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CD-ROM - based Multimedia

Читайте также:
  1. All American Indians are based on plains Indians. All Sioux, by the way, are Lakota.
  2. B) Write down a short summary based on the results of the discussion.
  3. B) Write down a short summary based on the results of the discussion.
  4. B) Write down a short summary based on the results of the discussion.
  5. Based on national surveys and approximately 29,000 interviews

One of the problems in dealing with computer-controlled sound and graphics is that the related files require extremely large amounts of storage. One solution is to store graphics, sound, and video files on a high-capacity device such as compact disk (CD). Compact disks can store huge amounts of data and the CD drives can be used to deliver this information to the computer's internal memory as data. Because most of these devices cannot be used to record information, they are known as read-only memory (ROM) devices. Although they are used to store computer data, these devices do not use the same kind of magnetic media generally used by computers to store data. Instead, these devices store information by permanently etching the encoded data into the same kind of plastic disk used to store and play back popular music. Because the stored data is deciphered using a laser-based reading device, there is no physical contact with the disk and no possibility of wear to the disk. Their high capacity and permanence are making CD-ROM disks a common storage and delivery tool for multimedia.


The videodisc player is similar to the compact disk player, but the disks used are somewhat different. While the CD disks are used to store and deliver computer data, videodiscs are used to store and deliver video images. They can be used to deliver high-quality video to a television set by displaying the video images in sequence at the same 30-frames-per-second rate that is used in broadcast television. Many videodisc players can be controlled by computer. And because the video images are stored a single image at a time, one image can be displayed under computer control or a sequence of images can be displayed to create the effect of live video.

Digital Video

Most of the video images we are used to seeing on our home television sets were originally captured using a video camera and stored on video tape. But today, special devices make it possible to store video images in digital form on a computer's magnetic media as computer graphics. By rapidly delivering these digital graphics images to the computer's screen one after the other, we can simulate the kind of video images we see on our television set.

Computer-delivered digital video presents many exciting possibilities. Because the video images are stored on normal computer media as data in separate graphics files, there is unlimited potential for editing the video sequence using computer graphics editing methods. And because the video images can be displayed on the computer's screen as graphics, they can be incorporated into presentations that in the past used only still pictures.

Multimedia Authoring Systems

In order to manage the presentation of information that is stored in dissimilar formats, new multimedia-based authoring systems are being developed. These programs vary considerably in design, but all are capable of incorporating text, graphics, sound, and video into one program. These programs provide special tools to manage these resources and to deliver them to the user interactively.

Virtual Reality

With the emergence of ever more realistic computer graphics, many people have found the computer's monitor to be a limited output device for displaying them. Many found the two-dimensional view of modern, complex colour graphics did not fully convey the potential held by this new form of computerized information. This led to the investigation of ways to present and to interact with more realistic, three-dimensional displays. The result was the development of highly realistic displays that provide users with the feeling that they are fully immersed in the computer image. Collectively, these applications have become known by the title of " virtual reality. "


Task 11. Describe (in writing) the techniques related to the new technologies used with animation, multimedia and virtual reality.


Unit 7


Guess the meaning of the following words.


Information systems, documentation, coding, testing and adapting, pseudocode, internet, encapsulation, polymorphism, object, to click, physical components, browse


Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.


analyst (n) ['xnqlist] аналитик

modify (v) ['modifai] модифицировать, изменять; переадресовывать

feasibility (n) [ " fizq'biliti] выполнимость, осуществимость

specification (n) [ " spesifi'keiSn] спецификация, определение; технические условия

software (n) ['sOftwea(r)] программное обеспечение

programmer (n) ['prqugrxmq(r)] программист

clarify (v) ['klxrifai] делаться ясным, вносить ясность

maintain (v) [mein'tein] поддерживать, обслуживать

network (n) ['netwWk] сеть (вычислительная); сетка; схема

adapt (v) [q'dxpt] адаптировать, приспосабливать

document (v, n) ['dokjumqnt] документ; (v) документировать

sequence (n) ['sikwqns] последовательность; (v) устанавливать порядок, упорядочивать

