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Discourse practice exercises

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Additional Vocabulary Exercises
  7. B. Pre-reading Exercises



A woman is as old as she looks.

A man is as old as he feels.

You can never say for sure about his (her) age.

It seems to me I've known her (him) for ages.

Are you keen on painting (swimming, sports, etc)?


Common phrases


He became famous rather young (old). Достичь славы достаточно молодым.

He died rather young. Он умер довольно-таки молодым.

Where / When money is concerned. Где / Когда дело касается денег.

(But) he was a clever man all the (Но) все же, он был умным человеком.


He is exactly a man who... Он был именно тем человеком, который …

To turn to theory rather than to practise. Обратиться скорее к тeории, чем к практике.

To crown it all В завершении всего,...

To sum up Подводя итог,...

Words fail me! У меня нет слов!


We train grammar.


To be neither... nor...

To be either... or...

To be both... and...


There are people neither Есть (на свете) люди ни красивые,

handsome nor attractive, yet they ни привлекательные, тем не менее

draw everyone's attention. они притягивают всеобщее внимание.


He was both smart and energetic, yet Он был и умница, и энергичен, но

he had been a permanent failer. все же ему постоянно не везло.




Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимениями, где это необходимо.


Jack London,... great American novelist, was born in San Francisco and spent... first years of... life there.

John London,... father of... family, left... farm and moved to... town. He tried a lot of trades, but couldn't make enough money to send... children to... school. Jack London had to begin earning... living at... early age. He sold... morning and evening newspapers in streets. At... age of fourteen he began working in... factory. He worked eighteen or twenty hours... day. Then he became... sailor. Jack London travelled... lot. He had to do... very hard work, but he also read... lot and tried to get... education. He went to... school and... University. In addition he read... lot of books on... History and... Philosophy. Jack London's ambition was to become... writer.

Later London went to... Far north of... America. He didn't bring back any gold from there, but he brought something much better than... yellow metal. It was... book of... stories about... life in... North. He had realized... ambition; he had become... writer.



Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо.


1. When Dickens was a boy...... four, his father showed him a beautiful house... the place where they were living... that time.

"Why can't we live... a fine house like that?" the boy asked his father.

"We are rather poor, and can't pay... it," his father answered.

Little Charles often went to that place. He liked to look... the house and play outside it. Many years later he really moved... that house and lived there... a long time.

2. Theodore Dreiser, the great American writer, was born... the 27th... August, 1871... a small town... America.

3. When Jack London was a boy...... ten, he sold newspapers... the streets and... this way helped... his parents.

4. Which novels... Jack London are popular... Russia?

5. The boy learned to read... the age... five.

Translate from English into Russian.


1. He is exactly the man who started his carrier in business from scratch.

2. He became well-known rather young.

3. Such people who are both clever and industrious are always a great success in everything.

4. As a rule such people have a great power of observation.

5. The Fords have 100-year experience in producing autos.

6. People of business usually turn to partners with good reputations rather than strangers when they try their hand in something new.

7. He lived lonely that's why he insisted on making his will.

8. His thoughts were always on making friends with this talented and highly qualified engineer.

9. When he was rather young he was in poor health. Gradually he made up his mind to improve it because he had to lead a very busy life.

10.There are people who are neither talented nor hardworking, yet they achieve outstanding results because they have a good luck since an early age.


Make up sentences using the following words:


to die in poverty; a man of principle; to create one's own world; with despair in one's heart; to have character; to be unique.


Translate from Russian into English.


1. К сожалению, он упустил возможность попробовать свои силы в проектировании (to design) выставки.

2. Достигнув славы, он потерял чувство уверенности, т.к. оказалось, что он был безвольным человеком.

3. Он неповторим в своих амбициях.

4. Он стал противником общественных порядков в раннем возрасте.

5. Он был хорошо образован для своего времени и поэтому достиг высоких результатов в своей сфере деятельности.

6. Где дело касалось денег, он становился жадным, а вообще, это был неплохой человек.

