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Read the essay, translate it. Define the type of the essay.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read and translate the text.
  2. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  3. Analyse and translate the following sentences
  4. B) Define the meanings of the idioms from the context, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
  5. B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing.
  6. B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing.
  7. B. Translate the sentences into English.

Рекомендуемые вводные фразы

“For and against essay” (Эссе “за и против”) “Opinion essay” (Эссе “с элементами рассуждения”)
1. Введение: The problem / issue / phenomenon of… is / has always been…, People always say / have always thought / agreed /said / believed…, It is a controversial / burning / hot question…, There is no agreement… Can you imagine…? There are both advantages and disadvantages… Let’s begin/start with… 1. Введение: Nowadays, we are often told that… There is no doubt that… Over the past few years, there is the opinion that… Are you among those who believe/think/suppose/consider that… Why has this issue become so topical/actual/burning? The famous person… once said that… There are various facts that support this opinion. Below I will list my reasons/ a couple of examples to support my opinion/point of view. In the following paragraphs I will give some basic reasons/a couple of examples why I think that/this way. I base my opinion on the following points.
2. Основная часть: Типичные союзы и союзные обороты: on the one hand… on the other hand; Firstly, To begin with, Secondly, Finally; In addition, Besides, Moreover, What is more, Furthermore; However, Despite this, In spite of this; In fact, As a matter of fact; As a result, Consequently Другие выражения: One major advantage is…, As advocates of…claim / argue, As critics point out / claim…, There are a number of disadvantages / weaknesses / drawbacks / downsides   2. Основная часть: In the first place…, First of all…, To start with/to begin with…,Secondly, …,Thirdly, … Finally, …, Last but not least In addition (to this), …, Furthermore, …, What is more, …, Moreover, …, Besides, … Another important aspect is that… It can be argued that, … People argue that… Opponents of this view say… There are people who oppose… Contrary to what most believe…
3. Заключение: All in all, To sum up, In conclusion, In summary, In general; it seems important to add/point out/remind that…, the issue / debate is far from... All in all, I still feel that the benefits of …outweigh the disadvantages. All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages.   3. Заключение: In conclusion, … To conclude/to sum up/to summarize,… All in all, … Finally,... All things considered, … Taking everything into account/consideration, On the whole, … As was previously stated, … So, my point is …

Общие рекомендации по написанию эссе

1. Добавляйте в свое эссе слова, которые выражают вашу точку зрения, ваше мнение, например: in my opinion, as for me, personally, definitely, probably, и так далее. Все это поможет сделать ваше эссе интересным, не «пресным».

2. Разнообразьте свою письменную речь, не пишите предложения совсем простые, используйте наречия частоты (always, never, often, usually, sometimes), прилагательные и усиливающие их слова. Например, пишите при описании еды не просто “Delicious”, а добавьте слово “absolutely” к нему, и получится красивое сочетание “This food is absolutely delicious”. Используйте синонимы для часто употребляемых глаголов, например, вместо глагола “Like” употребите выражение “to be keen on something”, или “to be really into” и к ним также добавьте усиливающие или ослабляющие их слова типа really, quite, very. Например, вместо “I like football”, напишите “I really like football”, “ I quite like football”, или вместо “I am keen on football” можно написать “I am really keen on football”, “I am quite keen on football”.

3. Эссе пишутся в деловом (формальном) стиле, поэтому не допускается использование сокращенных форм I’ve got, I can’t etc., восклицаний What a pity! etc.)

4. Составьте план эссе и стройте свое высказывание в соответствии с планом. Если это эссе «за и против» составьте краткий список преимуществ и недостатков и выделите главные из них, подберите фразы и выражения. Если это эссе «с элементами рассуждения», то составьте список из 2-3 пунктов, по которым вы бы хотели бы высказаться при обсуждении темы, они лягут в основу вашего сочинения.

5. Строго следуйте формату каждого вида эссе. В эссе «за и против» во Вступлении не пишется свое мнение, т.е. нельзя употреблять фразы I think, I believe, In my opinion. Свое мнение выражается только в Заключении, как логический итог сказанному, новые доводы и обоснования не приводятся. В эссе «с элементами рассуждения» свое мнение выражается как во Вступлении, так и в Заключении, однако выражено другими словами. Мнение автора должно совпадать в первом и последнем абзацах, а не противоречить друг другу. Новые доводы и обоснования также не приводятся.

