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Uncompromising интуитивный;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) When Partridge was disclosed did he ask Preston for mercy or try to reason his behaviour? Did his partner agree?

2) What did John Preston consider a good excuse for the lack of feelings in Libria? Did Errol Partridge share his point of view?

3) Why did the cleric have to kill his colleague?

4) Was Brandt an ambitious person? In what way was he similar to Preston?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) Comment on Yeats’s poem. Why did Partridge recite it? Was it chosen at random? Why?

2) Was Partridge expecting Preston to come? Did Errol take his gun hoping to kill his partner or to accelerate his own death?

3) Was Preston absolutely untouched by Brand’s story because of his thinking about Partridge, his lack of interest in the matter or his preserving an image of an exemplary self-controlled in disciplined Tetragrammaton Cleric?

Partridge: You always knew. "But I, being poor... have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams." I assume you dream, Preston.

Preston: I'll do what I can to see they go easy on you.

Partridge: We both know... they never go easy.

Preston: Then I'm sorry.

Partridge: No, you're not. You don't even know the meaning. It's just a... vestigial word for a feeling you've never felt. Don't you see, Preston? It's gone. Everything that makes us what we are... trade d away.

Preston: There's no war. No murder.

Partridge: What is it you think we do?

Preston: No. You've been with me. You've seen how it can be... the jealousy, the rage.

Partridge: A heavy cost. I'd pay it gladly.

Preston: Don't.

Brandt: You & your partner were close? I hope you're as pleased to be assign ed me as I am the placement. I was told this would be a career-making advancement. I'm like you, Cleric... intuitive. Sometimes I know when a person's feeling before they know it themselves. Cleric... I can only hope one day to be as... uncompromising as you.

Preston: Good night.


Equilibrium (part VI)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

fortuitous – неожиданный; synergistic – related to synergy, the potential ability for individuals or groups to be more successful working together than on their own – синергический;

precept – правило поведения, принцип; to triumph – праздновать победу, ликовать;

march – марш, строевой шаг; unwavering – непоколебимый;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

simultaneous – happening or done at the same time;

to report – to complain about someone to people in authority;

unquestionably – definitely true, without question and beyond doubt;

infinitely – very much (used esp when comparing things);

in pursuit of – trying to achieve sth;

to comply – to obey a rule or law, or to do what someone asks you to do;

warrant – a document written by a judge that gives the police permission to do sth, for example to arrest someone or to search a house;

to charge with – to accuse someone officially of committing a crime;

unified – behaving or treated as one group, country, or system;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Simultaneous крайне, очень;

To report обвинять;

Unquestionably в стремлении;

Infinitely единый, общий, унифицированный;

In pursuit of одновременный;

To comply ордер;

Warrant доносить, сообщить;

To charge with несомненно;

Unified выполнять, исполнять;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Was there a decline or rise in the political and psychological sciences in the later 20th century? What “single inescapable fact” was discovered by Father? Did he regard Librians as individuals with their separate destinies?

2) Did Preston approve of his son’s informing police against other people?

3) What was Preston’s wife arrested and charged with? Did she love her husband?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) How would you characterise Preston so far? Why did he have nightmares?

2) Can you describe the state regime in Libria? Are there parallels in the modern world?



III. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

How did Preston manage to escape the punishment?

IV. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Did Preston manage to restore his impeccable reputation of the best Tetragammaton cleric?

V. Act out the episode by heart:


Preston: I know... it's hard to believe......that a Cleric of the Tetragrammaton could turn his back on everything he's been taught, would become associate d with the Resistance, even becoming a champion in its Underground. But it's true. I promised that I would bring you that man. And I have.

Dupont: Cleric Brandt...

Brandt: Sir?

Dupont: The trace shows that it was your gun in the Nether with the sweepers.

Brandt: That's impossible. This is wrong. “I think, in the end... it'll be better if you have it.” He switch ed them. He switched them. See, I have his gun now.

Preston: Of course you do. You took it when you arrested me.

Brandt: What?

Dupont: Take him to the Hall of Destruction for summary judgement and combustion.