7. Он был по-своему неповторим.


Home assignment: translate into English.


Том родился в семье башмачника. И он решил с самого раннего детства стать богатым человеком.

В школе он старался изо всех сил, чтобы добиться успеха. Он показывал хорошие результаты и в алгебре, и в литературе. Том рос добрым мальчиком и всегда помнил о своей мечте.

В классе было несколько учеников ни умных, ни трудолюбивых, но все же всегда получавших хорошие оценки. Том постепенно начал им завидовать, и его зависть становилась все больше и больше. Его характер менялся от года к году. Когда он закончил школу, его товарищи по классу могли сказать, что Том совершенно отличался от того Тома в детстве.

Колледж не изменил характер Тома в лучшую сторону (for better). Чем больше Том старался добиться богатства, тем более жадным он становился, где дело касалось денег. В своей любви к деньгам он стал неповторим.

После колледжа он начал свой бизнес с самого начала (с чистого листа). Десятилетний опыт работы в перспективной области программного обеспечения компьютеров (computer software) позволил ему занять высокое положение в большой компании. Полностью окунувшись в бизнес (to get someone involved into business completely) он вел одинокий образ жизни. Ему так и не удалось создать семью. Вместо этого он претворил в жизнь (to put into life) свои амбиции, которые так и остались непонятыми.... Он оказался совершенно никчемным, и в его завещании тоже никто не нуждался.





Please, read and comprehend the text below and write out the vocabulary units and phrases you find the most appropriate to describe a leader.




President Barack Obama's Leadership Styles


The office of the American presidency is a multi-faceted occupation that requires many kinds of leadership styles. This hub briefly discusses some of the hats worn by American President Barack Obama over the past four years. Mostly the article focuses on three broad leadership styles including transformational-charismatic, cross-cultural, and contingency-situational leadership. Recently, I added the opinion polls to allow you to rate how you think President Obama has faired in these areas and overall. Please, feel free to participate.



Before the election, President Barack Obama attracted the attention of American's and foreigners alike with a seemingly charismatic nature. A charismatic leader has an uncanny ability to draw others to his side and move them to accomplish a cause bigger than themselves. A charismatic approach is transformational if it invokes a permanent change in the people who embrace the leader's vision. During his first term, President Obama wooed at least some to his vision by showing the potential to make a huge difference in both domestic and foreign affairs.


Cross-Cultural-Global Leadership

Under the Bush Administration, America's image lost much of its shine. This was mostly due to a unilateral, ethnocentric foreign policy espoused by Bush and Cheney. While not taking America's safety needs for granted, President Obama formulated a more cross-cultural approach to the world, thinking not only of the US's interests but also the interests of the other nations as well. In the first six months on the job, President Obama traveled abroad more than any other president at that point of his administration and seemed to pay careful attention to cultural norms in the places where he traveled. After his first year, the President's attempt to be more conciliatory to the Middle East; China and Russia were welcomed by the world in that he received the Nobel Peace Prize. However, some believe the President's policies toward the Middle East helped bring about the Arab Spring which resulted in the overthrow of at least a few pro-American regimes.


Contingency Leadership

During his first few months in office, Mr. Obama not only displayed culturally sensitive and transformational leadership, he responded to various situations using different types of leadership models. In this way he modeled what has been described as contingency leadership. When traveling abroad Obama was conciliatory, humble and apt to listen before speaking. When he faced the failing automobile industry, he did not mince words but stood tough to call for necessary changes. This was seen in how he forced GM and Chrysler to accept new MPG standards and pare down their long-time commitment to NASCAR. Under the heat of the current foreign and economic troubles, Obama worked hard to accomplish what he promised understanding that each second he waited may mean a lost home or job for another group of citizens. Whether one liked what he did or not, Obama did not shy away from the challenges that faced him when he accepted the job as president.


