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Simple Object Complex Object

Читайте также:
  1. A law – it is connection between the phenomena: general, objective, substantial and necessary. There are 3 laws of dialectics, we will study them on the next lecture.
  2. A Simple Calculation
  4. Animate Objects Technique
  5. Basic notions of a system, subsystem, complex, series, cycle, group of exercises

List the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.

7. Working with a partner discuss the questions below:


  1. Why is knowledge of basic economics so essential?
  2. What is the subject matter of economics?
  3. What does economics study?
  4. What is scarcity?
  5. What is economic growth?
  6. What is microeconomics concerned with?
  7. What does macroeconomics deal with?
  8. What is the main distinction between micro- and macroeconomics analysis?


(What is economics?)

1. Find in the text the sentences in which the following words and phrases are used and translate them into Ukrainian:

Is concerned, goods and services, production and consumption, scarcity, become better off, supply, demand, income, output, inputs, endowments, the determination of prices, unemployment and inflation, the state of the economy, living standards, consumers.


Look back at the text and identify what the following words refer to. The first term is already done for you.

many (1) problems that (4)

which (1) those (4)

itself (2) their (6)

those (2) which (7)

which (2) both (8)

their (3) each (9)

this (3) that (10)

each (4)whose (10)

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Economic growth, better off, demand, produce, goods, microeconomics, essential, services

1. We must decide what, how and for whom ….

2. Knowledge of basic economics … to anyone who wants to understand the world in which we live.

3. If human beings succeed in their efforts, they become … in terms of material wealth.

4. The ability of producers to provide … and … to individuals at various prices is broadly

covered by the concept of supply.

5. The desire by individuals to consume goods and services at various prices is broadly

covered by the concept of ….

5. … is concerned with individual products and decisions made by individual firms and


6. Higher … generally implies higher living standards.



  1. Match the word with the corresponding definition:
Price Money Cost Market Currency Purchase is place were people meet to buy and sell goods a particular type of money used in a state quantity of something given in return for the money paid a measure of the value of goods money for which a thing is bought or sold price to be paid for a thing



1. Make up sentences:

I He She We You They insisted on suggested agreed to finished thought of continued enjoyed visiting the Academy of Sciences. reading newspapers. visiting a public library. collecting the harvest. leaving for Kyiv. resting in the Crimea. learning Ukrainian poems.


2. State the form of the Gerund in the following sentences. Translate into Ukrainian:

  1. He went on asking about flora and fauna of Ukraine. 2. Repeating English grammar is necessary for the students. 3. My hobby is learning poems by heart. 4. Are you pleased at being student of Humanitarian University? 5. After reading the article about the natural resources of Ukraine I made a short summary of it. 6. Your coming to the Crimea is very desirable. 7. We insist upon your staying in this ancient city. 8. I remember his having been interested in the history of Ukraine in his childhood. 9. They spoke about their traveling to the South of the country.


3. Transform the sentences using the Gerund instead of the Infinitive according to the model:

Model: We continue to study English.

We continue studying English.

  1. My sister began to work in this beautiful city five years ago. 2. She has just finished to read the article about the natural resources of Ukraine. 3. We preferred to go to Kyiv by plane. 4. I have just begun to translate the text into Ukrainian. 5. My father intends to spend his holidays in the Crimea.



4. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. Reading technical magazines is important for engineer. 2. I know of his having been appointed to a new job in Odesa. 3. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build a new one in the centre of this town. 4. I remember attending his lectures on the history of Ukraine. 5. We know of his having been sent to work to the North of the country. 6. In copying this text he made a few mistakes in Ukrainian. 7. Developing the agriculture is very important. 8. They think of going to the T.Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre tomorrow. 9. After graduating from Rivne University she worked as a teacher of mathematics.


5. Complete the following sentences:

1. After having set contacts with …. 2. Developing heavy industry …. 3. Nowadays the Ukrainian engineers prefer using …. 4. After returning to the Crimea …. 5. After graduating from the University …. 6. We think of going …. 7. They continue traveling ….

6. Ask your friend:

1) if he likes reading books;

2) if he intends going to Lviv this year;

3) if he dreams of entering Kyiv Medical University;

4) if he is sure of passing his Examination in English well;

5) whether the film he saw last is worth seeing;

6) whether the book by this modern author he read last is worth reading.






7. Paraphrase the sentences using gerundial complex according to the model:

Model: I want to visit Kyiv.

