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Exercise 21. Translate into English.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read and translate the text.
  4. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Additional Language Exercises
  7. Additional Vocabulary Exercises


The Present Perfect Tense

ДУХ ВРЕМЕНИ– наличие результата к настоящему моменту. ФОРМУЛА ВРЕМЕНИ – HAVE + V3 V3– это третья форма глагола. Если глагол правильный, то V3соответствует форме прошедшего времени, которая заканчивается на ed. Третью форму неправильных глаголов всегда можно найти в словаре.

Слова-показатели: ALREADY - УЖЕ


















Грамматический нюанс 1.

Случаи употребления времени P RESENT P ERFECT.

1. Когда мы сообщаем какую-то новость.


Президент прибыл в Лондон. – The President has arrived in London.

Я поранил палец. – I have cut my finger.

2. Когда мы хотим объяснить ситуацию в настоящем событиями прошлого.


Он хорошо говорит по-английски. Почему? Что явилось причиной того, что он сейчас хорошо говорит по-английски? – Оказывается, когда-то он жил в Англии. Конечно, этот факт из его прошлого полностью объясняет ситуацию в настоящем.


Он хорошо говорит по-английски, так как три года жил в Англии.

He speaks perfect English as he has lived in England for 3 years.

Он много знает (почему?). – Он много читал.

He knows a lot: he has read a lot.

Она интересный человек (почему?). Она побывала во многих странах и работала с замечательными людьми.

She is an interesting person. She has been in many countries and has worked

With remarkable people.

3. Когда вместе с глаголом в прошедшем времени мы употребляем слово «уже».

Я уже прочел книгу. – I have already read the book.

Случаи употребления времени P RESENT P ERFECT.

4. Когда вместе с глаголом в прошедшем времени мы употребляем слово «только что».


Я только что съел яблоко. – I have just eaten an apple.

Она только что потеряла паспорт. – She has just lost the a passport.


Кроме слова just в английском языке есть еще одно словосочетание, которое на русский язык переводится как «только что» – just now. Но если слово just является показателем временем PRESENT PERFECT, то словосочетание just now является показателем времени Past Simple.


То есть предложение «Я только что съел яблоко» на самом деле на английский язык можно перевести двумя способами:

I have just eaten an apple.

2. I ate an apple just now. (just now употребляется всегда в конце предложения).

Грамматический нюанс 2.


С лово already как бы разбивает грамматическую форму Present Perfect и ставится между have/has и V3.

Грамматический нюанс 3.


В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях слово already меняется на yet и ставится в конце предложения.


Ты уже прочел эту книгу? – Have you read this book yet?

Грамматический нюанс 4.


Слово yet на русский язык переводится как «еще не»

Он еще не прочел книгу. – He has not read a book yet.

Грамматический нюанс 5.


Слово already не меняется в вопросительном предложении на слово yet только в том случае, если оно имеет значение «так скоро», а вопросительное предложение в целом выражает удивление.


Неужели вы уже прочли книгу? – Have you already read the book?

5. Когда мы говорим о том, что что-то произошло в «незаконченное время».

Грамматический нюанс 6.

«Незаконченное время» – это период времени, который еще не закончился. Период времени, который еще не закончился, (то есть еще длится в данный момент), обычно обозначается словами:

сегодня – today

на этой неделе – this week

в этом месяце – this month

в этом году – this year

в этом десятилетии – this decade

в этом столетии – this century

в этом тысячелетии – this millennium



В жизни (это словосочетание может и не называться, оно может только подразумеваться).


Я сегодня ходила в театр (сегодняшний день еще не кончился).

I have gone to the theatre today.

В этом месяце наша команда 5 раз выиграла (этот месяц еще продолжается).

Our team has won 5 times this month.

Наука многого достигла в этом столетии.

Science has achieved a lot this century.

Я видела этот фильм несколько раз (подразумевается «в жизни», которая, к счастью, еще продолжается).

I have seen this film several times.


Если же мы говорим о том, что что-то произошло в «законченное время» (то есть в период времени, который уже не длится, который уже завершился, например, «вчера», «на прошлой неделе»,«в прошлом году» и т.д.), то тогда в английском языке мы употребляем грамматическое время PAST SIMPLE


Я окончила школу в прошлом году.

I finished school last year.

Наука многого достигла в прошлом столетии.

Science achieved a lot last century.

Я вчера ходила в театр.

I went to the cinema yesterday.

Грамматический нюанс 7.