Brandt: Wait, wait, wait. Wait! I can explain this. Sir, I'm not feeling! He is the one who's feeling! This is a mistake!


Equilibrium (part XXIX)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

momentarily – (American English) = very soon через минуту, очень скоро;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

complaint – a written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not satisfied with sth;

to lodge – to formally make sth such as a complaint or claim;

law and the letter (= the letter of the law) – the exact words of a law or agreement rather than the intended or general meaning;

to carry out – to do sth that you have said you will do or that someone has asked you to do;

premises – the buildings and land that a business or organisation uses;

exacting – demanding a lot of effort, careful work, or skill;

to disturb – to upset and worry someone a lot;

to grant(formal) to give someone sth or allow them to have sth that they have asked for;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Complaint выполнять; осуществлять, доводить до конца;

To lodge беспокоить, волновать;

law and the letter (= the letter of the law) требовательный; придирчивый; суровый;

To carry out подавать (жалобу, прошение и т. п.);

Premises разрешать; давать согласие на что-л.;

Exacting жалоба;

To disturb помещение, дом;

To grant буква, формальный смысл закона;

II. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Core отсылать, отправлять по назначению;

To consort with запись;

To dispatch cердцевина, ядро;

Quarters помещение, квартира; казармы;

Trace связываться;

Record след, отпечаток;

III. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

The emperor ____________ a search team immediately but they found no ________ of any __________ that proved his nephew’s ________ with the _______ of Underground.

IV. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

Did Brandt know everything about Preston’s illegal activities when he arrested him?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) How would you explain the fact that Brand caught Preston red-handed?

2) How would you behave in Preston’s shoes? What would you tell Dupont?

VII. Act out the episode by heart:


Brandt: Cleric John Preston... You are under arrest. This man... this senior Cleric... has ceased the dose. He is feeling! He is the worm that has been eating at the core of our great society! And I... I have brought him for your justice. I told you I'd make my career with you, Preston. Vice-Council... This man is guilty of consort ing with sense offenders, of having relations with a female, of sense crime itself.

Dupont: Dispatch a search team to the Cleric's quarters to search for unused...

Brandt: That won't be necessary, sir. If you'll run the trace record on his side arm, you will find that it was he who was with the sweeper team when they were murdered.

Dupont: Cleric... I assume you have something to say to me.


Equilibrium (part XXVIII)

I. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to associate – to spend time with someone, esp. someone that other people disapprove of;

to switch – to replace one thing with another, or exchange things;

judgement – a decision that is made by a judge in a court of law; verdict;


II. Match the active vocabulary words with their exact synonyms:

To associate legal decision;

To turn on;

To switch to relate;


Judgement to replace, exchange;

To consort with;


Father (TV): The later 20th century saw the fortuitous and simultaneous rise of two synergistic political and psychological sciences. The first, the revolutionary precept of the hate crime.

Robbie: John?

Preston: Yes?

Robbie: I saw Robbie Taylor crying today. He didn't know, but I saw. Do you think I should report him?

Preston: Unquestionably.

Father (TV):..a single inescapable fact... that mankind united with infinitely greater purpose in pursuit of war... than he ever did in pursuit of peace.

Partridge: "But I, being poor... have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams."

Police: Don't move! Don't move! Comply! Comply! Stop! Stop where you are! Get down! Get down!

Policeman: Don't shoot. This is a lawful entry. We have a warrant for your wife's arrest. She's charge d with sense offence. Get her! Get her off him now!

Preston’s wife: Remember me.

Father (TV): Libria... Awake. Awaken to triumph again in the face of yet another day, another step in our unified march - Into the unwavering purpose... move ahead together into the certainty of our collective destiny.


Equilibrium (part VII)

I. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

replacement – sb or sth that takes the place of another person or thing; to replace;

to pick sb up – to go and meet sb who you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle;

to take the liberty of doing sth – used for telling sb that you have done sth without their permission but you hope they approve of this;

dose – the amount of a medicine that you should take;


II. Fill in the gaps with active vocabulary:

The agency sent a ___________ for the secretary who resigned.

Workers at two nuclear power stations are receiving an annual _____ of radiation three times the legal limit.