I insist on his visiting Kyiv.

1. I want you to recite the poem. 2. They wanted me to make a report. 3. I want you to stay in Dnipropetrovsk for a long time. 4. The teacher wanted the student to explain this rule in English. 5. My mother wants me to visit the Museum of Ukrainian Art. 6. I want to be sent tom the conference in Kharkiv.



8. Change the following complex sentences into simple ones using gerundial complexes according to the model:

Model: When this actor sings, I enjoy it.

I enjoy his singing.

1. When our football players win the match, we are proud of them. 2. When actors dance, I enjoy it. 3. When Jane had failed at the examination in English, we were surprised at it. 4. If you pass your examination well, I’ll be proud of you.


  1. Translate into English:

1. Я пам’ятаю, що бачила його в Києві. 2. Мені дивно, що українські футболісти програли міжнародний матч. 3. Вона сказала, що читала ці журнали. 4. Я не міг підготувати доповідь про екологічну ситуацію в Україні, не прочитавши цих статей. 5. У неї не було надії купити квиток на виставу за участю улюблених акторів. 6. Закінчивши університет у Чернівцях, його брат повернувся в своє рідне село працювати вчителем. 7. Давнє українське місто Львів варто відвідати. 8. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб ми приєдналися до їхньої екскурсії в Карпати. 9. Дякую за те, що Ви показала мені дорогу на Хрещатик. 10. Ваша поїздка історичними місцями України залежить від того, чи дістане вона квитки.




1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:

Might [mait] могутність

confront [kәn’frΛnt] протистояти

transition [trǽn’siзn] перехід

respect [ris’pekt] відношення

precede [pri:’si:d] попередній

annually [‘ǽnjuәli] щороку

furthermore [‘fә:ðә’mo:] крім того

defence [di’fens] оборона

significant [sig’nifikәnt] значний

brand [brǽnd] якість

trend [trend] мати тенденцію

vehicle [’vi: ikl] транспортний засіб

mine [main] шахта

manganese [,mǽηgәni:z] марганець

relate [ri’leit] мати відношення

titanium [’tai’teinjәm] титан

cement [si’ment] цемент

gypsum [‘dзipsәm] гіпс

graphite [‘grǽfait] графіт

mercury [‘mә:kjuri] ртуть

uranium [juә’reiniәm] уран

topsoil [’topsoil] ораний (верхній) шар землі

vessel [vesl] корабель

pivotal [‘pivәtl] основний, осьовий

capability [keipә’biliti] спроможність, здатність

contribute [kәn’tribju:t] сприяти, робити внески

pursue [pә’sju:] переслідувати, виконувати

expenditure [iks’pendit∫ә] витрата

inefficient [ini’fi∫әnt] неефективний

coherent [kәu’hiәrәnt] послідовний, зрозумілий

implement [‘implimǽnt] втілювати

2. Learn the following phrases:

Market-based economy ринкова економіка

To meet international standard requirements відповідати міжнародним стандартам

Home appliances домашні прилади

Completely satisfies her needs in повністю забезпечує свої потреби

Reoriented towards the market economy перебудований на ринкову економіку

Wood processing industry деревообробна промисловість

Non-nuclear weapons state без’ядерна держава

Total energy consumption загальне споживання енергії

3. Read and retell the text:




A highly developed industry is the foundation of the might of any country. Ukraine was the highly developed country. But since it independence Ukraine has confronted economic problems. National economy of Ukraine is considered to be in transition now in its way to a market-based one. The situation today is better in one very important respect than it was in the preceding years: inflation, which was running at 33 % annually up to 1993 has been reduced since then. Ukraine possesses considerable potential in such sectors of economy as machine engineering, aerospace, telecommunications, textile, clothing, footwear, and agriculture (due to its unique black soil). Furthermore, Ukraine has a powerful defense industry, significant scientific potential and has shown considerable achievements in the field of designing brand new technologies that meet international standard requirements.

At present thanks to new economic and political conditions our industry trends to grow and develop from year to year. Machine engineering and military industrial complexes have started to produce about 200 types of new products which had not been manufactured in Ukraine before. Among them are food-processing machinery, medical equipment, transportation vehicles, construction materials and equipment, small farming machines and home appliances.

Ukraine’s major industrial area is in the south-east, namely the Donbas, and the Prydniprovye region. Concentrated here are coal mines, iron and manganese ore deposits, ferrous iron metallurgical plants relating to the chemical petrochemical and machine building plants and power stations.