Иногда грамотный перевод русской фразы на английский язык зависит от того, в котором часу происходит разговор! Например, фразу «Я встретила мою учительницу сегодня утром» можно перевести:


1. I have met my teacher this morning (если разговор происходит утром, до 12 часов, когда день еще не наступил)

2. I met my teacher this morning (если разговор происходит днем, после 12 часов,или вечером, когда «утро» уже давно закончилось).

6. Когда вместе с глаголом в прошедшем времени мы употребляем словосочетание «в последнее время».

Грамматический нюанс 8.


Этому словосочетанию в английском языке соответствуют два разных слова в зависимости от того, что они обозначают.

Если «последние дни или недели», то англичане используют слово lately.

Если речь идет о последних месяцах или годах, то тогда англичане говорят recently.


В последнее время он много пил (последние несколько лет).

He has drunk a lot recently.

В последнее время она очень изменилась (за последние несколько дней).

She has drunk a lot lately.

7. Когда мы задаем вопрос в прошедшем времени со словами «когда-нибудь» или «когда-либо» (ever), или этих слов нет, но они подразумеваются.


Вы когда-нибудь ели улиток? – Have you ever eaten snails?

Вы бывали в Италии? – Have you been to Italy?

8. Когда мы утверждаем что-то, используя глагол в прошедшем времени и слово «когда-либо» или не употребляя это слово, но подразумевая его.


Это самая лучшая книга, которую я когда-либо читал.

It’s the best book I have ever read.

Это самый плохой фильм, который я видел (подразумевается «когда-либо в своей жизни»).

It’s the worst film I’ve seen.

9. Когда мы сообщаем о чем-то и используем глагол в прошедшем времени и слово «никогда».

Он никогда не был в Италии. – He has never been to Italy.


В предложении «я никогда не пила кофе в детстве» мы также сообщаем о чем-то, используя глагол в прошедшем времени и слово «никогда», однако при переводе на английский язык надо пользоваться временем Past Simple, так как в предложении появилось слово, которое обозначает законченное, истекшее время – «в детстве»

I never drank coffee in childhood.

10. Когда мы сообщаем о чем-то, используя глагол в прошедшем времени и слова


долго – for a long time.

целую вечность – for ages

с завтрака – since breakfast

до сих пор – so far


Все эти слова и словосочетания означают период времени, начавшийся в какой-то момент в прошлом и продолжающийся до сих пор.

Грамматический нюанс 9.


Все эти слова в английском варианте фразы ставятся в конец предложения.


Мы долго не встречались.

We haven’t met each other for a long time.

Я целую вечность не ходила в театр.

I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.

Я ничего не ел с утра.

I have eaten nothing since morning.

У нее до сих пор не было никаких проблем с английским.

She has not had any problems with her English so far.

11. Когда мы сообщаем о чем-то, используя глагол в прошедшем времени и слова раньше (в значении «прежде»), до этого, прежде – before.

Грамматический нюанс 10.

Слово «раньше» – многозначное слово. Оно может означать:

1. сравнительную степень от слова «рано» (я пришел рано, а она пришла раньше), тогда на английский язык это слово переводится как earlier.

2. период времени до момента разговора, тогда это слово переводится как before.


Я никогда не видела его раньше. – I haven’t seen him before.

По-моему, мы прежде не встречались. – To my mind, we haven’t met before.

12. Когда мы сообщаем о чем-то, используя глагол в НАСТОЯЩЕМ времени и конструкцию «это в первый (во второй) раз, что…» («впервые»).


Это первый раз, что я вожу машину (Я впервые за рулем).

It’s the first time I’ve driven a car.

Он звонит уже третий раз за вечер.

It’s the third time he has phoned this evening.

Exercise1. Add a sentence. Use the Present Perfect.

1. Emma's computer is working now. (she / repair / it)

2. It's cooler in here now. (I / open / the window)

3.The visitors are here at last, (they / arrive)

4. Mark's car isn't blocking us in now. (he / move / it)

5. We haven't got any new videos, (we / watch / all these)


Exercise2. Trevor and Laura are decorating their house. Put in the verbs. Use the Present Perfect.

Laura: How is the painting going? Have you finished? (you / finish)

Trevor: No, I haven't. Painting the ceiling is really difficult, you know.

(1)... (I / not / do) very much. And it looks just the same as before. This new paint (2)... (not / make) any difference.

Laura: (3)... (you / not / put) enough on.

Trevor: (4)... (I / hurt) my back. It feels bad.

