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Equilibrium (part I)

Читайте также:
  1. Grammar. Participle as Adjectives (Participle I and Participle II).
  2. Practical assignments (part 1)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

volatile – непостоянный, изменчивый; eradicate – искоренять

compound – огороженная территория; en route – по пути, по дороге;

Tetragrammaton (here also Grammaton)– Four Hebrew letters (usually transliterated as YHWH (Yahweh) or JHVH (Jehovah)) signifying the Hebrew name for God (which the Jews regarded as too holy to pronounce); here it meanssth extremely holy ” – Тетраграмматон;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

equilibrium – a situation in which there is a balance between different forces or aspects; a calm mental state in which you are in control of your feelings; here it also means “the state institutions or governmental blocks of buildings”;

to break out(of sth bad such as a war or disease) to begin suddenly or violently;

to survive – to continue to live normally or to exist in spite of problems, esp. an injury, illness, war etc; survivor;

arm – a part of an organization that deals with a particular subject or activity;

cleric – a person who leads religious services, (esp. a Christian priest);

sole – only; not shared with anyone else;

to seek out – to try to find sb or sth, esp. when this is difficult;

source – the cause of a problem or the place where it began;

inhumanity – very cruel behaviour or actions;

to blow (~ up) – to damage or destroy sth violently with an explosion or by shooting;

bulb (also 'light bulb) – the glass part that fits into an electric lamp, etc. to give light when it is switched on:

to hit – to attack sth or wound someone with a bomb, bullet etc;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

Equilibrium духовное лицо;

To break out взрывать;

To survive бесчеловечность;

Arm единственный, исключительный;

Cleric лампочка;

Sole равновесие;

to seek out власть, сила;

Source разразиться;

Inhumanity выжить;

To blow источник, причина;

Bulb поражать, попадать в цель;

To hit искать, разыскивать кого-л;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What happened in the beginning of the 21st century? What did the survivors know?

2) What did they create & what was the purpose of that?

3) Where was the rebel group located and how many people were there?

4) Was the painting of Mona Lisa a forgery or the real one? What did Preston order to do with it?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) What was Father’s position & how did he get it?

2) What was Preston’s job in your opinion? Was he fit for it?

Father (TV): In the first years of the 21st century a third World War broke out. Those of us who survive d knew - mankind could never survive a forth, that our own volatile natures could simply no longer be risked. So we have created a new arm of the law - the Grammaton Cleric, whose sole task it is to seek out and eradicate the true source of man's inhumanity to man. His ability to feel.

Rebel: Police!

Rebel Leader: You know what to do. Get down!

Policeman 1: We have an unknown number barricaded in the south-east end of the compound.

Policeman 2: Read that. Tetragrammaton team en route.

Policeman 1: Cleric, lights out. Maybe more than a dozen inside.

Preston: When the door's down, blow the bulb s.

Policeman 1: Yes, sir. Go.

Rebel: Where is he?

Rebel Leader: Shut up.

Rebel: Anybody get him? Did anybody hit him?

Rebel Leader: Shut up! Listen.

Preston: This is it.

Partridge: Where?

Preston: There.

Chemist: It's real.

Preston: Burn it.



Equilibrium (part II)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

evidentiary team – группа по сбору улик; to reign – царить; abysmal – бездонный;

dizzying – головокружительный; condemned – подлежащий уничтожению;

Prozium(only in the film “Equilibrium”) an emotion-killing drug – Прозиум;

EC (emotional content) – ЭС – эмоциосодержащее The Nethers = The Nether world – the Underworld or hell; here it means “territories uncontrolled by the state of Libria” – Незер


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to log – to make an official record of things that happen;

to take down – to write down information;

tight – allowing only the minimum time or money for doing sth;

eventually – at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen;

to fade – to lose brightness of colour or strength, freshness, etc gradually;

to suppress – to stop opposition or protest using military force or strict laws;

to embrace – to completely accept sth such as a new belief, idea, or way of life;

to rate – to estimate the value of sth;

to tempt – to try to persuade or attract sb to do sth, even if it is wrong;

odds – difficulties which make a good result seem very unlikely;

