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Email etiquette

Читайте также:
  2. Chapter 6. International etiquette: Spain.
  3. Chapter 6: International etiquette. Central and South America.
  4. Email To A Friend
  5. Everyday Business Etiquette
  6. International etiquette: business protocol. Netherlands.

To give you taste of netiquette, here are some highlights to consider:

1. Keep your message brief and to the point and make sure you clear up any spelling slips or grammatical gaffes before shipping it out.

2. Make sure the Subject lines of your message are detailed enough so they explain what your message is all about.

3. Don’t bother other people by sending them test messages. If you must test a program, send a message to yourself.


E-mailers make use of symbols called smileys (or emoticons) which can be written using standard letters and signs.

:-) Your basic smiley. This is used to mean I’m happy.

;-) Winking smiley. I’m flirting or being ironic.

;-(Frowning smiley. I didn’t like something.

8-) I wear glasses.

:-| I’m indifferent.

:-{) I have a moustache.

:-~) I have a cold.

C=:^) Head cook, chef-de-cuisine.

Q:^) Soldier, man with beret, boy scout.

*:O) Clown face; I’m feeling like a buffon.

:^9 Licking the lips; very tasty or delicious.


Write three informal e-mails and submit them for the class consideration.

You have visited the Internet and explored there the most interesting places:

sites for cooking

free software sites

sites for learning English

You are full of information and want to share this information with your best friends. Write three informal e-mail messages to your friends. You know who of your friends is interested in what. You should be able to arouse interest in them.

Use an appropriate format and a chatty style. Try to use at least one smiley.

Calling the sites in your e-mail messages, try to invent interesting names.

Remember that e-mails should be brief.


During last several decades minds of scientists in the sphere of information technologies are concerned with the “immortal” questions:

What are the advantages of IT?


What are the disadvantages of IT?

You are a participant of the 5th international conference on IT.

You should act in one of the following three roles:

a scientist who delivers a report about advantages of IT

a scientist who delivers a report about disadvantages of IT

an uninterested in IT person

Scientists should prepare reports for a conference and be able to convince their opponents.

An uninterested person should follow the arguments of scientific opponents and in the end represent pluses and minuses of IT.

Homework - Prepare a presentation.



You are investigators representing the internet generation and are tasked with updating the world on the history of computer-based programs, their use, their benefits and potentially harmful effects on society. It seems that computer-based programs aid the community in functioning, working and communicating with one another. It seems that people are learning to use more and more digital devices. Students should gather the information about the history of computer-based programs and functions using Internet resources.


Each of you will research the history and current use of computer-based programs. Further, after completing their research, you will be responsible for creating and delivering a 10-15 minutes presentation (or computerized) and report back to the class.

Presentation: You will create some type of presentation to be done in front of the class. This can be done in PowerPoint and or with the use of handouts.

A presentation should include:

· Major components of the computer and how they work.

· Describe how computers change the ways in which people live, work, and communicate using computers.

· Finally, list some benefits and potential harmful effects computers may have on society.

Main Internet resources for a quest:






The tasks are assessed from the point of view of how well the research was carried out and how effective your presentation was in terms of grammar, use of active vocabulary, speaking skills.


During your research, you should think of how the different generations have used communication tools and how current technology differs from the past. How do different generations differ with respect to the different modes of computers and communication used?

The presentation on the web-quest ROLE OF COMPUTERS IN MODERN SOCIETY.

You had to research the history and current use of computer-based programs. Further, after having completed you research, you had to create and deliver a 10-15 minutes presentation (or computerized) and report back to the class.

Don’t forget that your presentation should include:

- Major components of the computer and how they work.

- Describe how computers change the ways in which people live, work, and communicate using computers.

- Finally, list some benefits and potential harmful effects computers may have on society.




Lesson 1


Give if possible definitions of the following words and word combinations and try to pronounce them correctly:

Resume, career, experience, to reflect, prospective, interviewer, to grab attention, rejection letter, guideline, to assist, competence, to focus, to tailor, to emphasize, to apply for, employment, reverse, employer, duties, background, degree, classification, potential.