Laura: Oh, you and your back. You mean (5)… (you / have) enough of decorating. Well, I'll do it. Where (6)... (you / put) the brush?

Trevor: I don't know. (7)... (it / disappear).(8)… (I / look) for it, but I can't find it.

Laura: You're hopeless, aren't you? How much (9)… (you / do) in here? Nothing! (10)... (I / paint) two doors.

Trevor: (11)… (I / clean) all this old paint around the window. It looks much better now, doesn't it?

Laura: (12)… (we / make) some progress, I suppose. Now, where (13)... (that brush /go)? Oh, (14)… (you / leave) it on the ladder, look.


Exercise3. Write replies using the Present Perfect and just.

Use these past participles: checked, eaten, made, remembered, rung, tidied

We must find out the address. ~ It's all right, I've just remembered it.

1. The children's room looks neat. ~ Yes, they've...

2. Is Daniel making some coffee? ~ It's ready.

3. What happened to that chocolate? ~ Sorry,....,...

4. Has Rachel got all the answers right? ~ Yes,...

5. Have you told your sister? ~ Yes, I've...


А.Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Perfect with just, already and yet.

Vicky: You haven t done your project yet (you / not do / your project / yet), 1 suppose.

Rachel: No, I haven't. (1)... (I / not / start / it / yet).

Vicky: (2)…(I /just / see / Andrew), and he says (3)… (he / already / do) about half of it.

Rachel: Well, he works too hard.

Vicky: (4)… (I / not / finish / my plan / yet).

Rachel: (5)…(you / already / begin) to worry about it, haven't you? Take it easy. There's plenty of time.

Vicky: (6)… (we / already / spend) too long thinking about it.(7)… (I / not / do / any real work / yet) and (8)… (I / just / realize) that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

Rachel: OK. (9)… (I / just / decide) to start next week. Well, maybe.


В.Andrew is a very hard-working student. It's midnight and he is still working at his computer. Write sentences with the Present Perfect and for or since.

be / at his computer / six hours. He's been at his computer for six hours.

1. not / have / any fun / a long time...............................................................

2. have / a cold / a week …………………………………………………….

3. not / see / his friends / ages ……………………………………………....

4. not / do / any sport / last year …………………………………………….

5. be / busy with his studies / months............................................…………

Exercise5. Complete the sentences. Put in for or since



You ought to wash the car. You haven't washed it for ages.

I'd better have a shower. I haven't had one since Thursday.

1. I think I'll ring my girlfriend. I haven't... the weekend.

2.We're going to see some old friends. We haven't... five years.

3.Let's watch a video, shall we? We haven't... quite a while.

4. We could have a barbecue. We haven't... last summer.

5. Shall we play tennis? We haven't… our holiday.



Fill the spaces in the following sentences by using for or since.


1.We've been fishing... two hours.

2. I've been working in this office... a month.

3. They've been living in France... 1970.

4. He has been in prison... a year.

5. I've known that... a long time.

6. That man has been standing there... six o'clock.

7. She has driven the same car... 1975.

8. Things have changed... I was a girl.

9. The kettle has been boiling... a quarter of an hour.

10. The central heating has been on... October.

11. That trunk has been in the hall... a year.

12. He has been very ill... the last month.

13. I've been using this machine... twelve years.

14. We've been waiting... half an hour.

15. Mr Pitt has been in hospital... his accident.

16. He hasn't spoken to me... the last committee meeting.

17. I have been very patient with you... several years.

18. They have been on strike... November.

19. The strike has lasted... six months.

20. It has been very foggy... early morning.

21. They have been quarrelling ever... they got married.

22. I've been awake... four o'clock.

23. I've been awake... a long time.

24. We've had no gas... the strike began.

25. I've earned my own living... I left school.

26. Nobody has seen him... last week.

27. The police have been looking for me... four days.

28. I haven't worn low-heeled shoes... I was at school.

29. He had a bad fall last week and... then he hasn't left the house.

30. He has been under water... half an hour.

31. That tree has been there... 2,000 years.

32. He has been Minister of Education... 1983.

33. I've been trying to open this door... forty-five minutes.

34. He hasn't eaten anything... twenty-four hours.

35. We've had terrible weather... the last month.

36. Nobody has come to see us... we bought these bloodhounds.

Exercise6. Gone to or been to? Complete the conversation. Put in gone or been.

Emma: Hi. Where's Rachel?

Vicky: She's gone to the supermarket to get something for a meal.