interactive – involving people communicating and reacting to each other


Basic obligatory active vocabulary words necessary to understand the episodes;
Underground – подпольная организация; подполье; interrogation – допрос; to slaughter - устраивать резню, кровопролитие; забивать; to decree – постановить, издать предписание; to shoot on sight– стрелять без предупреждения; trial – судебный процесс, суд; counter to – вопреки, против; mayhem – хаос;   trunk (American) = boot (British) – багажник (в автомобиле); identification (ID)– удостоверение личности; to be subject to – подлежащий; summary – скорый, поспешный; high-ranking – высокопоставленный;   to escort – сопровождать, провожать; to be on one’s way – быть в пути (куда-л);   on your mind – в мыслях, на уме; art(s) – искусство, мастерство, умение; close – близко, около, рядом, «тепло»; accomplish – совершать, выполнять; достигать; massacre – резня; бойня;   raid – облава, рейд; detention – задержание, арест; to secure– обеспечивать безопасность;   to drive sb into the trap –поймать в ловушку; teamwork – бригадная/коллективная работа; honour(s) – награды, почести; ruling – постановление; valuable – полезный, ценный; low – недостаточный;   instrument –орудие (в чьих-л руках); to locate –определять местонахождение; once and for all –окончательно, раз и навсегда; possession(s) –предметы составляющие собственность какого-л. Лица;   bulletin – бюллетень, сводка, информац-е сообщение; to hang around– околачиваться, шляться;   selfsame – (formal) тот же самый; insert – вкладыш, вклейка (в книге, газете, журнале); to revise – изменять, модифицировать, пересматривать; manifesto– манифест;   polygraph – детектор лжи; fluctuation – колебание; ribbon – ленточка; тесьма; to spray – брызгать, распылять; scent – аромат, духи; to schedule – назначать; намечать; планировать на какое-л. время); restraint – самообладание, сдержанность; to forgo - (formal) отказываться, воздерживаться от чего-л; luxury – роскошь; disturbing – worrying or upsetting; rumour – молва, слух, слушок; to maintain – утверждать; to expose – раскрывать, разоблачать; traitor – изменник, предатель; to compromise – компрометировать, подрывать (репутацию и т. п.); to be doomed – обреченный;   audience – аудиенция; upheaval – переворот, потрясение (в обществе); assassination – политическое убийство; террористический акт; make it through something –прорваться; to accomplish – совершать, выполнять; достигать; доводить до конца; network – взаимосвязанная группа людей, организация, сеть; to plant – устанавливать (взрывное устройство); to set off – взрывать; to disrupt – прервать, нарушить; supply – снабжение, поставки; cause – дело; touch– соприкосновение;   to implement – претворять; file – файл; дело; досье; footage – отснятый видеоматериал; sentence – приговор; to condemn – приговаривать, выносить приговор; furnace – печь; to prime – заряжаться, воспламеняться; to engage – включать, приводить в действие;   core – сердцевина, ядро; to consort with – связываться; to dispatch – отсылать, отправлять по назначению; quarters –помещение, квартира; казармы; trace – след, отпечаток; record – запись;   to associate –общаться, связываться; to switch – обмениваться judgement – приговор, решение, заключение суда   complaint– жалоба; to lodge – подавать (жалобу, прошение и т. п.); law and the letter (= the letter of the law) – буква, формальный смысл закона; to carry out - выполнять; осуществлять, доводить до конца; premises – помещение, дом; exacting – требовательный; придирчивый; суровый; to disturb – беспокоить, волновать; to grant – (formal) разрешать; давать согласие на что-л.;   eye contact – непосредственное общение лицом к лицу при к-м собеседники смотрят друг другу в глаза; to surrender – сдавать (оружие); firearm– (formal) огнестрельное оружие; dedicated – преданный;
Basic obligatory active vocabulary words necessary to understand the episodes;
equilibrium –равновесие; to break out– разразиться; to survive– выжить; arm- власть, сила; cleric- духовное лицо; sole- единственный, исключительный; to seek out- искать, разыскивать кого-л; source- источник, причина; inhumanity– бесчеловечность; to blow – взрывать; bulb – лампочка; to hit – поражать, попадать в цель;   to log- вносить в вахтенный и т. п. журнал; to take down– записывать; tight– скудный; eventually- в конечном счете; to fade- исчезать, растворяться; to suppress- подавлять (восстание и т. п.); to embrace– принимать; to rate- оценивать, определять; to tempt- соблазнять, искушать; odds- перевес (в пользу чего-л), перевес; interactive– взаимодействующий;   to assume- предполагать; record- характеристика, биография; to sense- чувствовать; осознавать; offender- преступник; path- путь; spouse- супруг(а); lapse- упущение; vigilant- бдительный;   evidence – улики; entry – запись; to enter – вносить (запись); item– пункт; related – связанный;   to tread- (на)ступать; jealousy- зависть, ревность; rage– ярость; to assign- назначать; advancement- продвижение; intuitive- интуитивный; uncompromising- бескомпромиссный;   simultaneous- одновременный; to report- доносить, сообщить; unquestionably- несомненно; infinitely- крайне, очень; in pursuit of- в стремлении; to comply- выполнять, исполнять; warrant- ордер; to charge with- обвинять; unified- единый, общий, унифицированный;   replacement – замена; to pick sb up– вскочить, запрыгнуть (в транспорт.); to take the liberty of doing sth – позволить себе сделать что-л.; взять на себя смелость;dose – доза; temporarily – временно; to proceed – следовать (куда-л); hop in – впрыгивать в автомобиль (автобус и т.д.); line – ряд; очередь; to adjust – регулировать; выверять, настраивать; Resistance – сопротивление; повстанцы; wary – осторожный, подозрительный; настороженный; cautious – осторожный, осмотрительный, предусмотрительный; to be off the dose – не принимать лекарства (здесь: не принимать Прозиум); to accumulate– накапливать, собирать; confederate – сообщник, соучастник;   to safeguard – охранять, защищать; continuity – неразрывность, целостность; circular – в замкнутом кругу; vital – жизненно важный; execution– казнь;   to determine– определять, устанавливать; distribution – распределение; pred i ctable – предсказуемый; to treat –относиться, рассматривать; total – абсолютный, полный, совершенный; to infl i ct – наносить, причинять; fire – огонь, стрельба; eff i ciency– эффективность; proficiency – мастерство, квалификация; to take – воспринимать, учитывать;   salvation – спасение; to deliver – избавлять; annihilate – истреблять, уничтожать; impulse – порыв, побуждение; elation – восторг, бурная радость, эйфория; fair – честный, справедливый; sacrifice – жертва; for – ибо; thus – таким образом; shrug off – отделаться от чего-л; to head – направляться, следовать; secure – безопасный, надежный; merely – только, просто;   to hole up – отсиживаться, прятаться от людей; to estimate – оценивать; приблизительно подсчитывать; (military) intelligence (MI) – разведка; landing – лестничная площадка; contraband – контрабандный товар;   to put down – усыплять; подавлять, усмирять; to exterminate – истреблять, ликвидировать; to toss – бросать, кидать; to finish off – прикончить, убить; epidemic – эпидемия;