President Obama's Personality Profile

Sarah Moore and Angela Rodgers, students at the College of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn., did a research project on “The Personality Profile of President Barack Obama: Leadership Implications” and presented the results at the 6th annual Minnesota Private Colleges Scholars at the Capitol event, Feb. 19, in the State Capitol rotunda, St. Paul, Minn.

The profile revealed that Barack Obama is ambitious and confident; modestly dominant and self-asserting; accommodating, cooperative, and agreeable; somewhat outgoing and congenial; and relatively conscientious. The combination of ambitious and accommodating patterns in Obama’s profile suggests a “confident conciliator” personality composite.

Leaders with this personality prototype, though self-assured and ambitious, are characteristically gracious, considerate, and benevolent. They are energetic, charming, and agreeable, with a special talent for settling differences and a preference for mediation and compromise over force or coercion as a strategy for resolving conflict. They are driven primarily by a need for achievement, but also have substantial affiliation needs and a modest need for power.

The study offers an empirically based framework for anticipating Obama’s performance as chief executive. The following general predictions regarding Obama’s likely leadership style can be inferred from his personality profile:

- Ambitious, self-assured, gracious, considerate

- Preference for mediation and compromise over force or coercion as a strategy for resolving conflict

- High need for achievement; moderate need for affiliation; low need for power

- More pragmatic than ideological

- More task- than relationship oriented

- Likely to act as a strong advocate in his administration, using his powers of persuasion to advance his policy vision

- Preference for gathering information from a variety of sources rather than relying solely on advisors and administration officials

- In dealing with members of Congress, may show preference for avoiding unnecessary conflict by trying to remain above the fray in heated, highly divisive debates

- Preference for articulating and defending his policies in person rather than relying on staff and administration officials to speak for him



Use the Gerund and translate the sentences from Russian into English.


  1. Обсуждение этого Интернет-ресурса позволило выполнить анализ опроса общественного, касающегося лидерских качеств действующего Премьер-министра. (discussing this hub; to make it possible for smb; to perform opinion polls analysis; in respect with; leadership styles; the acting Prime Minister)
  2. Я хочу, чтобы ты продолжал демонстрировать свои лучшие качества, такие как сверхъестественная способность к взаимному пониманию и достижению компромисса в урегулировании международных конфликтов. (to continue on / to keep on; to fair qualities; uncanny ability for smth.; to settle down international conflicts)
  3. Мне неприятна мысль о том, что США теряют свое величие как супердержава, позволяя втягивать себя локальные в военные конфликты на Ближнем Востоке. (to hate the idea of smb’s doing smth.; to lose much of smb’s shine; a superpower; to involve smb. Into smth.; a local war conflict; the Middle East)
  4. Призыв общественных деятелей к необходимым изменениям помог началу Арабской весны на Ближнем Востоке. (human rights activists; to call for necessary changes; the Arab Spring; the Middle East)
  5. Получение Нобелевской премии мира стало полной неожиданностью для этого скромного, открытого общественного деятеля, выступающего за мирное урегулирование конфликтов. (to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; to be / become quite unexpected; humble and outgoing; a peace activist)
  6. Снижение зависимости от различных источников информации позволило избежать нависших над нами проблем. (to pare down smb’s commitment to smth.; to avoid the challenges we are facing)
  7. Выражение готовности к посредничеству и компромиссу, нежели к применению силы в качестве стратегии для разрешения различного рода конфликтов, позволило прийти к выводу о том, что национальный лидер более склонен к прагматическому, чем к идеологическому решению этой проблемы. (to pose willingness for mediation and compromise; force as a strategy for; to resolve various conflicts; to conclude; the national leader; to be prone for; a more pragmatic than ideological solution of the problem)

Please, develop your sentences with the Gerund structure.



Use the Perfect Infinitive Structure and translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Model: President Obama was delightful to have faired while resolving the economic problems his country was facing recently.


