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Communicative tasks. Your everyday English

Читайте также:
  1. After reading tasks
  2. After reading tasks.
  3. B. Study the vocabulary and complete the tasks.
  4. Calm approach to tasks
  6. Communicative approach







Kursk – 2007


Л.И. Красненкова



(учебное пособие для студентов неязыковых вузов)



Курск – 2007


УДК: 802=111(072) Печатается по решению
ББК: 81Англ-9я7 редакционно-издательского
  Совета КИСО (филиал) РГСУ


Красненкова Л.И. Твой повседневный ангнлийский (учебное пособие для студентов неязыковых вузов). – Курск:, 2007. – 86 с.



ISBN: 5-7487-0683-0 ББК: 81Англ-9я7
© Л.И. Красненкова, КГМУ, 2003  


Повседневное общение на занятиях по английскому языку в неязыковом вузе является неотъемлемой частью учебной деятельности студентов, обеспечивающей эффективное овладение изучаемым иностранным языком. Такое общение дает обучаемым необходимую речевую практику в активизации фонетического, лексического и грамматического материала, изученного в средней школе и предлагаемого программой вуза. Обучаемые не только учатся иностранному языку, но и практикуются в иноязычном общении, которое в современных условиях и при современном методическом подходе к обучению иностранным языкам рассматривается как главная цель процесса обучения.

Любое общение в принятой на современном этапе педагогике сотрудничества реализуется в трех основных функциях - коммуникации, интеракции и перцепции.

Интеракция – это речевое взаимодействие партнеров; коммуникация обеспечивает процесс обмена информацией; перцепция означает взаимное восприятие и оценку друг друга партнерами по общению.

Если не будет учтена хотя бы одна из этих функций, общение не состоится.

При составлении данного пособия мы исходили из необходимости реализации этих функциональных аспектов общения. Именно это и определило структуру пособия.





Первая часть пособия (UNIT 1) обеспечит реализацию функций интеракции и перцепции. В нее включены речевые модели и высказывания, позволяющие партнерам по общению корректно поприветствовать друг друга, вступить в общение и выйти из него, высказать собственное мнение и узнать мнение собеседника, обменяться информацией и высказать свое отношение, выразить эмоции и пр. Эти модели представлены в первых двух частях Раздела 1. Третья часть этого раздела представляет собой лексические минимумы по изучаемым проблемам повседневной жизни и помогает студентам в организации иноязычного общения по повседневной тематике на занятии по иностранному языку и вне его.

Второй раздел пособия (UNIT 2) включает набор текстов с приложенными к ним лексическими минимумами и вопросами по изучаемым темам повседневного общения. Помимо этого студентам предлагаются упражнения проблемного и коммуникативного характера, выполнение которых обеспечит эффективное запоминание лексического материала и позволит активизировать грамматику и «вывести» изучаемый лексико-грамматический материал в речь.

В третьем разделе (UNIT 3) студентам предлагаются тесты для самоконтроля. Выполнение этих тестов поможет им проверить свои знания по изученному материалу.



Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов на занятиях и во внеаудиторное время.

При работе со словарным материалом, представленном в первом и втором разделах пособия, необходимо пользоваться англо-русским словарем, русско-английскими разговорниками, а также пособием Е.А. Маслыко «Учебное общение на уроке английского языка», Минск: ВШ, 1990. Указанное учебное пособие поможет студентам не только определить значения предлагаемых слов и речевых моделей, но и, при желании, расширить объем своих знаний.

Включенные во второй раздел тексты взяты из учебного пособия «Английский язык для поступающих в вузы» (составители: И.В. Цветкова, И.А. Клепальченко и Н.А. Мыльцева). Данные тексты представляют собой образец современной английской речи, могут служить моделью для составления собственных монологических высказываний, а также лежать в основе диалогического и полилогического обсуждения, чему, несомненно, помогут вопросы и задания проблемного характера, сопровождающие каждый текст.