The company put the question of the ______________ of paper and pencil with computers on the agenda.

The x-ray exposed a fatal _________ of calcium in his bones.

She ________________ ___________________the children at the day care centre.

III. Make up one sentence with all active vocabulary:

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What problem happened with Preston in the morning?

2) What did his son Robbie tell him to do about it?

3) When and where did Brandt arrange to pick up Preston? Why?

4) How did Robbie control his father’s actions?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) How would you characterise Preston’s son?

2) What can you say about the cleric’s family? Was he an ideal father?

VI. Act out the episode by heart:


Robbie: What are you doing? I said, what are you doing?

Preston: I accidentally dropped my... morning interval. I took it out before I brushed my teeth. I never take it out before I brush my teeth.

Robbie: Then you'll go by Equilibrium, log the loss, and get a replacement.

Preston: Yes. Of course.

Robbie: Your new partner called. He says he'll pick you up at 10:00 for the A.N.R. I hope you don't mind. I took the liberty of tell ing him you would be at Equilibrium, replacing your dose.

Preston: No, of course not. That was the right thing to do. Robbie: Stop that.


Equilibrium (part VIII)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

suppression – подавление (восстания и т.п.); entry – вхождение;

deployment – развертывание войск; article – вещь, предмет;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

temporarily – to be used for only a limited period of time;

to proceed – to go in a particular direction;

punctual – arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged;

hop in – to get into a vehicle quickly, usually to go a short distance;

line – a number of persons, vehicles, etc., awaiting their turn; queue;

to adjust – to change sth slightly in order to make it better, more accurate or effective;

Resistance – a secret organisation that fights against the group that controls their country;

wary – careful or nervous because you are uncertain or afraid of sth;

cautious – careful to avoid problems or danger;

to be off the dose – not to use the medications (here it means not to use Prozium);

to accumulate – to collect a number or a quantity of sth over a period of time;

confederate – someone who works with you to achieve sth, often sth secret or illegal;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Temporarily ряд; очередь;

To proceed пунктуальный;

Hop in регулировать; выверять, настраивать;

Punctual накапливать, собирать;

Line осторожный, подозрительный;

To adjust временно;

Resistance впрыгивать в автомобиль (автобус и т.д.);

Wary сообщник, соучастник;

Cautious следовать (куда-л);

To be off the dose сопротивление; повстанцы;

To accumulate предусмотрительный;

confederate не принимать лекарства (здесь: не принимать Прозиум);

IV. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

The ________ ________ turbines will be soon __________ to their duty of _________ _______ _________.

V. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

VI. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What did Mary stand condemned for? What was her sentence?

2) Was Preston able to save Mary from death? Why?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Why didn’t Preston follow Jurgen’s advice not to see Mary? Will he be able to overcome his pain?

VII. Act out the episode by heart:


Father (TV):...designed especially to deal with it. The Cleric was implement ed and sent out to search and destroy such objects that remained and, if necessary, those who attempted to...

Preston: File footage. The Council... Viviana Preston. Sentence and incineration. Auditory.

Policeman: Viviana Preston, for ceasing your interval, for the crime of feeling, you stand condemn ed to suffer annihilation in the city furnace s. You will be taken there immediately, and you will burn.

Father (TV): The Cleric was implemented and sent out to search and destroy such objects that remained and, if necessary, those who attempted to... The Council...

Preston: The incineration... has it gone through?

Policeman: It's going through now.

Robot: Machine turbines priming. Machine turbines priming.

Preston: Tetragrammaton... I need to speak to this woman!

Policeman: You're too late, sir. The time lock is engaged. If we force the door now, the turbines will explode at street level.

Robot:...personnel, clear the area immediately. All unauthorised personnel, clear the area immediately. Turbines primed. Fire in 10 seconds... 9 seconds... 8 seconds... 7 se-conds... 6 seconds... 5 seconds... 4 seconds... 3 seconds... 2 seconds... Turbines... fire.



