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Infinitive Complexes

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  1. Complete the following passage using a Gerund or Infinitive. Use the verbs in the boxes. Retell the text.
  2. Complex Subject with the Infinitive
  3. Ex 516. A. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Infinitives.
  4. Ex. 23. Change the form of the infinitives to refer the situation to the present or future.
  5. Ex. 63. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the oblique mood.
  6. Ex. 94. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the right form of the verb. (All the sentences are supposed to be hypothetical)
  7. Exercise 1. Comment on the form of the infinitive.


1. For the economic growth to continue a whole set of macroeconomic measures needs to be taken.

2. The only way for companies to avoid double taxation was to lower their profits.

3. The tendency was for the exchange rate to be slowly stabilized after the national bank’s interventions.

4. For money to be able to work it must be either invested or deposited in a bank.

5. The tendency was for the inflation rate to be gradually decline.

6. This decision was for her to be made.

7. Their proposal was reasonable enough for the board to consider it in a meeting.

8. He stepped aside for me to pass.

10. The draft constitution will be discussed in the assembly next week where two thirds of the deputies have to agree for it to be adopted.

11. Now the very rumour that a nuclear power station might be build in an area is enough for a public campaign to be mounted against it.

12. The Trade Union spokesman said it was not usual for the discussion to be interrupted for a couple of days for a more detailed consideration.


Complex Object

1. They established what is believed to be a solid system of relationships with trade partners.

2. The employees expected the management of the company to reconsider the terms of the contract.

3. According to recent research, one might expect the purchasing power of the population to be gradually rising.

4. There seems to be at least two scenarios of the government’s actions.

5. This approach may easily be shown to be far more productive.

6. We consider this decision to be the best one.

7. We expect these phenomena to have been investigated.

8. Everybody considers her to be a great organizer.

9. We found that effect to have been unknown.

10. They thought the information to have been published recently.

11. Knowing him to be good at psychology, I asked him to explain this rule.

12. The scientist expected his assistants to obtain some new data.

13. If the Government expected the tenants to take the increase lying down, they were very much mistaken.


Nominative with the infinitive/ Complex Subject

1. The economic laws are known to be universal.

2. The exchange rate policy was developed earlier this year and found to be far from being perfect.

3. The financial crisis appeared to have affected different regions of the world.

4. The new method is believed to have given good results.

5. A new social protection policy is expected to be put into practice already this year.

6. At the end of the year the statistical data will be found to be in line with the projections.

7. The arrival of the technical experts is not likely to change the general picture of the reforms under way.

8. Their attitude to the process of reforms has never been thought to change so radically.

9. There seems to be a misunderstanding as to the approaches used.

10. Their efforts have not been reported to have resulted in substantial changes.

11. Single currency was considered to be a way out.

12. Computers are likely (are certain) to be used in the study of UFO.

13. The system seems to be functioning well.

14. Mankind is sure to have entered the age of automation.

15. Machine languages are known to be low-level languages.

16. She appears to make progress in languages. He is known to study ancient architecture.

Section 7. ARTICLE

Energy fears looming, new survivalists prepare

Convinced the planet's oil supply is dwindling and the world's economies are heading for a crash, some people around the country are moving onto homesteads, learning to live off their land, conserving fuel and, in some cases, stocking up on guns they expect to use to defend themselves and their supplies from desperate crowds of people who didn't prepare. The exact number of people taking such steps is impossible to determine, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the movement has been gaining momentum in the last few years. These energy survivalists are not leading some sort of green revolution meant to save the planet. Many of them believe it is too late for that, seeing signs in soaring fuel and food prices and a faltering U.S. economy, and are largely focused on saving themselves.

Some are doing it quietly, giving few details of their preparations — afraid that revealing such information as the location of their supplies will endanger themselves and their loved ones. They envision a future in which the nation's cities will be filled with hungry, desperate refugees forced to go looking for food, shelter and water. These survivalists believe in "peak oil," the idea that world oil production is set to hit a high point and then decline. Scientists who support idea say the amount of oil produced in the world each year has already or will soon begin a downward slide, even amid increased demand. But many scientists say such a scenario will be avoided as other sources of energy come in to fill the void.