Выполнение коммуникативных упражнений и заданий к текстам позволит студентам активизировать лексический материал, заставит повторить грамматику, позволить сформировать навыки и умения языкового прогнозирования.

Автор выражает глубокую благодарность рецензентам пособия профессору КГУ д.ф.н. Лебедевой Светлане Вениаминовне, доценту КГМУ к.ф.н. Шамаре Ирине Федоровне за внимание и положительную оценку работы.


U N I T 1





l. Sir

2. Madam

3. Miss. (+surname)

4. Mr. (+surname)

5. Mrs. (+surname)

6. little one

7. old chap

8. old boy

9. Doc. = Doctor

10. Prof. = Professor

11. Officer



12. May I introduce myself.

13. Let me introduce myself.

14. How do you do? My name is...

15. Hello! I am...

16. I don't think we've met before.

17. This is...

18. I'd like you to meet...

19. Let me introduce... to you.

20. I'd like to introduce... to you.

21. Meet...



22. How do you do?

23. Hello! = Hi!

24. Good morning! = Morning!

25. Good afternoon!

26. Good evening!

27. Hello, everybody!



28. How are you?

29. How's life?

30. What's new? = What's the news?

31. How are you getting on?

32. How are you keeping?

33. How are things?

34. Not bad!

35. Fine!

36. So-so!

37. Could be better!

38. Rotten!



39. Good bye!

40. Bye - bye!

41. See you.

42. See you tomorrow.

43. Take care!

44. I'll be seeing you.

45. Cheers!



46. Congratulations!

47. Let me congratulate you.

48. May I congratulate you on...

49. Well done!

50. My warmest congratulations!

51. It's great to hear...

52. All the best!

53. Good luck!

54. I hope everything goes well.

55.I wish you success.

56.My warmest wishes...

57. Have a good time!

58.Enjoy yourselves!

59.Say hello to...

60.Regards to...



61. Thank you.

62.Many thanks.

63. Thank you very much indeed.

64.Thanks a lot.

65. I'm much obliged.

66.That is most good of you.

67.It's so nice of you to...

68. Thanks a million for…

69. Not at all.

70. It's a pleasure.

71. Don't mention it.

72. My pleasure.

73. That's OK.

74. I was glad to be of help to you.

75. Any time you are welcome.



76. I am sorry.

77. I'm really terribly sorry.

78. I beg your pardon.

79.Excuse me for...

80. My fault = It's my fault.

81. I am very sorry about...

82. That's quite all right.

83.Don't worry.

84.Think nothing of it.

85. Forget it.

86. Don't feel bad about it.

87. It really doesn't matter at all.



88. What about...? = How about…?

89. Would you like to...?

90. Why don't you...?

91. Would you care to...?

92. Come and...

93. Won't you...?

94. Yes I will/would.

95. That sounds a nice idea!

96. I'd like nothing better!

97. I'd love to!

98.I won't say no.

99. That's really most kind of you.

100. I wish I could!

101. Thank you, but...

102. I'm very sorry, but I can't.

103. Sorry, I can't. But thanks anyway.



104. Could you..., please?

105. Could I ask you to...?

106. Could you possibly...?

107.Can you...?

108. Would you..., please?

109. I am sorry to trouble you, but...

110. Please, don’t forget about/to …

111. Would you, please, remember...

112. Would you mind (+gerund)?

113. May I remind you of...

114. Don't forget about...

115. Of course, I don't mind.

116. I don’t see why…

117. No problem.

118. I don't mind it at all.

119. I'm willing.

120. I don’t think I can

121. I don't really want to...

122. I'd rather not...



123. Excuse me.

124. I beg your pardon, but...

125. I hope, you don't mind my asking, but…

126. Sorry, but...

127. Could I ask you...

128. Could I have your attention, please?



129. I'm interested in...

130. My main interest is...

131. It interests me a great deal.

132. I find it very interesting.

133. It doesn't concern me a great deal

134. Nothing interests me less.

135.I don't find it very interesting.