iteration (n) [ " itq'reiSn] итерация, повторение; шаг; цикл

loop (n) [lHp] петля; контур; цикл

repeatedly (adv) [ri'pJtIdli] повторно

flowchart (n) ['flqutSRt] блок-схема

pseudocode (n) ['sjHdqukqud] псевдокод; символический код

artificial [ " Rti'fiSl] искусственный

intelligence [in'teliGqns] интеллект

markup (adj, n) ['mRkAp] маркерный, разметка

tag (n)}[txg] тег, признак (хранящийся вместе со словом в ЗУ)

label ['leibl] метка, маркировочный знак, отметка,

hyperlink (n) ['haipqliNk] гиперссылка

implementation (n) [ " implImen'teiSn] осуществление, выполнение

install (v) [in'stLl] устанавливать, монтировать; располагать; вводить в действие

diverse (adj) [dai'vWs] иной, отличный; разнообразный, разный

encapsulation (n) [en " kxpsju'leiSn] выделение в самостоятельный элемент, инкапсуляция

convert (v) [kqn'vWt] преобразовывать

bundle (v) ['bAndl] (n) узел, пакет; (v) связывать, собирать

fetch (v) [feC] доставлять инструкцию из памяти

sticky (adv) ['stiki] липкий, клейкий

inheritance [in'heritqns] (v) наследование; наследство

polymorphysm [ " poli'mLfizm] полиморфизм


Memorise the following word combinations.


software engineering программирование, разработка программного обеспечения

systems analyst системный аналитик

network system сетевая система

decision tables таблица данных для принятия решения

loop instruction инструкция цикла программы

artificial intelligence искусственный интеллект

markup language язык разметки

tag codes метки

browser программа, помогающая просматривать страницы веб сайтов

hyperlink documents документы пересылок

direct implementation прямое осуществление, прямое выполнение

pilot implementation опытное, экспериментальное осуществление

executable modules выполняемые модули


Reading activity



Software engineering is the discipline of designing high quality software solutions. Software consists of programs (sets of instructions for controlling a computer) and data (the material that has to be processed). Programs are written in computer languages by people called programmers. A systems analyst is a person who designs or modifies information systems to meet users' requirements. This includes investigating feasibility and cost, producing documentation, and testing prototypes of the system. Producing a program, therefore, involves a number of stages including:

a) clarifying the problem by considering the requirements of the potential users

b) designing the solution to the problem by first deciding on the overall structure of the solution

c) coding the program by first choosing an appropriate programming language and inputting the program code

d) testing and debugging the program (identifying and fixing any problems or

faults in the program code)

e) documenting and maintaining the program including writing instructions for using the program.

Systems analysts first need to talk to the people involved in the computing problem, including the people managing the system and the users or potential users of the system. They need to establish factors such as:

a) the nature of the problem

b) what systems already exist

c) to what extent any existing systems are computerised (changed so that they can be operated or controlled using a computer)

d) what output (the processed data or signals that come out of a computer system) will be required from the system

e) who will be using the system and what parts of the system they need to be able to use

f) the computing experience of the staff and what training would be required

g) what hardware (the physical components of a computer system) already exists and what would need to be added, including the specification of the hardware and whether a network system is required (a system where a number of computers and peripheral devices are connected together).

They then have to plan the structure of the solution and check it through with the people involved to make sure it meets their requirements. Next, they have to choose a suitable programming language and write the program (a set of instructions, written in a computer language, that control the behaviour of a computer), continually testing and adapting it until it works to the satisfaction of the customer and users. The system then has to be put into service and the users have to be trained. This involves documenting the program specifications and writing instructions for using the system.