On the PeakOil.com Web site, where upward of 800 people gathered on recent evenings, believers engage in a debate about what kind of world awaits. Some members argue there will be no financial crash, but a slow slide into harder times. Some believe the federal government will respond to the loss of energy security with a clampdown on personal freedoms. Others simply don't trust that the government can maintain basic services in the face of an energy crisis. The powers that be, they've determined, will be largely powerless to stop what is to come.


Peter Laskowski stacks firewood at his remote home in Waitsfield. Living in a woodsy area outside of Montpelier, Vt., the 57-year-old retiree has become the local constable and a deputy sheriff for his county, as well as an emergency medical technician. "I decided there was nothing like getting the training myself to deal with insurrections, if that's a possibility," said the former executive recruiter. Laskowski is taking steps similar to environmentalists: conserving fuel, consuming less, studying global warming, and relying on local produce and craftsmen. Laskowski is powering his home with solar panels and is raising fish, geese, ducks and sheep. He has planted apple and pear trees and is growing lettuce, spinach and corn. Whenever possible, he uses his bicycle to get into town. "I remember the oil crisis in '73; I remember waiting in line for gas," Laskowski said.


A few years ago, Kathleen Breault was just another suburban grandma, driving countless hours every week, stopping for lunch at McDonald's, buying clothes at the mall, watching TV in the evenings.That was before Breault heard an author talk about the bleak future of the world's oil supply. Now, she's preparing for the world as we know it to disappear. Breault cut her driving time in half. She switched to a diet of locally grown foods near her upstate New York home and lost 70 pounds. She sliced up her credit cards, banished her television and swore off plane travel. She began relying on a wood-burning stove."I was panic-stricken," the 50-year-old recalled, her voice shaking. "Devastated. Depressed. Breault said she hopes to someday band together with her neighbors to form a self-sufficient community. Women will always be having babies, she notes, and she imagines her skills as a midwife will always be in demand. For now, she is readying for the more immediate work ahead: There's a root cellar to dig, fruit trees and vegetable plots to plant.


Lynn-Marie believes cities could see a rise in violence as early as 2012. Lynn-Marie asked to be identified by her first name to protect her homestead in rural western Idaho. Determined to guard themselves from potentially harsh times ahead, Lynn-Marie and her husband have already planted an orchard of about 40 trees and built a greenhouse on their 7 1/2 acres. They have built their own irrigation system. They've begun to raise chickens and pigs, and they've learned to slaughter them.The couple have gotten rid of their TV and instead have been reading dusty old books published in their grandparents' era, books that explain the simpler lifestyle they are trying to revive. Lynn-Marie has been teaching herself how to make soap. Her husband, concerned about one day being unable to get medications, has been training to become an herbalist.By 2012, they expect to power their property with solar panels, and produce their own meat, milk and vegetables. When things start to fall apart, they expect their children and grandchildren will come back home and help them work the land.






1. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

2. If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?

3. A big black bug-bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

4. Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

5. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

6. Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye. lf cows could fly I'd have a cow pie in my eye

7. Four furious friends fought for the phone.

8. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

9. When I was in Arkansas I saw a saw that could outsaw any other saw I ever saw. If you've got a saw that can outsaw the saw I saw then I'd like to see your saw.

10. Luke's duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke's duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.


Section 2. LISTENING

Fake trees turn Christmas on its head (upright trees or upside-down trees?)

Upside-down Christmas trees are turning the holiday on its head. Hammacher Schlemmer can't even keep its $599.95 model in stock. It's already sold out. Joe Jamrosz of Hammacher Schlemmer says "We increased the amount we ordered from last year, but ended up selling all of them already," The artificial trees are hung from the wall or ceiling, or come with a weighted base to provide extra stability to prevent tipping and leaning. "Many of the people have been using them as their second tree. A novelty," "They also find the bigger gifts don't fit under a traditional tree."


