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Learn the expressions from the wordlist by heart.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A-4: Learned schematic information
  4. Acquisition and learning
  5. Affirmative and negative expressions
  6. Americans can learn something from Ukraine's struggle for liberty







Методические указания

По развитию навыков разговорного английского языка



Часть 1

(3-е издание, изменённое и дополненное)



Новосибирск 2007

Кафедра иностранных языков

‘Getting to Know You. Ч.1’: Методические указания по развитию навыков разговорного английского языка (3-е издание, изменённое и дополненное) / Новосиб. гос. аграр. ун - т.;


Сост.: Г.В.Титова, Е.Ю. Сементовская, Е.Ю. Плешивцева, Н.В. Константинова.



Рецензент: доцент Т.Я. Запорожец

Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 1-го курса очного отделения НГАУ.

Методические указания отличаются практической направленностью на совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе базовых текстов и диалогов по темам: «Семья», «Известные люди Великобритании», «Мой город», «Университет», «Хобби». Кроме того, особое место занимают упражнения и задания для активизации изучаемого материала и развития диалогической и монологической речи.

Методические указания состоят из двух частей. Первая часть включает в себя раздел ‘Classroom English’, 12 текстов и 4 диалога по теме ‘Getting to Know You’, лексические упражнения и заключительное творческое письменное задание. Данное пособие рассчитано на изучение в одном семестре.

Методические указания утверждены и рекомендованы к изданию методической комиссией факультета государственного и муниципальногоуправления (протокол № ___ от _________ 2007 г.)


© Новосибирский государственный аграрный университет, 2007

Classroom English

Translate, learn and use the phrases.

Good morning / afternoon /evening! __________________________

How are you? ____________________________________________

Fine, thanks. Not bad. So-so. Terrible. ________________________

Sorry, I’m late. May I come in? ______________________________

May I go out for a moment, please?___________________________

Excuse me! Can you help me? _______________________________

What’s the English for ‘НГАУ’?_____________________________

How do you spell it? ______________________________________

Sorry? / Could you say that again? ___________________________

What does ‘cool guys’ mean? _______________________________

I don’t understand. ________________________________________

I don’t know. ____________________________________________

I can’t remember. _________________________________________

Is this right? _____________________________________________

Sorry? Which page? _______________________________________

Here you are. ____________________________________________

May I? _________________________________________________

I’m ready. ______________________________________________

I’m not ready today. May I do it next lesson? ___________________

I haven’t finished yet. / I have finished.________________________

May I ask you a question? __________________________________

Shall I read? Where shall I start? ____________________________

Shall I go on? ____________________________________________

Shall I translate? __________________________________________

Just a moment / minute, please. ______________________________

See you on Wednesday! ____________________________________

Have a good weekend / evening / day! ________________________

Same to you. ____________________________________________

Excellent (5) Sp. = орфографическая ошибка

Very good (5-) Gr. = грамматическая ошибка

Good (4) WW = неправильное слово

Satisfactory (3) P. = пунктуационная ошибка

Poor (2) ____ = добавьте слово

Very poor (1) Art. = артикль; Prep. = предлог



Read and translate the articles.

The Carballo family, Argentina

Family members: Juan Carlos, husband, 42; Marta Elizabeth, wife, 35; Maria Pia, daughter, 6; Maria Belen, daughter, 11; Fernando, son, 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Carballo both work as photographers. They are not rich, but could afford to buy a new stereo, a television and a video. They live with one of Mrs. Carballo’s aunts. Sunday afternoon is their favourite time of the week. They all get together round the barbecue to eat, dance and laugh.

Size of family home: 3 rooms in Mrs. Carballo’s aunt’s house.

Working week: husband 30 to 35 hours, wife 40 hours.

Domestic appliances: 1 radio, 1 telephone, 1 television, 1 fridge, 1 video, and 1 stereo.

What they want for the future: a more stable situation in Argentina.

The Ukita family, Japan


Family members: Kazuo, husband, 45; Liyo, wife, 43; Miyo, daughter, 9; Maya, daughter, 6.

Mr. Ukita and Mrs. Ukita and their children have very busy lives. Miyo, the older daughter, dreams of taking part in the Olympic Games. Five days a week she rides her bicycle to the local sports center where she spends two hours swimming in the pool. She also goes to extra classes to prepare for the difficult national exams. This leaves her a little time left for watching television, about an hour a day.