Emma: But I've got some chicken for tonight. I've just (1)… to a supermarket on

my way home, that new place near the station.

Natasha: I haven't (2). …to that one yet.

Vicky: Where's Jessica? Isn't she here?

Emma: No, she's (3)… to London. She'll be back tomorrow.

Exercise7. First time, second time, etc

What would you say in these situations? Use time and the Present Perfect.

You are watching a cricket match. You have never seen one before.

This is the first time I've seen a cricket match.

1. You have lost your bank card. It has happened once before.This is

2. The washing-machine has broken down. This has happened twice before.

3. You are in England for the first time in your life.

4. You are staying in a hotel where you once stayed before.

5. You have missed the bus. You've done the same thing about four times before.

Exercise8. Today, this week, etc

Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect.

Mark buys a newspaper most mornings, but he hasn't bought one this morning.

1. I see Vicky most days, but...

2. We go to the club most weekends, but...

3. We usually have a party each term, but..

4. Someone usually rings in the evening, but no one


Exercise9. Put in the Past Participles of the verbs in brackets.

We've found (find) all the answers.

1. Have you… (wash) the car?

2. You haven't... (eat) very much.

3. They've… (open) a new supermarket.

4.You've… (write) it in pencil.

5. I've… (make) the sandwiches.

6. We've… (have) our lunch.

7. United have… (score) a goal.

8.The balloon has…land) in a field.

9.Who's… (break) this glass?

10. It's warm because the heating has... (be) on.

11. Have you... (sell) your flat yet?

12. I've… (finish) that job at last.

Exercise10. Complete the second sentence so that it follows on from the first. Use the Present Perfect.

My hair is tidy now. I‘ve brushed my hair.

1. The door is open. Someone... the door.

2. This is Oliver's drawing, look. Oliver... a picture.

3. The calculator is broken. Someone… the calculator.

4. United are the winners. United... the game.

5. There's no more wine in the bottle. We... all the wine.

6. The floor is clean now. I... the floor.

7. I know my number now. I…my number by heart.

8. The guests are here now. The guests...

9. I'm still working on the computer. I... with the computer yet.

Exercise11.Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect tense, and fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary.

1. Where you (be)? ~I (be) to the dentist.

2. You (have) breakfast? ~Yes, I...

3. The post (come)? ~Yes, it...

4. You (see) my watch anywhere? ~No, I'm afraid I...

5. Someone (wind) the clock? ~Yes, Tom...

6. I (not finish) my letter yet.

7. He just (go) out.

8. Someone (take) my bicycle.

9. The phone (stop) ringing.

10. You (hear) from her lately? -No, I...

11. I just (wash) that floor.

12. The cat (steal) the fish.

13. You (explain) the exercise? ~Yes, I...

14. There aren't any buses because the drivers (go) on strike.

15. You (have) enough to eat? ~Yes, I (have) plenty, thank you.

16. Charles (pass) his exam? ~Yes, he...

17. How many bottles the milkman (leave)? ~He (leave) six.

18. I (live) here for ten years.

19. How long you (know) Mr. Pitt? ~I (know) him for ten years.

20. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) some.

21. Mary (water) the tomatoes? ~Yes, I think she...

22. You (not make) a mistake? ~No, I'm sure I...

23. Why you (not mend) the fuse? ~I (not have) time.

24. You (dive) from the ten-metre board yet? ~No, I...

25. You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? ~No, I...

26. I (ask) him to dinner several times.

27. He always (refuse).

28. You ever (ride) a camel?

29. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

30. He (post) the letter?

31. Why he (not finish)? He (have) plenty of time.

32. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

33. You ever (eat) caviar? ~No, I...

34. We just (hear) the most extraordinary news.

35. The police (recapture) the prisoners who escaped yesterday.

36. I (not pay) the telephone bill yet.

Exercise12. Decide which word is correct.

