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Answer the questions. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more Everyone more perfect Union, establish justice

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  1. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  2. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  3. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  4. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
  5. A Write the questions for the answers below.
  6. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  7. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.


"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more Everyone more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitutionfor the United States of America."

The Articles of the Constitution

Article I. The Congress has many powers. It can decide taxes and make laws about citizenship and about foreign trade. If the U.S. fights with another country, Congress can declare war.

Article II. The President has other powers. He or she is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. The President can choose people to be judges on the Supreme Court, he can choose people to be ambassadors. But the Senate must approve of these people.

Article III. The Judicial branch has certain powers.Thecourts can review some laws. If the laws do not agree with the Constitution, the courts can tell Congress to change the laws. The courts listen to problems about protecting the Constitutional rights of the people.

Article IV. States have a republican form of government. States can make some slate laws. All states must respect the laws of other states.

Article V. Three-fourths of the states must approve ofan amendment.

Article VI. The Constitution is the supreme law of theU.S. Everyone must follow the Constitution.

Article VII. Three-fourths of the states must approve of this Constitution.

Compare the translation in English and in Russian.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more Everyone more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitutionfor the United States of America." - Мы, народ Соединенных Штатов, дабы образовать более совершенный Союз, установить правосудие, гарантировать внутреннее спокойствие, обеспечить совместную оборону, содействовать всеобщему благоденствию и закрепить блага свободы за нами и потомством нашим, торжественно провозглашаем и устанавливаем настоящую Конституцию для Соединенных Штатов Америки.

Answer the questions.

1. What is implied by the doctrine of the separation of powers?

2. When was the American Constitution adopted and what kind of document is it?

3. What principles is the Constitution based on?

4. What important items does it include?

5. What do amendments in the Constitution serve for?

6. What powers has the Congress according to the Constitution?

7. What rights has the President?

8. What are the main purposes of the Judicial branch?

9. What is the role of the Executive branch?

10. What form of government do the states have?

1.2. The legislative branch: Congress

The legislative branch is the Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The main function of the legislative branch is to make law. The Congress can make laws about trade, taxes, citizenship and about the District of Columbia. It can maintain Army. Navy and Air Force, declare war, establish U.S. Post Office, print and borrow money. The Congress cannot take away the right to a trial, give title of nobility, put a tax on exports, use tax: money without authorization, It cannot make laws about marriage, driver’s licenses, police, etc.

The Constitution established that the Congress must meet regularly. A new Congress begins every two years with the election of new Senators and Representatives. Congress meets for its sessions in the Capitol Buildings in Washington, D. C.

There are 435 representatives in the House. A Representative must be at least 25, a U.S. citizen for seven years, and live in the state from which he is elected. There is usually one representative for about 580,000 people in a state. However, all states must have at least one representative in the House. States with many representatives have more power in the House than states with only a few representatives. Representatives listen to the needs of the people in their districts and their states.

There are 100 members in the Senate, two from each state Senators must be at least 30 years old, he must live in state and be a U.S. citizen for not less than nine years. Senators are elected for a term of six years. Their special duties are: to ratify/approve treaties, to confirm appointments, to try impeached officials. Only the House of Representatives can impeach officials. Only Senate can try the officials. The Senate decides if the official can stay in office. Two-thirds of the Senate must agree to remove an official from office.

In addition to making laws, the main function of the legislative branch, the Constitution also gives Congress the power to raise money by means of taxes or borrowing; to make rules for trade with foreign countries and between states; to organize the Armed Forces; to declare war, etc.

There are 16 permanent committees in the Senate and 20 in the House. Each committee sifts and sorts the bills it is responsible for.

Read the words and give examples with them from the text.

to ratify/approve treaties – утверждать / одобрять договоры

to confirm appointments – подтверждать, одобрять назначения

to try impeached officials – рассматривать дела должностных лиц, которым выдвинуты обвинения

to stay in office – оставаться в должности


Answer the questions.

1. How is the legislative branch called in America?

2. What chambers does it consist of?

3. What is the main function of the Congress?

4. What cannot the Congress do?

5. How often and where does the Congress meet?

6. For what term are Senators elected?

7. How many representatives can any state have in the Congress?

8. How old must be an American to be elected to the Senate the House of Representatives?

9. How many permanent committees are there in the Senate and in the House?


1.3. The executive branch: President, Vice-president and the Cabinet

The executive branch, which includes the President, Vice-president and the Cabinet consisting of Secretaries of the executive departments, is responsible for administering and executing the laws.

The President of the United States is elected every four years to a four-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. The President is elected directly by the voters (through state electors). He must be a native-born citizen at least 35 years old and live in the U.S. for not less than 14 years. The U.S. President is the head of the state and the government, and the Commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He makes foreign policy, approves or vetoes laws, appoints judges, advisors and ambassadors, he can pardon a person for a federal crime (grant amnesty).

If the President dies, or resigns, or can’t work, the Vice-President becomes President. So, the qualifications for Vice-President are the same as for the President.

Within the Executive Branch, there are 14 executive departments. These are: the Departments of State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Education, Energy, and Veteran Affairs. Each department is established by law and is responsible for a specific area. The heads of the executive departments are Cabinet members, they are appointed by the President. These appointments, however, must be approved by the Senate. All the Secretaries of the executive departments make up the Cabinet and are Presidential assistants and advisers.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 77 | Нарушение авторских прав

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