III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To log подавлять (восстание и т. п.);

To take down оценивать, определять;

Tight исчезать, растворяться;

Eventually соблазнять, искушать;

To fade взаимодействующий;

To suppress вносить в вахтенный и т. п. журнал;

To embrace в конечном счете;

To rate перевес (в пользу чего-л), перевес;

To tempt записывать;

Odds принимать;

Interactive скудный;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) How did Partridge explain his keeping an illegal item – a book of poems?

2) Why couldn’t Librians get rid of illegal property once and for all?

3) What disease in the heart of man did Father mention? What was the cure? What did he congratulate his nation with?

4) What illegal items discovered by the police & Tetragrammaton team were to be destroyed?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) What was Father’s style? Was he a good orator?

2) Was Patridge’s excuse for keeping a book of poems sincere? Did he fully agree with Preston that taking Prozium, was absolutely unquestionable?

Preston: Why didn't you just leave it for the evidentiary team to collect and log?

Partridge: They miss things sometimes. And I thought I'd take it down myself... get it done properly. How long, Preston, till all this is gone? Till we've burned every last bit of it?

Preston: Resources are tight. We'll get it all eventually.

Father (TV): Libria... I congratulate you. At last peace reign s in the heart of man. At last, war is but a word whose meaning fade sfrom our understanding. At last... we... are... whole. Librians... there is a disease in the heart of man. Its symptom is hate. Its symptom... is anger. Its symptom is rage. Its symptom... is war. The disease... is human emotion. But, Libria... I congratulate you. For there is a cure for this disease. At the cost of the dizzying highs of human emotion, we have suppress ed its abysmal lows. And you as a society have embrace d this cure. Prozium. Now we are at peace with ourselves, and humankind is one. War is gone. Hate, a memory. We are our own conscience now. And it is this conscience that guides us to rate EC -10 for emotional content all those things that might tempt us to feel again... and destroy them. Librians, you have won. Against all odds and your own natures... you have survived.