Size of family home: a flat measuring 132 square metres, including a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Working week: husband 40 hours, wife 60 hours (housework).

Domestic appliances: 3 radios, 1 telephone, 1 television, 1 video, 1 microwave oven, 1 computer, and 1 fridge.

What they want for the future: a bigger house with more space.

The Pfitzner family,Germany

Family members: Bernhard, husband, 38; Brigitte, wife, 36; Manuel, son, 7; Christian, son, 4.

Bernhard Pfitzner works as a physiotherapist in a city near Cologne. He works hard, gets home late and is often tired. He would like to be able to spend more time with his sons and dreams of owning a house in the country. Mrs. Pfitzner works hard, too.


Size of family home: a rented flat measuring 83 square metres with four bedrooms, a kitchen, a hallway and a bathroom.

Working week: husband 40 hours, wife 50 hours (housework)

Domestic appliances: 3 radios, 1 radio cassette, 1 television, 1 video, 1 video camera, and 1 fridge.

What they want for the future: a bigger fridge, a house in the country and a cleaner natural environment.

Choose ten words and expressions from the wordlist and learn them by heart.

to dream of … – мечтать о …

to take part in … – принимать участие в …

five days a week – пять дней в неделю

to go to extra classes – ходить на дополнительные занятия

to prepare for the exams – готовиться к экзаменам

an hour a day – час в день

domestic appliances – бытовые приборы

microwave oven – микроволновая печь

fridge – холодильник

to work hard – много работать

to get home late – приходить домой поздно

to be tired – быть уставшим

Make a similar short story about your family and learn it by heart. Use these sentences.

The ____________s family, Russia

My family is my Mum, Dad and a brother/sister.

We all have very busy lives.

Mr. / Mrs. _________ works as a(n) _____________.

My parents work hard, get home late and are often tired.

My Mum / Dad’s working week is ___ hours.

I am a student at the university now. I go to university five days a week and I also take an active part in the students’ club, so I have little time for watching television.

My brother/sister goes to the local sports center / extra classes.

We are (not) rich, but (so) we have a television and a _________.

Our house/ flat is big/small.

We have ___ rooms, a kitchen, a hallway and a bathroom.

Our domestic appliances are 2 radios, 1 telephone, 3 televisions, 1 fridge, 1 video, 1 video camera, 1 microwave oven, 1 computer, and 1 stereo.

Sunday afternoon is our favourite time of the week.

We all get together to chat, eat and ______.

We dream of spending more time together and having a house in the country.

We want a more stable situation in the country, a big house, a clean natural environment for the future.




Read and translate the text about the O’Connells.

Cordelia and Henry O’Connell

Cordelia and Henry are in their late fifties. Cordelia is from a very rich family but she and Henry don’t have a lot of money any more. They have an old house in the country and they’ve lived there for many years. They used to be hippies and they still have a free and easy lifestyle. They’ve travelled a lot and love India and Latin America. Their house is full of things they’ve bought on their travels.

Bob (Cordelia and Henry’s son)

Bob is in his early twenties and he is an ambitious young businessman. He has worked in a bank in London since he left university and he’s now very successful. He makes a lot of money. Bob always has beautiful, rich girlfriends. He has a large luxury flat in the city center. His flat is a financial investment.

Carol (Cordelia and Henry’s daughter)

Carol is a fashion designer and her husband, Justin, is an architect. They’re both in their early thirties. They have a modern house in the city. They’re always looking for new ideas and hate anything traditional. They want to be different from other people. Their friends are designers and artists and they often buy their work. They don’t have children and they don’t want them-children are too untidy!


Learn the words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

late fifties – далеко за пятьдесят

early twenties – слегка за двадцать

to have a lot of money – иметь много денег

used to – были раньше

to leave university – окончить университет

successful – преуспевающий

to make a lot of money – зарабатывать много денег

to look for – искать

to have a flat – иметь квартиру

the city center – центр города


Make a similar short story about your family and learn it by heart. Use these sentences.


______ and ______ are in their late / early ________. They have a house / flat in the country / city and they’ve lived there for _____ years. They have a free / healthy / outdoor / indoor lifestyle.