Sheryl Karas, author of «The History, Folklore and Origins of the Christmas Tree», isn't quite sure what's going on with the resurgence of upside-down trees, a 12th-century tradition in Central Europe. She doesn't want to put a damper on the holidays, but she suspects "there's something sinister, almost bad, about it." "It's a pagan thing. If they thought about it, they wouldn't turn it upside down." But not everyone is head over heels about the trend. Tree Classics Inc., claims to be the top seller of artificial Christmas trees on the Internet - up 30% this year alone - but not a one of them is upside down. "That tree makes no sense to me whatsoever," says Tree Classics Inc., president Leon Gamze, who sells 59 styles of upright trees. "I just look at them and laugh."

Section 3. RESP O NSE RATE

Переведите следующие словосочетания с максимально возможной скоростью

1A. Current account – положительное сальдо – consumption tax – повыситься на 2% – interest rate – слияние – to salvage from failure – согласованное предложение – domestic demand – фондовая биржа – to tighten credit – контролировать инфляцию – come up with a loan deal – подорванная/рухнувшая экономика - merchant bank – меньшая доля участия в капитале – American depository receipt – добиться большей огласки – be paying off – контролирующий банк – bid high price for smth - крупный акционер – to pay off a mortgage – прибыль до уплаты налогов – stake in – начать, ворваться – to revive a tad/a bit – из грязи в князи


1B. Текущий баланс – surplus – налог на потребление – soar (up) by 2 % – процентные ставки- merger - спасти от краха – agreed bid – внутренний спрос – stock market – ужесточить условия выдачи кредита – to keep the inflation in check/ to subdue the inflation – предложить ссуду –wrecked economy - коммерческий банк – minority stake – американская депозитарная расписка (ADR) – to raise a profile – окупиться/принести выгоду – parent bank – предлагать хорошую сумму/ участвовать в торгах - principal shareholder – выкупить закладную (ипотеку) – pre-tax profits – доля участия в деле – kick in – немного улучшиться – rags-to-riches




1. Japan's current-account surplus soared by 56% to ¥1.02 trillion ($8.91 billion), as exports continued to grow while domestic demand was weak. Over the first six months, the surplus rose by 40%, to¥5.05 trillion, bringing the surplus close to 2.5% of GDP. The Tokyo stockmarket had its biggest one-day fall this year on worries about the state of the economy. The IMF urged Japan to tighten credit as soon as the adverse effects of April's increase in consumption tax have faded.

2. The Bundesbank gave warning in its monthly report that it would be prepared to raise interest rates in order to keep inflation in check. But it left the repo rate unchanged at 3% for another week.

3. Inflation in America remains subdued. Consumer prices rose by 2.2% the year to July, down on June's figure.

4. The IMF and, in a show of solidarity, a range of Asian countries led by Japan, came up with a $16 billion loan deal to help Thailand salvage its wrecked economy.

5. India picked six merchant banks to lead-manage the sale of minority stakes, likely to total more than $1 billion, in two public firms. Coordinating the issue of global depositary receipts by Gas Authority of India, the country's main natural-gas supplier, will be BZW, Morgan Stanley and Robert Fleming/Jardine Fleming. Goldman Sachs, HSBS and Merrill Lynch will handle the issue of Mahanager Telephone Nigam, which controls local calls in Delhi.

6. Credit Suisse Group, Switzerland's biggest bank, made an agreed bid of SFr 14.3 billion ($9.4 billion) for Winterthur Group, one of Switzerland's biggest insurers. Behind the "merger," as both sides see it, is the hope of raising the profile of bank assurance — the selling of insurance through bank branches — in the country. Martin Ebner, whose belief in shareholder activism famously made him a thorn in the side of UBS, recently became Winterthur's biggest shareholder, but the two groups say the merger is not a defensive move.

7. Swiss Bank Corporation's purchase of S.G.Warburg seems to be paying off. The formerly British merchant bank contributed the bulk of its parent's first-half profits for the first time, for overall (total) earnings of SFr l.33 billion ($924 m), an 84% increase.

8. General Dynamics, maker of the Abrams tank and warships, bid $1 billion for United Defense. If the offer succeeds America will be left with only one major manufacturer of armoured vehicles (tanks).

Problems at ВНР, Australia's largest company and the world's second-largest copper producer, came to a head. The boss of its Petroleum unit quit — the third top executive to leave — and the share price plunged.