Preston: Every time we come from the Nethers to the city, it reminds why we do what we do.

Partridge: It does?

Preston: I beg your pardon.

Partridge: It does.

Father (TV): The following items have been rated EC-10... condemned... seven works of two-dimensional illustrated material, seven discs of musical content, 20 interactive strategy computer programs. Seven works of two-dimensional...

Equilibrium (part III)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

Conciliarly – совет; prodigal – расточительный; manastery – (мужской) монастырь;

to incinerate – сжигать дотла;

interval – (only in “Equilibrium”) Prozium injections at the certain regular intervals – интервал;

sense offender (only in “Equilibrium”) a person who commits a crime of “feeling” чувствующий преступник;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to assume – to believe that sth is true, even though you have no proof;

record – the facts about how successful, good, bad etc someone or sth has been in the past;

to sense – if you sense sth, you feel that it exists or is true, without being told or having proof;

offender – someone who has committed a crime;

to cease – to stop doing sth;

path – a plan or series of actions that will help you achieve sth, esp. over a long period of time;

spouse – a husband or wife;

lapse – a short or temporary period when you fail or forget to do things in the right way

vigilant – careful and looking out for danger;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To assume бдительный;

Record путь;

To sense супруг(а);

Offender предполагать;

Cease характеристика, биография;

Path упущение;

Spouse чувствовать; осознавать;

Lapse преступник;

Vigilant переставать (делать что-л), прекращать;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Who was Dupont? Was he informed about Preston’s excellent state service?

2) How did Preston manage to know so much about sense offenders?

3) Why did Preston have to raise up his family on his own?

4) Did Dupont know that Preston was secretly missing his wife? How did the Vice-Council advised the Cleric to deal with it?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) How would you characterise Dupont? Why did he know so much about Preston?

2) How would you determine the conversation between Dupont and Preston? Were their positions equal?



Equilibrium (part XXXXII)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

impregnated – (formal) беременная;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to mind – to take care or be careful about something;

millennium (plural millennia or millenniums ) – a period of 1,000 years;

conquest – the process of taking control of land or people during a war;


III. Match the active vocabulary words with their exact synonyms:

To mind the 1000th anniversary;


Millennium bear in mind;


Conquest be concerned about sth or sb;

A span of 1000 years;

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What argument did Dupont use to save his own life?

2) How did Father use to justify his violent regime?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) How would you characterise Preston? Why was he a success?

2) What do you think of Robbie?

3) What kind of person was Dupont? Why didn’t he stay alive?

4) Do you agree that to overthrow a system you’ve got to be a part of it?

5) Does the title “Equilibrium” fit the film?

VI. Act out the episode by heart:


Preston: No.

Official: Shit.

Preston: Not without incident. I'm coming.

Dupont: You really should learn to knock. How did it feel, Preston?

Brandt: Mind the uniform, Cleric. I plan to be wearing it for a long time.

Dupont: Be careful, Preston. You're treading on my dreams. Wait! Wait. Look at me. Look at me. I'm life. I live, I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it... can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?

Preston: I pay it gladly.

Father (TV): The following items have been rated EC-10... condemned. In the 19th century......world to its knees. Two millennia ago... in his conquest of the known world, Alexander the Great slaughtered more than one million human beings. Three centuries later, purely out of jealousy, Gaius Germanicus, "Caligula," murdered his own sister, impregnated with his own child. In the......items have been rated EC-10......rated condemned, destroyed....items have been rated...


II. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

riddle осенять;

capacity середина;

to infiltrate политическая марионетка;

to hit загадка;

undetected отцовский, отеческий;

midst провокатор;

provocateur продолжать;

political puppet способность;

to pursue избавитель, спаситель;

paternal необнаруженный;

saviour проникать;


III. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

After 5 years of dedicated work it ________ him that to successfully solve this ________ and to _______ his ________ tradition and acquire the air of a ________ he had to _________ a _______ into their _____ with the ________ of lethal power who would act as a __________ and thus remain _________.

IV. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What was Brandt’s job?

2) What qualities were required from Father’s agent? Why was it difficult to find such a person?

3) Who was Dupont and how did he acquire this post?

4) What role did Dupont choose for Preston and what did he achieve by that?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

When & how did Dupont get to know that Preston was a sense offender & how he was using the cleric as bait?

VII. Act out the episode by heart:


Official: Here. Sit. We'll start with a test question first. More of a riddle, actually. What would you say is the easiest way to get a weapon away from a Grammaton Cleric?