136. I'm not very much interested in...

137. I am afraid it leaves me cold.



138. Just to change the subject.

139. While I remember...

140. Before I forget...

141. By the way...

142. I think we ought to move on to...

143. That's beside the point!



144. I'm awfully sorry, but...

145. Sorry, I must be off now.

146. I am afraid I must go now.

147 I hope you will excuse me, but…

146. I’m afraid I must go now.

149. It's been very nice talking to you, but…

150. Much to my regret...



151.Will you tell me about...?

152. Could you tell me..., please?

153. Could anyone tell me...?

154. Have you got any idea about...?

155. I'd like to know about...

156. Do you happen to know...?

157. Sorry to trouble you, but...



158. Yes, I know, that...

159. I do know about it.

160. I've heard about it.

161. I've read that...

162. I hear...

163. I've been told that...

164.They say, that...



165. Do you mean to say that...?

166. Is it true that...?

167. Do you really mean that…?

168. Can you prove it?

169. Are you sure, that...?

170. Can you confirm this fact?

171. Am I right to understand that..?



172. Let me explain.

173.You see...

174. It's like this.

175. The basic reason is that...

176. The point is...

177. As to...

178. The thing is...



179. I'm sorry, I didn't catch.

180. Would you repeat it once again?

181. Sorry, what did you say?

182. Pardon, I didn't hear.

183. I couldn't hear what you said.



184. Do you understand?

185. Is it clear?

186. Do you see what I mean?

187. I hope that’s clear?

188. Get it?

189. Got it?

190.... if you follow.

191. Are you with me?

192. D’you see?

193. Do I make myself clear?





194 What do you feel about...?

195. What do you think about...?

196. What's your opinion of...?

197. How do you see...?

198. How would you react to...?

199. Do you have any particular views on?



200. I think that...

201. I believe that...

202. As I understand it...

203.In my view...

204. In my opinion...

205. As far as I know...

206. As I see it...

207. To my mind...

208. I consider that...

209. It's my feeling that...

210. From where I stand...



211. That's quite right.

212. That's true.

213. Exactly so!

214. I'm with you there.

215. I'm of the same opinion

216. I absolutely agree with...

217. I don't agree.

218. Not really.

219. I'm not sure, in fact.

220.That's wrong!

221. I don't think that's right.

222. I don't see why...



223. Why don't you...?

224. You'd better (rather)...

225. Can't I persuade you...?

226. Won't you..., please?

227. It's in your interests to...



228. I think this information is incorrect.

229. I'm sorry, there has been some misunderstanding.

230. You are mistaken, if I may say so.

231. I really do have to correct you.

232.As far as I know.

233. As a matter of fact.

234. In my opinion you should correct it.

235.I think it may be more accurate to say...

236. May I assure you...



237. Please, don't worry.

238. Take it easy.

239. Don't get upset.The best thing is to keep cool.

240. Cheer up!

241. Come on! It's O.K.!

242. It's not as bad as all that!




243. Let's...

244. Shall we...?

245. I'd like to suggest…

246. We might as well...

247.What (How) about...?

248. What would you say to…

249. Would you care for...



250. Mind that...

251 Mind out...

252. Watch out for...

253. Be careful.

254. Be ready for...

255. Make sure you don't …

256. Look out!



257. What would you advise me (to do)?

258. What would your advice be?

259. What should I do?

260. Should I...?

261. What would you do if your were me?

262. I would...

263.You'd better...

264. My advice would be...

265. I think you should...

266. If I were you, I would …

267.I don't think you should...

268. I wouldn't recommend...

269. Go the other way.

270. The way I see it, you should...



271. I want to complain about...

272. I am not at all satisfied with...

273. I really do object to...

274. What can you do about...?

275. Something must be done...

276. It just won't do.




277. I am not at all sure about...

278. I don't really believe...

279. I rather doubt...

280. I suspect...

281.I'm rather skeptical about...