Ukraine is rich in mineral resources. It completely satisfies her needs in iron, manganese and titanium ores, as well as in rock salt, cement, gypsum, mineral paints, graphite, mercury and uranium. The top soils are mainly black, they are the biggest treasure of the Ukrainian land and allow for considerable progress in agricultural production after the village is reoriented towards the market economy. Because of her potential Ukraine is an industrial-agricultural country. Her machine-building potential includes tractors and agricultural machine building, production of diesel locomotives and railroad cars, sea and river vessels, refrigerators, TV-sets, washing machines, electric motors, industrial robots, motor-cycles and others. Well-developed are black and colored metallurgy, chemical, oil and wood processing industries.

It is clear to everyone in Europe that Ukraine will play a pivotal role on the continent, due to it size, geographical position, economic potential and nuclear capability, in the years following independence. The European Community’s aim in it’s relations with Ukraine is to contribute to the development of Ukraine as a stable, independent, democratic, market-oriented, non-nuclear weapons state.

The main lines of reform now need to be introduced:

    1. to pursue a macroeconomic policy which will balance government income against expenditure;
    2. to close down inefficient plants and factories and to invest in new industries, especially export-oriented;
    3. to introduce a coherent program of privatization, to stimulate exports, especially hard-currency producing;
    4. to reduce further total energy consumption, to attract Western investment, developing links with Russia and the CIS;
    5. to educate and train a new generation of managers who have the ability to implement coherent market reforms.

4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Високорозвинена промисловість, перехід на ринкову економіку, щорічна інфляція, мати значний потенціал, крім того, досягнення в сфері нових технологій, відповідати міжнародним вимогам, мати тенденцію до росту та розвитку, військово-промисловий комплекс, транспортні засоби перевезення, будівельні матеріали, домашні прилади, головний промисловий район, корисні копалини, повністю забезпечувати свої потреби, найбільша цінність, деревообробна промисловість, осьова роль, сприяти розвитку, без’ядерна держава.


5. Say whether these statements are true or false. If some of them are false, give your version:

1. National economy of Ukraine is considered to be in transition now in its way to a market-based one.

2. Ukraine doesn’t possess considerable potential in all sectors of its economy.

3. Ukraine’s major industrial area is in the north of the country.

4. Ukraine completely satisfies her needs in iron, manganese and titanium ores. As well as in rock salt, cement, gypsum, mineral paints, graphite, mercury and uranium.

5. The biggest treasure of the Ukrainian land is oil.

6. Ukraine is a nuclear weapons state.

7. Ukraine is an independent, democratic, market-oriented state.


List the main lines of reform.

7. Working with a partner discuss the questions below:

  1. Is Ukraine a highly developed country?
  2. Does Ukraine possess considerable potential of economy?
  3. What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine?
  4. What mineral resources are there in Ukraine?



1. Find in the text the sentences in which the following words and phrases are used and translate them into Ukrainian:

the foundation of the might; in transition; a market-based economy; running inflation; considerable potential; a powerful defense industry; international standard requirements; transportation vehicles; power stations; mercury; black top-soils; the biggest treasure; considerable progress; to contribute; inefficient plants; a coherent programme.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

To produce, to possess, a pivotal role, industrial area, machine-building, mineral resources, to trend

1. Ukraine … considerable potential in such sectors of economy as machine engineering, aerospace, telecommunications, textile, clothing, footwear, and agriculture.

2. Ukraine is rich in ….

3. Ukraine will pay … on the continent, due to its size, geographical position, economic potential and nuclear capability.

4. Thanks to the new economic and political conditions our industry … to grow and develop from year to year.

5. Coal mines, iron and manganese ore deposits, ferrous iron metallurgical plants are concentrated in Ukraine’s major …, namely the Donbas and the Prydniprovye region.

6. Ukraine’s … potential includes tractors and agricultural machine building, production of diesel locomotives and railroad cars, sea and river vessels, refrigerators, TV-sets, washing-machines, electric motors, industrial robots, motor-cycles and others.

7. Ukraine has started … about 200 types of new products: food-processing machinery, medical equipment, transportation vehicles, construction materials and equipment, small farming machines and home appliances.


  1. Rearrange the following jumbled words and phrases to form sentences:

1.Ukraine/ her/ is/ an industrial-agricultural/ because of/ country/potential.