Brandt: You ask him for it. I told you I'd make my career with you, Cleric.

Father (TV):...to combine the capacity... (Live): Preston... Brandt's job was simple... to make you feel like you'd won, to make you feel safe. For years, I tried to infiltrate an agent into the Underground......until it hit me... in order to pass undetected into their midst, in order to be trusted by them, my provocateur would have to think like them and would have to feel like them. But where to find such a man... a man with the capacity to feel who didn't yet know it?

Preston: But... we've never met.

Dupont: No? Don't look so surprised, Preston. Why should Father be more real than any other politicalpuppet? The real Father died years ago. The Council simply elected me to pursue his paternal tradition. And you, Preston, the supposed saviour of the Resistance, are now its destroyer, and, along with them, you've given me yourself... calmly... coolly... entirely without incident.

Dupont: Thank you for coming, Cleric. I assume you know who I am.

Preston: Yes, sir. Of course. You are Vice-Council Dupont of the Third Conciliarly of the Tetragrammaton... Father's voice.

Dupont: Quite frankly, Cleric, I am told that you are very nearly a prodigal student, knowing almost instantly if someone is feeling.

Preston: I have a good record, sir.

Dupont: Why, do you imagine, that is, Cleric?

Preston: I'm not sure, Vice-Council. Somehow... I'm able, on some level, to sense how an offender thinks, to... put myself in their position.

Dupont: If you had cease d your interval, if you were a sense offender...

Preston: I suppose you could say that, sir.

Dupont: You're a family man, Cleric?

Preston: Yes, sir... a boy and a girl. The boy's in the monastery himself, on path to becoming a Cleric.

Dupont: Good. And the mother?

Preston: My spouse was arrested & incinerate d for sense offence four years ago, sir.

Dupont: By yourself?

Preston: No, sir... by another.

Dupont: How did you feel about that?

Preston: I'm sorry. I don't... fully understand, sir.

Dupont: How did you feel?

Preston: I didn't feel anything.

Dupont: Really? How is it that you came to miss it?

Preston: I... I've asked myself that same question, sir. I don't know.

Dupont: A nearly unforgivable lapse, Cleric. I trust you'll be more vigilant in the future.

Preston: Yes, sir.


Equilibrium (part IV)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

prosecutorial – обвиняющий; pending – незаконченный, ожидающий решения;

enforcement – обеспечение правопорядка;


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

evidence – related facts, statements, or objects that help to prove whether someone has committed a crime;

entry – a piece of writing in a list, form, account book, diary, dictionary, or on a computer database; to enter – to write sth in a list, form, account book, diary, dictionary, or on a computer database;

item – an individual thing, usually one of several things in a group or on a list;

related –connected with sb/sth in some way or belonging to the same group;


III. Fill in the gaps with active vocabulary (one word can be used multiply):

The database ____________ for each student records name, address and telephone number.

All the ____________ points to a substantial rise in traffic over the next few years.

The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 ____________.

As his illness progressed he made fewer ______________ in his diary.

Several ___________ of clothing lay on the floor.

We discussed inflation, unemployment and ______________ issues.

Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly ___________ to the new nuclear power station.

Fresh _______________ suggests that the statement had been fabricated.

IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What was strange in Patridge’s reaction to Preston’s suggestion? Did Preston notice it?

2) Why did Preston go to the library? Did he found what he was looking for?

3) How did Partridge explain to the police his coming into the Nethers?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

1) Why did it take Preston three times to accept a negative answer to his question? How does it characterise his relationship with Partridge?

2) Was Preston convinced with Patridge’s excuse for coming to the Nether every night for the last two weeks?

“Preston: Every time we come from the Nethers to the city, it reminds why we do what we do.

Partridge: It does?

Preston: Every time we come from the Nethers to the city, it reminds why we do what we do.

Partridge: It does? It does.

Preston: Prosecutorial evidence for A.N.R. 136890. I need it. It was late this afternoon. May not have showed up in the records yet.

Library Clerk: I'm very sorry, Cleric. Nothing has been logged and nothing is pending under that entry.

Preston: It was an item of evidence brought in personally by Grammaton Errol Partridge. Check again.

Library Clerk: Sir, Cleric Partridge has not enter ed anything in for weeks.

Preston: You're mistaken. It was a book of some kind.

Library Clerk: Cleric, there's nothing.