282. I don't think...



283. Fancy that!

284. How very surprising!

285. Are you serious?

286. You must be kidding!

287. You don't say so!

288. I can't believe my eyes (ears)!

289.What a surprise!

290. Never!



291. I'm uneasy about...

292. I fear that...

293. I'm very anxious about...

294. I’m scared of...

295. I'm worried about...


11.14 REGRET

296. It's a shame!

297. What a pity!

298. I regret that...

299. Poor thing!

300. You could have done it much better!



301. Do you prefer... or...?

302. Which would you prefer?

303. Do you like... better?

304. Which seems better to you?

305. Which appeals more:... or…?

306. Would you rather...?



307. I'm looking forward to...

308. I'll have the pleasure of …

309. It'11 be interesting to …

310. I'11 be happy (glad) to …





311. How old are you?

312. Where are you from?

313. Where were you born?

314.What is your native town?

315. Are you married?

316. Do you have a family of your own?

317. Do you have children?

318. What is your name?

319. What is your surname (family name, second name)?

320. What is your patronymic?

321. What is your full name?

322. I am seventeen.

323. I am from...

324. I was born in + name of the town.

325. I was born in + year.

326. I was born on the... (5th of July)

327. My native town is...

328. I am married.

330. I am not married.

331.I am single.

332. I am divorced.

333. I am a widow (widower).

334. I have a family of my own.

335. I have no family of my own.

336. I have not a family of my own.

337. I have no children.

338. I have one child (two children).

339. I have twins.

340. My name is...

341. My surname (family name, second name) is...

342. My patronymic is...

343. My full name is...

344. I can spell it.

345. What's your occupation?

346. What are you?

347. What do you do (are you doing) for your living?

348. I am a student.

349. I study at the....

350. I am a first (a second) year student of the... department (faculty).



351. Mother = Mum, Mom

352. Father = Dad

353. Grandfather = Grandpa, Grand-Dad

354. Grandmother = Grandma

355. Daughter

356. Son

357. Granddaughter

358.... a lawyer.

381.... a clerk.

382.... a typist.

383.... a driver.

384.... a worker.

385.... a painter.

386.... a designer.

387.... a journalist.

388.... a housewife.

389.... a schoolgirl.

390.... a schoolboy.

391.... a pupil.

392.... an accountant.

393. My mother (father) is my namesake.

394. She is in her late (early)...

395. I stay with my parents.

396. What's your address?

397. We (I) live in five, Lenin Street, flat number nine.

398. What is your flat number?

399. What is the number of your house?

400. What's your telephone number? - It's five, six, two, four, six, seven.



401. He (she) is tall.

402.... short.

403.... of middle height.

404. My friend is slim.

405.... slender.

406.... plump.

407.... stout.

408. My cousin is beautiful.

409.... pretty.

410. Her husband is handsome

411.... plain.

412. His hair is dark.

413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430.   ... fair. ... chest- nut. ... grey. ... blond. ... wavy. ... straight. ... cut. ... long. ... curly. ... short. My mother's eyes are blue ... green. ... grey. ... hazel. ... dark. ... big. ... small. ... deep-set.  

431. My son's nose is straight.

432.... hooked.

433.... snubbed.

434. Betty's mouth is small.

435.... large.

436.... beautifully- shaped.

437. The complexion of her face is pale.

438.... rosy.

439.... dark.

440. I like (don't like) her (his) looks.

441.... appearance.

442. to lose one's look.

443. good look = beauty


445. She (he) is bright.

446.... clever.

447.... industrious.

448.... punctual.

449.... generous.

450.... tactful.

451.... honest.

452.... kind-hearted.

453.... communicative.

454.... well-bread.


456. He (she) is silly.

457.... selfish.

458.... lazy.

459.... ignorant.

460.... ambitious.

461.... rude.

462.... absent-minded

463.... boring.

464.... ill-bread.