I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it yet?

a) done b) for c) just d) yet

1. Ben writes very quickly. He's… finished his essay,

a) already b) been c) for d) yet

2. What are you going to do? ~ I don't know. I haven't decided...

a) just b) long c) since d) yet

3. I've.... to London. I went there in June.

a) been b) gone c) just d) yet

4. Have you... done any skiing?

a) ever b) for c) just d) long

5. My boyfriend hasn't rung… week,

a) for b) last c) since d) this

6. I haven't seen that coat before. How... have you had it?

a) already b) for c) long d) since

7. The girls have... to the cinema. They won't be back until ten o'clock.

a) already b) been c) gone d) just

8. I haven't seen my parents... last Christmas.

a) already b) before c) for d) since

9. This is the first... I've ever lived away from home.

a) already b) since c) that d) time

10. This programme must be new. I've... seen it before.

a) ever b) never c) since d) yet





A.Complete this letter to a newspaper. Put in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

A few days ago I learned (learn) that someone plans to knock down the White Horse Inn. This pub (VJ has been (be) the centre of village life for centuries. It (1)… (stand) at our crossroads for 500 years. It (2)… (be) famous in the old days, and Shakespeare once (3)… (stay) there, they say. I (4)… (live) in Brickfield all my life. The villagers (5)… (know) about the plans for less than a week and already there's a 'Save Our Pub' campaign. Last week we (6)… (be) happy, but this week we're angry. We will stop them, you'll see.

B. Have you (ever)...? and Did you (ever)...?

Look at each conversation and choose the best sentence, a) or b).

Have you heard about the woman walking across the US? ~ Yes, she's reached the Rockies.

a) The walk is continuing, b) The walk has finished.

1. Have you ever played beach volleyball? ~ Yes, we played it on holiday.

a) The holiday is still going on. b) The holiday is over.

2. Did you know old Mr Green? ~ No, I never met him.

a) Mr Green is probably alive, b) Mr Green is probably dead.

3.Wayne Johnson is a great footballer. ~ Yes, he's scored 200 goals for United.

a) Wayne Johnson still plays for United, b) Wayne Johnson has left United.

C. Today, this week, etc. Put in this, last, today or yesterday.

Last month prices went up, but this month they have fallen a little.

1. It's been dry so far... week, but... week was very wet.

2. I went shopping earlier.... and spent all the money I earned...

3. We didn't have many visitors... year. We've had a lot more... year.

4. I don't feel so tired now. We got up quite late …morning. I felt really tired... when we got up so early.

Exercise 14. Present Perfect or Past Simple? Put in the verbs.

Tom: Have you heard (you / hear) the news about David?

Harriet: No. (1)... (what / happen)?

Tom: (2)… (he / have) an accident. He was walking down some steps. (3)… (he / fall) and (4)… (break) his leg.

Harriet: Oh, how awful! When (5)... (it / happen)?

Tom: Yesterday afternoon. Melanie (6)… (tell) me about it last night.

Harriet: Last night! (7)… (you / know) about it last night, and (8)… (you / not / tell) me!

Tom: Well, (9)... (I / not / see) you last night. And (10)... (I / not / see) you today, until now.

Harriet: I hope he's all right. (11)... (he / have) lots of accidents, you know.

(12)... (he / do) the same thing about two years ago.


Exercise15. Put in the Present Perfect or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

I've had (have) these shoes since my eighteenth birthday.

I tidied (tidy) my desk, but now it's in a mess again.

1. The last time I... (go) to Brighton was in August.

2. I'd like to meet a ghost, but I... (never / see) one.

3. I've finished my homework. I... (do) it before tea.

4. And the race is over! And Micky Simpson...(win) in a record time!

5. I... (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after college.

6. What time... (you / get) to work this morning?

7. Martin... (be) to Greece five times. He loves the place.

8. The President... (come) out of the building and is going to make a speech.

9. You won't believe this, but I've got some tickets for the concert. ~ Oh, well done. How... (you / get) them?

10. Of course I can ride a bike. But I... not / ride) one for years.

11. Marilyn Monroe... (be) in about thirty films.

12.... (you / ever / bake) your own bread? ~ No, but I might try it some time.

13. Janet... (be) very ill three years ago.

14. Rupert has left a message for you. He... (ring) last night.

15. (you / see) the news today? ~ No, not yet. I'll watch it at ten.

16. We moved here in 1993. We... (be) here a long time now.

Exercise16. (a) Fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary used in the question, putting it into the negative where necessary.

(b) Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Simple Past Tense.

Have you seen that play? (a) Yes, I...

Yes, I have.

(b) Yes, I (be) there last night.

Yes, I was there last night.

1. Have you wound the clock?

(a) Yes, I...

(b) Yes, I (wind) it on Monda

2. Have you ever eaten snails?

(a) No, I...

(b) Yes, I (eat) some at Tom's party last week.

3. Has she fed the dog?

(a) Yes, I think she...

(b) Yes, she (feed) him before lunch.

4. Have they repaired the road?

(a) No, they...

(b) They only (repair) part of it so far.