2.Satisfies/ a lot of/ resources/ it/ in/her/ mineral/ completely/ needs.

3.Are/ black and coloured metallurgy/ well-developed/ industries/ chemical/ and/ wood processing/ oil.

4.Trade/ pays/ Ukraine’s/ in/ economy/ a key/ the/role/foreign/Ukrainian/ of the/the recovery.


  1. Read and translate the text:

Since its independence Ukraine has confronted economic problems. This is due to the fact that the economy of Ukraine was previously quite isolated, not oriented towards satisfying the national interests of the country. The pricing policy was basically inappropriate because the prices for raw materials and fuel supply were very low and were not stimulating their rational use and the introduction of high technologies.

It is quite evident that the economic, scientific and human potential of Ukraine is one of the most promising in Europe and offers many business and investment opportunities. Attraction of new investments in the Ukrainian economy, including foreign investments, is one of the effective ways of overcoming difficult situation.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why has Ukraine confronted economic problems since its independence?
  2. What can help Ukraine recover its economy?




  1. Make up sentences:
  In your place But for him But for them I he she we you they should would take a tram (bus, car, ship). travel on business. go on an excursion. stay at the station. go to Odesa. travel abroad.
I wish   I had told her about the excursion he traveled on business she had booked a return ticket she worked as a stewardess now. yesterday. today. then. at present. at the time.  
  If   I he she we you they   were you   I he she we you they   should would travel abroad. book a return ticket. go to the booking-office. become a stewardess. secure accommodation. go for a journey. board a ship. make a voyage.
  1. Answer the following questions according to the model:

Model: Suppose you want to book a ship ticket. Where would you go?

I should go to a port booking-office.

1. Suppose you must be in Kyiv in the shortest time. Would you go there by train or by plane?

2. Yesterday I could go there by bus. What would you have done in my place? 3. I can book a ticket for a plane. What ticket would you book in my place?


  1. Complete the following sentences:
  1. I should have missed the train if …. 2. If I were you …. 3. If my mother were a stewardess …. 4. If I had money about me …. 5. If we had spare time …. 6. If it had been warm yesterday …. 7. If the weather were fine today …. 8. We should join our voyage if ….


  1. Put the following sentences in the Past according to the model:

Model: If he left at twelve, he would have caught the train.

If he had left at twelve, he would have caught the train.

  1. If he were attentive, he wouldn’t miss the train. 2. She would buy a ticket for a plane if she had money with her. 3. If I received any news about our voyage I should let you know. 4. If I knew the Schedule of the trains, I should ring you up.



  1. Put the following sentences in the Subjunctive Mood according to the model:

Model: He is nit so quick; he misses the train.

If he were quick, he would not miss the train.

  1. He is busy; he does not go to reserve a ticket for the ship. 2. The girl did not know the schedule; she missed the bus. 3. He broke his bicycle; he did not go to the country. 4. I am tired; I run around too much. 5. We speak on the topic “Travelling” badly; we have no practice in English. 6. He is not attentive; he gets to the railway station in time.



1. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Subjunctive Mood:

1. I suggest that she (to join) our trip. 2. It is necessary that they (to get) plane tickets. 3. We all wish that they (to travel) by train. 4. The teacher insisted that we (to get) to the station by bus. 5. I wish you (to go) by a fast train with me yesterday. 6. Come closer so that I (to show) you a schedule. 7. If my brother (to be) here, he would help me to get train tickets. 8. They wouldn’t have missed the train if they (to leave) their house earlier. 9. She wished we (to come) to the station in ten minutes. 10. He left his house early in the morning so that he (to buy) ticket for a ship quickly.


2. Translate into English:

1. Ми пішли на станцію раніше, щоб швидше придбати квитки. 2. Якби вона поїхала поїздом, її брат сказав би мені про це. 3. Мені не хотілося б мати морську хворобу. 4. Вони хочуть, щоб ми з ними поїхали на екскурсію по Чорному морю. 5. Якби я був на твоєму місці, я не відмовився б полетіти літаком. 6. На Вашому місці я поїхав би туди поїздом. 7. Боюся, щоб ми не запізнилися на автобус. 8. Не може бути, щоб вони так швидко повернулися додому з подорожі. 9. Ми встали о п’ятій годині ранку, щоб не запізнитися на поїзд.




  1. Translate into Ukrainian:

Input, output, consumption, scarcity, supply, income, endowments, unemployment, consumers, commodity, taxation, wage, distribution, market-based economy, to meet international standard requirements, mercury, topsoil, efficient, vessel.