465. Have you got a flat or a house of your own?

466. I have a nice cottage in the country-side.

467. They have a semi-detached house.

468. He lives in a block of flats.

469. Do you have a two-room or a three-room flat?

470. I've got a studio.

471. on the first floor = on the ground floor

472. on the second floor = on the first floor

473. in the basement

474. in the attics

475. There is an elevator (lift) in our house.

476. There are two bedrooms a sitting-room and a kitchen in my flat.

477. a bathroom

478. a lavatory

479. Have you got a nursery for your children?

480. I'd like to have a study.

481. In the kitchen there are two tables.

482.... four stools.

483.... a gas-cooker.

484.... a fridge.

485.... a sink.

486.... some dish racks.

487.... a drawer.

488.... a cupboard.

489. In the living room we have a sofa.

490.... two armchairs.

491.... a coffee table.

492.... a TV-set.

493.... a bookcase.

494.... four chairs.

495.... a standard-lamp.

496.... a carpet.

497.... curtains.

498.... a picture.

499.... a video player.

500. In the bed-room one can see beds.

501.... bedside-tables.

502.... a wardrobe.

503.... a (house) plant.

504.... a fireplace.

505. in the middle of the room

506. in the right-hand corner

507.in the left-hand corner

508.at the wall

509. opposite the window

510. near the door

511. a neighbour

512. a room-mate



513. What is your hobby?

514. My hobby is reading books.

515.... collecting stamps

516.... numismatics

517.... amateur theatre

518.... fishing

519.... swimming

520.... skating

521.... skiing

522.... singing

523.... music

524. What are you fond of?

525. What are you interested in?

526. What hobby group or club would you like to join?

527. I'd like to attend the English-speaking club.

528.... the literary society

529.... the university choir

530.... the dramatic society

531. How long have you been collecting stamps?

532.... petting animals?

533.... going in for skating?

534. I've been doing it since 1994.

535. to give pleasure

536. I’d like to go to the... tonight.

537. I'm going to play chess.

538.... draughts

539.... golf

540.... foot-ball

541.... volley-ball

542.... tennis

543.... hockey

544. I'm not much of a sportsman, but I am a fan.

545. What do you usually do when you have spare time?

546.... holidays

547. I prefer to go to the theater.

548.... the exhibition

549.... the cinema

550.... the concert

551.... the circus

552. I adore symphonic music.

553.... pop-music

554.... jazz

555. I usually spend summer vacations…

556... traveling (abroad).

557... at the seaside.

558... in the country.

559... in the mountains.

560... in my native town.

561... hiking.

562. to go out

563. leisure

564. When I have time for leisure I like to go out.



565. What season do you like best.?

566. I prefer winter.

567.... spring.

568.... summer.

569.... autumn.

570. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

571. weather report

572. They say it will be chilly.

573.... cold.

574.... frosty.

575.... windy.

576.... rainy.

577.... snowy.

578.... slippery.

579.... warm.

580.... hot.

581.... foggy.

582.... nasty.

583.... sultry.

584.... sunny.

585. What is it like outdoors?

586. It is raining cats & dogs.

587.. drizzling

588... muddy

589.... pouring

590. It looks like rain.

591.... snow

592. I can't stand such weather.

593. What lovely weather we are having!

594.... nasty

595.... stormy

596.... mild

597. What is the temperature today?

598. It's twenty degrees above zero.

599.... below zero.

600. Will the weather change?

601.... keep on?




602.to travel by air (plane)

603.... by sea (ship)

604.... by train

605.... by car

606.... by bus

607. to go hiking

608. to travel on foot

609. a flight

610. flight number KL247 (two, four, seven)

611. to buy a ticket

612. to book a ticket

613. a business-class ticket

614. a first-class ticket

615. an economy class ticket

616. a one-way ticket

617. a return ticket

618. in advance

619. a ticket-office

620. Where can I get the information about the departure time?

621. the arrival time?

622. the check in?

623. the take off of the plane for...?

624. the gate number?