5. Have they done their homework?

(a) Yes, they (do) it all.

(b) Yes, they (do) it before they left school.

6. Have you found the matches?

(a) No, I...

(b) No, I (not find) them yet.

7. Have you made the coffee?

(a) Yes, I...

(b) I (make) some yesterday: we can use that.

8. Have you been here before?

(a) No, I...

(b) Yes, I (be) here several times.

9. Have you seen him lately?

(a) No, I...

(b) No, I (not see) him since Christmas.

10. Have you been to the opera this

(a) Yes, I...week?

(b) Yes, I (go) to Faust on Friday.

11. Have you ever driven this car?

(a) Yes, I (drive) it once or twice.

(b) Yes, I (drive) it when you were away.

12. Has he missed his train?

(a) No, he....

(b) Yes, he... It (go) five minutes ago.

13. Have they been through Customs?

(a) Yes, they...

(b) Yes, their luggage (be) examined at Dover.

14. Has he spoken to her?

(a) Yes, he...

(b) Yes, he (speak) to her on Friday.

15. Have you spent all your money?

(a) No, I only (spend) half of it.

(b) Yes, 1...

16. How much have you saved since Christmas?

(a) I (not save) anything.

(b) I (save) $3.

17. Has his temperature gone down?

(a) No, it...

(b) Yes, it (go) down last night.

18. Have you seen his garden?

(a) No, I (not see) it yet.

(b) I (see) the house on Monday but I (not see) the garden.

19. Have you paid the bill?

(a) Yes, I...

(b) Yes, I (pay) it while you were away.

20. Have you ever flown a plane?

(a) No, I...

(b) Yes, I (fly) when I was at university.

21. Has your dog ever bitten anyone?

(a) Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week.

(b) Yes, he (bite) me twice.

22. Have you planted your peas?

(a) Yes, I (plant) them on Tuesday.

(b) No, I... yet.

23. Has he written to the paper?

(a) Yes, he...

(b) Yes, he (write) at once.

24. Have you ever drunk vodka?

(a) No, I...

(b) I (drink) it once in Russia but I (not drink) it since.

Exercise17. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Simple Past tense.


1. This is my house. ~How long you (live) here? ~I (live) here since 1970.

2. He (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh.

3. You (wear) your hair long when you were at school? ~Yes, my mother (insist) on it.

4. But when I (leave) school I (cut) my hair and (wear) it short ever since.

5. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

6. My brother (write) several plays. He just (finish) his second tragedy.

7. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. ~You (see) the Loch Ness monster?

8. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

9. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

10. Chopin (compose) some of his music in Majorca.

11. When he (arrive)? ~He (arrive) at 2.00.

12. You (lock) the door before you left the house?

13. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very much.

14. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work.

15. I never (drink) whisky. ~Well, have some now.

16. I (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.

17. The clock is slow. ~It isn't slow, it (stop).

18. Here are your shoes; I just (clean) them.

19. I (leave) home at 8.00 and (get) here at twelve.

20.I (do) this sort of work when I (be) an apprentice.

21. He just (go) out.

22. He (go) out ten minutes ago.

23. You (have) breakfast yet? ~Yes, I (have) it at 8.00.

24. I (meet) him last June.

25. You (see) the moon last night?

26. The concert (begin) at 2.30 and (last) for two hours. Everyone (enjoy) it very much.

27. The play just (begin). You are a little late.

28. The newspaper (come)? ~Yes, Ann is reading it.

29. The actors (arrive) yesterday and (start) rehearsals early this morning.

30.It (be) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.

31. Cervantes (write) Don Quixote.

32. We (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk.

33. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year.

34. Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) here for five years.

35. Mr Count (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country.

36.You (be) here before? ~Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year. ~

You (have) a good time? ~No, it never (stop) raining.


Exercise18. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense. Fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary used in the preceding verb.


1. Where is Tom?-I (not see) him today, but he (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner.

2. I (buy) this in Bond Street. ~How much you (pay) for it? ~I (pay) Ј100.

3. Where you (find) this knife? ~I (find) it in the garden. ~Why you (not leave) it there?

4. I (lose) my black gloves. You (see) them anywhere? ~No, I'm afraid 1.... When you last (wear) them? ~I (wear) them at the theatre last night. ~Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre.

5. Do you know that lady who just (leave) the shop? ~Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours? ~Not exactly. She (be) in here several times but she never (buy) anything.