Programming languages commonly use different structures for sequencing program instructions, including:

conditional instructions i.e. if a certain condition is true, then process this instruction (if X then Y). Decision tables are used to indicate how a conditional structure will process data. They show all the different inputs that might arise for each condition and the resulting outputs that would be produced by the conditional instruction.

iterations or loop instructions i.e. process these instructions repeatedly until or while a particular condition is true, or false (do... until... or do... while...). Program flowcharts can be used to show the sequence of instructions in a program and are sometimes used for designing parts of programs such as iterations. Pseudocode is a method of writing a description of a computer program using a mixture of natural language and computer language code.

There are a large number of computer languages available for use by programmers. Each language is designed for use in solving particular types of problem and therefore has particular strengths and weaknesses. A systems analyst has to decide which language is most appropriate in each situation. Languages such as C++ are particularly suitable for writing systems programs (programs that are used to control the basic functions of a computer system e.g. operating system programs). Languages such as Visual Basic and Pascal are easy to use and are particularly suitable for learning how to program. FORTRAN is designed for solving engineering problems, COBOL for writing business programs, Ada for military purposes, Prolog and LISP for working in artificial intelligence (an area of computing concerned with developing computer programs that perform tasks that can normally only be done using human intelligence). Logo is particularly suited for use by young children. Some languages such as HTML and XML are markup languages rather than programming languages i.e. they use tag codes (labels) for marking text for use in programs such as Web browsers. Languages such as Java and Perl have a number of specialised uses including adding features to Internet connections and webpages (hyperlinked documents).

Converting to new computer systems can be done in different ways. Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages. These include:

a) direct implementation where the old system is simply removed and the new system installed. In this strategy only one system is used at any one time but there is no fall back (alternative system that can be used if problems occur in the main system) if the new system does not operate properly.

b) parallel implementation where the old and the new systems are both used at the same time until the users are satisfied that the new system is working properly. The advantage is that if the new system does not operate properly, the old system is available as a fallback. The disadvantage is that two systems have to be maintained.

c) phased implementation where the old system is gradually replaced by the new system, one part at a time. The advantage is that people can gradually get used to the new system and certain problems can be dealt with as they arise. The disadvantage is that this method is more complex and time-consuming. In addition, there may be problems of incompatibility between the old and new systems.

d) pilot implementation where the new system is tried out in one section of the company to make sure that it works as required. The advantage is that problems can be identified and solved before the new system is implemented throughout the company. The disadvantage is that it takes longer to introduce the new system.


Post-Reading activity


Task 1. Answer the following questions.


1. What does the term “software engineering” imply? 2. What does software consist of? 3. What do systems analysts do? 4. What are the stages of producing a program? 5. Why do systems analysts need to talk to different specialists? What factors do they need to establish? 6. When can they start writing a program? 7. What is used to show the sequence of instructions in a program? 8. What programme instructions are considered in the text? 9. What is a pseudocode? 10. Why are there a large number of computer languages available for use by programmers? 11. Can you compare strengths and weaknesses of different programming languages? 12. What are the ways of converting to new computer systems? 13. What are advantages and disadvantages of direct implementation and pilot implementation?


Task 2. Put these five stages of programming in the correct sequence.


I. a) Design a solution

b) Code the program

c) Document and maintain the program

d) Clarify the problem

e) Test the program

II. To which stage do each of these steps belong.

Clarify objectives and users.

Debug the program.

Write programmer documentation.

Do a structured walk through.

Select the appropriate programming language.


Task 3. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations.

1. учитывать требования; 2. программирование, разработка програм­много обеспечения; 3. постоянная проверка и настройка; 4. найти и исправить ошибки; 5. общая структура решения; 6. отвечать требованиям пользователя; 7. выполнимость и стоимость; 8. сопровождать программу; 9. технические условия на аппаратные средства; 10. устанавливать последовательность инструкций программы; 11. выходные данные, результат вычислений.


a. software engineering; b. to meet user’s requirements; c. feasibility and cost; d. to consider the requirements; e. overall structure of the solution; f. to identify and fix faults; g. to maintain the program; h. the specification of the hardware; i. continually testing and adapting; j. to sequence program instructions; k. the resulting output.