  1. Give English equivalents for the following:

Щорічна інфляція, виробництво та споживання товарів і послуг, урядові витрати, торгівля, економічний ріст, випуск продукції, виробничі затрати, засоби перевезення, військово-промисловий комплекс, сприяти розвитку, досягнення в сфері нових технологій, будівельні матеріали, без’ядерна держава.



  1. Rearrange the following jumbled words and phrases to form sentences:
  1. Basic; is essential; to; knowledge; economics; of; anyone.
  2. Are; microeconomics; sides; there; macroeconomics; of; two; to; economics; and; study; the.
  3. Play; continent, Ukraine; on role; pivotal; a; the.
  4. Industrial-agricultural; because of; country; is; her; Ukraine; potential; an.


  1. Ask questions to have the following answers:
  1. All economic questions arise from the fundamental fact of scarcity.
  2. Since its independence Ukraine has confronted economic problems.
  1. Transform and combine the sentences using the Gerund:

1. We continue to study English. 2. The children like to play basket-ball. 3. The boy started to run. 4. His mother intends to spend her holiday in the Crimea. 5. They preferred to go there by plane. 6. She tried to open the window but couldn’t. 7. I have just begun to translate the text. 8. You gave me a dictionary. I thank you for it. 9. The woman showed me the way. I thanked her for it. 10. You explained to us this grammar rule. We thank you for it.

  1. Translate into English:

1. Якби зараз була зима, ми ходили б на лижах. 2. Ми читали б англійські книжки в оригіналі, якби знали англійську мову. 3. На вашому місці я поїхав би туди поїздом.

4. Хотілося б, щоб це було вірно. 5. Шкода, що я не зможу піти туди. 6. Необхідно, щоб усі студенти робили ранкову зарядку. 7. Якби він мав час, він би пішов додому пішки.





1. Read and memorize the following words and expressions:

Primarily [‘praimәrәli] в першу чергу

Enterprise [‘entәpraiz] підприємство

Account [ ә’kaunt] нараховувати

Contribute [kәn’tribju:t] сприяти

Exploit [iks’ploit] розробляти родовище

Self-sufficient [sә’fi∫әnt] самодостатній

Vital [vaitl] істотний

Experience [iks’piriәns] відчувати

Sustained [sәs’teind] тривалий

Decline [di’klain] падати, погіршуватися

Increase [in’kri:s] зростати, збільшуватися

Nevertheless [,nevәðә’les] незважаючи на

Borrowing [borouiη] позика

Tightly [‘taitli] строго, дуже

Promote [prә’mout] сприяти

Efficiency [I’fi∫әnsi] ефективність

Transfer [trǽns’fә:] переносити

Turnover [‘tә:n,әuvә] обіг

Fiber [‘faibә] волокно

Pharmaceutical [,fa:mә’sju:tilәl] фармацевтичний

Marine [mә’ri:n] морський

Securities [si’kjuritiz] цінні папери

Commodities [kә’moditiz] товари

Futures [‘fjut∫әz] термінові контракти

Strict [strict] точний, строгий

Scrutiny [skru:tini] перевірка

2. Learn the following phrases:

Gross national product національний валовий продукт

The rate of inflation коефіцієнт інфляції

Leading industrialized countries ведучі індустріальні країни

by an average [‘ǽvәridз] в середньому

Government’s economic strategy урядова економічна стратегія

Public spending громадські витрати

Seek to improve добиватися покращення

Substantial amount суттєва кількість

Required rate of return очікувана норма прибутку

3. Read and retell the text:


Britain’s economy is based primarily on private, which accounts for 75 per cent of output and nearly 70 per cent of employment. Britain is one of the highly industrialized countries in the world: for every person employed in agriculture, twelve are employed in industry. Most of the gross national product comes from manufacturing. But services contribute a growing proportion of production – 65 per cent, while manufacturing accounts for 21 per cent.

By successfully exploiting oil and natural gas from the North Sea, Britain has become self-sufficient in energy and expects to remain so for a long time. Exports, mainly to other EC countries, are equivalent to over half of domestic oil production.

International trade plays a vital role in Britain’s economy. Exports of goods and services make up 25 per cent of national output, compared with 20 per cent in 1980s.