Read the following text aloud paying attention to the discussed words:


An important part of your career development is preparing an effective resume. Your resume should reflect you, your experience, and your interests. Remember, you have about 20 to 30 seconds to get the attention of the prospective interviewer, so whatever you prepare must grab the attention of the reader. Your resume can make the difference between getting an interview or a rejection letter.

While there are no set rules regarding format or style, the following guidelines will assist you in preparing an effective resume:

Decide how you want to present the information.

Functional resumes group all your training, experience, skills, and abilities into separate areas of competence. This type of resume will focus attention on the functions or jobs you can perform and the areas where you have special skills or training. These resumes can also be tailored to emphasize the skills and experience you have that match those required by the position you're applying for.

Chronological resumes of work experience are most useful for detailing long, uninterrupted periods of employment. They usually present work experience and education beginning with your present job and listing prior experience in reverse date order (ten years back is usually enough). Under your work history, list the name and address of each employer, the title of your job, and the duties you performed. Your educational background should also list most recent educational achievements and include the name and address of the school(s) you attended, degree(s) received, and/or units completed. If you have taken special software or other technical or job-related classes, list those here too.

If you have worked for more than one state agency or department, list each job separately and explain the duties you performed. Although your classification may have been the same, your duties in each job may have differed significantly. A description of the varied duties performed will give your potential employer a broader understanding of your abilities and skills.



I. General understanding. Answer the following questions to the text:

- How can you describe the word “resume”?

- What is a resume written for?

- What are types of resumes? Describe them.


II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

- Preparing an effective resume is an important part of your career ……………..

- Your resume can make the difference between getting an interview or a ………….. letter.

- To emphasize the skills and experience you have these resumes can also be ………………… usually present work experience and education beginning.

III. Given below are certain statements. Write ‘T’ against true statements and ‘F’ against false statements.

- Resumes must not grab the attention of the reader.

- Functional resumes group all your training, experience, skills, and abilities into separate areas of competence.

- Don’t list special skills if you have taken software or other technical or job-related classes.

- There are strict set rules regarding format or style of resumes.

- In your resume list the name and address of each employer, the title of your job, and the duties you performed.


Speaking practice

Discuss the topic “TYPES OF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN APPLYING FOR A JOB” with your partner using newly learnt words: all types of resumes and their description and the role of resumes in the career development.

Writing practice

I. Compose sentences as many as you can using the following words and discuss them with your partner:

Career, experience, duties, employment, degree, competence.

II. Read the text as many times as you can in 4 minutes. Then entitle it, make exercises to the text and tell to your partner as much info as you can remember without looking into the text.

Communication through exchange of letters is known as correspondence. We communicate our feelings, thoughts etc. to our friends and relatives through letters that may be called personal correspondence. A businessman also writes and receives letters in his everyday transactions, which may be called business correspondence. Business correspondence or a business letter is a written communication between two parties. Businessmen may write letters to suppliers of goods and also receive letters from the suppliers. Thus, business letters may be defined as a media or means through which views are expressed and ideas or information is communicated in writing in the process of business activities.

Nowadays business operations are not restricted to any locality, state or nation. Since the businessmen as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each other personally.

Though there are other modes of communication like telephone, telex, fax, etc. business information can be provided and obtained economically and conveniently through letters.

We cannot expect a trader to memorise all facts and figures in a conversation that normally takes place among businessmen. Through letters, he can keep a record of all facts. Thus, letters can serve as evidence in case of dispute between two parties. Business requires information regarding competing products, prevailing prices, promotion, market activities, etc. If the trader has to run from place to place to get information, he will end up doing nothing. It will simply result in loss of time. But through business letters, he can make all enquiries about the products and the markets.

BBC Learning English


Exercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

- Business letters serve as a/an............................. in case of dispute in business transactions.