6. Делите текст на абзацы. Каждый параграф включает новую идею или мысль и начинается с ключевого предложения, отражающего его суть. Абзац не может состоять из одного предложения. Обычно Введение и Заключение имеют одинаковый объем и включает два-три предложения.

7. Соблюдайте грамматические правила (правильно употребляйте временные формы, разнообразные грамматические структуры).

8. Проверьте орфографию (правильное написание слов). Посчитайте количество слов, объем эссе 200-250 слов.

Useful expressions and linking words or phrases

Ø Introduction Введение
As a general rule… Как правило…
It is popularly believed that… Считают, что…(В народе говорят, что…)
It is often suggested… Часто предполагают, что…
People often claim that… Люди часто утверждают, что…
A lot of people think that… Много людей думают, что…
Many people are in favor of… Много людей за (что-то)…
Many people are convinced that… Много людей убеждены, что…
We all know that… Мы все знаем, что…
Can you imagine…? Можете себе представить…?
Isn’t it amazing …? Разве не удивительно, (что)…?
Have you ever thought of…? Вы когда-нибудь думали, что…?
Isn’t it strange…? Разве не странно, что…?
There are both advantages and disadvantages… Есть как преимущества, так и недостатки…
There are pros and cons… Есть за и против…
Let’s begin/start with… Давайте начнем с…
Nowadays, we are often told that… В настоящее время, нам часто говорят, что..
There is no doubt that… Несомненно, что …
Over the past few years, there is the opinion that… За последнее время сложилось мнение, что
Are you among those who believe/think/suppose/consider that… А вы среди тех, кто верит, думает, полагает, считает, что…
Why has this issue become so topical/actual/burning? Почему эта проблема стала такой актуальной, злободневной?
The famous person… once said that… Известный человек однажды сказал, что…
There are various facts that support this opinion. Есть разные факты, которые подтверждают это мнение.
Below I will list my reasons/ a couple of examples to support my opinion/point of view. Ниже я приведу список причин/пару примеров в подтверждении своего мнения/точки зрения.
In the following paragraphs I will give some basic reasons/a couple of examples why I think that/this way. В следующих абзацах я приведу основные причины/пару примеров, почему я думаю таким образом.
I base my opinion on the following points. Я основываю свое мнение на следующих пунктах.
From my point of view I think that ….brings us advantages as well as disadvantages. С моей точки зрения я думаю, что (данный вопрос)….имеет как преимущества, так и недостатки.


ü Main body Основная часть
ü to introduce points (advantages): ü предоставить преимущества:
The main/first/most important/greatest advantage of … is that …. Главное/первое/самое важное/значимое преимущество …это…
One/Another/An additional advantage of… Одно/Другое/Еще одно преимущество это...
One point of view in favor of… Одна точка зрения в пользу…
It is often suggested/believed/argued that… Часто полагают/верят/спорят, что…
Some/Many people suggest/feel/argue that… Некоторые/Многие люди предполагают/считают/спорят, что…
The best thing about … is …. Самый главный плюс…это…
ü to introduce points (disadvantages): ü предоставить недостатки:
The main/first/most important/greatest disadvantage/drawback of … is that …. Главный/первый/самый важный/значимый недостаток …это…
One/Another/An additional disadvantage of… Один/Другой/Еще один недостаток - это…
One point/argument against… Один аргумент против…
Some/Many people are against … Некоторые/Многие люди против…
The worst thing about … is …. Самое плохое - это…
ü to list points: ü указать аргументы:
In the first place… На первом месте…
Firstly/First of all… Во-первых,…
To start with/to begin with… Начнем с того, что…
Secondly/Second of all … Во-вторых,
Thirdly/Third of all, … В-третьих, …
Finally, … В конце, …
Last but not least Последнее, но не маловажное…
ü to add more points to the same topic: ü добавить аргументы к той же теме:
In addition (to this), … В дополнении к…
Furthermore, … Кроме того; более того; к тому же, …
What is more, … (И) вдобавок, (и) что ещё важнее, (и) больше того, (и) к тому же, …
Moreover, … Кроме того, больше того, …
Besides, … Кроме того; кроме; сверх того, …
Another important aspect is that… Другой важный аспект-это…
ü to introduce contrasting viewpoints: ü предоставить противоположную точку зрения:
On the other hand, … С другой стороны, …
From the other side, … С другой стороны, …
However, … Однако, тем не менее, несмотря на (э)то
In spite of the fact that, … Несмотря на тот факт, что…
Despite the fact that, … Несмотря на тот факт, что…
While, … Пока, в то время как, …
Nevertheless, … Тем не менее, однако, несмотря на; всё-таки
Even though, … Даже если, хотя, …
Although, … Хотя, несмотря на
It can be argued that, … Можно оспорить, что…
People argue that… Люди спорят, что…
Opponents of this view say… Противная сторона полагает, что…
There are people who oppose… Есть люди, которые возражают…
Contrary to what most believe… Вопреки тому, во что многие верят…
ü to introduce examples/reasons/results: ü предоставить примеры /причины/результаты:
For example/for instance, … Например, …
Such as, … Такой как …
Like, … Как …
In particular, … В частности, …
Therefore, … По этой причине; вследствие этого; поэтому, следовательно, …
For this reason, … По этой причине, …
Because … Потому что …
As… Так как …
Since… Так как …
As a result … В результате …
Thus, … Таким образом, …
Personally, I think/belive that… Лично я считаю /верю, что…


