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Unit IV: Samara and Samara region

Читайте также:
  1. A top official from South Sudan claims that his government has offered Sudan billions of dollars to settle the dispute over the oil-producing Abyei region.
  3. Alles aus der Region
  4. Annex 1 REGIONS OF THE EU
  5. B) Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).
  6. Belgorod Region (social and economic survey)
  7. Biomarkers in organic matter of Jurassic deposits in the western part of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough, Russia

Английский язык



Методические указания

по устным экзаменационным темам для студентов I курса


Самара 2006


Составители: Е.В. Шипанова, Э.Р. Хафиятуллина

Методические указания по устным экзаменационным темам для студентов I курса всех специальностей (английский язык) /Сост.: Е.В. Шипанова, Э.Р. Хафиятуллина; Самарск. Гос. арх.-строит. ун-т. Самара,2006.



Данные методические указания по английскому языку предназначены для студентов I курса всех специальностей и содержат тематические разделы для отработки устных экзаменационных тем. Пособие содержит список слов и словосочетаний, комплекс упражнений и диалогов.



Предназначена для студентов I курса всех специальностей



Рецензент: доктор филологических наук, профессор Е.Г. Вышкин






good-looking- красивый, миловидный to go in for smth- заниматься чем-либо

slim- стройный opinion- мнение

experienced- опытный, со стажем upbringing- воспитание

to take care of smb- заботиться о ком-либо broad-shouldered -широкоплечий she is good at cooking она хорошо готовит to play the guitar- играть на гитаре she is clever with her hands- у нее умелые руки to repair -чинить, исправлять to tidy -убирать, приводить в порядок twins- близнецы

pensioner- пенсионер to run the house - вести хозяйство

to take to pieces- разбирать на части to knit - вязать

to manage -суметь, справиться, ухитриться accountant -бухгалтер

wheels and screws -колесики и винтики scientist - ученый

to fix -чинить, исправлять vacuum cleaner -пылесос nursery school -детский сад washing machine- стиральная машина сosmonaut -космонавт fridge -холодильник

in pieces- разобранный на части views on smth- взгляды на …

fair-haired- светловолосый even-tempered - уравновешенный

to have much in common- иметь много общего horror film- фильм ужасов

and what not- и так далее, и тому подобное

to be fond of smth- увлекаться чем-либo

to be deeply attached to smb- быть сильно привязанным к кому-либо

to be in good mood - быть в хорошем настроении

to get on well - быть в хороших отношениях, ладить друг с другом

to take after- быть похожим, пойти в кого-либо из родителей

“soap opera”- “мыльная опера ”, многосерийная мелодрама

to be handy with smth -уметь делать что-либо, быть искусным в чем-либо



I am Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. We are six in the family.

My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and green eyes. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing together. My father knows all about new radio sets and likes to repair old ones. He is also handy with many things. When he was small, he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once my father tried to “repair” their kitchen clock. He managed to put all the wheels and screws back again – but the clock did not work. They had to give it to a repairman. But that happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He’s got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On the table there’s always a radio in pieces.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books and films. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes “soap operas”. My father is fond of tennis. My mother isn’t interested in sports. But my parents have the same opinion about my education and upbringing.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father. She is very good at cooking and she is very clever with her hands. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.

My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a small business company. Her husband is a scientist. They’ve got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school.

My brother Boris is eleven. He is a school-boy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut.

I think I take after my father. I’m tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in good mood. I am a first year student. This year I have entered Samara University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I am interested in general engineering subjects. I like maths, chemistry, computer engineering, physics.

We’ve got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.

Exercise I

Answer the questions:

1.What is your first name? What is your surname?

2.How old are you?

3.When is your birthday?

4.Is your family large? How many are you in the family?

5.Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6.What are your parents? Where do they work?

7.How long have your parents been married?

8.Do they have much in common?

9.Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

10.What sort of things do you do together?

11.Do you go out with your parents?

12.Who runs the house in your family?

13.What are your household duties?

14.What is your father’s hobby?

15.Can you describe your mother?

Exercise II

Read the dialogue and translate it:

-Hello, Ann!

-Hello, Kate! Haven’t seen you for ages! Meet my fellow student Lena.

-How do you do! Glad to meet you, Lena. Are you from St.Petersburg?

-No, I’m from Moscow. My family lives there too.

-Do you live in the hall of residence or rent a room?

-Neither. I live at my sister’s. She has a nice three-room flat not far from the center of the city.

-You are lucky. Is your sister married?

-Oh, yes. She is married and has a daughter already.

-What is her husband?

-He is a manager.

-And is your sister also a manager?