6. He (leave) the house at 8.00. ~Where he (go)? ~I (not see) where he (go).

7. He (serve) in the First World War. ~When that war (begin)? ~It (begin) in 1914 and (last) for four years.

8. Who you (vote) for at the last election? ~I (vote) for Mr Pitt. ~He (not be) elected, (be) he? ~No, he (lose) his deposit.

9. You (like) your last job? ~I (like) it at first but then I (quarrel) with my employer and he (dismiss) me. ~How long you (be) there? ~I (be) there for two weeks.

10. I (not know) that you (know) Mrs Pitt. How long you (know) her? ~I (know) her for ten years.

11. That is Mr Minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he (not have) time to teach me much. I only (be) in his class for a week.

12. You (hear) his speech on the radio last night? ~Yes, I... ~What you (think) of it?

13. I (not know) that you (be) here. You (be) here long? ~Yes, I (be) here two months. ~You (be) to the Cathedral? ~Yes, I (go) there last Sunday.

14. You ever (try) to give up smoking? ~Yes, I (try) last year, but then I (find) that I was getting fat so I (start) again.

15. You (see) today's paper? ~No, anything interesting (happen)? Yes, two convicted murderers (escape) from the prison down the road.

16. Mary (feed) the cat? ~Yes, she (feed) him before lunch. ~What she (give) him? ~She (give) him some fish.

17. How long you (know) your new assistant? ~I (know) him for two years. ~

What he (do) before he (come) here? ~I think he (be) in prison.

18. I (not see) your aunt recently. ~No. She (not be) out of her house since she (buy) her colour TV.

19. The plumber(be)here yet? ~Yes, but he only (stay) for an hour. ~What he (do) in that time? ~He (turn) off the water and (empty) the tank.

20. Where you (be)? I (be) out in a yacht. ~You (enjoy) it? ~Yes, very much. We (take) part in a race. ~You (win)? ~No, we (come) in last.

21. How long that horrible monument (be) there? ~It (be) there six months. Lots of people (write) to the Town Council asking them to take it away but so far nothing (be) done.

22. I just (be) to the film War and Peace. You (see) it? ~No, 1.... Is it like the book? ~I (not read) the book. ~I (read) it when I (be) at school. ~When Tolstoy (write) it? ~He (write) it in 1868. ~He (write) anything else?

23. Hannibal (bring) elephants across the Alps. ~Why he (do) that? ~He (want) to use them in battle.

24. Where you (be)? ~I (be) to the dentist. ~He (take) out your bad tooth? ~Yes, he... ~It (hurt)?-Yes, horribly.

25. She (say) that she'd phone me this morning, but it is now 12.30 and she (not phone) yet.

26. I just (receive) a letter saying that we (not pay) this quarter's electricity bill. I (not give) you the money for that last week? ~Yes, you... but I'm afraid I (spend) it on something else.

27. How long you (be) out of work? ~I'm not out of work now. I just (start) a new job. ~How you (find) the job? ~I (answer) an advertisement in the paper.

28. You (finish) checking the accounts? ~No, not quite. I (do) about half so far.

29. I (cut) my hand rather badly. Have you a bandage? ~I'll get you one. How it (happen)? ~I was chopping some wood and the axe (slip).

30. How you (get) that scar? ~I (get) it in a car accident a year ago.

31. You (meet) my brother at the lecture yesterday? ~Yes, I.... We (have) coffee together afterwards.

32. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. ~Why he (lose) his job? ~He (be) very rude to Mr Pitt.

33. What are all those people looking at? ~There (be) an accident. ~You (see) what (happen)? ~Yes, a motor cycle (run) into a lorry.

34. I (phone) you twice yesterday and (get) no answer.

35. Originally horses used in bull fights (not wear) any protection, but for some time now they (wear) special padding,

36. That house (be) empty for a year. But they just (take) down the 'For Sale' sign, so I suppose someone (buy) it.

Exercise 19. Translate into English.

1. Я часто танцую. Я сейчас танцую. Я танцую с утра.

2. Я часто танцую? Я сейчас танцую? Я с утра танцую?

3. Я вообще не смотрю телевизор. В данный момент я не смотрю телевизор. Я не смотрю телевизор с детства.

4. Я обычно смотрю мультики по воскресеньям. Я сейчас смотрю мультики с моими детьми. Я смотрю мультики уже 2 часа.

5. Что вы обычно пьете? Что вы пьете сейчас? Что вы пьете с утра?

6. Где вы каждый день обедаете? Где вы обедаете сейчас? Почему вы обедаете уже 2 часа?

