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Ivan Khivrenko. Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky, central Kiev. 2012

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  3. Central and South America
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  7. Central nervous system drugs


Ukraine’s topography will considerably rise. The new topography of Ukraine will be shaped like a three-step amphitheatre, steeply rising from the Black Sea northwards. It will be somewhat similar to the present region of Kabardino-Balkaria in Russia, or region of Adjaria in Georgia. High altitude above the sea level will save Ukraine from flooding during the Deluge. The warm atmospheric masses will form torrid, muggy tropical climate in Ukraine. The new high mountain chain on the border of Ukraine-Belarus-Poland will retain over Ukraine the warm air masses, moving to Ukraine from the present Bering Straits along the entire Russia, which will create a torrid, wet tropical climate in Ukraine. These new high mountains on the border of Ukraine-Belarus-Poland will not allow warm air masses to travel further west, which will turn the present West Europe west of Ukraine into an icy desert.


Some titbits of information about Europe and Ukraine:

The President of France Hollande will perish. His former civil spouse S. Royal will move to Ukraine. Territorial disintegration in Europe. National mourning in Britain because its entire fleet perished. The Germans will hand over their gold reserves to Russia as a payment for their passage to Russia from the arctic wilderness of Germany.

Pope Francis will not last long, at most maximum 2-3 years. The last nominal Pope (“acting Pope”) will be a negro from Ghana with a queer nickname Moor: He is dressed in rags and performs religious services in some ruins, near a crude stove, he has a black face.

Elderly Miller will seemingly be again for some time ambassador to Ukraine of the “North American States”.

“Hungarians” (with hugely swollen population of Hungary – due to climatic migrants) will be aggressively pressing for more influence within Ukraine-led confederation and provoking a confrontation with the “Poles” who will flood into Ukraine from Poland that will cease to exist. Hungary and Slovakia will be washed by the Black Sea. The whole Chinese and Pakistani districts in Ukraine; also Italian boat settlements on water. The “New Romania” in Ukraine - in the districts seized by Romanians from the inundated Romania. Inundated Turkey.

Egyptians and Syrians will form a joint delegation in some representative assembly in Ukraine. Among other refugees, arriving in Ukraine, seemingly we will also see Saddam Hussein, whose double was hanged in 2006 in Baghdad.

The cold sea will approach Minsk, but seemingly it will recede later. What will remain of Belarus will be uninhabitable and not fit for life, except some mountainous areas on the borderline with Ukraine.

The Socialist Party politician Moroz for some reason plies between Kiev and Moscow; he also lays flowers onto Lazarenko’s tombstone.

Oligarch Akhmetov will be killed by his own mob. Oligarch Volkov will be kicked to death.

At some point, the Ukrainian Prime Minister will be seemingly a foreigner, a woman with a Scandinavian name; the foreign affairs minister – maybe Chaly.


During unimaginable upheavals, practically all present oligarchic and near-oligarchic shit-elite of Ukraine (with its numerous servants) will collective go down the drains. The present oligarchic mafia of power and opposition of different political colors will first lose real power, and then nominal power too. The value of their fortunes will become zero. Their accounts abroad, as well as all their assets, property and “exit routes” abroad will disappear. Their palaces and estates will be plundered by their own impoverished servants, in cooperation with the local and migrant seekers of easy gain, and seized by numerous refugees from the most devastated areas of Ukraine and the world. A large portion of the present “masters of life’ will disappear from the political stage, and they will be replaced by the totally different people. However, some of them will certainly adapt and resurface in any circumstances, – due to their personal adaptability and a talent to fit any configuration like a condom. During chaos and lawlessness, which will be much worse than in the 1990-s, many oligarchs and members of their families will be killed by the germane criminal elements, - because being rich and having bodyguards will be no more a guarantee of safety, but will rather become like crossed hairs drawn on the back. Same processes will also happen in other neighboring countries, including Russia. Providence adores such sudden about-faces of fortune for the evil crooks, who are presently totally confident that they will get off Scot-free with all their beastly misconduct during many years; that they have cheated everybody else for good; that they will always cynically use with total impunity and exploit other people for their mean interests; that they will keep their stolen fortunes for generations; and that they have come to power for ever.