Equilibrium (part XXVII)

I. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

core – the most important, basic or central part of sth;

to consort with – to spend time with sb who is considered bad, such as a criminal or an enemy;

to dispatch(formal) to send someone or sth somewhere;

quarters – the rooms that are given to sb to live in as part of their job, esp. servants or soldiers;

trace – a mark, an object or a sign that shows that sth existed or happened;

record – information kept about sth that has happened;

Mary: I don't understand. My execution's set. Why are you here? Aren't you gonna dose? My God. What... What'll you do?

Preston: I don't know.


Preston: 50 sweeper s, maybe more.

Jurgen: What about an audience? Can you arrange to meet with him?

Preston: Father's never given a single audience since the upheaval. The danger of assassination is too great.

Jurgen: They trained you your whole life to fight these kind of odds.

Preston: Even if I could... even if I could make it through, what guarantee is there it would accomplish anything, that anything would be different?

Jurgen: We have a network that's larger than you could ever imagine. Instant word comes that Father is dead, that the Council is leaderless. Bombs that have already been plant ed will be set off at Prozium clinics and factories around Libria. If we can succeed in disrupt ing the supply for even one day... one day... our cause will be won by human nature itself.

Preston: What about war, the everyday cruelties that are all gone now?

Jurgen: Replaced by the touch of Grammaton. Will you do it?

Preston: Yes. Jurgen: Can you? Preston: I don’t know.

Jurgen: Don’t… Seeing her one last time will only make it harder to do what you have to do.


Equilibrium (part XXVI)

III. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

incineration – сжигание; кремация; auditory – слуховой; (here = включить звук)

annihilation – (полное) уничтожение, истребление;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to implement – to make sth such as an idea, plan, system, or law start to work and be used; to carry out;

file – a set of papers, documents, or records that you keep because they contain information;

footage – film of a particular subject or event;

sentence – a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime;

to condemn – to give a severe punishment to someone who is guilty of a crime;

furnace – a large enclosed container in which you burn fuel, used for heating a building or for an industrial process such as making metal liquid;

to prime – to get a weapon or bomb ready to fire or explode; to inject fuel into an engine to enable starting;

to engage – to involve in doing sth;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To implement отснятый видеоматериал;

File приговаривать, выносить приговор;

Footage включать, приводить в действие;

Sentence заряжаться, воспламеняться;

To condemn претворять;

Furnace файл; дело; досье;

To prime приговор;

To engage печь;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Why couldn’t Preston get his morning interval at Equilibrium?

2) Was Brandt surprised to see Preston on time? Why?

3) Why was Brandt nervous? Did he consider himself a carefree optimist?

4) What did the police log into a collecting catalogue in Mary’s place?

5) Why didn’t Preston let Brandt shoot Mary?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Why did Preston lie to Brand about missing his dose?

Police: Due to terrorist activity, this site is temporarily closed. Proceed to the Equilibrium Centre in Sector 8A. Due to terrorist activity, this site is temporarily closed. This site is temporarily closed. Proceed to the Equilibrium Centre in Sector 8a.

Brandt: More than punctual, Cleric. Hop in. How were the lines? I'm surprised you were able to get your interval and get out so quickly.

Preston: No, they're... they're fine today.

Brandt: Maybe I'll drop by later, get my interval adjust ed.

Preston: You’re expecting Resistance?

Brandt: That's something you'll find about me, Cleric. I'm a wary person, cautious by nature. Always expecting the worst.

Mary: You can't do this. You cannot do this.

Preston: Tetragrammaton. There's nothing we can't do. How long have you been off the dose? Look at you. Look at you! Look at you. The mirror's frame is illegal. Destroy it.

Policeman 1: We have suppression. We're making entry.

Policeman 2: Standard deployment. Collecting catalogue. Illegal article s.

Mary: You're gonna burn it, aren't you?

Preston: Eventually. However, you couldn't have accumulate d all this by yourself. It'll all be sorted and examined. We'll discover who your confederate s are.

Policeman 1: Gun!