Task 4. Match the terms with their definitions.


artificial intelligence, b) a program, c) a markup language, d) systems programs, e) a pseudocode, f) an output, g) a systems analyst, h) a network system


1. A person who designs or modifies information systems to meet user’s requirements. 2. A set of instructions written in a computer language that control the behaviour of a computer. 3. The processed data or signals that come out of a computer system. 4. A system where a number of computers and peripheral devices are connected together. 5. A method of writing a description of a computer program using a mixture of natural languages and a computer language code. 6. Programs that are used to control the basic functions of a computer system. 7. Developing computer programs that perform tasks that can normally be done using human intelligence. 8. A set of tags that can be inserted into a document to indicate its layout and appearance.


Task 5. Mark the following as True or False.


1. Pilot implementation means that both systems run at the same time for a period. 2. Phased implementation is when parts of the system are converted separately. 3. Parallel implementation is when the new system is piloted in part of the company before extending it to the whole company. 4. Pascal is extremely difficult to use and is not suitable for learning how to program. 5. Fortran is designed for writing business programs. 6. Java and Perl have a number of specialized uses including adding features to internet connections and webpages.


Task 6. Complete the gaps using the verbs from the box.


collected, put, generated, will flow, will help, be directed, be implemented, touch, will use, will be used, were uncovered, include


Based on the data … (1), the systems analyst must … together an implementation plan. This plan should … a logical model of the proposed new system, with a representation how information …, through the new system from input, through processing, to output. The plan should … on every potential use of data throughout the organization. As with the reports … during the previous study stages, the report should be written in terms of the system’s user’s – in this case, in terms, of how users … the new system and how it …, them to carry out their jobs. The solutions report should … to management, to help them understand the need for the new system, the way the new system …, how it will help the entire organization and how it can … as a cost effective solution to the problems that ….


Task 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Infinitive.


1. Computer information systems may be designed to take care of just one operational area, but today’s more complex systems are more likely to be designed to integrate a variety of operational procedures. 2. New methods are developed to deal with the complex process of designing and maintaining computer systems. 3. A website designer wants to enable the data or his website to be easily processed by a number of different programs. 4. Each element of the system has a particular function and each unit must be designed to interact with the other elements of the system. 5. Although the complexity of the tasks to be performed and the number of the users to be served will help to determine the type of computer to be used, there may be a number of different hardware configurations that will meet the need. 6. When users of a system access the data for some useful purpose, they are accessing the data in order to learn from it or to add it to other types of data for decision making. 7. A computer information system must be seen as a system that is used to transform data into useful information. 8. If the information system is to be successful, it must be designed to provide information in a way that is usable and useful to all management personnel. 9. Using centralised system, computer communications will undoubtedly be used to transmit data electronically between locations. 10. To update or modify an existing system the same procedures can be used. 11. As the process of systems analyses and design has been formalised, a new kind of professionals, known as systems analysts has emerged with the special skill and knowledge required to deal with all aspects of systems development. 12. The systems analysts’ function is to design and implement system that facilitate the storage and processing of data, and methods for accessing that data.


Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Для разработки программы с использованием описанного выше спосо­ба мы представляем ее в виде алгоритма (последовательности инструк­ций), который определяет выполнение операций с некоторыми данными. 2. При создании современных программ часто применяется концепция, называемая объектно-ориентированным программированием или 00П. 3.В объектно-ориентированном программировании программа рассматри­вается как набор взаимодействующих объектов. 4. Эту методику проще всего понять на примере программы, моделирующей какой-нибудь процесс. 5. Так, в программе, моделирующей движение автомобилей по шоссе, объекты могут представлять автомобили и полосы шоссе. 6. Для каждого объекта создают алгоритмы, описывающие его поведение в разных ситуациях. 7. Суть объектно-ориентированного программирова­ния заключается в разработке объектов и используемых ими алгоритмов. 8. Основными характеристиками ООП являются инкапсуляция, наследо­вание и полиморфизм. 9. Инкапсуляциюобычно определяют как форму сокрытия информации или абстрагирования. 10. Это правильное, но малопонятное определение, поэтому проще сказать, что инкапсуляция - это способ упрощения определения объекта. 11. Наследованиеобеспечи­вает возможность написания многократно используемого программного кода. 12. Полиморфизмпозволяет связать с одним именем несколько значений в контексте наследования.