625. You may/can do it at the inquiries.

626. a time-table = a schedule

627. the train runs to schedule

628.It is due in 5 minutes.

629. to miss the train (plane, bus, ship)

630. to catch the train (plane, bus, ship)

631. a railway station

632. an airport

633. a seaport

634. Could you tell me, where is check-in-desk number 5?

635. It is downstairs, opposite the inquiries.

636. Sorry, where's the left-luggage?

637. It's in the basement.

638. I've got a suitcase and a bag.

639. You are allowed to take 20 kg of luggage free.

640. You should go through passport control.

641. Is it civil passport?

642. No, I've got a business passport.

643. I've come here on business.

644. I 'm here on a personal visit.

645. I've come for a trainee course.

646. Your visa is good for 6 months only.


647. Where can I get a declaration form?

648. What do I write in the declaration form?

649. Where should I sign?

650. I have nothing to declare.

651. Get on the green line then.

652. I've got some foreign currency.

653.I have got only my personal belongings?

654. Do I have to pay duty on these things?

655. I have no prohibited things in my bag.

656. I have no things liable for duty.

657. I've got...

658.... a carton of cigarettes

659.... some souvenirs

660. I've bought it in the duty-free shop.

661. I have... dollars (marks, francs, pounds, euro)

662. Must I show that amount on the declaration?

663. How much do I have to pay in duty?


664. I'd like an inexpensive hotel.

665.Do you have any vacancies?

666. A room has been reserved for me at your hotel.

667. The reservation was made in the name of...

668. I want a single room

669.... a double room

670.... a room with a private bath

671.... an apartment

672. How long are you going to stay here?

673.I suppose for a day or two.

674.How much should I pay per night?

675. What does the price include?

676. What is the check-out time?

677. Where do I check in?

678. Should I pay in advance or on departure?

679. You must fill in the registration form.

680.... the guest card.

681. a desk clerk

682.to pay a bill

683. I'd like B and B (bed and breakfast)

684. Is there a TV set in the room?

685.... a fridge

686.... a telephone

687.There is a laundry, a hairdresser's and a barber's in our hotel.



688. Where do you live?

689. How far is it from the university?

690. How much time does it take you to get to…?

691. Is it the best way to get there?

692. Do you usually go to the university by bus?

693.... by trolley-bus

694.... by tram

695.... on foot

696. It takes me... to get to...

697. I usually take a bus number...

698.... a trolley-bus number...

699.... a tram number...

700. I go as far as... street.

701.I get off there.

702. I change for...

703. I go straight.

704. along... street

705. back

706. Then I turn to the right (left).

707. I turn round the corner.

708. at the corner

709. I cross the street at the crossing.

710. What's the name of this street (square)?

711. Where's the nearest bus (tram, trolley, bus) stop?

712. What is the name of this bus stop?

713. What bus should I take?

714. Which bus should I take to get to...?

715. Does this bus go to...?

716. At what stop do I get off?

717. Are you getting off now?

718.in front of

719. behind

720. opposite

721. a traffic light

722. Go straight along Green street two traffic lights / blocks.



723. I am as hungry as a hunter.

724. Can you recommend a good (cheap) restaurant (cafe, bar)?

725.Where can we get a quick meal?

726. I'd like to get a snack (a big dinner, a lunch).

727. They serve tasty food here (there).

728. Is the service at this cafe good?

729. The cafe is packed.

730. We'd like a table for two.

731. Is this table vacant?

732. Could I have the menu?

733. What would you like for breakfast?

734. I prepare bacon and eggs and a cup of tea.

735.... fish and a cup of coffee.

736.... a meat dish and express coffee.

737.... vegetables and joghurt.

738.... a soft (hard) - boiled egg.

