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Appendix 1
Ukrainian letter | English letter | Note | Example |
А | А | - | Алушта - Alushta |
Б | B | - | Борщагівка - Borschahivka |
В | V | - | Вишгород - Vyshhorod |
Г | H, gh | Н-in most cases, gh - when recreating the combination “зг” | Гадяч - Hadiach; Згорани - Zghorany |
Ґ | G | - | Ґалаґан - Galagan |
Д | D | - | Дон - Don |
Е | E | - | Рівне - Rivne |
Є | Ye, ie | Ye - at the beginning of words, іе - in other positions | Єнакієве - Yenakiieve; Наєнко - Naienko |
Ж | Zh | - | Житомир - Zhytomyr |
З | Z | - | Закарпаття - Zakarpattia |
И | Y | - | Медвин - Medvyn |
I | I | - | Iршава - Irshava |
Ї | I | Yi - at the beginning of words, і - in other positions | Їжакевич - Yizhakevych; Кадіївка - Kadiivka |
Й | Y, i | Y - at the beginning of words, і - in other positions | Йосипівка - Yosypivka; Стрий - Stryi |
К | K | - | Київ - Kyiv |
Л | L | - | Лебедин - Lebedyn |
М | M | - | Миколаїв - Mykolaiv |
Н | N | - | Ніжин - Nizhin |
О | O | - | Одеса - Odesa |
П | P | - | Полтава - Poltava |
Р | R | - | Ромни - Romny |
С | S | - | Суми - Sumy |
Т | T | - | Тетерів - Teteriv |
У | U | - | Ужгород - Uzhhorod |
Ф | F | - | Фастів - Fastiv |
Х | Kh | - | Харків - Kharkiv |
Ц | Ts | - | Біла Церква - Bila Tserkva |
Ч | Ch | - | Чернівці - Chernivtsi |
Ш | Sh | - | Шостка - Shostka |
Щ | Sch | - | Гоща -Hoscha |
Ь | ’ | Русь - Rus’; Львів - L’viv | |
Ю | Yu, iu | Yu - at the beginning of words, iu - in other positions | Юрій - Yurii; Крюківка - Krukivka |
Я | Ya, ia | Ya - at the beginning of words, іа - in other positions | Яготин - Yahotyn; Iчня - Ichnia |
’ (apostrophe) | Знам’янка - Znamianka |
I i
[i] | pig, spirit, itchy, riddle, since, thin, tick, pink, limited, insect |
[ai] | pine, kite, isolated, item, kind, mind, find, white, wise |
A a
[æ] | cat, fantastic, bag, black, flag, has, grammar, bank, rabbit |
[ei] | cake, plate, Jane, brave, race, way, radio, state, stage |
[a:] | garden, classroom, father, carpet, start, grass, pass, hard, rather |
[o:] | all, ball, wall, walk, call, crawl |
О о
[ ![]() | dog, shop, not, Tom, box, drop, clock, bottle, bottom, wrong |
[ou] | stove, rose, sofa, no, toad, coat, window, robot, toast |
E e
[e] | pen, length, yes, hen, nest, well, guest, regular, temper, tender |
U u
[ʌ] | cup, bus, such, summer, fun, junk, jump, drunk, jungle, lunch |
[u] | book, took, good, wood |
[u:] | spoon, tooth, cool, proof, too, tool |
[i:] | street, tree, three, green, free, week, keep, sweep |
[ei] | [æ] | [e] | [ai] | [u] | [ə] | [ ![]() | [ ![]() | [t ![]() | |||||||||||||
name eight away stake steak stage | have has black stand splash matter | friend bread deaf death steady leisure | tie right night fight sight pike | put foot sugar would could | under October colour winter lawer | other colour cut enough tongue | other they thus with weather | picture structure literature texture mixture | |||||||||||||
[a:] | [ ![]() | [ə:] | [æ] | [d3] | |||||||||||||||||
craft laugh army bravo | mother brother other cousin | worker third her surfice | family Ann captain battle | Jane John journalist junior | |||||||||||||||||
[Ө] | [ai] | [ou] | [ ![]() | [ ![]() | [εə] | ||||||||||||||||
fifth twelfth thick thief truth | nice buy write tie type | window yellow coat slow crow | door launch four your water | shut cut blood custom one | their hair fare fair bear | ||||||||||||||||
[ə:] | [i:] | [εə] | [ou] | [au] | [u:] | ||||||||||||||||
learn shirt curtain person surgeon | read teacher beach beetle weak | their there where parents vary | go no wrote though progress | now down how cow | do who through screw crew | ||||||||||||||||
[ou] | [ei] | [ə:] | [ ![]() | [i:] | [ ![]() | [aiə] | |||||||||||||||
home stove whole stone snow | play day break trade trail | thirteen third shirt skirt burgler | ball law course warm worm | sleep week weak season | without there therefore | dialogue pioneer quiet prior triumph | |||||||||||||||
Appendix 2
Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 82 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Use the vocabulary of the texts A, B, C and your own experience to write about your country or the place where you live. | | | GRAMMAR REFERENCE SECTION |