Task 9. Topics for discussion.


Dwell on the systems analysis.

Defining a computer system.

System hardware and software planning.

The role of the system analysis.

Strategies of converting to new computer systems.


Task 10. Read Text B and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What advantages of using object-oriented programming are mentioned in the text? 2. What are the three key features of OOP? 3. What multimedia data types are referred to in the text? 4. List the different types of triangles mentioned in the text. 5. What specific type of a rectangle is named in the text? 6. What features are made quicker by code reusability?



One of the principal motivations for using OOP is to handle multimedia applications in which such diverse data types as sound and video can be packaged together into executable modules. Another is writing program code that's more intuitive and reusable; in other words, code that shortens program-development time.

Perhaps the key feature of OOP is encapsulation - bundling data and program instructions into modules called 'objects', Here's an example of how objects work. An icon on a display screen might be called 'Triangles'. When the user selects the Triangles icon which is an object composed of the properties of triangles and other data and instructions - a menu might appear on the screen offering several choices. The choices may be (1) create a new triangle and (2) fetch a triangle already in storage. The menu, too, is an object, as are the choices on it. Each time a user selects an object, instructions inside the object are executed with whatever properties or data the object holds, to get to the next step. For instance, when the user wants to create a triangle, the application might execute a set of instructions that displays several types of triangles - right, equilateral, isosceles, and so on.

Many industry observers feel that the encapsulation feature of 00P is the natural tool for complex applications in which speech and moving images are integrated with text and graphics. With moving images and voice built into the objects themselves, program developers avoid the sticky problem of deciding how each separate type of data is to be integrated and 3-5 synchronized into a working whole.

A second key feature of OOP is inheritance. This allows OOP developers to define one class of objects, say 'Rectangles', and a specific instance of this class, say 'Squares' (a rectangle with equal sides). Thus, all properties of rectangles - 'Has 4 sides' and 'Contains 4 right angles' are the two shown here - are automatically inherited by Squares.

A third principle behind OOP is polymorphism. This means that different objects can receive the same instructions but deal with them in different ways. For instance, consider again the triangles example. If the user right clicks the mouse on 'Right triangle', a voice clip might explain the properties of right triangles. However, if the mouse is right clicked on 'Equilateral triangle' the voice instead explains properties of equilateral triangles.

The combination of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism leads to code reusability. 'Reusable code' means that new programs can easily be copied and pasted together from old programs. All one has to do is access a library of objects and stitch them into a working whole. This eliminates the need to write code from scratch and then debug it. Code reusability makes both program development and program maintenance faster.


Task 11. Write a paragraph describing the strategies of converting to a new computer system. Explain what its advantages and disadvantages are.


Unit 8


Pre-reading activity


Read and learn the basic terms.


generation (n) [ " Genq'reiSn] поколение (вычислительных машин)

sophisticated (adj) [sq'fistikeitid] сложный, тонкий (о приборе, машине)

execute (v) ['eksikjut] исполнять, выполнять

run (v) [rAn] (однократный) проход, прогон (программы), эксплуатировать машину

code (v) ['koud] код

assembly (v) [q'semblI] трансляция (с языка ассемблера)

assembler (n) [q'semblq] ассемблер, язык ассемблера; транслятор с языка ассемблера

mnemonic (adj) [ni'mOnik] мнемонический

module (n) ['modjul] модуль; программный модуль

procedure (n) [prq'sJGq] процедура

implement (v) ['implqment] выполнять, осуществлять

convert (v) [kOn'vWt] превращать, преобразовывать

compiler (n) [kqm'pailq] комплектующая программа, транслятор; составитель, компилятор

interpreter (n) [In'tq:pritq] интерпретирующая программа; интерпретатор, программа-интерпретатор

executable (adj) ["eksi'kjHtqbl] выполняемый

interactive (adj) [Intqr'xktiv] интерактивный, диалоговый

refine (v) [ri'fain] очищать, усовершенствовать

query (n) ['kwiqri] запрос, задание на поиск определенных данных в базе данных

encapsulation (n) [in"kxpsju'leiSn] инкапсуляция

full-fledged (adj) ['ful'fleGd] обученный, знающий


Memorize the following word combinations.