7. Где вы работаете? Где вы работаете сейчас? Как давно вы работаете здесь?

8. Он редко играет один. Он играет сейчас один. Он играет один уже 3 часа.

9. Почему вы так часто смотрите на меня? Почему вы смотрите на меня так пренебрежительно?

Почему вы смотрите на меня, не отрываясь уже несколько минут?

10. Вы часто пишите письма родным? Вы пишите сейчас письмо вашей маме? Вы пишите письма с утра?

11. Моя болтливая соседка слишком часто говорит по телефону. Твой муж сейчас говорит по телефону? Почему эта болтушка висит на телефоне уже как минимум час

12. Как долго ты меня ждешь?

13. Как давно идет дождь?

14. Сколько лет вы уже здесь работаете?

15. Как давно он курит?



· падать духом – to lose heart · потерять голову – to lose one’s head · произвести фурор – to set the world on fire · разрядить атмосферу – to clear the air · ставить все на карту – to have (put) all eggs in one basket

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

1. Я уже упал духом.

2. Ты уже потерял голову

3. Он уже произвел фурор

4. Она уже разрядила атмосферу

5. Мы уже все поставили на карту.

6. Вы уже пообедали.

7. Они уже посмотрели этот фильм.

8. Я уже накопил денег.

9. Ты уже свела меня с ума.

10. Он уже приспособился к жизни заграницей.


· крыша поехала (у него крыша поехала=он совсем спятил) – to have a screw loose · отбиться от рук – to be out of hand · прислушаться к голосу рассудка. – to listen to reason · сидеть на мели – to be in law water · учить наизусть – to learn by heart · Это тебе наука (разг.) – Let this be a lesson to you

Exercise 21. Translate into English.


1. Я только что пришел

2. Вы уже получили это письмо.

3. Он много писал в последние дни.

4. Она читала эту книгу целую вечность.

5. Я порезал палец.

6. Ты бросил курить.

7. Дождь прекратился.

8. Я впервые в Лондоне.

9. Я разговариваю с иностранцем в третий раз в своей жизни.

10. Она видела этот фильм 7 раз.



1. Я вчера ел яблоко. Я сегодня ел яблоко. Вчера, когда я ел яблоко, я поперхнулся.

2. Ты прочла его письмо на пошлой неделе. Ты только что прочла его письмо. Ты уже прочла его письмо? Неужели ты прочла его письмо?

3. Он никогда не смотрел на меня. Он никогда не смотрел на меня в детстве. Он не смотрел на меня, когда я посылала ему воздушный поцелуй.

4. Она не была там вчера (ее не было там вчера). Она не была там на этих днях. Она не была там с детства. Она не была там (ее там не было), когда я вошел. Она не была там целую вечность.

5. Вы когда-нибудь ссорились со своими родителями? Вы когда-нибудь ссорились со своими родителями в детстве?

6. Я с удовольствием учу наизусть хорошие стихи. Я только что выучил потрясающее

стихотворение. Неужели ты уже выучил это огромное стихотворение?! Перестань заучивать наизусть всякую ерунду! Когда я учил это стихотворение наизусть, открылась дверь и в комнату вошла мама.

7. Мы сидим на мели с Нового года. Мы, бывало, в юности часто сидели на мели, но никогда не страдали от этого.

8. Представьте себе! Мальчик совсем отбился от рук!

9. Не прислушивайся к голосу рассудка! Это скучно!

10. У нее совсем крыша поехала! Она перессорилась со всеми знакомыми!

Exercise 22. Read and translate the following sentences. Explain the use of the Present Perfect.

I. We live in the life that we have created. 2. Miss Lazy has hardly done any work this week. 3. I've said all I wanted to say on the matter. 4. Alan and Chloe are both down with the flu. Thank God I haven't caught it from them. 5.I think you've made a good choice. 6. Rick, I've just told you that we don't have a future together. 7. The country has made enormous progress this year. The Prime Minister has done so much good. 8. I've studied the last

i two faxes from Geneva and I've come to a decision. 9. You are my mother. I love you very much, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me. 10. Wait, you haven't read the details.


II. You have become very dear to me, and in such a short time. I've fallen in love with you, Mary. 12. So the vendetta has finally ended. You have united the two families at last. 13. You've been generous beyond belief. Thank you. 14. Have you ever seen a ghost? 15. We've run out of sugar. Ask Mrs. Helpful to lend us some. 16. We have had some successes in tennis lately.


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