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Flight Compartment Component Locations

Читайте также:
  1. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  2. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  3. Asking About Flight Prices
  4. B. Collocations
  5. Cellphones in flight? This means war!
  6. Circuit Components: the Capacitor
  7. Collocations: do, play or go with sports and other activities



The flight crew uses the flight interphone system to speak with each other and the ground crew.

Flight and maintenance crews use the flight interphone system to get access to the communication systems. You can also use the flight interphone system to monitor the navigation receivers.


Abbreviations and Acronyms

· AAU - audio accessory unit

· ACP - audio control panel

· ADF - automatic direction finder

· ALT - alternate

· CAPT - captain

· COMM - communication

· DFCS - digital flight control system

· DME - distance measuring equipment

· FCC - flight control computer

· F/O - first officer

· GPWC - ground proximity warning computer

· HF - high frequency

· I/C - intercommunication

· ILS - instrument landing system

· INT - interphone

· MD&T - master dim and test

· MIC - microphone

· MKR - marker

· NORM - normal

· OBS - observer

· PA - passenger address

· PLA - programmed logic array

· PTT - push to talk

· REU - remote electronics unit

· R/T - receive/transmit

· STA - station

· TCAS - traffic alert and collision avoidance system

· VHF - very high frequency

· VOR - very high frequency omni-range system

· XCVR - transceiver



The remote electronics unit (REU) and the audio control panel (ACP) control the audio signals to and from the flight crew. The REU also controls the communication with the service interphone and related electronics equipment. During a system failure, emergency operation bypasses all active system circuitry and maintains airplane-to-ground station communication.

Flight Crew Interfaces


This system description shows the captain system. Interfaces and components for other flight crew stations are similar.

The flight crew uses microphone (mic) switches on these components to send audio to the REU:

· Remote mic switch

· Control wheel


· Hand microphone.


A microphone on these components lets the flight crew speak on the flight interphone system:

· Oxygen mask

· Headset boom mic

· Hand mic.


The flight crew uses the audio control panels for these functions:

· Listen to the communication and navigation receivers

· Adjust the volume of the received audio

· Select a transmitter and microphone

· Key the microphone.


The REU sends audio signals to the headsets and to the flight interphone speakers.


Other Component and System Interfaces

The REU connects to these other components:

· Communications radios - the REU sends push-to-talk (PTT) and microphone audio to the transceivers and receives audio back from them

· Navigation receivers - the REU receives voice and Morse code identification tones.

The flight interphone system also has an interface with these other systems:

· Passenger address system - lets the flight crew make announcements to passengers

· Service interphone system - lets the flight crew speak with attendants and service personnel

· Voice recorder - records the flight crew microphone and receive audio

· Ground proximity warning computer (GPWC) - lets flight crew monitor warning signals

· Weather radar (WXR) - lets the flight crew monitor WXR windshear warnings

· Traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) - lets the flight crew monitor TCAS signals

· Flight control computer (FCC) - gives discrete signals to the REU. This signal activates an altitude alert tone generator.

Aural alerts for TCAS, weather radar, ground proximity, and altitude are heard at the captain, first officer, or observer headphones and at the flight interphone speakers.

Flight Compartment Component Locations

These are the captain and first officer flight interphone system components:

· Remote mic switch

· Control wheel mic switch

· Flight interphone speaker

· Hand mic jack

· Oxygen mask mic jack

· Boom mic jack

· Headphone jack

· Audio control panel.

The observer has these flight interphone components:

· Hand mic jack

· Oxygen mask mic jack

· Headphone jack

· Audio control panel.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 125 | Нарушение авторских прав

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