739. I would like tea with milk.

740. What do you want to order for dinner?

741. What would you like to start with?

742. I'd like a fish salad.

743.... vegetable salad

744.... potato salad

745.... chicken salad

746.... mixed salad

747.... stuffed fish

748.... smoked fish

749.....shrimp cocktail

750.... ham

751.... cheese

752.... meat in aspic

753.... fish in aspic

754. What about the entree (ocновное блюдо)?

755. I'd rather order fried chicken.

756.... roast pork.

757.... fried fish.

758.... pork chops.

759. What side dish would you like?

760. vegetables

761. French fries = fried potatoes

762. mashed potatoes

763. macaroni

764. rice

765. I never eat soup.

766. What can you recommend for dessert?

767. waffles

768. ice-cream

769. fruit salad

770. cream

771. an apple pie

772. a pastry

773. a cake

774. What about drinks?

775. I am off alcohol, I prefer soft drinks.

776. I would like...

777.... sweet wine

778.... champagne

779.... beer

780.... mineral water

781.... juice

782.Could you, please, clear the table?

783.Set the table for four.

784. a plate

785. a knife

786. a fork

787. a spoon

788. a wine glass

789. a cup

790. a napkin

791. a three-course meal

792. substantial meal

793. Can I ask for...?

794. Please, bring...

795.May, I have the bill?

796. Have a pleasant meal = Enjoy.



797.Where is...?

798.... the clothing department

799.... the shoe department

800.... the drapery department

801.... the hardware department

802..... the jewelry department

803.... the toy department

804.... the stationary department

805.... the perfumery department

806.... the linen department

807.... the hosiery department

808.... knitted goods department

809. How do I get to... department?

810. Have you got... in stock?

811.... a blouse

812.... trousers

813.... a suit

814.... a skirt

815.... a dress

816.... socks

817.... a T-shirt

818.... jeans

819.... shoes

820.... boots

821.... a coat

822.... a pullover

823.... a jacket

824. Please, show me...

825. How much is it?

826. It doesn't suit me.

827. It's not my size.

828. What is your size?

829. It's too large (small) for me.

830. Please, wrap all these things together.

831. Where do I buy...?

832.... bread

833.... meat

834.... milk

835.... butter

836.... eggs

837.... sausage

838.... sugar

839.... tea/coffee

840.... vegetables

841.... rice

842.You can buy it in the...

843.... baker's.

844.... butcher's.

845.... dairy.

846.... grocery.

847.... green-grocery.

848.Could you weigh it up?

849. Where do I pay?

850.You can pay at the cash-desk.

851. The shop-assistant will help you to choose the goods.

852. Where can I try the dress on?

853. You can do it in the fitting-room.


lll.11. POST OFFICE.

854. Where is the nearest post-office?

855.What time does the post-office open (close)?

856. I'd like to register this letter.

857. I'd like to send this letter by air-mail.

858. I want to buy an envelope.

859.... a stamp

860.... a post-card

861. What's the postage on this letter?

862. I want to insure this letter.

863. Where's the post-restate counter?

864. What identity papers have you got?

865. Here is my passport.

866. Are there any letters for me?

867. I'd like to send a telegram.

868. I'd like to send an urgent telegram.

869. I'd like to send money by telegraph.

870. Where can I take a telegram form?

871. Here is a form to fill in.

872. Write the text in your language but use Roman letters.

873. Here's my telegram.

874. How shall I send it?

875. Make it a regular telegram.

876. Make it an urgent telegram.

877. How much does it cost?

878. The charge is...

879. Here is you receipt.

880. When will it be delivered?

881. I have to call to…

882. Would you, please book me a call to...

883. How much do you charge for a three minute call?

884. Where do I pay for the telephone call?

885. What number shall I dial to call to...?

886. Where's the nearest public phone (telephone)?

887. Is it…(one, seven, five, nine)?

888. Mr. (Mrs. Miss)... is speaking.

889. Sorry to bother you, but could I speak to...?

890. You are wanted on the phone!

891. No, she (he) is out at the moment.

892. Will there be any message for her (him)?

893. Could you call back in an hour?

894. I can hear you well.

895. Speak louder, please.

896.I can't hear you well.