-Oh, no, she is a teacher of English.

-Do your like St.Petersburg, Kate?

-Yes, I do. All members of my family live in St.Petersburg.

-And is your family large?

-Rather. We are five: my parents, a grandmother, my younger brother and me.

-Does your grandmother work?

-No, she is a retired pensioner. She is in her late sixties. But she does a lot of housework.

-Is your brother still at school?

-Yes, he is. He is leaving school this year. He is seventeen.

-What is he going to be?

-His dream is to be an actor. He is a great theatre-lover.


Exercise III

You want to know something about your groupmates. Think of the questions you would like to ask them (their family, native town, favorite subjects at school and at the institute, hobbies, sports, TV, cinema, books, friends, future plans, etc.) Make up a dialogue in pairs.



Belonging to a family is one bond almost everyone in the world shares, but family patterns vary from country to country. The United States has many different types of families. While most American families are traditional, comprising a father, mother and one or more children, 22.5 percent of all American families in 2001 were headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in the United States, there are no children. These childless couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may want freedom from the responsibilities of child-rearing; or, perhaps they are not physically able to have children. Other families in the United States have one adult who is a stepparent. A stepmother or stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or mother.

Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States, people have the right to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they must belong to. They respect each other's choices regarding family groups.

Families are very important to Americans. One sign that this is true is that Americans show great concern about the family as an institution. Many Americans believe there are too many divorces. They worry that teenagers are not obeying their parents. They are concerned about whether working women can properly care for their children.

Families give Americans a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition. Families give Americans strength and purpose.

Families serve many functions. They provide a setting in which children can be born and reared. Families help educate their members. Parents teach their children values - what they think is important. They teach their children daily skills, such as how to ride a bicycle. They also teach them common practices and customs, such as respect for elders and celebrating holidays. The most important job for a family is to give emotional support and security.


Exercise I

Answer the following questions:

1. What types of families are there in the USA?

2. What is the attitude of Americans to the types of family groups?

3. Why is a family important to Americans?

4. Why do some couples prefer to be childless?

5. What sense do families give to Americans?

6. What functions do families serve?

7. What is the most important job for a family?


Exercise II

Put all types of questions to the text.

Exercise III

Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Family patterns, childless couples, responsibility of child-rearing, stepparent, the right to privacy, a sense of tradition, to earn money, emotional, support and security, family groups, to obey the parents, daily skills, good relationship, to teach daily skills, respect for elders, emotional support, concern about the family as an institution.


Exercise IV

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Бездетные пары, типичная американская семья, воспитание ребенка, освободиться от ответственности, отчим, стать хорошими родителями, мачеха, право на личную жизнь, повиноваться родителям, выполнять много функций, уважение к старшим, моральная поддержка, забота.

Exercise V

Make up your own topic “ABOUT MY FAMILY AND MYSELF”.




highly-qualified – высоко-квалифицированный tutorials – занятия с преподавателем

state supported - государственный to attend - посещать

to аdmit (into) - принимать post-graduate courses - аспирантура

to study (at) - учиться faculty - факультет to provide - обеспечивать to offer - предлагать

elements of machines - детали машин leisure - досуг

town planning - градостроительство to acquire - приобретать

well-equipped – хорошо оснащенный science and engineering – наука и техника

to depend (upon) – зависеть от supervision - руководство

course of study – курс обучения examination period - сессия

particular - определенный to make up - составлять curriculum – учебная программа variety of – ряд, множество

intense - напряженный dormitory - общежитие

academic year – учебный год grant -стипендия

general engineering subjects – общетехнические предметы

strength of materials – сопротивление материалов

computer engineering – вычислительная техника

to meet requirements – удовлетворять (отвечать) требованиям

water supply and sewerage – водоснабжение и водоотведение

research – научно-исследовательская работа





There are many higher educational establishments in Samara. The University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of them. It trains highly-qualified specialists for the construction and service industries.

The University was founded in 1930. It’s a state supported institution. This means the tuition is free.

To be admitted into the University applicants are to pass entrance examinations. Students are able to study at full-time or extra-mural departments.

The University is a federal organization comprising Institutes: Institute of Ecology and Engineering Life Support Systems, Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Architecture and Design, Construction Institute, Institute of Pre-Higher Education.

There are ten faculties at the University: Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Engineering, Faculty of Transport and Town Development, Faculty of Engineering Life Support Systems, Faculty of Engineering Economics, Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, Correspondence Engineering Faculty and Correspondence Faculty of Economics.

The University provides training in specialties such as civil engineering, heating, ventilation and gas, water supply and sewerage, power construction, town planning, building materials, production of precast units, etc.