- A trader cannot …………….. all facts and figures in a conversation.

- Business letters are written to.................... information.

- Business letter is the most.................... mode of communication.

Exercise II. Given below are certain statements. Write ‘T’ against true statements and ‘F’ against false statements.

- A letter is a form of written communication.

- Through business letter personal contact can be maintained between buyer and seller.

- Businessmen may write letters to suppliers of goods but cannot receive letters from the suppliers.

- A letter is a convenient and economic mode of communication.

- Business letters do not help in removing misunderstanding between buyer and seller.

Lesson 2

How can you describe the word “resumé”?

What is the role of resumés in career development?

What is a resumé? List resumé types.


I. Give definitions to words and word combinations which you have learnt at the previous lesson and spell them:

Prospective, to assist, resumé, to grab attention, to apply for, career, classification, experience, to reflect, interviewer, reverse, rejection letter, guideline, potential, to tailor, duties, to emphasize, employment, employer, competence, background, to focus, degree.

II. Learning new vocabulary for the theme “CAREER PROSPECTS”. Match terms written in bold with definitions given below. Then read matched pairs aloud and put between the term and its definition the verb “is”. For example,

Communication skills is the ability to interact well with other people

Human resources manager, deadlines, to work on your own initiative, to multi-task, a proven track record, resources, vacancies, position, bodies, recruitment agencies.

1. someone who employs people for a firm, also known as a personnel manager

2. the dates or times when certain tasks must be completed

3. to make decisions about your work without having to wait for someone else to help you

4. to do more than one piece of work at a time

5. evidence you've been successful in the past in your area of work

6. things and people which can provide useful information

7. jobs that no-one is doing that someone is needed to do

8. job, post

9. organisations

10. companies which have details of jobs and details of the people who might want them

III. The following text gives some suggestions which you might find helpful. But the sentences are not complete. Test your knowledge of the language of jobs by choosing the correct noun to fill the gaps.

Most jobs are advertised as current (position, application, vacancies). They appear in the local and national (press, bodies, resource), trade (contacts, journals, resource), and specialist career publications. In addition, many professional (bodies, contacts, agency) offer an appointments service which can help job seekers find a suitable (position, application, vacancies) in a particular (industry, ladder schemes). Recruitment (bodies, contacts, agencies) hold details of a wide range of vacancies, and possibly local training (industry, ladder, schemes). The Internet is a valuable (press, journals, resource) not only for vacancies but to find background information on companies. Approximately one third of jobs are never advertised, but may be found by approaching a company directly. This is called a speculative (position, application, vacancies), and is common among students starting at the bottom of the career (industry, ladder, schemes). Finally, don't forget to use your personal (bodies, contacts, agencies)!

BBC Learning English. http://www.bbc.co.uk


I. Compose a ten sentence story about your plans for the future using the Future Simple and “going to”. Present it to the group.

II. Group discussion. What are the main steps in making a career? The role of the Internet in career prospects.


Refresh vocabulary from the first lesson of the section.

Study the second lesson new vocabulary.

Refresh grammar information about the Future Simple Tense.

Prepare an imaginary story with the usage of the Future Simple Tense.

Lesson 3

Here are some tips for preparing for an interview. Read the text below and select the best word from brackets.

If you have (gained, reached, arrived, achieved) the interview stage, your CV and letter of application must have been (effective, important, impressive, significant)! The company now wants to know more about you. But there is still more work to do if you want to get that job! Make sure you have (researched, discovered, inquired, examined) the company as thoroughly as possible - use the Internet, company reports, recruitment literature etc. (Remember, Remind, Imagine, Summarise) yourself of why you applied to this company. Make a list of the skills, experience, and interests you can (show, present, offer, demonstrate) the organisation. Finally, try to (ask, suggest, give, predict) the questions you will be expected to answer – imagine you are the interviewer!