From 1981 to 1989 economy experienced eight years of sustained growth. The rate of inflation declined sharply in the early 1980s before rising again in 1990s. By December 1998, it had dropped to 3.6 per cent. The number of people in employment increased by 3 mln in the seven years to mid-1990, but since then self employment has risen. Nevertheless, unemployment is about 10 per cent of the workforce. Growth in manufacturing productivity in Britain in the 1990s was faster than in all other leading industrialized countries, increasing by an average of 4.7 per cent a year till mid-90s. Productivity in the economy as a whole has risen slowly lately.

The Government’s economic strategy is centered on keeping the rate of inflation down. Public spending and borrowing are tightly controlled. At the same time government policy seeks to improve the working of markets and promote enterprise and efficiency. A substantial amount of activity has been transferred from the public to the private sector through privatization and contracting out. Since 1980s 46 major businesses have been privatized, including British Gas, British Telecom and British Steel. The remaining major nationalized industries are British Coal, British Rail, the Post Office and London Transport. These are expected to act as commercial enterprises and achieve a required rate of return on new investment.

Around 250 British industrial companies each have an annual turnover of more than GBP 500 million. British Petroleum is the 11th largest industrial grouping in the world and the 2nd largest in Europe. The largest manufacturing concerns are BAT Industries (tobacco products, food), Imperial Chemical Industries (chemical and synthetic fibres), British Aerospace, Ford, General Electric Company, British Steel, Pharmaceutical Production, Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textiles, Clothing and Footwear, paper, printing and publishing.

And finally, Britain is a major financial centre, housing some of the world’s leading banking, insurance, securities, shipping, commodities, futures and other financial services and markets.

Direct control on pay, prices, foreign exchange, dividend payments and commercial credit are under strict security of the Government.


4. Find in the text the sentences in which the following words and phrases are used and translate them into Ukrainian:

Highly industrialized countries; self-sufficient; vital role; the rate of inflation; self employment, manufacturing productivity; the Government’s economic strategy, through privatization and contracting out; major nationalized industries; annual turnover; direct control.



5. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Приватне підприємство, національний валовий продукт, успішно розроблені родовища нафти та природнього газу, важлива роль, робоча сила, національний видобуток, ведучі індустріальні країни, громадські витрати та позики, суттєва кількість, перенести з громадського в приватний сектор, промислові концерни, валюта, строго перевіряється.

6. Say whether these statements are true or false. If some of them are false, give your version:

  1. Britain’s economy is based primarily on private enterprise.
  2. Britain is one of the agricultural countries: for every person employed in industry, twelve are employed in agriculture.
  3. Most of the gross product comes from manufacturing.
  4. Britain imports oil and natural gas from different countries.
  5. The Government’s economic strategy is centered on keeping the rate of inflation up.
  6. Since 1980s British Gas, British Telecom and British Steel have been nationalized.
  7. Britain is a major financial center.



7. Answer the following questions:

1. What can you say about Great Britain’s economy?

2. What plays a vital role in Britain’s economy?

3. Is Great Britain of highly industrialized country?

4. What are the largest manufacturing concerns in Britain?



Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Employed; market; gross national product; sells; highly industrialized; exploitation; crisis

1. Britain is one of the most … countries in the world.

2. Most of the … comes from manufacturing.

3. With the discovery and … of oil and natural gas from under the North Sea the country has become self-sufficient in energy.

4. For every person … in agriculture, twelve are … in industry.

5. Great Britain is a member of the Common ….

6. Europe … more to Britain than it buys from her.

7. Britain, which once ruled the world, is going through one … after another.


2. Complete the following sentences:

1. Private enterprise in Britain accounts for …. 2. Services contribute a growing proportion of …. 3. Britain successfully exploiting oil and natural gas from …. 4. Exports of goods and services make up 25% of …. 5. From 1981 to 1989 the economy experienced of …. 6. Government policy seeks to improve the working of markets and promote …. 7. A substantial amount of activity has been transferred from …. 8. The remaining major nationalized industries are …. 9. Britain housing some of the world’s leading …. 10. Direct control on pay, prices, foreign exchange dividend payments and commercial credit are under …


3. Read and translate the text and answer the questions:

The main features of Britain’s economy at the present time are consolidating of capital at a very high level, high profits of the monopolists, accelerating inflation, growing unemployment. Britain’s economic sickness has a long history and many causes.