Ø Conclusion Заключение
In conclusion, … В заключении, …
To conclude/to sum up/to summarize,… Чтобы закончить /обобщить/резюмировать
All in all, … В общем, …
Finally,... В конце концов; окончательно; в заключение; в конечном счете …
Lastly, … Наконец, …
All things considered, … Принимая всё во внимание, в конечном счёте, …
Taking everything into account/consideration, … Принимая всё во внимание, …
On the whole, … В общем и целом, в общем …
As was previously stated, … Как было ранее изложено…
All in all, I still feel that the benefits of …outweigh the disadvantages. В общем, я все еще считаю, что преимущества…перевешивают недостатки.
All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages. В общем, я верю, что преимуществ больше, чем недостатков.
So, my point is … Таким образом, моя точка зрения…

Useful expressions for giving opinions

(Полезные фразы для выражения собственного мнения)

I believe/think/feel that … Я верю /думаю/считаю, что…
I strongly believe … Я полностью верю…
In my opinion/view, … По моему мнению…
To my mind По моему мнению …
The way I see it is… Как я это вижу – это…
It seems/appears to me (that) … Кажется, что…
It would seem to me that Мне кажется, что …
From my point of view С моей точки зрения …
I (do not) agree that/with … Я (не) согласен, что (с)…
My opinion is that … По моему мнению, …
As far as I am concerned, … Насколько меня это может интересовать…
As far as I'm able to judge Насколько я могу судить
As I see it Как я это понимаю
I (completely) agree that/with … Я (полностью) согласен, что (с)…
I (strongly) disagree that/with … Я (полностью) несогласен, что (с)…
I am totally against … Я полностью против…
Personally, I think that… Лично я думаю, что …
Frankly, I think… Откровенно говоря, я думаю …
As is known,... Как известно, …
To tell the truth,… Сказать по правде, …
To cut a long story short, … Короче говоря, …
To say nothing of Не говоря уже о, …
To put it mildly, … Мягко выражаясь, …
To say the least of it, … По меньшей мере, …


“For and against” essays are one type of discursive writing in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic. A “For and against” essay should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you present the topic, making a general remark about it without giving your opinion;

b) a main body in which you present the points for and the points against, in separate paragraphs, supporting your arguments with justifications/examples;

c) a conclusion which includes your opinion (e.g. In my opinion/view, I believe/think/consider/suppose) or a balanced summary of the topic.

You must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) in the introduction or the main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final paragraph, where you may state your opinion on the topic.

“For and against” essays are normally written in a formal style; therefore you should avoid using strong language (I know, I am sure, etc.), short sentences, colloquial expressions or idioms.

You can find this type of writing in articles in newspapers, magazines, etc.



Inroduction Paragraph 1 present topic (without stating your opinion) Main Body Paragraph 2 arguments for, with justifications/examples Paragraph 3 arguments against, with justifications/examples Conclusion Final Paragraph your opinion/balanced summary


To attract the reader’s interest and make the beginning or ending of your essay more effective, you can use some of the following writing techniques:

a) address the reader directly e.g. If you take the time to train your dog, it will learn to obey you.

b) include a quotation (i.e. a sentence or phrase taken from a book, play, etc.) when we use a quotation, it is necessary to mention the name of the person who said/wrote it. e.g. as George Orwell wrote, “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

c) include a rhetorical question e.g. Is it true that a dog is man’s best friend?