Preston: We need her…


Equilibrium (part IX)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

technician – техник, лаборант; (только в фильме “Equilibrium”лаборант крематория);

Palace of Justice – Дворец Справедливости; to remand – возвращать под стражу;

processing – обработка; (только в фильме “Equilibrium” – сожжение в крематории );

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to safeguard – to protect sth or someone from being harmed or having problems;

continuity – a situation in which sth happens or exists for a long time without stopping or changing;

circular = in a vicious circle;

vital – very important, necessary, or essential;

execution – the act of killing a person as a punishment for a crime;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To safeguard находиться в замкнутом кругу;

Continuity жизненно важный,;

To be circular казнь;

Vital неразрывность, целостность;

Execution охранять, защищать;

IV. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

It is ___________ ___________ the traitor’s ____________ or he might cease the power again and the _____________ of our well-being will ____________.

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Did Mary inform Preston against her friends?

2) How did Preston see purpose of his life? Why was it difficult to formulate?

3) Why did Mary see no point in Preston’s life and what was the meaning of hers?

4) Was Preston annoyed having found no argument against Mary’s idea? How did he react?

VI. Discuss the following question in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Who won the argument, Preston or Mary? Why?

VII. Act out the episode by heart:


Preston: What's your name?

Mary: O'Brien, Mary.

Preston: Well, Mary... you can either wait and tell the technician s at the Palace of Justice or you can tell me now. Who are your friends?

Mary: I'm wondering if you have any idea at all what that word means... "friend."

Preston: There's nothing you don't feel? How about guilt?

Mary: Let me ask you something. Why are you alive?

Preston: I'm alive... I live...... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.

Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?

Preston: What's the point of your existence?

Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it... without love, without anger, without sorrow... breath is just a clock ticking.

Preston: Then I have no choice but to remand you to the Palace of Justice for processing.

Mary: Processing. You mean execution, don't you?

Preston: Processing.


Equilibrium (part X)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

ant a goinist / a dversary – соперник; противник; fluid – плавный, подвижный;

rote mastery – свободное владение мастерством; lethal – смертоносный;

Equilibrium (part XXV)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

sweeper – (very rare) спецназ, амон;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

audience – a formal meeting with a very important person;

upheaval – a sudden or violent change, especially one that affects people's lives and causes problems;

assassination – the murder of a famous or important person, esp. for political reasons;

make it through something – to not die as a result of an illness or an accident;

to accomplish – to succeed in doing sth, esp. sth that you have been trying to do for a period of time;

network – a group of people, organizations, or places that are connected or that work together;

to plant – if someone plants a bomb, they hide it where they want it to explode;

to set off – to do sth which start the reaction; to make sth explode;

to disrupt – to interrupt sth and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem;

supply – an amount of something that can be used, or the process of providing this;

cause – an organization, belief, or aim that a group of people support or fight for;

touch – a particular quality that someone can add to a situation;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Audience политическое убийство; террористический акт;

Upheaval дело;

assassination устанавливать (взрывное устройство);

Make it through sth снабжение, поставки;

To accomplish соприкосновение;

Network аудиенция;

To plant взрывать;

To set off совершать, выполнять; достигать; доводить до конца;

To disrupt прорваться;

Supply прервать, нарушить;

Cause переворот, потрясение (в обществе);

Touch взаимосвязанная группа людей, организация, сеть;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Did Mary realise that Preston fell in love with her?

2) What difficulties were there to approach Father?

3) Could the underground benefit from his death according to Jurgen’s point of view? How?

4) Did Preston agree to kill Father being sure that he would succeed in doing it?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) Why did Preston share his secret with Mary?

2) What made Jurgen ask Preston to stop seeing Mary? Will Preston listen to him?

VI. Act out the episode by heart:


III. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

I’ll ______ the ______ _____ing a ______ ______ that his employee is _______ & ________.

IV. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What rumour was made known to Dupont?

2) Did he suspect Preston of sense offence?

3) How did Preston try to remove Dupont’s suspicion?

4) How did Preston explain his staying awake at night to his son? Was he sincere?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Why did Dupont call Preston?

A) to inform him; b) to test him; c) to expose him; d) to give him last chance;

VII. Act out the episode by heart:


Policeman: Cleric John Preston, you are to come with us immediately.

Dupont: Cleric Preston.

Preston: Sir.

