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Write the text for the street poster to be used in an environmental campaign for protection of wildlife. Design it and present to your group mates.

Читайте также:
  1. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  2. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  3. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
  4. A Present continuous
  6. A Write the questions for the answers below.
  7. A) Present Passive quiz


Hints. Poster is a printed sheet of paper or cardboard displayed in public. Most posters convey a simple message using words and illustrations. Posters may announce events such as plays, films, or art exhibits. They may also advertise commercial products or political messages.

A typical poster emphasizes simple shapes, bright colors, and large letters to attract attention. Most posters are large enough to be seen from a distance. They are often posted on walls and places along streets where the public can easily see them. Many posters are so large that they are placed on billboards. Commercial posters are usually made by photography, lithography, and silk-screen printing.

Designing posters became popular with European artists in the 1800's. Beginning about 1866, the French artist Jules Cheret produced more than 1,000 large colorful posters using the recently invented process of color lithography. In the 1890's, the French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec gained fame for the beautiful bold designs of the posters he made for theaters and dance halls. Many artists in the 1900's have designed posters that are collected as works of art.

Read the poster from the previous exercise and pay attention to its structure and language. While writing your own poster, take into account that the text should have:

- a cleverly worded headline to draw attention to itself

- a theme which sustains the reader’s interest, makes the text memorable and creates an image

- a memorable signature line linked to the theme.





Functions practised: persuading, stating and justifying opinions.

Vocabulary Area: waste, junk, trash, debris, sewage, garbage, acid rain, greenhouse gas, fossil fuel, effluent, leakage, water supply, to pollute, pollutant, to dissolve, layer, to reduce, diaper, incinerator, landfill site, to damage, to recycle, to discharge, to purify.


I. Listen to the conversation between Andy and Carla discussing the measures that can be taken against pumping chemicals into the river. Choose from the list below the two suggestions they produce.

A to put the factory on fire

B to get a TV station to run a story on it

C to organize an action of protest

D to talk to the management of Apex Industries

II. Guess what else Andy and Carla could do to get the factory to stop polluting the river.

Listen to the rest of the conversation and see whether your guesses were right.

III. If you were the members of the Greener World organization what would you do in this situation. Give your reasons.



Which of the following industries do you think causes the most industrial air pollution?

a chemicals

b steel

c electricity

d textiles

e gas

Talk to your partner. Guess if you don’t know! Then quickly glance through the opening paragraph to check your answer.



Read the text and do the tasks that follow.


The volume of both industrial and domestic waste has increased dramatically over the past 50 years. Industrial air pollution includes the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). It also includes sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which lead to acid rain. The largest single cause of industrial air pollution is the electricity industry. All fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide; coal and crude oil also produce sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Air pollution from industrial accidents occasionally causes major health problems.

Water pollution from industry can occur intentionally, when factories discharge their effluents directly into rivers, lakes and oceans, or unintentionally, when accidents cause leakage of toxic waste into the water supply. Factory effluents also discharge large pieces of solid waste such as disused machinery, plastic sheets and wire netting. This junk is not only ugly; both animals and ships can become entangled in the debris.

Another pollutant of water is oil. Some of it comes from accidents, some from deliberate washing of tanks at sea and some from industrial effluents. Oil coats the feathers of sea birds and the scales of fish. It also has a less visible toxic effect: it reduces the level of oxygen dissolved in the water. Without dissolved oxygen, the sea cannot support any life at all. As well as the fish and seagulls that we can see, oil kills millions of tiny plants and animals in the deeper layers of the ocean. Acid rain is another important cause of water pollution and the destruction of aquatic life. Yet another cause is thermal pollution. Industries which use water for cooling (such as nuclear power stations) increase the temperature of nearby rivers and lakes by 5-10 degrees. Thermal pollution kills some animals and plants outright. In addition, together with domestic sewage and artificial fertilizers, it promotes overgrowth of bacteria and algae and disrupts the aquatic ecosystem. Industries argue that it would cost too much money to cool the water down before releasing it into the environment.