_______ is ___ years old. He / She goes to school / university / after leaving university works in a _______. He / She makes / has / doesn’t have a lot of money. He / She has / doesn’t have a flat.


I am a first-year student at Novosibirsk State University of Agriculture. I am ___ years old. I live in a house / flat / hostel.


Before reading the text, study the note:


write say
May 2nd 1974 The second of May, nineteen seventy-four May the second, nineteen seventy-four
June 21st 2002 The twenty-first of June, two thousand and two June the twenty-first, two thousand and two
23rd April 1564 The twenty-third ofApril, fifteen sixty-four April the twenty-third, fifteen sixty-four
July 29 th, 1981 The twenty-ninth ofJuly, nineteen eighty-one July the twenty-ninth, nineteen eighty-one
28th October 1967 Thetwenty-eighth of October, nineteen sixty-seven October the twenty-eighth, nineteen sixty-seven
7th September 2007 The seventh of September, two thousand and seven September the seventh, two thousand and seven

Listen and read the text about David Beckham, underline what is different. Then translate the text.

David Robert Joseph Beckham was born in London on May (the) 2nd 1974. He played football for Manchester United and was captain of both Manchester and England. Fans love Beckham and call him the ‘Golden Boy of English Football’. He is also famous for his hairstyles which he changes very often. Now he plays football for Real Madrid.

Beckham is married to Victoria Adams. She was one of the Spice Girls. They have three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruse. They are favourite stars of the British press. The Beckhams used to live in Cheshire (графство Чешир), not too far away from Manchester United’s home ground (стадион спортивного клуба).


Learn the words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

to be born – родиться

to call – называть

to play football – играть в футбол

a fan – фанат

to be famous for – быть известным чем-либо

hairstyle – прическа

to change – менять

to be married to … – быть женатым на …

to have a son / daughter – иметь сына / дочь

to be far away from – находиться далеко от


Answer the following questions:

1. When and where was David Beckham born?

2. What is he famous for?

3. Is he married? What is his wife’s name?

4. How many children has he got? What are their names?


Sum up what the text says about David Beckham.



Listen and read the text about Prince William, underline what is different. Then translate the text.

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis (принц Уильям Артур Филипп Луис) was 20 years old on June 21st 2002. He is a very popular member of the Royal family and looks a lot like his mother, Princess Diana.

Like his father, Prince William went to Eton College, an exclusive boys-only boarding school. He left it in 2000 and then went to Chile to help in a charity project with Raleigh International (Рэлли Интернэшнэл).

After that he studied Art History at St. Andrew’s University in Scotland. The Prince likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing and cycling. After university Prince William joined the army.

The Prince does not want to become King, but one day in the future people will call him King William III (= the third) of England.

Learn the words and expressions in the wordlist by heart.

Art History – искусствоведение

a boarding school – школа-интернат

leave (left – left) – покидать, оставлять, окончить

a charity project – благотворительный проект

exclusive – эксклюзивный, исключительный

to join the army – пойти служить в армию

to look like – быть похожим

rowing – гребля

Royal family – королевская семья

cycling – кататься на велосипеде

Answer the following questions:

1. When was Prince William born?

2. When did he leave school?

3. What did he study at university?

4. What kind of sport does he like?

5. Does he want to become King?


Sum up what the text says about Prince William.


Before reading the text, study the note:

Prepositions (предлоги)

in on at
year: in 1961 date: on July 29, 1981 time: at 9 o’clock
month: in April day: on Monday holiday: at Christmas, at the weekend
century: in the 17th century
season: in (the) summer

Listen, read and translate the text about Princess Diana.

Diana was born in 1961, into a very wealthy and aristocratic family. Her ancestors acquired the title of earl from King Charles I (= the first) in the 17th century. For the next three centuries they felt comfortable at the royal court, holding various positions and bearing various titles.

In 1980 Diana appeared on the world stage as the future bride of Charles, the next king of England. They married on July 29, 1981 in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Even though they had two children, William and Harry, Diana and Charles soon became unhappy together.

Diana was a very modern woman who enjoyed pop music, romantic novels and charity work. Charles enjoyed many different interests, but their age difference and mentalities clashed. After a very public separation in 1989, a n equally public divorce followed in 1996.

As a single woman Diana put all of her energy into her two sons and her charity work.