BBC Learning English http://www.bbc.co.uk

Here are some tips relating to your appearance and body language. Fill in gaps with suitable words.

1. Make sure your clothes are clean, but ______ wear obvious logos or designer names.

- do

- don’t

- must

2. Don’t use ______ much deodorant or perfume!

- to

- too

- two

3. Don’t wear too much jewellry. Interviewers don’t _____ like nose rings.

- never

- sometimes

- usually

4. Wear ______ that are smart, but comfortable.

- cloths

- clothes

- covers

5. Arrive well ______ interview time.

- before

- after

- latter than

6. Make eye _____ with the interviewer when you are introduced.

- contactation

- contiction

- contact

7. Give a firm handshake, and make sure you ______!

- snarl

- smile

- snigger

8. Don’t ______. This will distract the interviewer from what you’re saying.

- figgit

- fijit

- fidget

9. Don’t appear over-confident, for example by leaning too far back in your chair, but do try to ______.

- relax

- relapse

- collapse

BBC Learning English http://www.bbc.co.uk

Discuss the following questions:

1. Have you ever been interviewed? Were you nervous?

2. What problems can you face during your interview?


Lesson 4

Oral test on the homework

Your hometask was to compose a story about the problems you’ve faced being at an interview. Tell your story to the class.


I. Fill in gaps with a suitable word from a-c option:

1. You will be asked questions at an _____.

A. interview

B. application

C. interests

2. _____ can tell a person how you are feeling without you even having to speak.

A. Skills

B. Templates

C. Body Language

3. A person should _____ a company before going on an interview.

A. improve

B. research

C. career

4. A _____ letter should always be sent after you have gone to an interview.

A. cover-letter

B. friendly

C. follow-up

5. A _____ is a paper that tells employers about you.

A. resume

B. rough draft

C. template

6. Most jobs require you to have an _____ and/or experience.

A. interest

B. education

C. edit

7. A _____ is a job that you plan to have for a long time.

A. career

B. prepare

C. resume

8. It is important to _____ your resume to make necessary changes before you send it to a company.

A. rough draft

B. template

C. edit

9. There are _____ on your computer that can help you write letters.

A. templates

B. interests

C. final drafts

10. You will need to _____ a company to get an application from them.

A. contact

B. prepare

C. interview


II. Match terms written in bold with their correct meanings. Then read matched pairs aloud and put between the term and its definition the verb “is”.

1. prepare A. Things a person is good at doing.
2. resume B. To meet with someone from a company to talk about a job that you are trying to get.
3. skills C. To get ready for something.
4. application D. A letter that is usually sent with a resume when trying to get a job.
5. interview E. A job that someone trains for and does for a living.
6.body language F. A form that you fill out when trying to get a job.
7. follow-up letter G. A paper that tells employers about you.
8.cover letter H. The way your body can tell a person how you are feeling without using words.
9. career I. A letter that is usually sent to someone after an interview.
10. contact J. To call or speak with someone

III. Do you know what the following words mean?

Edit, education, final draft, improve, research, rough draft, template.

IV. Compose 10 sentences using terms from exercises 2 an 3 using as many terms as you can.

V. There are different views on how to organise a CV, most prospective employers would expect to see the following headings:

Education Referees Personal Details Profile

Additional Skills Interests Professional Experience

Jasper Bergfeld, a German graduate, is compiling his CV. He has collected the relevant details but now he must organise them. Look at the following points and decide which heading Jasper should put them under.

For example:

University of Stuttgart – degree in Business Information Management: answer = 'Education'

- Fluent in English: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Nationality – German: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Concept AG – Assistant Project Manager: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Excellent communication skills: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Full driving license: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Diploma in English with Business Studies: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Skiing and windsurfing: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Computer literate: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Able to work on own initiative and under pressure: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Responsible for customer service: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

- Dr H. Mayer, University of Bath: (Education, Referees, Personal details, Profile, Additional skills, Interests, Professional experience)

BBC Learning English. http://bbc.co.uk

VI. A Human Resources Manager has drawn up a shortlist of applicants he feels would be suitable for a vacancy in his company. Look at the descriptions of the candidates he plans to invite for interview.