The clash between two tectonic plates along the present Dnieper River will raise a ridge across the entire Ukraine, raising the Crimea (that will look like a triangular promontory into the Black Sea) and Kiev (which will drain flood water from many areas in Kiev). During this change of topography in Kiev, two large parallel canyons will cut across Kiev landscape from the present east to the present west. The southern one will approximately go along the following line: Oktiabrskaya Street in the town of Vyshneve on the outskirts of Kiev – metro station Vasylkivska – metro station Slavutych. The northern one will approximately run along the following line: The terminal stop of the tramline number 3 in Borshchagivka sub-municipal district – metro station Republican Stadium – metro stations Klovska and Pecherska – railway station Darnytsia. Maybe these two canyons will be two parts of the same large canyon. (On the southern outskirts of Kiev this canyon will run right across our neighborhood, where both our house and the key, break-though subatomic laboratory are located.) The upheavals of topography will leave sweeping devastation in Kiev and topple many multi-storey buildings.


The Dnieper River will cease to exist as a river, and it will turn into other rivers.

Ivan Khivrenko. Dnieper-river, central Kiev. 2012

Sulphur dioxide, raised from the bottom of the Black Sea by powerful earthquakes, will contaminate the entire Black Sea (and part of the Mediterranean), turn the Black Sea into the dead acidic sea, pollute the atmosphere and burn over the Black Sea in many places.


There may be an accident at the Rovno Nuclear Power Plant.


A puppet President Yushchenko, promoted by Americans, is fated to be again, albeit nominally, at the helm of Ukraine, because he will be the only surviving politician who will suit different groups of influence among indigenous population and huge masses of refugees from other parts of the world.


In relative terms, Ukraine will be the least afflicted area among the three States, that will remain on the planet at the time (Ukraine, Russia and Trans-Baikal Russia, seized by the Chinese), which will accept huge masses of refugees from other regions of the world. Ukraine’s population will increase many times in comparison to its present population (hundreds of millions, maybe a billion), with much greater density of the population, its racial and ethnic diversity. The surviving population of Ukraine will be diluted and then totally dissolved (with all tragic consequences and excesses for this population) among hugely numerically superior occupiers – climatic migrants from the whole world. Ukraine will be a cesspool for the surviving post-Apocalyptic zoomaterial from the entire world, which will be subsequently converted (through the future unimaginable scientific breakthroughs) into the humanizing purification facility. Generally speaking, seemingly only the geographical names will remain of Ukraine in the currently known form (of Russia too).


After losing their countries, Americans and other peoples will settle for some time in North Africa and Mediterranean. However, the Deluge and climatic change will once again drive Americans and other settlers from their newly found lands in North Africa and Mediterranean. In the teeth of resistance of the local population, millions of the former US citizens, will move via Croatia towards Ukraine, which will be at the time the extreme tip of the narrow strip of land, that will be climatically fit for life. Circumstances will cut one large group of Americans from the other American hordes, and they will perish en mass and suffer genocide at the hands of the hostile nations, for example, in Spain and also somewhere in the area of the present Arabian Peninsula.


Ferocious resistance will stop Americans on the border of Ukraine in the area of Moldova. (At the time the armoured brigades will be a separate wing and offensive backbone of the Ukrainian armed forces.) Threatened by the rising water of the Deluge, Americans will issue an ultimatum that, unless they are admitted to Ukraine, they will smash the new shaky planetary stability by the nuclear strikes from their nuclear submarines, some of which have miraculously survived cataclysms. In response, an international community will demand total disarmament of Americans, and also threaten to use against Americans the powerful sub-atomic energy discovered in Ukraine.


But in the planetary circumstances of that time, with the new planetary balance being yet extremely shaky, any war and any exchange of WMD blows would be tantamount to suicide. Hanging by a thread over the precipice and being at the time a hair breadth away from disaster, which will be stark staring humanity in the face, homo sapiens will face a simple choice: either self-destruction, or total renunciation of aggression, total ban and elimination of the weapons of mass destruction, and total ban on the war as an instrument of international relations.