Britain’s economy was built up when the country had a monopolistic dominance in manufacture and trade and when she was supported by a large colonial empire. After World War II these privileged positions changed. The old-fashioned structure of the British industry could not adopt quickly to the new conditions on the world market.

Great Britain is a member of the Common Market has not revitalized the British economy. Europe sells more to Britain than it buys from her. Britain’s trade balance is unfavourable. Britain, which once ruled the world, now is going through one crisis after another.


Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main features of Britain’s economy at the present time?
  2. What are the main causes of Britain’s economic sickness?



  1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1.It was a great pleasure for us to receive your letter. 2. We would welcome the opportunity to cooperate with you. 3. We would like to receive your catalogues periodically. 4. May I have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our firm? 5. May I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year? 6. We would like to continue this trend with an educational exchange among educators of our two countries. 7. We were happy to receive your letter in English.

  1. Make the sentences interrogative:
  1. I know how to spell this word. 2. She is only beginning to write the letter. 3. He seems to have translated the works of many American authors. 4. Our graduates want to work at many different enterprises of the town. 5. He seems to have worked at Georgetown University in Washington according to the program of the Ukrainian-American scientific exchange. 6. Our Institute prepares engineers for many branches of industry.
  1. State the function of Infinitive:
  1. You study at the Institute to become qualified specialists. 2. The problem to be solved was of great importance.3. To master English it is necessary to work hard. 4. We are very glad to have listened to the professor’s lecture. 5. The engineers had several problems to solve. 6. The students have a lot of work to do. 7. I want to send a letter to my brother registered. 8. We would like to continue this trend with an educational exchange among educators of our two countries. 9. Do you know how to write the letters?


  1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the difference in the meaning of the Simple and the Complex Objects:

Simple Object Complex Object

We’d like to take part in this work. We’d like everybody to take part in this work.

They expect to solve this problem. They expect our group to solve this problem.

He supposes to send letters by air-mail. He supposes us to send letters by air-mail.

We’d like to know your results. We’d like them to know the results.

Our scientists expect to obtain some new data. Our scientists expect their assistants to obtain

some new data.


  1. Point out sentences with the Complex Object and the Infinitive in the function of adverbial modifier:

1. Our professor wants us to practice English. 2. I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 3. A professor of our University went there to teach English for a semester. 4. We want you to be invited to visit our firm. 5. They go there to establish concrete relations between our Institute and an American University.


  1. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the translation of the Complex Object:

1. They wanted us to visit their firm. 2. We expect you to continue this trend with an educational exchange among educators of our two countries. 3. We know him to have graduated from Cherkassy Engineering and Technological Institute three years ago. 4. We know him to be a doctor of science, a full professor and the head of our foreign languages department. 5. We think our students to be eager to learn English. ^. The teacher considers him to be a good student. 7. We know him to be one of the best experts in American literature of the 20th century.


  1. Read sentences with the Complex Subject and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. The American delegation is believed to come at the end of the year. 2. The lecture was said to be interesting. 3. The members of the committee are reported to have cone to an agreement. 4. Our Institute is considered to be the best in the town. 5. A computer centre is expected to be installed at our institute. 6. Young engineers are now expected to use high-speed digital computers.



  1. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the predicate in active voice:

1. Our students seem to know English well. 2. He proved to be a good teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. 3. They seem to waiting for you. 4. We are sure to take part in the research. 5. American students seem to be interested in Ukrainian. 6. We are lucky to complete the research in time. 7. This student’s work proved to be the best at the exhibition.



  1. Express the thought by one sentence using the Complex Subject according to the model:

Model: His lecture is very interesting; we know this.

His lecture is known to be very interesting.


1. They study English; everybody supposes it. 2. The students know these physical laws; we expect it. 3. They will take part in the research; we are sure in it. 4. They new method is a success; we know it. 5. Our delegation arrived at 9; we did not expect it.



  1. Translate the following sentences into English using the Infinitive:

1. Ми сподіваємося, що американська делегація приїде в середу. 2. Кажуть, що він працював у Джордж-таунському університеті у Вашингтоні. 3. Він, здається, добре володіє англійською. 4. Відомо, що вона вивчила три іноземні мови. 5. Він радий, що навчається в Черкаському інженерно-технологічному інституті. 6. Було б люб’язно з Вашого боку запросити нас відвідати Вашу фірму. 7. Шкода, що я завдав Вам стільки клопоту. 8. Ми зробимо все можливе, щоб досягти цієї мети.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 165 | Нарушение авторских прав

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