· Hamed has a can-do attitude and is able to meet deadlines

· Tomoko is a self-starter who can work on her own initiative

· Ivan is able to multi-task and has a proven track record

· Li is an effective team player with a customer-focused approach

· Cristina is numerate and computer literate

which candidate...

is good with figures?

co-operates with colleagues?

is good at working on his/her own?

can finish a job on time?

has a good rapport with clients?

has a history of success?

has a positive approach?

has IT skills?

can cope with several jobs at the same time?

BBC Learning English


VII. It's always a good idea to try to predict what questions you will get asked in an interview and prepare some answers before you go in. Here are some examples of quite common interview questions. Match them with suitable responses.

Why did you choose this company? I always support my colleagues and believe we should work toward a common goal.
What are your strengths/weaknesses? I have excellent time management, but I can be impatient for results.
How would your friends describe you? Because I think I will find the work environment both challenging and rewarding.
What is your greatest achievement? Leading the University football team to the national championships.
How well do you work in a team? People say I’m sociable, organised, and decisive.
Where will you be in 5 year’s time? My aim is to have a position in the Management Team.

BBC Learning English


VIII. Working in pairs make a dialogue using the questions from the exercise 7 and perform it to the class.


I. Discuss the problem of being nervous at an interview. How can you avoid being nervous? For this task you should use the previous and this lesson new vocabulary and its explanation.

II. Working in pairs. Acting an interview. One student plays a role of an interviewer and another student – a role of an interviewee. You should take into account the logical structure of an interview.


Refresh vocabulary from the first 4 lessons of the section.

Refresh grammar information about the Future Simple Tense and the Future Continuous Tense.

Lesson 5

Discuss the following questions:

- Have you ever written a letter of application? Was it difficult for you?

- Are there stylistic rules for letters of application? What are they?


The letter of application

The letter of application you send with your СV is sometimes called a covering letter. It is usually the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer, so make sure it is well-written and presented. It should normally contain 3-4 paragraphs.

Here is a list of points you should include:

- Say that you would like to apply.

- Say where you found out about the job.

- Say why you would like the job.

- Say why you are qualified to do the job.

- Say you can provide more information if necessary.

- Say when you would be available for interview.


Look through the following application letter example. Does it contain all necessary information?

1707 Guernesey LaneAustin, TX 787596 June 1997John G. HollowayBrackenridge Hospital 4505 W. Tom Thumb Ave. Austin, TX 78703Dear Mr. Holloway:I am writing in response to your classified ad in the Austin-American Statesman for Assistant Director of Materials Management. Based on my experience and continuing education, I believe that I am qualified to fill this position.For the past four years, I have been employed in the materials divisions with two different manufacturing companies, XETEL Corporation and Fisher Controls International. My experience there has ranged from controlling, buying, analyzing, to planning materials.Currently, I am attending night school at Austin Community College where I lack only nine hours to complete my Associate Degree in Business Administration. When I complete this degree, I hope to return to St. Edward's University to complete my course work for a degree in Technical Business.Brackenridge Hospital and the Children's Hospital supply such a vital service to the Travis county area that I would be proud to be a part of your team. I hope to get a chance to discuss my qualifications and goals with you. I can be reached at (512) 877-0991 after 5 p.m.Sincerely yours,John M. OwensEncl.: resume

This information is owned and maintained by David A. McMurrey.

Select the correct words in the brackets so that this covering letter is in good English.

Dear Mr Saleh,

I am writing to (apply, ask, request) for the position of Editorial Assistant which was (shown, advertised, presented) in the latest edition of Gulf News.

I am currently (worked, employed, used) by a Market Research company as a research assistant, but am keen to (want, pursue, take) a career in publishing, because I enjoy reading and write my own poetry.