10. Wayne Huizenga's acquisitive Republic Industries, which has grabbed several American car-hire businesses recently, is heading for Europe withan agreement to buy EuroDollar, which operates mainly in Britain, for £ 95m($150m). In London, EuroDollar's share price rose 60%.

11. Pre-tax profits at Incentive, controlled by the Wallenberg family, rose to €11.7 billion in the first half compared with €2 billion a year earlier as income from several sales — notably half its stake in ABB engineering - kicked in. Incentive has shifted attention from investment to medical technology and health care; now it is to spin off (get rid of) Munters maker of equipment to control air humidity that has annual sales of €2 billion. Shares in Incentive jumped.

12. Shares in Reader's Digest Association, which have almost halved this year, revived a tad after the chairman and chief executive, James Schadt, quit. The company has failed to attract younger readers to its monthly magazine.

13. Nicky Oppenheimer, a cricket-loving scion (heir) of the family behind De Beers, became chairman of the diamond firm in place of Ogilvie Thompson. De Beers announced disappointing interim results at the same time.

14. In the latest attack on those involved in the film industry scandal, India's rags-to-riches music baron, 41-year old Gulshan Kumar, was shot dead outside a temple, prompting the prime minister to praise his contribution to the film-music business.




Россия остановит атомные энергоблоки   В начале третьего тысячелетия Рос­сия намерена остановить все атомные энергоблоки первого поколения. Об этом заявил на встрече с журналистами в Па­риже генеральный директор Всероссий­ского научно-исследовательского инсти­тута по эксплуатации АЭС Армен Абагян. По его словам, на девяти российских атомных электростанциях сейчас дейст­вуют в общей сложности 29 энергоблоков. 12 из них относятся к первому поколе­нию, то есть были построены около 25 лет назад. Все они после 2000 года будут оста­новлены, а затем демонтированы. Переводческие решения 1-... Россия намерена остановить все атомные блоки первого поколения... 2.... на девяти российских атомных электростанциях сейчас действуют в общей сложности 29 энергоблоков... ... а затем демонтированы... Nuclear plant in Russia to be de-commissioned Atthe beginning of the third millen­nium Russia intends de-commissioning all first-generation nuclear power plants. This was announced in Paris to journalists by Armen Abagyan, Director General of the All-Russian Research Institute for the Maintenance of Nuclear Power Stations. According to his statement, nine of Rus­sia's Nuclear Power Stations are currently operating a total of 29 power units, of which twelve are of the first generation, i.e., were built about 25 years ago. After the year 2000 they will all be de­commissioned and eventually dismantled. Translator's Decisions 1.... Russia intends de-commissioning all first-generation nuclear power plants 2.... nine of Russia's nuclear power stations are currently operating a total of 29 power units... ... and eventually dismantled...
Ловись, рыбка... Российско-японские отношения чуть было не дали трещину, когда российская береговая охрана задержала два японских рыболовных траулера в проливе Лаперу-за, между северным японским островом Хоккайдо и российским Сахалином. Японские официальные представите­ли согласились с заявлением России о том, что траулеры находились вроссийских территориальных водах; капитан одного судна был ранен и отправлен в сахалин­ский военный госпиталь. По утверждению российских властей, всего было обнаруже­но 10 японских кораблей-нарушителей Это уже шестой за текущий год инци­дент, во время которых были ранены три японских рыбака.   В наши дни японская рыболовецкая промышленность испытывает сильное коммерческое давление—это-то и толкну­ло капитанов траулеров на заход в спор­ные воды. Поиск японскими траулерами новых рыболовецких территорий вновь возродил спор о территориальной принад­лежности Курил, омываемых богатыми рыбой водами. Россия усиленно охраняет свою 12-мильную пограничную зону и требует от Японии платы за право рыболовства в зоне спорных островов. Fishy Relations Russo-Japanese relations nearly cracked when coast-guards detained two Japanese trawlers in the La Perouse Strait between Hokkaido, the most northerly Japanese island, and the Russian island of Sakhalin. Japanese officials agreed with the statement made by Russia, which said that the trawlers had really been in Rus­sia's territorial waters. The captain of one of the vessels had been wounded and was sent to the military hospital on Sakhalin, according to the Russian authorities the number of Japanese vessels, which had violated Russia's waters, was ten. This is already the sixth incident this year in which a total of three Japanese fishermen have been wounded.   These days the Japanese fishing in­dustry is experiencing strong commercial pressure and it is this fact that has pushed the trawler captains to enter dis­puted waters. The search by Japanese trawlers for new fishing grounds has re­vived the dispute about who owns the Kuril islands and their fish-rich waters. Russia strenuously guards its 12-mile limits, and is demanding that Japan should pay for the right to fish in the zone of the disputed islands.    
Беспорядкив Бурунди Премьер Бурунди вынужден был в субботу прервать свою поездку по опусто­шенным пригородам столицы страны по­сле того, как рядом с его машиной и сле­довавшими за ним автомобилями разда­лись выстрелы. Однако премьер и его спутники в ходе поездки все же успели увидеть изрешеченные пулями и осколка­ми гранат жилые дома и десятки трупов на улицах. Все это явилось следствием кровавых столкновений, происходивших в последние дни между представителями народностей тутси и хуту, подобно тем, что были год назад в соседней Руанде. Переводческие решения 1.... прервать свою поездку... 2.... спутники... 3.... изрешеченные пулями...   Unrestin Burundi The Burundian Premier had to sus­pend his trip, on Saturday, around the devastated suburbs of the country's capi­tal after shots had been heard near his car and those following him. Nonetheless, the Premier and his companions still managed to see the houses riddled with bullets and granada fragments as well as dozens of corpses in the streets. All this was a con­sequence of bloody clashes which had re­cently taken place between the Tutsi and Hutu peoples, similar to those which had occurred a year ago in neighboring Rwanda. Translator's Decisions 1.... to suspend his trip... 2.... companions... 3.... riddled with bullets...  