In 1997 Diana started a romance with Dodi Fayed, son of the owner of Harrods. Soon after that the two were tragically killed in a car crash in Paris. She was a very English Rose, whose early death stunned a nation into silence.


Learn ten words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

to be wealthy – быть богатым

an ancestor – предок

to acquire – получить

to hold a position – занимать пост

to bear various titles – носить различные титулы

a bride – невеста

to enjoy – наслаждаться

age difference – разница в возрасте

mentality – менталитет, процесс мышления

to start a romance with – начать встречаться с

an owner – владелец

to clash – сталкиваться

to stun – повергнуть


Answer the following questions:

1. When was Diana born?

2. When and where did she get married to Prince Charles?

3. How many children did they have? What are their names?

4. What was Diana like?

5. What happened in 1997?


Sum up what the text says about Diana.



Listen, read and translate the text about Julia Roberts.

Since her appearance in the modern version of Cinderella, ‘Pretty Woman’ («Красотка»), she has won the hearts of millions of people all over the world. Tall, slim, with beautiful hair, she is one of the prettiest actresses and brightest stars in Hollywood today. She works with the greatest artists and all her films do very well at the box office.

She was born on 28th October 1967 in a little town called Smyrna, Georgia, the daughter of a vacuum cleaner salesman and a church secretary. Her parents divorced when she was 4. Five years later, when she was only 9, her father died of cancer. Julia was very close to her father so his death devastated her and altered her emotionally.

After high school graduation, Julia moved to New York to her sister’s and enrolled in some acting classes, none of which she ever completed. Her first important role was in 1988 in the film ‘Mystic Pizza’ («Мистическая пицца»), which brought her favourable reviews. Two years later she was nominated for an Oscar as the Best Actress for her role in ‘Pretty Woman’.


Learn ten new words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

slim – стройная

to alter – менять

cancer – рак

Cinderella – золушка

to do well at the box office – быть популярным

emotionally – эмоционально

to devastate – потрясти кого-либо

to enroll in – записаться на

review – рецензия

salesman – продавец

vacuum cleaner – пылесос


Answer the following questions:

1. What do you know about Julia’s parents?

2. How old was Julia when her father died?

3. Did she complete any acting courses?

4. What was her first famous film?


Sum up what the text says about Julia Roberts.



Listen, read and translate the text about William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare was the best and most famous playwright of all time. He was born on 23rd April 1564 in the small town of Stratford. Little is known about his childhood, but there is some evidence to show that he got married when he was 18 and that he had three children. Unfortunately, this is all that history knows about his private life.

Around 1592, Shakespeare moved to London where he started writing. During these early years in London he wrote, among others, such plays as ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, one of the funniest comedies he ever wrote, and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ – a love story set in the beautiful Italian town of Verona. One thing is sure, with these and other plays, Shakespeare became England’s leading playwright.

Shakespeare was a very prolific playwright and full of ideas. Between 1604 – 1605 he wrote the tragedies ‘Macbeth’, ‘King Lear’ and ‘Othello’ which today are considered to be classics. After writing ‘The Tempest’ Shakespeare came back to Stratford where he died on 23rd April 1616, at the age of 52. Although he died so long ago, his works are still read all over the world and are an endless source of inspiration for many contemporary film directors and writers.

Learn ten new words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

classic – классика, классический

contemporary – современный

endless – бесконечный

evidence – основание, доказательство

inspiration – вдохновение

leading – ведущий, главный

playwright – драматург

private – личный, частный

prolific – плодовитый

source – источник

tragedy – трагедия


Answer the following questions:

1. When and where was William Shakespeare born?

2. Was he married? How many children did he have?

3. What plays did he write during his early years in London?

4. What were Shakespeare’s best tragedies?

5. When and where did William Shakespeare die?


Sum up what the text says about William Shakespeare.



Listen, read and translate the text about Tony Blair.

After many years of conservative rule by Margaret Thatcher, the leader of the New Labour Party, Tony Blair, came to power after a landslide election victory. He won the 1997 election and since then has been living at 10 Downing Street, the most famous street in London, where all the British Prime Ministers have lived.

Tony Blair’s father was a barrister and Tony was closely attached to him. When he was only 10, his father had a stroke, which had a great influence on Tony’s later life and his interest in religion.