Preston: Thank you.

Policeman: He's been passing through the gate into the Nether every night for the last two weeks. We assumed it was enforcement - related.


Equilibrium (part V)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

vestigial – исчезающий, остаточный; placement – место (работы);

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to tread – to put your foot on sth while you are walking;

to trade – to exchange sth you have for sth else;

jealousy – a feeling of anger and sadness because sb has sth better than you have; a strong feeling of anger and sadness because you think that sb you love is attracted to sb else;

rage – a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger;

to assign – to give sb a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing;

advancement – progress in your career; progress in society, science, etc;

intuitive – based on your feelings rather than on facts or evidence;

uncompromising – refusing to discuss or change the decision;

II. Match the active vocabulary words with their exact synonyms:

Eye contact cease;

A rapidly firing automatic gun;

To surrender visual communication;


Firearm intended;

Personal contract;

Dedicated a portable gun;

Part with;

III. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What was the message for Dupont?

2) What piece of advice was given to Preston by a council member?

3) Why did they have to run a test on Preston?

IV. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

What are Preston’s chances to go through the test?

V. Act out the episode by heart:


Policeman: You have a message for the Vice-Council? You have a message for the Vice-Council?

Preston: It's done. I've located the Resistance. Come now. You'll have them all.

Council member: Do not address Father unless first addressed by him. Avoid eye contact. If you should break his personal security zone, you will be immediately put down by snipers. Is that understood? You'll be required to surrender your firearm, of course, and then there's the test.

Preston: Test?

Council member: Yes. You didn't imagine we would risk exposing Father to even such a dedicated servant as yourself without first having tested you, did you? Please.

Policeman: Cleric... your weapon, please.


Equilibrium (part XXXI)

I. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

riddle – a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer, that you ask sb as a game;

capacity – someone's ability to do sth;

to infiltrate – to secretly join an organisation, especially in order to get information that can be used against it;

to hit(about an idea or the truth) to come suddenly into sb’s mind; to strike;

undetected – not noticed or seen;

midst – in the middle of sth, among the group of people or things;

provocateur – a secret agent who encourages suspected persons to do sth illegal so that they can be arrested;

political puppet – a politician whose actions are fully controlled by another;

to pursue – to try to achieve sth or to continue to do sth over a period of time;

paternal – connected with being a father; typical of a kind father;

saviour – a person who saves someone or sth from trouble or danger; redeemer;

IV. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

The _______ say that to _______ & _________ a ________ so that you’ll be _________ an audience without being _________ in the _________ you need to be _________ towards your demands.

V. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

VI. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Why did Preston easily agree to have his premises searched?

2) What did Preston offer in exchange for seeing the head of the state?

3) How did Preston feel when he found out that his son was a very smart sense offender too?

VII. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Would Dupont let Preston meet with Father?

Dupont: Of course... since a complaint has been lodge d, law and the letter is that I allow a team to carry out the search of your premises. Do you think that's entirely necessary, Cleric, or am I being too... exacting?

Preston: As you say, sir, it's the law and the letter.

Dupont: And it doesn't disturb you in the least that your colleague is going to his end?

Preston: The only thing that disturbs me, sir, is that I am Father's instrument against the Underground, and yet... I've never had the honour of meeting him.

Dupont: Yes, but, Cleric, you know that Father never grants an audience to anyone.

Preston: Even to the man who brings him the Resistance?


Policeman: Sorry, sir. Just a formality. The search team will be up momentarily.

Preston: Excellent. I have nothing to hide.

Policeman: The search teams are already inside, sir.

Preston: Excellent.


Robbie: Looking for something? If I were you... I'd be more careful in the future.

Preston: How long?

Robbie: Since Mom.

Preston: And Lisa?

Robbie: Of course.

Preston: How did you know?

Robbie: You forget... it's my job to know what you're thinking.

Preston: Then you know what I'm gonna do now.


Equilibrium (part XXX)

I. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

eye contact – a situation in which two people look at each other's eyes or when you look directly at someone at the same time as they are looking at you;

to surrender – to give sth to someone in authority because you have to; relinquish;

firearm(formal) a gun (esp. a small gun that you hold in one hand) that can be carried;

dedicated – working hard at sth because it is very important to you and because you care a lot about it; committed;

III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

To tread бескомпромиссный;

Jealousy назначать;

Rage продвижение;

To assign (на)ступать;

Advancement ярость;

Intuitive зависть, ревность;

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