of the organisms.

ItnoKzr: Aksu Jabagly

ItnoKz'snp: Altyn Emel

Ichtmpwwsb: recycling water during industrial oper-s

Icthdadit: pollute water

Laoteobtfi: about 25%

Laoteobtrfi: about 5%

Lataotstlbt: Carnivores or competitors consumer

Loohseipburcc: skin cancer and eye damage

Moteteatl: 10%

Netiwcbhi: "First Nature" or Eco space

Nitaicb: nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Nri: minerals

N-iaesobt: is transformed by conscious human activity

Ofs: is the replac of popul-s in abandoned farm fields

Ola: contain little organic matter.

Ogtiastdbmic: biodegradable

Omtcbdbbic: Nonbiodegradable pollutants

Oitdmbatllo: WATER

Oturfac: heterotrophs

Owabtdoeta: Poikilothermic

Owactndoeta: Homoeothermic

Owalrttaefac: Eyrobionts

Owanrtttac: Stenobionts

PoKz’sstiutd: about 70%

Pi: permanently frozen layer of ground over 500 thick.

Paabatlipbtapo: evolution by natural selection.

Piaeptfr: synthesize organic substances from inorganic


Podhatdawsa: Xerophytes

Paow: a body temp depending on environment temp

Pgiew: the birthrate reaches its biotic potential

Pgri: indivi-s numb change in a pop-n over specific

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 111 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ленинский округ| Task 6. Skim the text and tell what the general idea of the text is.

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