Tony Blair studied at Oxford and after college he played for a brief moment in a band, called the Ugly Rumours («Уродливые слухи») and took part in drama performances. Soon after, however, he gave all this up and started working in a Labour barrister’s office, where he specialized in employment and industrial law.

Today, Jerry Irvine, the barrister he worked there with, is his close advisor.


Learn the words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

advisor – советник

attached – привязанный

barrister – адвокат

brief – короткий

conservative – консервативный

landslide – блестящая победа (на выборах)

rule – правление

stroke – удар

to give up – бросать что-либо делать

to specialize in – специализироваться в …


Answer the following questions:

1. When did Tony Blair become the Prime Minister?

2. Where does he live?

3. What do you know about his father?

4. Where did he study?

5. What did Tony Blair do after college?


Sum up what the text says about Tony Blair.



Listen, read and translate the text about Jennifer Lopez.

She is the most famous singer of Latin American origin after Gloria Estefan and Ricky Martin. She was born into a Puertorican family and lived in a poor district of New York.

When she was five years old, she started attending dance lessons and decided to continue with this when she got older. She wanted to be an actress, singer, and dancer, when she was sixteen.

She took part in a dance contest, which she won and which opened the doors to the film industry for her. At first she had only small, insignificant roles. Her first important TV series was in 1994 when she appeared in Aaron Spelling’s series ‘Malibu Hotel’. She was liked by the audience but she did not want to be a soap opera star for ever. She dreamed of more ambitious roles.

She has started to sing and, what is more, quite successfully. The critics are often very doubtful about her voice, but the public certainly seem to like her.


Learn the words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

district – район

to attend – посещать (школу)

contest – конкурс, соревнование

critic – критик

insignificant – незначительный

soap opera – мыльная опера

audience – публика

ambitious – честолюбивый

for ever – навсегда

to seem – казаться

Answer the following questions:

1. Where was Jennifer Lopez born?

2. When did she start attending dance lessons?

3. What did Jennifer want to be, when she was sixteen?

4. What opened the doors to the film industry for her?

5. Why did she start to sing? What do the critics say about her voice?


Sum up what the text says about Jennifer Lopez.


Listen, read and translate the dialogue.

J = John, H= Helen

J: Tell me about your family, Helen.

H: I have got a sister Kate, and a brother called Ted. I’ve got one aunt and one uncle. Carla is my mother’s sister and my uncle’s name is Jack. Their daughter, Nancy, is my cousin. I’ve got one cousin.

J: That’s not a very big family.

H: No, but we are all very close. Oh, what’s this?

J: This is a picture of me with my wife Judy and my children. My son’s name is Frank, and my daughter’s name is Joanne.

H: And who’s this?

J: It’s Joanne’s boyfriend, Robert.

H: How old is he?

J: He’s twenty-two.

H: I think I know him from somewhere…

J: You can meet him and the rest of my family tomorrow at our little dinner party. Would you like to come?

H: Yes, that sounds lovely. Thank you.

J: Not at all. See you tomorrow then.

H: All right. See you!


Make a similar dialogue and enact it. Use these ideas.

- Tell me about your family, ______.

- I have got a sister / brother called______. I’ve got one aunt and two uncles. _______ is my mother’s / father’s sister / brother. Their daughter / son is my cousin. I’ve got one cousin.

- That’s not a big family.

- No, but we are very close. Oh, what’s this?

- This is a picture of me with my parents / friends. Their names are ________ and ________.

- And who’s this?

- It’s my boyfriend / girlfriend / cousin / brother, ________.

- How old is he / she?

- He / She’s _________.

- I think I know him / her from somewhere…

- You can meet him / her tomorrow at our dinner party. Would you like to come?

- Yes, that sounds lovely. Thank you.

- Not at all. See you tomorrow then.

- All right. See you!


Listen, read and translate the dialogue.

O = Oleg, B = Bob

O: Where do you live, Bob?

B: In London.

O: Bob, I know that! But which part?

B: Oh, I see. I live in Kensington.

O: Well, do you live in apartment or a house? Oh, you don’t say ‘apartment’ in Britain, do you? You say ‘flat’.

B: That’s right. But it isn’t.

O: It isn’t what?

B: It isn’t a flat. It’s a house.

O: A house?

B: Yes.

O: How big is it? I mean, how many rooms has it got?

B: Well, downstairs there is a small kitchen, a beautiful dining room, and two sitting rooms.