Soil pollution occurs when industrial waste is buried or dumped on the land, and via polluted air and water. Sulphur dioxide in the air coats the leaves of plants blocking out the sun’s light and preventing growth. Crop yields are reduced and sulphur accumulates in the soil. The banks of some rivers can no longer support the growth of plants because heavy metals and other toxins have entered the soil from the water. It is impossible to remove most of these toxins; in some cases it will take thousands of years for their levels to fall sufficiently for the soil to support life again.

Domestic waste is another environmental problem. “Throwaway” products such as cans, plastic bags and disposable diapers are all avoidable sources of domestic waste. When you buy a takeout meal the packaging often weighs more than the food! Domestic waste is either burned in large incinerators or buried in landfill sites. Both these processes cause environmental damage. Burning garbage produces carbon dioxide, toxic fumes, soot and other airborne particles as well as an unpleasant smell. Burying garbage in landfill sites can contaminate the soil with toxic products, which then enter the water supply. Another hazard of landfill sites is the generation of explosive gases.

When people learn of the irresponsible dumping of industrial waste into rivers and oceans, they are usually horrified. But on a smaller scale, most of us are just as irresponsible with our own waste. About 80 % of all our domestic waste can be recycled. Most developed countries now have recycling centers for glass, paper, aluminium cans and plastic. But we are often too busy or too lazy to sort our trash for recycling. If we do not change our philosophy of “live now; pay later”, our children will bear the burden of our throwaway lifestyle.



I. Suggest your own heading to the text and give your reasons.

II. Answer these questions.

1. Do the two ways of disposing of waste cause environmental damage?

2. What does burning garbage give off?

3. Are the soil and water supply contaminated when garbage is buried?

4. What are the dangers of landfill sites?

5. How is domestic waste disposed of?

6. How much domestic waste can be recycled?

7. Do people need to take the trouble to sort their trash?

III. Choose the best answer.

1.The volume of industrial and domestic waste has increased over the past

A 40 years.

B 50 years.

C 30 years.

2. What chemical combination do fossil fuels produce?

A sulphur dioxide

B nitrogen dioxide

C carbon dioxide

3. What is meant by ‘unintentional water pollution’?

A leakage of toxic waste into the water supply caused by accidents

B discharge of industrial waste into the water supply directly

C discharge of solid waste

4. Why is oil a harmful pollutant?

A it coats the feathers of birds and the scales of fish and reduces the level of oxygen dissolved.

B it comes from accidents.

C it comes from deliberate washing of tanks at sea.

5. What does thermal pollution cause?

A growth of micro-organisms and disruption of the aquatic ecosystem

B overgrowth of micro-organisms and disruption of the aquatic ecosystem

C kills bacteria and algae

6. How is soil pollution brought about?

A it occurs only when industrial waste is dumped on the land.

B it occurs when waste is buried or dumped on the land, and via polluted air and water.

C it occurs only when waste is buried in landfill sites.


IV. Work in pairs or groups. Tell each other your answers. Read out the parts of the text which helped you to decide.

V. Role play


The local authorities have decided to make a landfill site not far from the place where you live. You know that it will cause environmental damage and are going to protest against it. The administration of a chemical plant takes interest in making a landfill site as it will economize on expensive equipment to purify water and air.

Act out the situation as:

- common people not far from the place where the landfill site will be made

- ecoactivists

- mayor of the town

- administration of a chemical plant.

Make use of the following expressions: it’s obvious that; you must agree that; why don’t you?; how about?; be reasonable about it, please; but first, shouldn’t we?; even so, …; I’m not sure I agree with you. I mean…; I’m not sure you are right. You see…; I see what you mean, but…; Look at it this way. That’s all right for you, but…; Yes, but have you considered that…?; Yes, but on the other hand; I can’t be certain, but I think..; I could be wrong, but I think…; If you want to know what I think,…; I’m not at all sure that…; Not everybody will agree with me, but…



I. Match the verbs in column A with their opposites in column B.


create damage

save neglect

care for pollute

improve destroy

purify waste


II. Complete the following table with nouns and adjectives related to the verbs listed.

Verb Noun Adjective
Waste Damage Improve Neglect Destroy Pollute Create Purify Congest   waste     xxxxxxxxx     xxxxxxxx


III. Match words from column A with words from column B to make phrases related to the environment.


ozone effect

global pollution

rain layer

food explosion

air rain

greenhouse shortages

acid forests

population warming


IV. Complete the sentences below by beginning with one of the phrases from ex. III, and using appropriate forms of verbs from the box.

cause play protect make affect result

a... life in our cities unhealthy.

b... people in several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

c... many fish in the lakes of Northern Europe to die.

d... from the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other manmade gases in the atmosphere, which absorb and reflect more of the sun’s heat than is normal.

e... an important role in the climate patterns of the whole world.

f... us from the adverse effects of ultra-violet radiation.