As you will notice on the (included, mentioned, attached) CV, I graduated in European Literature. At University I gained considerable (experiment, expression, experience) working on the student magazine, so I am (familiarised, familier, familiar) with editing techniques. I work well under (anxiety, demands, pressure) and enjoy working in a team. In addition, I speak English (excellently, fluently, strongly).

I would be (available, around, accessible) for interview from next week. Meanwhile, please do not (hesitate, wait, stop) to contact me if you require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

BBC Learning English. http://www.bbc.co.uk

Here are some common phrases you might use when applying for a job. However, the prepositions are missing – type out the correct ones choosing words from the table below.

I would like to apply ….

the position ……

If you would like to discuss this …….

more detail

I enjoy working ……..


I was …….


I was responsible …….

With reference ……..


Write a CV and a letter of application and submit them for class consideration.

You have read in the press about the vacancy for a chief manager.

You are now battling your way to the top of your career ladder. This vacancy is an excellent opportunity for you.

You should write a CV and a letter of application paying attention to the discussed rules. Try to interest your future employer.


Finding a job is not an easy task! However, learning the skills now will allow you greater opportunities to access the career of your dreams. It is time to begin dreaming, evaluating, and considering possible career choices which take careful consideration.

Working in groups, you are going to identify your personal career interests and research a career from the provided list.

With this information you will:

· Identify your career interest

· Research one of the careers (given below)

· Create a job description

· Present information to the class

Select a career from the following list.

1. Television or Newspaper Reporter

2. Member of the Armed Services

3. Nursing

4. Teacher

5. Lawyer

6. Computer Technician/Webmaster

7. Law Enforcement

8. Travel Agent

9. Chef

Discuss what career to choose and prove to your partners that you are right and then present your conclusion to the class.


Prepare a task.



There are hundreds and hundreds of careers to choose from. How do you understand which careers you might like to try? It takes some thought, creativity and research. In the following problem-based task you will have the opportunity to learn about yourself and the world that surrounds you.

The Task

Learn about yourself. Research a career field and make a presentation to your group-mates.

You should find what work is interesting to you, what abilities you have and what's important to you in a job. After analyzing this, choose one career that you want to learn more about. For this career, find the answers to these questions:

· What do you do in this job? What is a typical day like?

· What skills are necessary?

· What training and/or education are required?

· What kinds of job opportunities exist? What is the employment outlook?

· What is the average salary? How much can you expect to earn?

· Describe the work conditions (indoor/outdoor, travel required, work with people or machines, etc.)

Describe how the above information relates to you personally:

Do you feel you have the skills needed or could learn them? Is the training/education required consistent with your future plans? Will the salary and work conditions support the kind of life style you envision for yourself?

Imagine yourself in the career you researched. Prepare a presentation that will illustrate your career to the class. Include in your presentation what employment trends may affect your business or field. It can include imaginary:

· resumes

· brochure or ad selling your company's services

· a web page or Power Point presentation

Resources recommended

· Career Assessment Tools - http://www.jobweb.org/Catapult/Assess.htm

· Career Planning Site on the Mining Company - http://careerplanning.about.com/mlibrary.htm?PM=61_707_T&cob=home


One fourth of your grade will be on your use of references. You are required to use a minimum of 3 to 5 different sources of information to do your career research.

1. Find and take at least 2 different career interest surveys. Analyze the results and summarize. What general career clusters predominated (i.e. scientific, social services, management, clerical, etc.)? What skills or abilities were suggested? What did the surveys tell you about your personality traits and work values? Based on the careers suggested by the interest inventories, choose one to investigate further.

2. Picture yourself in the future employed in the career that you researched. Prepare a presentation to explain your career to the class. As part of your presentation, include an assessment of how employment trends will affect your career field.


Successful career planning requires knowledge about the many careers that exist in today's world and insight into what your interests, abilities, and work values are. The more you know about the world around you and about world within you, the easier it will be to make wise choices about your future.


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