You should start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence which introduces or summarizes the main topic of the paragraph. The topic sentence should be followed by supporting sentences which justify the argument presented in the topic sentence, by giving examples or reasons. You should use linking words/phrases to present your justifications, such as: first of all, what is more, for example, because, since, in particular, etc.

e.g. Travelling by train has a lot of advantages. (topic sentence)

First of all, it is comfortable as trains are spacious so there is plenty of room to walk about. What is more, trains are convenient. For example, you do not have to take any food or beverages with you, because most trains have a restaurant. Finally, when you travel by train you reach your destination fairly quickly. (supporting sentences)




Opinion essays are discursive essays in which you present your personal opinion on a particular topic. Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by justifications. You should also present the opposing viewpoint(s) in a separate paragraph.

An opinion essay should consist of:

a) an i ntroduction, in which you introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly;

b) a main body, consisting of two or more paragraphs (each presenting a separate viewpoint supported by reasons/examples), including a paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/examples;

c) a conclusion, in which you restate your opinion using different words.

You normally use present tenses in this type of writing, and phrases such as I believe, In my opinion, I think, It seems to me that, I strongly disagree with, etc to express your opinion. You should list your viewpoints with Firstly, Furthermore, Moreover, Also, etc, and introduce the opposing viewpoint using However, On the other hand, etc

Opinion essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore you should avoid using colloquial expressions, short forms or personal examples. You can find this type of writing in the form of an article in newspapers, magazines, etc.

Each main body paragraph should start with a topic sentence which clearly states the main idea of the paragraph. This should be followed by appropriate supporting sentences which justify the main idea and/or give examples.


Inroduction Paragraph 1 introduce the subject and state your opinion clearly Main Body Paragraph 2 first viewpoint and reasons/examples Paragraph 3* second viewpoint and reasons/examples Paragraph 4* opposing viewpoint and reasons/examples Conclusion Final Paragraph restate your opinion, using different words   *the number of paragraphs in the main body depends on the number of viewpoints included


1. Ask and answer each other the following questions:

Student A Student B

1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘food’? 1. Are you fussy (привередливый) or particular about the food you eat?
2. How often do you think about food? 2. Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?
3. Can you eat everything? 3. Do you like fast food and slow food?
4. Can you go without food for a whole day? 4. What do you think about food additives?
5. Do you have to watch what you eat? 5. Do you care where the food you eat comes from?
6. What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner? 6. What national dishes from your country would you recommend to the world?
7. Do you think your country’s food is the best? 7. Do you worry about the rising cost of food?
8. Do you think “you are what you eat”? 8. Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?
9. What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food? 9. What do you think of genetically-modified (GM) food?
10. What kinds of international cuisine do you like? 10. Is your food bill big?

Read Active vocabulary, try to remember

nowadays - these days, today, at the present time, in these times, in this day and age, now, currently, at the moment, at present, at this moment in time; in the present climate, presently

to improve – to make better (улучшать)

specific reasons – конкретные (особые) причины

to support the answer – подтвердить ответ

through the ages – на протяжении веков (Syn.: throughout history)

to undergo changes – подвергаться изменениям

to hunt for food – охотиться, чтобы добыть еду

preprocessed food – полуфабрикаты

however - однако, тем не менее, несмотря на (э)то Syn: nevertheless, but

advantages and disadvantages – преимущества и недостатки (Syn: pros and cons, good and bad things)

peeling - очищать; снимать; сдирать

frankly – откровенно (syn: plainly)

like – как

salary –зарплата (syn: wage)

to taste - пробовать

unfortunately – к несчастью, к сожалению

besides – кроме того (Syn: moreover, furthermore, else)

preservative [prɪ'zæːvətɪv] - консервант

in addition - кроме того; помимо всего прочего (syn: additionally)

disease - illness, sickness

such as – такой как

obesity – ожирение

fatigue - усталость; утомление

a means of eliminating stress and tension – средство избавления от стресса и напряжения

toabuse – злоупотреблять

Read the essay, translate it. Define the type of the essay.

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes, from a period when he hunted for food to the present time, when he buys preprocessed food in the shop centers. Some people say that the fact our food are easier to prepare these days has definitely improved our life. However, other people believe that this change has some negative aspects. In this essay I will list some advantages and disadvantages of such a change.

First of all, when people use preprocessed food it definitely saves time. One does not have to spend much time in the kitchen washing, peeling, cutting and cooking vegetables, etc. All one has to do is just to use a microwave or a stove to warm up ready for use food. Frankly, I think it is a very good benefit. People can more enjoy things they like to do like spending time with the loved ones, exercising, watching TV or walking with a dog.