low-level languages язык программирования низкого уровня

high-level language язык программирования высокого уровня

BASIC ['beisik] Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code - универсальный символический командный язык для начинающих

COBOL ['kqubOl] Common Business Oriented Language - язык программирования для коммерческих и деловых задач

FORTRAN ['fLtrxn] Formula Translation – язык программирования для научных целей

3GL язык программирования третьего уровня

PASCAL [pxs'kxl] Паскаль, язык программирования

OOP Object-Oriented programming – объектно-ориентированное программирование


Reading Activity




Programming languages are classified as first-, second-, third-, fourth-, or fifth- generation languages, according to when they were developed and how sophisticated they are. The first- and second-generation languages are very difficult to use and are considered low-level languages. The others are sometimes called high-level languages.

Machine Languages

Machine languages are the first generation of programming languages; these languages consist of instructions the computer is actually built to execute. Since at the hardware level computers understand only binary notation (1s and 0s), programming with a machine language requires writing out the binary values of the program instructions. A simple machine-language command might be 10101001 10101010 1011101011010100." Machine languages vary from one model of computer to another, as each model of processor is built differently. Machine languages are difficult to understand and use, so they are rarely used directly by programmers today. Since the computer understands only machine language, however, any program written in any other language must be translated into machine language in order to run.

Assembly Languages

Assembly languages are the second-generation programming languages and first to use alphanumeric symbols to write code. The creation of assembly languages depended on the development, using machine language, of an assembler. An assembler is a program that translates the assembly code into machine language. It is necessary to have one assembler for each kind of assembly language and for each kind of computer used.

Assembly languages are the simplest improvement over machine language; their commands are simple mnemonic codes that stand for the binary instructions of machine code. When programmers need to deal with the computer directly, they use assembly language; because it is so close to the hardware level, it is possible to write very efficient programs in assembly language. That same closeness to the hardware level, however is what makes assembly language difficult to use for large programming projects. Therefore, most assembly programming today is used for writing small modules that can be included in larger programs written in more convenient languages.

Procedural Languages

Procedural languages are the third-generation languages. They are also called high-level languages because they represent a higher level of abstraction from machine code than do assembly languages. Procedural languages employ more human-like words, and each has its own set of syntax rules. They are also more efficient, allowing the programmer to express with one statement what would take several commands in machine language. They are called procedural languages because they allow the programmer to create procedures that implement structured programming. Procedural languages are by far the most widely used programming languages.

The development of procedural languages was started by the invention of translation programs that could convert the syntax of the high-level language to machine code that the computer could execute. These translators are compilers and interpreters. A compiler converts an entire program written in a high-level language to machine language, storing it in what is called executable file, to be run later at the user's discretion. The original code is then called the source code, and the machine-language code is called the object code.

An interpreter reads each high-level program statement, then translates it to machine language and instructs the computer to execute the statement immediately. It creates no object code and no executable file; from the programmer's or user's standpoint, the computer executes the original code. This method of execution gives the programmer more immediate control of the machine and lends itself to an interactive method of programming and refining code and testing it immediately. The interpreter program does not permanently change the code, allowing users or programmers to make additions and other modifications to the program more easily. However, interpreting the code takes more processing than running a compiled program, so interpreted programs generally run slower than compiled programs.

Some of the most frequently used procedural languages include the following: BASIC, PASCAL.

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Table A Table B| Task 1 Before reading the text, match the words and definitions listed below.

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