The University has a big library, many classrooms, well-equipped labs, a big computer center, an assembly hall and a canteen.

The course of studies lasts 5 – 6 years depending upon the particular faculty or department requirements.

The higher education curriculum is very intense and students have to work hard to meet its requirements. The academic year in Russia’s higher educational institutions begins on the first of September and is divided into two semesters. During this time students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials in many different subjects. The first- and second- year students study general engineering subjects such as maths, physics, chemistry, mechanics, strength of materials, elements of machines, drawing, computer engineering, a foreign language as well as a number of other subjects.

Specialization begins in the third year with further subjects available. The students acquire not only theoretical knowledge of construction science and engineering but also obtain production experience. They do practical work under the supervision of specialists. At the end of each semester students obtain credits and take exams. Those who do well receive grants. On graduating from the University our students receive a special higher-school certificate.

The graduates with an inclination towards research work have the opportunity to continue their studies at post-graduate courses.

However, studies are not the only thing that makes up a student’s life. The University offers a variety of leisure facilities. The University has a big sports complex for those who go in for sports. Students from out of the city live in the dormitory or in privately rented accommodation. Most students find it interesting but difficult to study at the University, especially the first-year students as they do not know how to organize their work and time.


Exercise I

Answer the following questions using the vocabulary from the text.

1. What is the full name of the University you study at?

2. When was it founded?

3. How many faculties are there at the University? What are they?

4. What should one do to become a student?

5. Why do some people choose the extra-mural department?

6. What specialists does the University train?

7. What subjects do students study in the first and second years?

8. When does specialization begin?

9. Do all students pay for their tuition?

10. Most students get grants, don’t they?

11. Where can students out of the city live?

12. Why have you chosen the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering?

13. What did you do to be admitted into the University?

14. Are you a full-time student?

15. How much do you pay for your tuition?

16. Do you receive a grant?

17.What faculty do you study at?

18.What qualification does the University award?

19. What do you plan to do when you graduate from the University?

20. What do you think your chances are in that field?


Exercise II

Give synonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

University, to train, construction, to study, to provide, auditorium, structural materials, to sit for examinations, to work hard, to begin, to acquire, scientific work, chance, canteen, to found, to graduate, work.

Exercise III

Give antonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

Full-time department, private, to be able to, to begin, to work, a foreign language, theoretical, at the end of, to pass one’s exam, town.


Exercise IV

Translate from Russian into English:

1.В каком университете Вы учитесь?

2.На каком факультете Вы учитесь?

3.Когда Вы поступили в университет?

4.Вы студент третьего курса, не так ли?

5.Сколько раз в году у Вас сессия?

6.Где Вы берете специальную литературу?

7.Сколько экзаменов у вас в эту сессию?

8.Вы уже сдали экзамен по английскому языку?

9.Какую оценку Вы получили?

10.Когда Вы закончите университет?


Exercise V

Read the dialogues and translate them:

Dialogue 1

A.: What faculty do you study at?

B.: At the faculty of Construction Engineering.

A.: What will your future profession be?

B.: Building Industry.

A.: Are you satisfied with your profession?

B.: Oh, yes, I am. I work in it now and soon I’ll be a very good specialist.

Dialogue 2

A: You are a second-year student, aren’t you?

B: Yes, I am. But why are you asking me about it?

A: Because I‘ve missed the whole year and now want to attend lectures for second-year students.

B: We are going to have a lecture on Strength of Materials in a few minutes. Let’s go with me. A: Is it the first lecture?

B: Yes, it is the very first lecture.

Dialogue 3

A: What lectures have you got today?

B: A lecture on maths and English practical classes.

A: What was our homework for today?

B: Three exercises in writing and the retelling of the text.

A: Will you give me the exercises to copy?

B: Certainly. I will. And what about the oral task?

A: Oh, I know the text perfectly well, but I haven’t done the written exercise.


Exercise VI

Speak on the topic “Samara University of Architecture and Civil Engineering”.



Higher education is given in colleges and universities. There are about 3000 institutions of higher education in the United States. Some of them are public, others are private. A public institution is owned and operated by a government. The cost of education in private institutions is paid by the students. Approximately 700 of all private institutions are controlled by religious groups.

More than 30% of young American adults attend college. Each college or university in the USA has its own requirements for admission. Most of them require students to take a standard entrance exam. In addition some colleges require a personal interview.