In order to prevent disappearance of the mankind and life on the planet Earth, an International Council will meet in Ukraine and declare total international ban on the weapons of mass destruction and total ban on the war. Americans will split into two factions. The majority of Americans will accept conditions of the international community. However, some uncompromising American “hawks” will refuse to disarm for fear of continuation of the genocide against Americans. The ensuing armed confrontation with the international forces will suppress uncompromising American “hawks”, however, they will manage to launch three nuclear missiles at Kiev from a nuclear submarine (from somewhere in the present Persian Gulf). Two missiles will be intercepted by the anti-missile defences, but the third American nuclear missile will break through air defences, separate into several warheads and destroy Kiev (and it will seemingly kill in the nuclear explosion the author of this forecast, who will be seemingly 50 odd years of age at the time. The last thing I remember on this dump: The huge wall of fire, approaching like in slow motion movie. The last thought: How will I be able to live with such a charred body? Or I am not to going to live any longer? Then the picture instantly dissipated like fog. Immaculately clean white screen. There was nothing. It was make-believe. It was a dream. Dying is not painful or scary. There was no point in delaying the end and watching all that trash. Then – silence, nirvana, soft ocean of blissful white light, eternal laughing sun).


After that, Ukraine will demonstrate to Americans the powerful capabilities of the newly discovered Ukrainian sub-atomic energy. Americans will be forced to disarm; and they will start to enter Ukraine, although with considerable excesses. In these circumstances, amid huge popular hatred towards Americans, especially among Russians and Tatars at the point of Americans’ entry into Ukraine in the south of Ukraine and in the Crimea, - there will be a real threat to the life of the puppet Ukrainian President Yushchenko, who will nominally be in power in Ukraine at the time, and who will have no choice (under the pressure of his puppet masters, in the face of the threat of the planetary catastrophe) but to let Americans into Ukraine. President Yushchenko will be killed by the Russian Cossack in the Alexander Nevskiy Church in the Crimea. (It is an unenviable role to be typecast as a put-upon bungler – traitor of people’s trust.) Subsequently Kiev will be rebuilt by Americans, and Kiev will become a huge megalopolis.


The future world


The mankind’s renunciation of the weapons of mass destruction and the war will clear the way for the qualitative leap in the development of the humankind, and in the development of humans as a species. After the narrow squeak survival in cataclysms, the humanity will acquire stable immunity against aggression. Radical shock correction and cardinal improvement of humanity’s collective moral behaviour will open technological floodgates for the mankind, and we will start getting, as if from a horn of plenty, a plethora of unimaginable scientific breakthroughs and super-technologies, which we cannot get now in our present beastly state for fear of exterminating ourselves and life on the planet Earth, and blowing up our planet to pieces. From today’s standpoint, the scenario of the future development of the mankind may seem like a fairy-story fantasy. There will be a complete transformation of the humanity into the positive and creative state.


A Ukrainian scientific laboratory, which conducts its research on the borderline between nuclear physics and impulse electronics, will miraculously survive cataclysms (after having nearly drowned), and in cooperation with the best scientific minds of the world it will discover how to obtain and harness inexhaustible subatomic energy of unimaginable capacity.


In the footsteps of Tesla (You can watch a documentary about Tesla and his technology at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-en4OqpjKk, http://filmix.net/10098-povelitel-molniy-nikola-tesla-2010.html), having scraped together available materials, during a short period of time they will start mass manufacture in Ukraine and Russia of the compact revolutionary subatomic equipment for energy supplies and other purposes, which will allow to do complete reconstruction after cataclysms within several years time (if calculated in present chronology). Besides, Tesla’s subatomic energy supplying equipment will allow to overcome famine during cataclysms and climatic fluctuations due to food production in the greenhouses (that is to say, with the help of the autonomous subatomic generation of power and heating, greenhouses will be arranged in any adapted shelters, like undamaged buildings, cellars and mines, etc.).


Subsequently the three remaining states on the planet Earth - Ukraine, Russia and Trans-Baikal Russia seized by the Chinese – will unite into one entity, and thus, in such an unlinier way and somewhat later than currently expected by the present criminal “neo-imperial integrators”, will happen “the restoration and reunification of the USSR”. However, of the purely Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese, - seemingly only geographic names will remain intact in the presently known form in these three states, - in terms of ethnic and racial composition of the population.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 123 | Нарушение авторских прав

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