Attribute   The girl writing this test is our groupmate. The method developed made it possible to achieve good results.
Adverbial modifier (Part. alone or Part. Constr) Written, the textbook was handed to the editor. Turning (slowly), she went to her room.
Part of participle   Не has become a research worker. He seemed tired, but kept working. Attached to the articles are tables and graphs He has been reading it since 12 o'clock.
Conjunction and preposition Provided, granted –если, допустим, предположим,что Given – при наличии, учитывая Regarding, considering, respecting –относительно Failing good will – при отсутствии доброй воли Seeing – принимая во внимание, поскольку
Parenthesis Summing up, we must point out the following issues



  1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is diffi­cult to memorize words.
  2. Frozen, water becomes ice.
  3. The method used depended on the material selected.
  4. In England the weight of luggage allowed varies with different railways.
  5. Having been written, the translation was given to the teacher.
  6. When read, this novel will be returned to the library.
  7. Having been written, the letter was posted.
  8. This much-praised man proved to be a rogue.
  9. The man was picked up in an almost dying state.
  10. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken.
  11. There was only one question before him asking whether or not he accepts the terms offered.
  12. Asked if the unification of the currencies is going to take place already this year, the Central bank governor did not give a straight-forward reply.
  13. The issues touched upon in the report are of great importance.
  14. The lecture followed by discussion was a great success.
  15. Considering the increase in import prices the volume decrease was considerably greater.
  16. Given good will on the part of other states this proposal of our country could be carried into effect without any further delay.
  17. Objections to this plan, supposing there is any, should be reported to the committee at once.


  1. Objective participle construction
  2. Subjective participle construction
  3. Absolute participle construction
  4. Non-absolute participle construction



1. We saw the engines (being) carefully packed

2. The people watched the firemen climbing the tallest tower in the city

3. I had my coat altered.

4. We must treat this as a national emergency issue and must get this decision reversed.

5. Over the famous “non-proliferation” draft, harmony is to be expected – and a powerful attempt to get it signed by many nations.