  1. Обама был рад тому обстоятельству, что ему удалось продемонстрировать многие качества лидера, на которые народ США может всецело положиться. (to be delightful; to fair; leadership styles; to rely upon smth.)
  2. Некоторые арабские лидеры сожалели о том, что не смогли продемонстрировать свои способности к посредничеству и компромиссным решениям в ходе Арабской весны. (be / feel sorry; to perform sbm’s talents for smth. / doing smth.; mediation and compromise)
  3. Президент США был рад тому обстоятельству, что снизил зависимость США от силового разрешения конфликтов на Ближнем Востоке. (to be happy; to pare down smb’s commitment to smth.; force and coercion; to resolve conflicts)

Use the Passive Perfect Infinitive Structure and translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Model: President Obama feels delightful to have been honored at the Peace Conference held in Washington, DC last spring.


  1. Обама помнит, как ему предложили стать лидером Демократической партии США и участвовать в президентской гонке. (to join the presidential race / marathon)
  2. Он слишком амбициозен и уверен в себе, чтобы его рассматривали как политического неудачника. (ambitious and self-confident; to consider smb. as smb. / smth.; a lame duck)



Use the Infinitive Structure and translate the sentences from Russian into English.



Model: I would rather …

You had better …


  1. Я бы с удовольствием приобрел некоторые лидерские качества. (leadership styles)
  2. Я бы предпочел продемонстрировать свои лучшие качества в таких областях науки как физика, математика и химия. (to fair in such sciences as)
  3. Я бы лучше привлек внимание к проблемам межкультурного характера, нежели к односторонней, этноцентрической внешней политике, проводимой тандемом Буш-Чейни. (to attract smb’s attention to smth.; cross-cultural problems; unilateral, ethnocentric foreign policy; to be espoused by smb - smb)
  4. Нам лучше быть более дружелюбными к странам Ближнего Востока. (to be more conciliatory; the Middle East countries)
  5. Нам лучше не жеманничать, но твердо отстаивать свою позицию перед лицом террористической угрозы. (to mince words; to stand tough facing the terrorist threat)
  6. Нам бы лучше отказаться от идеи избежать нависших над нами проблем. (to refuse the idea of doing smth; to shy away from the challenges we are facing)
  7. Нам бы лучше выразить готовность к посредничеству и компромиссу, нежели к применению силы в качестве стратегии для разрешения различного рода конфликтов. (to be ready for mediation and compromise; force as a strategy for; to resolve conflict)



Model: The biographers have so many patterns in Obama’s profile to study.


  1. Обама имеет многие качества лидера, на которые народ США может всецело положиться. (leadership styles; to rely upon smth.)
  2. Обама, как первый президент афроамериканского происхождения, обладает многими лидерскими качествами, которым могут последовать многие политики. (first Afro-American President; leadership characteristics; to follow smb’s example)

Model: The biographers have so many patterns in Obama’s profile to be observed.


  1. Президент США взял на себя / имеет бесконечный перечень обязательств, которые необходимо безусловно выполнять. (an endless list of commitments; to be unconditionally executed)
  2. Существует множество ролей, которые Президент США может выполнять, осуществляя внутреннюю и внешнюю политику страны. (there are many hats to be worn; to exercise domestic and foreign policy)
  3. Президент назвал перечень необходимых изменений, на которые необходимо обратить внимание в первую очередь. (to give a list of necessary changes; to be called for; in the first place)

Model: He is too clever to fail at his entrance exam.

  1. Обама слишком молод и полон энергии, чтобы отказаться от успешной карьеры политика. (to give up a successful political career)
  2. Он слишком амбициозен и уверен в себе, чтобы дать сопернику шанс обойти себя в президентской гонке. (ambitious and self-confident; to give smb. a chance; to beat smb.; the race/marathon for Presidency)
  3. Среднестатический американец недостаточно дружелюбен к представителям мусульманского мира, чтобы снискать уважение среди жителей стран Ближнего Востока. (the average native born American; to be conciliatory; the Muslim world; to enjoy respect from smb; the peoples of the Middle East countries)
  4. Исследование, выполненное эмпирическим путем, мало что может предложить тем, кто предпочитает апеллировать к фактам. (an empirically based framework; to have little to offer; those who operate facts)


Please, develop your sentences with the Infinitive structure.