897. Speak not so loud, please.

898. Will you phone again?

899. You have dialed the wrong number.

900. to dial a number

901. a receiver

902.a dialing tone

903. a telephone directory

904. How can I phone the information?

905. I want to make a call from my room (house).






I am Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister,-a brother and a grandmother. There are six of us in the family

First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new radio sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. When he was small, he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once my father tried to "repair" their kitchen clock. He managed to put all the wheels and screws back again — but the clock did not work. They had to give it to a repairman. But that happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He's got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On the table there is always a radio in pieces.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes "soap operas". My father is fond of tennis. My mother doesn't go in for sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.

My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.

My brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor hut he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut.

I want to become a student. I'd like to learn foreign languages. I think I take after my father. I'm tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood.

We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.







to play the guitar

to repair

to be handy with smth

to take to pieces

to manage

wheels and screws

to fix

vacuum cleaner

washing machine

to go in for


to take care


and what not

in pieces

to have much in common

views on smth

horror film

"soap opera"

to be fond of smth

she is good at cooking

she is clever with her hands

to tidy


to run the house

to knit


joint venture company




to take after



to be in a good mood

to be deeply attached




1. What is your first name? What is your surname?

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?.

4. Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6.What are your parents? Where do they work?

7. How long have your parents been married?

8. Do they have much in common?

9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

10. What sort of things do you do together?

11. Do you go out with your parents?

12. Who runs the house in your family?

13. What are your household duties?

14. What is your father's hobby?

15. Can you describe your mother?


Communicative tasks:




Ask Liz questions. (Look at her answers before you write the questions.)


1.(where / from?)...Where are you..from?.

2.(where / live / now?) Where …


4.(how long / married?)................................


6.(how old / they?)..........................................

7.(what / husband / do?)...............................

8.(he / enjoy his job?)....'.................................

9.(arrest anyone yesterday?)

10. (how often / go / on holiday?).

11.(where / next year?)....................


Liz answers:


1. From London originally.

2. In Manchester.

3. Yes.

4. 12 years.

5. Yes, three boys.

6. 4 and 9.

7. He's a policeman.

8. Yes, very much.

9. I don't know.

10. Usually once a year.

11. We don't know yet.



Tony is being interviewed for a job. Look at the interviewer's notes and Tony's answers, then write the questions she is asking Tony.



1. age? How old are you?

2 live locally?


4.when / leave school?.

5. which school / go?

6. work / now?

7. who / work for?

8. how long?

9. enjoy / present job?

10. why / want / leave?


Tony’ s answers


1. I am 18

2. Yes, I do.

3. Flower Close.

4. Last year.

5. Benham School.

6. Yes, I am.

7. Millers Limited.

8. For six months.

9. Yes, I do.

10. The pay isn't good.




WE live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It's situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping.

Our fiat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. There's also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river.

The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there is a big table and six chairs round it. Opposite the window there is a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette recorder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it is very cosy and light. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There is a thick carpet on the floor. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite often move the bed and change the posters on the wall.

Our kitchen is large and light. It is very well-equipped. We have got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker and a toaster. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, because it is very expensive. But I'm sure we shall buy it in the near future.




block of flats

to be situated



ground floor




modern conveniences

central heating



running water

to enjoy



living room

dining room

sitting room

wall unit

video cassette recorder


left-hand corner

coffee table

electric fire






microwave oven








to change round







1. Do you live in a house or in a block of flats?

2. Which floor is your flat on?

3. Is your flat well-planned? Is it comfortable?

4. How many rooms are there in your flat?

5. Have you got a dining room (a sitting room, a study)?

6. Where do you usually have your meals?

7. Is there much furniture in your flat? Do you change it round from time to time?

8. What is there in your room?

9. Are there any pictures on the walls of your flat?

10 What colour are the walls in your room?

11: What is your kitchen like?

12. How often do you redecorate the rooms?

Communicative tasks


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