6. They wanted a Government freely chosen by the will of the people.

7. During the work-to-rule campaign many saw their efforts wasted because some were induced to work several hours.

8. My friend has just had a telephone installed in his office.

9. He turned and saw a pair of large dark eyes looking at 1 through the window of the cab.

10. He could feel himself turning red.

11. She glanced up to see the door slowly opening.




1. The car was seen moving fast along the street.

2. Through the open window a piano was heard being played.

3. He is in hospital and his condition is reported as being very serious.

4. A score of young heads were seen peering out of the narrow window.

5. When the car was heard approaching, the people fled any­where to avoid the police.

6. In his novel she is shown doing a lot for other people.

7. Soon she may have found the note because she was seen look­ing through the magazine.

8. When I rang the bell, a dog could be heard barking in the hall.

9. In his talk with my father the visitor was heard mentioning some accident.

10. She was seen listening to him trying to catch every word.


Interview with Nelson Mandela

Q: Ваше посещение Организации Объединенных Наций совпа­ло с новым проявлением антагонизма между развивающимися и развитыми странами. Почему?

A: The United Nations should be restructured so as to reflect the main forms of civilization in the world. And there should be no monopoly by the Western powers on the permanent seats at the Security Council. The developing countries are also saying that we must examine distribution of resources; it is hunger, poverty and disease that make people rebel. At the same time, we must not dismiss the Western powers' concerns — they carry the financial burden of the UN.

О: Кто-то считает, что в США расовые проблемы значительно серьезнее, чем в ЮАР. Правда ли это?

A: Totally untrue. What made apartheid a crime against humanity is that the racism was entrenched in the Constitution and the laws of our country. That was never the case in the United States. At least the Constitution prohibited outlawed racism. It is a vast difference. You do find racism, but there is a vast difference, no doubt.

Q: Чтобы вы ответили своим оппонентам, которые говорят, что правительство черного большинства не выполнило предвыборных обещаний?

A: In many meetings before the last elections I made it clear that I want to better the lives of our people by creating jobs and building houses and schools and hospitals, introducing electricity and clean water, constructing roads. But we warned that to carry out this program would take some years. In the last we have done far more than the Nationalist Party did in 45 years of its rule. But the people have forgotten that. They want houses. They want jobs. We go to them and remind them of our achievements.

I have gone to the private sector and they are helping now. But it requires a great deal of work on the ground, and patience and time. So we are working on it.




Situation Formal Relaxed Informal
1. You are talking to a friend. You are about to say some­thing important and you ad­vise your friend to write down: Please take down what I am saying I'd take a note of this Jot this down
2. A friend leaves the room and doesn't close the door. You are angry about this: Please remember to close the door next time Pull the door to next time   Were you born in a barn, or what?
3. Money has been disappear­ing from the office. You wan t the person responsible to admit his/her guilt: I would like the culprit to openly declare his o her guilt. I'd like the person respon­sible to own up Just come clean
4. You are describing how the president verbally attacked you: She launched a tirade of verbal abuse against me   She really let me have it She ripped me to pieces
5. A friend of yours is very handsome and attracts many women: Women find him very charming He's really popular with the ladies   He’s a bit of a hit with the girls
6. A friend is going to a meeting with the presi­dent. The president is a very aggressive woman and you are sure there will be a lot of shouting: She will deal with you in a very violent manner   You won't be any match for her   She'll have you for break­fast; she'll have your guts for garters; she'll make mincemeat of you
7. You are describing to a friend how your football team lost five games, one after the other: We lost five games con­secutively We lost five games in a row   We lost five games on the trot; we lost five games on the bounce
8. You tell an acquaintance to be serious and to stop joking around I would appreciate it if you would recognize the gravity of the situation and would take it seriously This is serious, can you please stop joking? Come on, man, don’t be such a goober, this shit is for serious.

1. “My mate can be really thick sometimes. He stopped to get some fags and left the car open. He talked to the bird in the shop for about five minutes, and some guy nicked his stereo and two hundred quid from the car. Then he called the cops - but what can they do?”



2. “Bob is a great guy. He never blows his stack. He hardly ever flies off his handle. Well, of course, he is actually getting on, too. But he always knows how to make up for the lost time by taking it easy. He gets up early, works out, and turns in early. He knows how to get away with things. Bob’s got it made. This is it for him. He is a cool cat.”