O: Two sitting rooms! And upstairs?

B: Upstairs it’s got two large bedrooms and two small bedrooms.

O: That’s four bedrooms!

B: Mm… and there are two bathrooms, and a toilet. Oh yes, and there’s a toilet downstairs too.

O: Hey! You’ve got a very big house! Has it got a garden?

B: A garden? In Kensington! No, it hasn’t! Have you got a garden?

O: Yes, I have.

B: Oh, you’re lucky.

Make a similar dialogue and enact it. Use these ideas.

- Where do you live, _____?

- In ________.

- Well, do you live in a flat or a house?

- I live in a flat / house.

- How big is it? I mean, how many rooms has it got?

- Well, there is a small kitchen, a beautiful dining room, a sitting room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet.

- Has it got a garden / balcony?

- Yes, it has! / No, it hasn’t! What about you?

- Well,I live in a big / small flat / house in _________. I have (not got) a garden / balcony.

- Oh, I see.


DIALOGUE 3. FRIENDS (Interview with Jade Jagger)


Listen, read and translate the dialogue.

I = Interview; J = Jade Jagger

I: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

J: Sure.

I: First of all where were you born?

J: I was born in London, but I’ve got a dual nationality because my mother’s from Nicaragua.

I: Do you still live in London?

J: No, I’m living in Venezuela now.

I: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

J: Not long. I moved from London with my two daughters, Assisi and Amba, about six months ago.

I: Are you happy there?

J: Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother’s a Spanish speaker and I feel more comfortable in a Latin country.

I: Have you made any new friends?

J: Yeah, I’ve made lots of new friends here. A few English, but my two best friends are Argentinian and Spanish.

I: What do you do for your living?

J: I’m a painter, but I’ve recently started a jewellery business with a friend, and that takes up most of my time. I also do some modeling when I need the cash!

I: And what do you do in your free time?

J: Well, with a business and two young children I don’t have much free time, but I love reading and listening to music.

I: What sort of music do you like?

J: All sorts: pop music and classical.

I: Do you ever listen to the Rolling Stones?

J: No, never, but don’t tell my father.

I: How often do you see your parents?

J: Not very often. My mother’s in New York and my father’s often on tour. But we all love big family get-togethers.

I: You’re obviously travelled a lot. What’s your favourite place in the world?

J: That’s a difficult question because I’ve been to so many amazing places, but I think Brazil is my favourite. The children love it there too.

I: Finally, can I ask one last question – who chose your name?

J: I think my father chose it. My mother wanted me to have a Spanish name.


Learn the words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

dual – двойной

to move – переезжать

outdoor life – светский образ жизни

What do you do for your living? – Чем Вы зарабатываете на жизнь?

cash – наличные деньги

to be on tour – быть на гастролях

family get-togethers – собираться семьей, семейные сборища


Answer the questions.

1. Where was Jade born? 2. Does she still live in London? 3. How long has she been there? 4. Is she happy there? 5. Has Jade made any new friends? 6. What does she do for a living? 7. What does Jade do in her free time? 8. What sort of music does she like? 9. Does she often see her parents? 10. What’s her favourite place in the world? 11. Who chose her name?

Make a similar dialogue and enact it. Use these ideas.

- Could you tell me about yourself?

- Yes, of course.

- Where were you born?

- I was born in ____________.

- Do you still live in ______________?

- Yes, I live and study here. / No, I’m living in Novosibirsk because I am a student now.

- Oh, really? Have you made any new friends at university?

- Yeah, I’ve made a lot of new friends here. One is from Kochenyovo, one is from _________.

- And what do you do in your free time?

- Well, with my studies I don’t have much free time, but I love reading, listening to music and _________.

- Thank you for answering the questions.

- You’re welcome.


Listen, read and translate the dialogue.

A= Annie, G= Grandmother

A: Granny?

G: Yes, my dear?

A: How many brothers and sisters did you have?

G: I had … Now let me see … there was … me, Alice, James, and then Henry – that’s four, isn’t it? Then Robert and Emily, the twins – so that makes two sisters and three brothers.

A: What were they all like? Did they look like you?

G: Well, some did and some didn’t. My sister Alice and I were similar. People used to think we were the twins, but she was two years older than me. We both had fair hair, and when we were young, we used to have lovely ribbons in it. People said I was the pretty one – my sister Alice was so moody, she always looked miserable.

