Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases from the box.
Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions
- boom a. special skill or knowledge
- outlet b. money made on an investment
- expect c. to succeed in getting something
- achieve d. a big increase in business activity
- licence e. a shop that sells products made by a particular company
- method f. to control or to be in charge of (an organization)
- expertise g. a company or person who is competing against you
- return h. a document giving permission to make or sell something
- rival i. to think that something will happen
- run j. a way of doing something
6. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary:
- The contract implies that the franchiser sells an individual the right to operate a business using the franchiser's brand names, reputation and experience.
- Thus it can use the franchiser's established business system.
- The franchiser and the franchisee agree on the amount of the start-up sum of money, publicity payment and payment for managing agreement.
- To open his/her business a franchisee has to invest a significant sum of money.
- A document providing the franchisee with all the necessary management information guides him in operating the business.
- It is expected that as the trade restrictions fade away the development of international franchising will entail a big increase in business activity.
- Many companies are preparing an invasion on the European markets where franchising is not enough developed enough.
- Some of them have already set up successful business in the UK and France - the countries with the richest experience in franchising.
- It is estimated that franchising accounts for about 10% of retail sales in these countries.
- Today numerous US companies are headed forward to entering the European markets and they already use the UK as the base for moving into Europe.
- This is seen as a means of gaining international reputation.
- Body Shop, which has been the franchising pioneer in Europe, has now over 250 subsidiaries in mainland Europe
- In order to get the best financial returns it is essential to know the market place.
- At present cross-border franchising is flourishing.
- Sir Speedy has set up a business project with Fasprint of Espana to expand to Europe through franchising.
7. Read the following statements and decide which refer to the franchiser and which to the franchisee:
- He can get advice on how to deal with specific problems in the operations manual.
- He doesn't have to put up large amounts of capital to expand.
- He must respect certain rules.
- He may have to buy supplies from one source.
- He is responsible for national advertising.
- He provides regular reports on the level of sales.
- He pays the front end as soon as the franchise agreement is signed.
- He provides marketing assistance.
- He seeks individuals with business qualifications.
- He must cover monthly advertising expenses.
- He receives a percentage of total sales.
Now sum up everything you know about the rights and obligations of the franchisers and the franchisees.
Complete the passage below using the appropriate words or phrases from the box.
franchisor management services fee franchise agreement advertising fee franchisee
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