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Quiz. Test yourself. The first letter is given.

Читайте также:
  1. A Chronology of the First Age
  3. A CV and a Letter of Application Stage I
  5. A Letter of Application
  6. A Personal Letter (2) Stage 1
  7. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.

1. When water falls in small frozen crystals, it's called s ____________.

2. When the snow begins to melt, it's called s ______________.

3. If the slush freezes again and becomes hard and solid, it's called i ________.

4. The combination of rain and snow is known as s _________.

5. Small round lumps that fall during a thunderstorm are called h ________.

6. The water forming on the leaves and flowers is d _______in warm weather.

7. The same in cold weather is f _________.

8. The water united into a liquid body which is relatively motionless may be a p ________, a p _________, a l _______, a s ______, or even an o ______.

9. While the water moves, it may be a b _______, a c _______ or s _______, or a river.

10. When water comes out of the tap, it is just p _______ water.

Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.

§ Is life on Earth possible without water? Why?

§ What are the main characteristics of water?

§ Where does water occur?

§ What is the composition of water?

§ What is hydrogen?

§ What is oxygen?

§ How does water change with temperature?

§ What is evaporation?

2. Read the text «What is Water» and find out whose ideas were closest to the facts.

What is Water?

When scientists wonder whether there is life on other planets, they often ask this question: "Is there water there?" Life as we know it would be impossible without water.


Water is a tasteless, odorless, colorless compound that makes up a large proportion of all living things. It occurs everywhere in the soil, and exists in varying amounts in the air.


Living things can digest and absorb foods only when these foods are dissolved in water. Living tissue consists chiefly of water. What is water made of? It is a simple compound of two gases: hydrogen, a very light gas; and oxygen, a heavier, active gas.


When hydrogen is burned in oxygen, water is formed. But water does not resemble either of the elements which compose it. It has a set of properties all its own.


Water, like most other matter, exists in three states: a liquid state, which is the common form; a solid, called "ice"; and a gas, called "water vapor". In which one of these forms water shall exist de­pends ordinarily on the temperature.


At 0 degrees centigrade, or 32 degrees Fahren­heit, water changes from the liquid to the solid state, or freezes. At 100 degrees centigrade, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, it changes from the liquid to the gaseous state. This change from liquid, visible water to the invisible water gas is called "evapora­tion".


Thus, if a piece of ice is brought into a warm room, it starts to become liquid or melt. If the room is warm enough, the little puddle of water formed from the melting ice finally disappears. The liquid is changed into water vapor. When water is cooled, it expands just before it reaches the freezing point.


Water as it occurs in nature is never pure in the true sense. It contains dissolved mineral material, dissolved gases, and living organisms.

(N.G.Kitkova “What is water?” 2004, Manager)

3. Work in pairs. Here are the answers to some questions about the text. What are the questions?

1. Tasteless, odorless, colorless compound.

2. A simple compound of two gases: hydrogen and oxygen.

3. In three states.

4. At 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. From the liquid to the gaseous state.

6. Freezing point.

7. It contains dissolved material, dissolved gases and living organisms.

8. Evaporation.

9. If the room is warm enough.

10 Gas.


4. Work in pairs. One student reads the given statements, the other pretends that he does not hear and asks him/her to repeat. Take turns.


STUDENT A: When water falls from clouds it's called a rain.

STUDENT B: Where did you say it falls from?


What form did you say it falls in?

STUDENT A: I said it falls from clouds.


STUDENT A: I didn't. But it falls in a liquid form.


1. When water falls in small frozen crystals, it's called snow.

2. When the snow begins to melt, it's called slush.

3. If the slush freezes again and becomes hard and solid, it's called ice.

4. The combination of rain and snow is known as sleet.

5. Small round lumps that fall during a thunderstorm are called hail.

6. The water forming on the leaves and flowers is a dew in warm weather.

7. The same in cold weather is frost.

8. The water united into a liquid body which is relatively motionless may be a puddle, a pond, a lake, a sea, or even an ocean.

9. While the water moves, it may be a brook, a creek or stream, or a river.

10. When water comes out of the tap, it is just plain water.


5. 9 Listen to the text about water and decide if you would agree with the following statements. Write “Yes” or “No” in the box next to each statement and be ready to explain your answers.


1. Water is the most abundant substance on the Earth._____

2. We can not change one form of water into another by simply changing the conditions.____

3. The three forms of water are all the same chemical substances. ___

4. A change of state involves making new substances.____

5. Water can be decomposed into its elements by electrolysis.___

6. Water vapour is usually defined as steam._____

7. Water’s chemical symbol is H2O.___

8. Water can be synthesized by burning hydrogen in the air.___


Listen again and answer the following questions.


1. What makes water similar to other substances?

2. How is water in the form of gas called?

3. Can we call solid water ice?

4. What should we do to change one form of water into another? Give examples.

5. Why can’t water be an element?

6. To make water from its elements is considered to be a hazardous activity. Can you explain why?

7. What is “artificial water”?

8. Name properties of “artificial water”.


7. Read the situations suggested choose the one you like, make up a dialogue and act it out.


§ At the International Usov Сonference you’ve just attended in Tomsk Polytechnic University one of the participants has made a report “Aquifer overexploitation”. In your opinion it is actual. You are telling him/her this after the conference and you are discussing some details you’ve become interested in.

§ Two students have just read an article “Water pollution” taken from “National Geography”.

§ A journalist is interviewing a famous scientist who has presented a new approach to solving water problems.

§ You were given an assignment to test water from a tap. You offer a few solutions to the problem speaking with your lab instructor.


8. Role play.

Ø Imagine that you are one of the water states: ice, gas or water vapor. What’s happening with you?

Ø You are invited to the talk show with Andrei Malachov. “Water Pollution” is the topic of the programme. Choose the role and discuss the suggested problem. You have 15 minutes to do the task.

Roles suggested:

Anchorperson - Andrei Malachov

Hydrologist (polluted drinking water is a major problem in many places around the world)

Сhairman, Natural Resources and Ecology Committee, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (federal laws to protect water resources)

Ecologist (major categories of water pollutants)

Famous politician - Vladimir Zhirinovsky(promise that you’d solve all water resources problems if you were a president)

Other guests

9. You are a citizen of a big city who is very concerned with water resources problems. Write an article. Touch upon the following aspects.

§ What is the present day condition of a river/ lake in your city/ region?

§ What role does it play in the life of your city/ region?

§ Are there any ecological problems with it? What are they?

§ What is being done to solve them by the authorities/ organizations(for example - Greenpeace)

§ What do you suggest to solve the above-mentioned problems?


brook ручей
creek бухта, узкий морской залив; устье реки
compound смесь, соединение
evaporation испарение
expand расширять
exist существовать
hydrogen водород
odor запах
odorless без запаха
oxygen кислород
puddle лужа
pond пруд, маленькое озеро
slush грязь, слякоть
sleet дождь со снегом, гололёд
solid твёрдый
steam пар
tasteless без вкуса
tissue ткань
vapor пар



Hydrogeology like most earth sciences is an interdisciplinary subject.

Hydrogeology is a branch of the earth sciences dealing with the flow of water through aquifers and other shallow porous media.

In other words, (hydro- meaning water, and -geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust, (commonly in aquifers).



Look at the following words in the clouds. The letters are scrambled. Can you guess what the words are? Use all letters.






Write down everything that comes to your mind about hydrogeology. Write only words or quick phrases, but not sentences. You have 3 minutes to do the task.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 160 | Нарушение авторских прав

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