Second of all, if one has a good salary he can allow himself to go to a restaurant every day. It is a great opportunity to have a fresh cooked meal with excellent service, meet friends and new people. One more reason to have dinner at a restaurant is because one can taste different and delicious food from all over the world from Chinese to Mexican.

However, some people think that preprocessed food has negative aspects. Unfortunately,

preprocessed food has less vitamins and minerals than fresh cooked food. Besides, it has more preservatives and unnatural ingredients that cannot be good for man's health. In addition, the number of diseases such as obesity or fatigue etc. is rising.

In conclusion, I would like to say that cooking is a great tradition. It is a means of eliminating stress and tension. Personally, I believe that people should not forget this tradition and do not abuse fast food.


4. Give synonyms to:

1. nowadays

2. to improve

3. through the ages

4. however

5. advantages and disadvantages

6. frankly

7. salary

8. in addition

9. besides


Express your opinion whether you agree or disagree with the author of the essay. Use useful expressions for giving opinion.


1. Ask and answer each other the following questions:

Student A Student B

1. What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘junk food’? 1. Do lots of people eat junk food in your country?
2. How often do you eat junk food? 2. Does your government educate people about the dangers of junk food?
3. What is it about junk food that is so bad for us? 3. Do you think junk food makers are immoral and should think more about people’s health?
4. Do you think there should be a junk food tax to help pay for people who go to hospital with heart and weight problems? 4. What do you think of people who eat mostly junk food?
5. Why is junk food so delicious? 5. Does junk food or good quality healthy food make you happier?
6. Are parents who feed junk food to their children irresponsible? 6. If you had to choose between a strict vegetarian diet forever or a junk food diet forever, which would you choose?
7. Do you think there’ll be more or less junk food in the future? 7. Why does junk food cost so much?
8. What junk food do you really, really like? 8. What is the definition of junk food?
9. Is the junk food from your country tastier than the junk food from other countries? 9. Is chocolate the most addictive junk food?
10. How can you change your lifestyle to eat less junk food? 10. Do you think people ate junk food hundreds of years ago?

Read Active vocabulary, try to remember

food stands – палатка, ларек, киоск, где продается еда

to skip that step – пропустить этот шаг

toreflect on – раздумывать, размышлять

complicated – зд. тяжелая (пища, еда)

to share – делиться

to be closer – стать ближе

to save some money – сэкономить деньги

time-consuming - отнимающий много времени, связанный с тратой времени; трудоёмкий

to put in order all that mess – приводить в порядок

full and nutritious – сытый и питательный

Read the essay, translate it. Define the type of the essay.

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Man, through the ages, has undergone some changes from the time when he had to hunt for food to these days when he has to buy it. Some people prefer to buy fresh vegetables, meat and fruits and prepare food at home. However, other people prefer to skip that step with cooking and have dinner at a restaurant. I think that both of these choices have some advantages and disadvantages. Below I will give some reasons to support my answer.

Personally, I do not like fast food. So, my choice is always between a restaurant and my home. First of all, I would like to say that cooking is a great tradition. It helps people to relax, reflect on some pleasant moments while peeling or cutting the vegetables. It is a means of eliminating stress and tension. Second of all, sometimes I do not want to have something too complicated for my dinner. I just want to have light food like a salad and a glass of milk. So, one of the reasons why I like to eat at home is because I can have what I want at this moment. One more great thing about eating at home is that I can sit in front of the TV and watch an interesting programme or a movie. Finally, having dinner at home allows a family to communicate with each other, be closer and share some good and bad moments that happened earlier that day. Besides, eating at home is a great way to save some money.

As for restaurants, I see some positive aspects about eating there too. First of all, I sometimes get tired from peeling, cutting, washing, frying, etc. It does not mean I do it a lot. Sometimes I just use the microwave and preprocessed food that I bought earlier. I want to have something more delicious than I have in my refrigerator, something that is time-consuming to prepare at home. So, for me it is a good reason to go to a restaurant. There one may meet old friends or just have a great time listening to music and tasting some delicious dishes.

Also, restaurants are a good place to celebrate something. One does not have to prepare food for all friends who come, wash dish, put in order all that mess after the party, etc.

In conclusion, I think that it is not important where one has one's dinner. What important is that it must be full and nutritious.