Dupont: I've heard the most disturbingrumour.

Preston: Rumour, sir?

Dupont: Yes. A rumour maintain ing that one of us, one of the Cleric, has secretly taken it upon himself to cease his dose, that one of our elite number is actually feeling.

Preston: Feeling, sir?

Dupont: Are you playing with me, Cleric?

Preston: No, sir.

Dupont: This person, I'm told, is actually attempting to contact the Resistance. Now tell me, if you'll be so kind, how exactly have you been making use of your time of late?

Preston: Attempting to contact the Resistance, sir.

Dupont: Attempting? How is it that you intend to expose this traitor if all you do is attempt?

Preston: You're... absolutely... 100% right, sir.

Dupont: Of course I am. The Cleric is the final line of defence. If the Resistance compromise s it, we are doomed. Father is doomed.

Preston: I will redouble my efforts, sir, to locate the Resistance, to find this traitor, and bring them all to the Council's fair justice.

Dupont: Do it.


Robbie: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Preston: I... I was checking to make sure you've been taking your interval.

Robbie: And are you satisfied?

Preston: Yes, I am.

Robbie: Good night, Dad.


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to determine – to officially decide sth;

distribution – the way in which sth exists in different amounts in different parts of an area or group;

pred i ctable – possible to tell about in advance;

to treat – deal with, regard, or consider something in a particular way;

total – absolute, complete;

to infl i ct – to cause something unpleasant to happen;

fire – shooting with gun;

eff i ciency – the ability to work well & produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way;

proficiency – a high degree of ability or skill in something;

to take – to think about sb or sth in a particular way;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To determine относиться, рассматривать;

Distribution наносить, причинять;

pred i ctable эффективность;

To treat огонь, стрельба;

Total определять, устанавливать;

to infl i ct мастерство, квалификация;

Fire воспринимать, учитывать;

eff i ciency распределение;

Proficiency абсолютный, полный, совершенный;

To take предсказуемый;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

Was martial art of Grammaton clerics, also known as The Gun Katas, a generations’ inheritance or was it just mechanical computer calculations of movements?

V. Discuss the following question in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

How would you characterise Gun Katas? Is it a sci-fi invention or it is based on real life?

Dupont: The Gun Katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determine d that the geometric distribution of antagonist s in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The Gun Kata treat s the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflict ing maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the Gun Katas an adversary not tobe taken lightly.

Mary: Without love... breath is just a clock... ticking.


Equilibrium (part XI)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

nepenthe – (any drug bringing welcome forgetfulness; a plant giving such a drug) – непентес;

opiate – (a drug that contains opium & is used for reducing pain & making you go to sleep; sth that tends to prevent people from having their own opinions & makes them quiet & easily controlled) – опиат; salve – бальзам; pathos – сострадание; chasm – раздоры;

to anaesthetise – обезболивать, заглушать; obliterate – удалять, уничтожать;

in stride – месте, одновременно; conformity – похожесть, схожесть;

intrinsically/ inherently – в сущности; в действительности; в своей основе;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

salvation – in religion, the act of being saved by God from evil; sth or sb that helps sb in a bad or dangerous situation;

to deliver – to free someone from an unpleasant situation;

annihilate – to destroy a group of people or things completely; to defeat an opponent completely & easily

impulse – a sudden strong feeling that you must do something;

elation – a feeling of great happiness & excitement;

fair – reasonable & morally right;

sacrifice – the act of giving up sth important or valuable so that you or other people can do or have sth else;

for = because;

thus – as a result of the fact that you have just mentioned; therefore, hence

shrug off – to deal with something easily & successfully;

to head – to go in a particular direction;

secure – safe from attack, harm, or damage;

merely – used for emphasizing that sth is not as bad, severe, or important as someone thinks it is; only;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Salvation порыв, побуждение;

To deliver восторг, бурная радость, эйфория;

Annihilate жертва;

Impulse только, просто;

Elation отделаться от чего-л;

Fair избавлять;

Sacrifice направляться, следовать;

For безопасный, надежный;

Thus спасение;

Shrug off таким образом;

To head честный, справедливый;

Secure ибо;

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