Please, consider the main points in the texts presented in this module and develop a talk according to the following communicative tasks:

  1. Who do you find the most interesting person among your friends or relatives? Describe this person and explain why you find him or her so.
  1. Who do you find a leader among your friends or relatives? Describe this person and explain why you find him or her so.


Your response should comply with the following:


ü Your response answers the topic question.

ü The point of view or position is clear.

ü The response is direct and well-organized.

ü The sentences are logically connected.

ü Details and examples support the main idea.

ü The thoughts you express are complete.

ü The meaning is easy to comprehend.

ü A wide range of vocabulary is used.


Final home assignment: change the text President Barack Obama's Leadership Styles into a narration about your national leader using the active vocabulary and the grammar structures you have studied.

Your narration can be given orally in the format of a PowerPoint presentation or submitted in the written form (typed, 250 – 350 words) on a separate piece of paper.







interrupting me

1. I'd like you asking me questions

to stop speaking Russian in class

smoking here

being cross with me


reading the book I gave you?

learning to skate?

2. Have you begun looking through the text?

making notes of the lectures?

discussing the question without them?


you(r) smoking here

their (them) using my notes

3. I don't mind his (him) coming to see us tomorrow evening

going out for a walk now

telling you another story

her helping me


playing chess here?

discussing the matter now?

4. Do you mind if telling funny stories?

we go on packing tomorrow morning?

watching TV?


translating the article yet

5. He hasn't finished speaking on the telephone yet

dressing yet. Could you wait a little, please?

looking round yet. Can we stay here a little longer?


interrupting him

6. They continue changing their plans


making mistakes





Use the Gerund form of the verbs from the box in the sentences below.


to call to jog to read to sing to swim


to clean to park to say to smoke to talk


1.... is very bad for your lungs.

2. Martha bought some new sneakers and went... in the park.

3. I don't want a car because... is difficult and expensive.

4. We went... in the Atlantic ocean.

5. The teacher became angry because the students didn't stop....

6.... a good book gives me great pleasure.

7. new York is an interesting city; that goes without....

8. First, the... woman washes the floor and she washes the dishes.

9. I told my husband to stop... in the bathroom; he has a terrible voice.

10.Thank you for...; I like to speak to you by phone.



Follow the pattern.

1. No parking means you can't park your car there.

2. No smoking...

3. No picture-taking...

4. No drinking...

5. No ball-playing...




Sample talk as a solution for communicative task ‘EXPERIENCE PROBLEM’


QUESTION: Whom do you find the most inspirational person of all? Describe the person and explain why you find him/her so.


OR: Whom do you find the most inspirational person of all? Describe this person and give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you.

A person who has really inspired me is J. K. Rowling.


She's the author of the internationally acclaimed and very successful Harry Potter series.

One of the main reasons I'm very inspired by her is that I'm a budding writer myself -- I'm very interested in fantasy fiction -- and, you know, she's shown that it is possible to be successful as a writer in this genre, even in an age where children are increasingly infatuated with things like video games and digital products.


And the second reason is that, as I understand it, she wrote the series under co-, you know, with considerable hardships. She was a single mother, she didn't have a lot of income, and she still forged ahead and, well, achieved her dream - and that really inspires me.


  Whom do you find the most inspirational person of all? +   Describe this person and give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you.


  Describe this person and give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you. = А Describe this person and + В give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you.


В give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you. = Statement 1: One of the main reasons… + Statement 2: And the second reason is that…
1 Whom do you find the most inspirational person of all? + 2 Describe this person and give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you.
А Describe this person and + В give specific examples why he or she is so exciting for you.
Statement 1: One of the main reasons… + Statement 2: And the second reason is that…

или в упрощенном виде:

1 + 2 + В (Statement 1 + Statement 2))



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