4. Translate and give synonyms to:

1. Давайте начнем с…

2. Недостаток

3. Кроме того

4. Несмотря на тот факт, что…

5. Например, …

6. По этой причине, …

7. Так как …

8. В общем, …

9. Принимая всё во внимание, …

10. По моему мнению…


5. Use the linking words/phrases from the list below to fill in the table that follows, as in the example.

In the first place, also, for example, to sum up, moreover, firstly, although, to begin with, all things considered, such as, therefore, on the other hand, however, apart from this, in other words, in particular, for instance, in addition, because, taking everything into account, furthermore, I suppose, nonetheless, while

1. To list points - in the first place,______________________________________________


2. To add more points to the same topic_________________________________________


3. To make contrasting points__________________________________________________


4. To introduce examples/reasons_______________________________________________


5. To conclude_____________________________________________________________




Read Active vocabulary, try to remember

tohesitate - колебаться; сомневаться, не решаться

controversial - спорный, дискуссионный

fee – платёж

to be familiar with – быть знакомым с

for instance – for example

to tend (to believe) – склоняться (верить)

bills – счета

cumbersome ['kʌmbəsəm] furniture - громоздкая мебель

privacy – уединение, частная жизнь

to require more time - требовать больше времени

to maintain a house – сохранять (поддерживать, обслуживать) дом

most likely - вероятно

to hire someone - нанимать кого-л.

to mow my lawn – косить лужайку (газон)

to mention – упоминать

household tasks – дела по дому

Read the essay, translate it. Define the type of the essay.

Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

If I was asked where I would prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building, I think, I would hesitate to answer. This question, from my point of view, is a controversial one. In the following paragraphs I will analyze both these options and present my view.

From the one side, living in a modern apartment building brings many benefits. First of all, it is cheaper than living in a traditional house and paying different kinds of fees I am not familiar with. For instance, my friend, who recently bought a new house for his family, told me that it is much easier to live in an apartment and I tend to believe him when I see his bills. So, living in an apartment will definitely help me to save some money. Second of all, since I live alone I do not need a big house with many rooms. I just need a bedroom and a living room where I can take my guests and have my work place. Another important benefit of living in an apartment is that I will not have to buy much cumbersome furniture in order to furnish all rooms.

However, living in a modern apartment building can have a few disadvantages too. Firstly, it can be noisy and, secondly, I will not have any privacy outside my apartment, for example, in a pool or gym.

From the other side, living in a traditional house has some advantages too. For example, I can have my own pool, gym and a garden where I can relax and be alone. However, living in a house is usually more expensive and requires more time to maintain a house. For instance, I will most likely have to hire someone to mow my lawn and clean my pool not to mention all household tasks inside the house.

In conclusion, I think at this moment I would prefer to live in an apartment. It can help me save some money and allows me to spend more time studying because I will not have to do many household tasks.

3. Underline the correct linking word/phrase

1. Besides/Despite, television affects the way we think.

2. Many people are against/argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market.

3. One point of view against/in favor of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures.

4. Even though/Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.

5. For instance/Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

Guess what it is.

1. disputable, debatable, arguable;

2. large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle;

3. a payment;

4. cleaning the house, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn – all together are called_____;

5. large objects such as tables, chairs, or beds;


Express your opinion whether you agree or disagree with the author of the essay. Use useful expressions for giving opinion.



Read Active vocabulary, try to remember

to consider – рассматривать, считать

cozy – уютный

to make dirty sports – оставлять грязные следы

paws – лапы

since – зд. так как

rather – довольно (syn: quite)

Read the essay, translate it. Define the type of the essay.

What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

My husband and I live in an apartment, which includes a bedroom, living room, bath room and kitchen. We do not have children yet, so our apartment is pretty small but it is cheap and cozy. If I had to choose the most important room in a house I think it would be the living room. In the following paragraphs I will present my reasons to support my answer.

First of all, the living room is the place where we take our guests. It is the main and the biggest room in our apartment and we try to keep it clean and cozy. For example, my husband vacuums it every other day especially when it is wet outside and our dog makes dirty sports on the carpet with its paws after a walk. Second of all, I think that the living room is the most important room in our house because we spend most of our time there watching TV, having our dinner and just talking with each other.

Finally, our living room is a place where we study. Since our apartment is rather small we do not have a room for studying, so I have my table with the computer on it in our living room. I like to study there because the room is perfectly light with the large windows and the beautiful view from them.

My parents have a much bigger house with six rooms, large kitchen and two floors. However, I think that my mother would agree with me that their living room is the most important room in the house. When we visit them we always gather there, lay the table, and have a long talk. My mother makes delicious cakes and aromatic tea. I like those moments.

To sum up, I think many people will agree with me that the living room is the most important room in a house because it is the room where people spend most of their time at home.


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