V. The words in the box all have similar meanings.

spoil ruin harm damage destroy mar


  1. Use a dictionary if necessary to arrange them in order on the line below.

Weakest Strongest


  1. Which would you be most likely to use to talk about the following?

i a car after a slight accident

ii a day of your holiday when things went badly

iii a building after a bad storm

iv a building after heavy bombing

v people’s lungs in a polluted city

vi a meal after too much cooking

vii a vie from the top of a hill after the building of a road

viii a businessman or woman who is bankrupt.


VI. These nouns all refer to different kinds of waste. Match them with their definitions.

garbage refuse scrap litter trash junk debris sewage


a something worthless or of low quality

b waste material to be thrown away

c the remains of smth broken into pieces or destroyed

d old useless things

e small things, usually paper, that have been thrown away

f waste material of any kind

g liquid waste from people’s houses and buildings

h rubbish collected or thrown away from people’s houses

i waste metal

Which two words are mainly used by Americans instead of rubbish?

Which of these nouns can also be used as verbs? What meanings would the verbs have?


VII. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Багато домашнього сміття може бути переробленою
  2. Електрогенеруюча промисловість спричиняє забруднення повітря, бо все тверде паливо виділяє двоокис вуглецю.
  3. Коли заводи скидають стічні води у водойми, це завдає шкоди навколишньому середовищу.
  4. Нафта – велике джерело забруднення води, яке знижує рівень розчиненого кисню і тоді море зовсім не може підтримувати життя.
  5. Наскільки мені відомо, домашнє сміття або скидають на звалищах, або спалюють у сміттєспалювальних печах.
  6. Ґрунт треба очистити від всіх бактерій.
  7. Німецька компанія розробила процес, який спалює майже будь-яке сміття.
  8. Місце мало жахливий вигляд – повсюди було сміття та розбите скло.





Your school or college has decided to organize a service in your area to collect waste paper and glass for recycling. Write a letter to your local radio station, giving details of the planned service and asking them to pass on this information for the benefit of local residents.

Hints. A letter giving information is a formal piece of writing related to a particular situation. Its main purpose is to give information, usually when this has been requested by smb else. It may also provide suggestions, request help, give an opinion, etc. Each point should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and / or justification.

Useful Language:

I am writing to inform you that/ advise you of/ let you know that/ on behalf of smb/ in the hope that you could inform.

It is hoped that by doing this

We would be extremely grateful

As you are doubtless aware

This would ensure that

It would be greatly appreciated

This service will undoubtedly

I would like to express my thanks

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.





Functions practised: asking for/stating and justifying opinion.

Vocabulary Area: fungus, fertilizer, pesticide, drainage, smelter, fertility, to spoil, to dump, to discard, to seep into smth, hazardous, to pose (a problem), crop rotation, to combat, to prey upon smb, pest, to be resistant to smb/smth, genetically engineered plants, deposit, crop, irrigation.



You are going to listen to an extract from an interview with Tony Cripps. He talks about his experiences during the campaign against the second runway at Manchester airport. Listen and mark the following statements (T) true or (F) false, according to what he says.

  1. Many wild animals and trees were destroyed when the second runway at Manchester was built.
  2. The protesters wanted to close Manchester airport.
  3. They built tunnels underground and locked themselves to trees.
  4. Their aim was to stay there as long as possible.
  5. Their actions cost the building company a lot of money.

Do you think it is acceptable to do illegal and dangerous things to draw attention to a cause you believe in?





What do you think have been the effects of using pesticides and artificial fertilizers in modern farming? Discuss this question in a small group and make a list of the effects.


Read the text quickly, ignoring the missing paragraphs. Then read paragraphs A – E and choose the one that fits each gap in the text (1 – 9). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 133 | Нарушение авторских прав

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