Section 9. ARTICLE

Where have all the real men gone? © Kathleen Parker

Top American columnist Kathleen Parker is causing a furore with her new book Save the Males, in which she argues that feminism has neutered men and deprived them of their noble, protective role in society


Saving the males is an unlikely vocation for a 21st-century woman. Most men don’t know they need saving; most women consider the idea absurd: “Are you out of your mind? This is still a male-dominated world. It’s women who need saving. Screw the men!”. The reality is that men already have been screwed. For the past 30 years or so, males have been under siege by a culture that too often embraces the notion that men are to blame for all of life’s ills. While women are cast as victims, martyrs, mystics or saints, men are variously portrayed as dolts, bullies, brutes, deadbeats, rapists, sexual predators and wife-beaters. One would assume from most depictions that the smart, decent man who cares about his family and pats the neighbour’s dog is the exception rather than the rule.At the same time that men have been ridiculed, the importance of fatherhood has been diminished, along with other traditionally male roles of father, protector and provider, which are increasingly viewed as regressive manifestations of an outmoded patriarchy. If a woman gets pregnant, she can abort – even without her husband’s consent. If she chooses to have the child, she gets a baby and the man gets an invoice.


In the high-tech nursery of sperm donation and self-insemination – and in the absence of shame attached to unwed motherhood – babies can now be custom-ordered without the muss and fuss of human intimacy.By elevating single motherhood from an unfortunate consequence of poor planning to a sophisticated act of self-fulfilment, we have helped to fashion a world in which fathers are not just scarce but in which men are also superfluous. Lots of women can, do and always will raise children without fathers, whether out of necessity, tragedy or other circumstance. But that fact can’t logically be construed to mean that children don’t need a father. The fact that some children manage with just one parent is no more an endorsement of single parenthood than driving with a flat tyre is an argument for three-wheeled cars. Sperm-donor children are a relatively new addition to the human community and they bring new stories to the campfire. I interviewed several adults who are the products of sperm donation. Some were born to married but infertile couples. Others were born to single mothers. Some reported well-adjusted childhoods; some reported conflicting feelings of love and loss. Overall, a common thread emerged that should put to rest any notion that fathers are not needed: even the happiest donor children expressed a profound need to know who their father is, to know that other part of themselves.


Miriam Grossman, a university psychiatrist, wrote Unprotected, a book about the consequences of casual sex among students. She has treated thousands of young men and women suffering a range of physical and emotional problems related to sex, which she blames on sex education of recent years that treats sex as though it were divorced from emotional attachment and as if men and women were the same. Grossman asserts that there are a lot more victims of the hookup (casual sex) culture than of date rape.

Casual sex, besides being emotionally unrewarding, can become physically boring. Once sex is stripped of meaning, it becomes merely a mechanical exercise. Since the hookup generation is also the porn generation, many have taken their performance cues from porn flicks that are anything but sensual or caring. Our cultural assumption that men only want sex has been as damaging to them as to the women they target. Ultimately, what our oversexualised, pornified culture reveals is that we think very little of our male family members. Undergirding the culture that feminism has helped to craft is a presumption that men are without honour and integrity. What we offer men is cheap, dirty, sleazy, manipulative sensation. What we expect from them is boorish, simian behaviour that ratifies the antimale sentiment that runs through the culture. Surely our boys – and our girls – deserve better.


In the coming years we will need men who are not confused about their responsibilities. We need boys who have acquired the virtues of honour, courage, valour and loyalty. We need women willing to let men be men – and boys be boys. And we need young men and women who will commit and marry and raise children in stable homes. Unprogressive though it sounds, the world in which we live requires no less.

Saving the males – engaging their nobility and recognising their unique strengths – will ultimately benefit women and children, too. Fewer will live in poverty; fewer boys will fail in schools and wind up in jail; fewer girls will get pregnant or suffer emotional damage from too early sex with uncaring boys. Fewer young men and women will suffer loneliness and loss because they’ve grown up in a climate of sexual hostility that casts the opposite sex as either villain or victim. Then again, maybe I’m completely wrong. Maybe males don’t need saving and women are never happier or more liberated than when dancing with a stripper pole. Maybe women should man the barricades and men should warm the milk. Maybe men are not necessary and women can manage just fine without them. Maybe human nature has been nurtured into submission and males and females are completely interchangeable.

But I don’t think so. When women say, “No, honey, you stay in bed. I’ll go see what that noise is” – I’ll reconsider.




Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 308 | Нарушение авторских прав

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