A: Who were you closest to?

G: Ah, my brother James. He was such a kind boy, always smiling, and so gentle. We were inseparable, we went everywhere together.

A: Who did he look like?

G: Well, people said James had my mother’s features; same nose, same mouth, while Henry, who was older, was more like father. Henry had thick, dark hair, but James had fair hair like me, and he used to have a parting down the middle. Henry was quite a plump boy, not fat, but he was always well-built, like Father.

A: What about the twins?

G: They were very plain, I seem to remember. When they were babies, no-one could tell them apart, they were so similar. They both had long faces with high foreheads. Robert was very severe and serious – I was quite afraid of him – but then he was so much older than me, we didn’t have much to do with each other. Robert looked middle-aged before he was twenty.

A: What about your Mummy and Daddy?

G: Ah, Mother was a darling. She used to have her hair in a tight bun, and she looked quite fierce, but she wasn’t really. She had smiling eyes and a heart of gold. Father was a very quiet man; he always looked distant as though he were lost in his own thoughts.

A: What were their names?

G: Daniel and Clare.

Learn ten words and expressions from the wordlist by heart.

twins – близнецы

What’s he like? – Какой он?

similar – похожий

moody – человек настроения

miserable – несчастный

close – близкий

inseparable – неразлучный

features – черты лица

to have fair / dark hair – иметь светлые / темные волосы

parting – пробор

plump – полный

fat – толстый

well-built – крепкий

to tell apart – различать

to have much to do with each other – иметь много общих дел

to look middle-aged – выглядеть как человек средних лет

bun – пучок (волос)

smiling eyes and a heart of gold – веселые глаза и золотое сердце

quiet – тихий, спокойный

distant – отрешенный

to be lost – блуждать

Make a similar dialogue. Use these ideas.

- Masha / Pavel?

- Yes?

- How many brothers and sisters / cousins do you have?

- I have one sister / cousin and three brothers.

- What is your sister / brother like? Does she / he look like you?

- Well, my sister / brother and I are (not) similar. We have attractive / charming / clever faces, high / low / broad / narrow foreheads, fair / dark hair. My sister / brother has my Mum’s / Dad’s features; same nose, same eyes and same mouth. I am always happy but my sister / brother is usually serious / moody.

- Are you close?

- I (don’t) think we are very close. We are inseparable, we go everywhere together. / We don’t have much to do with each other.

- What about your Mummy and Daddy?

- Mum is a darling. She is a very pretty woman. She has smiling eyes and a heart of gold. Dad is a very handsome man; he looks fierce / severe, but he isn’t really.

- What are their names?

- _____ and _______.


Read, translate and complete the text. Make a similar story about yourself and learn it by heart.

Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. My name is __________ or __________ for short. My surname is __________________. I am _____ years old. I was born in 19___ in_______________. It’s my home town (village). So I spent my green years in the country.

I think people must get a good education if they want to get an interesting and highly-paid job. It is my ambition to get higher education. After I finished school, I entered the State University of Agriculture in Novosibirsk. Now I am a first-year student at the Department of _________________. The course of studies lasts five years. I like the course a lot, but it is very hard work. We study many interesting subjects. My favourite subjects are my core ones. They are Higher Mathematics, English and _____________. Twice a week I attend English classes. I am good at English. I hope that after graduating from the university I will manage to find a well-paid job, to make a brilliant career and to achieve a great success in my life.

I make friends easily, so I have a lot of new friends at the university. Also I take an active part in our students’ club (KVN team). I love acting, dancing and singing. I can play the _________ (guitar, piano).

I love sport very much. I go in for_____________ (boxing, athletics, horse-riding, dancing). I have joined the university’s basketball team recently. Our team has already taken part in some competitions and we have won.

Learn the expressions from the wordlist by heart.

to get higher education – получать высшее образование

to enter the University of Agriculture – поступить в аграрный университет

to be a first-year student at the Department of … – быть студентом первого курса … факультета

the course of studies – курс обучения

core subjects – предметы по специальности

to graduate from the university – окончить университет

to find a well-paid job – найти хорошо оплачиваемую работу

to make a brilliant career – сделать блестящую карьеру

to achieve a success – достигать успеха

to make friends – находить друзей

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