The most common college degree is a bachelor of arts, or a B.A. degree. This degree usually requires four years of study. During the first two years, a student often takes liberal arts courses to receive a general education. Liberal arts courses include the study of literature, languages and history. Then, in the last two years of college, a student focuses on major subjects, his or her specialization. Then the students may go on studying, and with a year or two of further study get a master’s degree. After another year or two of research, they may get a still higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Higher education trains people to become teachers, engineers, dentists or do other professional work.

A university is larger than a college. The most well-known universities in the USA are Columbia and Michigan, Cornell, Nee York and Buffalo.

Tuition and living costs at a state university might be about 1000 dollars a year. Private universities are even more expensive.

Students are classified as freshmen (first-year students), sophomores (second-year students), and juniors (third-year students). All the students who have graduated from the senior class are called advanced students or graduate students. Some graduate students get grants or stipends, which cover the cost of their education.


Exercise I

Find the equivalents of the following Russian words and word combinations in the text:

Высшее образование, учебное заведение, приблизительно, взрослые, требования к поступлению, типовые вступительные экзамены, собеседование, бакалавр, гуманитарные курсы, сосредоточиться на главных предметах, обучение, первокурсник, второкурсник, студент предпоследнего курса, выпускник, стипендия.


Exercise II

Arrange these words in suitable pairs

bachelor courses

higher for admission

attend students

private education

requirements interview

entrance exam

liberal arts studying

go on stipends

graduate college

get of arts

personal universities


Exercise III

Translate the words and word combinations in brackets using their equivalents from the text:

  1. There are about 3000 (высших учебных заведений) in the USA.
  2. The cost of education (в частных учебных заведениях) is paid by the students.
  3. Most colleges and universities require students to take a (типовой вступительный экзамен).
  4. The most common college degree is (бакалавр искусств).During the first two years students take (гуманитарные предметы) to receive a general education.
  5. In the last two years of college students (концентрируют свое внимание на основных предметах).
  6. Students graduate from the college with the degree of (Доктор Философии).
  7. University students are classified as (первокурсники, второкурсники, студенты предпоследнего курса и выпускники).
  8. Some graduate students get (дотации или стипендии).



TEXT A Vocabulary

on a large scale- зд. в больших количествах plain- равнина

a number of- ряд, несколько to influence -влиять

it is to be noted- cледует отметить temperate zone- умеренная зона

the legislative branch- законодательная власть to create- создавать, творить

the executive branch- исполнительная власть to carry out- в ыполнять

the judicial branch- судебная власть to elect -избирать

total- общий, всеобщий election- выборы

government -правительство


The total area of Russia is a little more than 17 million square kilometers. The population is about 160 million people. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

The greater part of the territory of Russia is vast plains with low mountain ranges and long rivers.

The Urals divide Russia into the European and Asian parts.

The Volga and the Ural are the longest rivers in the European part of the country. The longest rivers in the Asian part are the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena which flow into the Arctic Ocean. The world’s largest inland sea is the Caspian. Lake Baikal is the world’s deepest lake.

As Russia is a very large country, its climate is very different. However, we can say that it is mainly continental. The Arctic Ocean influences the weather on a great territory of the country. In some parts of our country winter lasts as long as six months.

The European part of Russia is in the temperate zone with warm or hot summers and rather mild winters.

Our country is very rich in mineral resources; especially it is rich in gas, oil and forests which are exported to different countries on a large scale.

From an agricultural country before the 1917 Revolution our country has become a highly developed industrial and agricultural state. After the Revolution heavy industry has been created; there have appeared such new branches of industry as aviation, machine-building, chemical, automobile and many others. A number of hydroelectric power stations have been constructed as well.

It is to be noted that the first atomic power station in the world began operating in Obninsk near Moscow in 1954, the first atomic ice-breaker in the world was also built in Russia. For a number of years our country played a leading role in the field of space exploration. In 1957, the first artificial satellite (sputnik) in the world was launched in Russia. On the 12th of April we celebrate Cosmonautics Day in the memory of the first space flight carried out by Yury Gagarin in 1961.

The new political system has brought great changes in all spheres of life in Russia. The Russian Federation is an independent state with a president at the head. The president is elected every four years at general elections.

The political system consists of three branches of power:

  1. the legislative branch is the Parliament that is divided into two houses – the Upper House, that is the Federation Council, and the Lower House, the Duma.
  2. the executive branch is the government with Prime Minister at the head.
  3. the judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court.

There exist a great many political parties and organizations (political as well as social) in our country today.


Exercise I

Answer the questions:

  1. How large is the territory of Russia?
  2. How large is the population of Russia?
  3. What parts do the Urals divide Russia into?
  4. Can you name the longest rivers in Siberia and the Far East?
  5. Which is the largest inland sea in the world?
  6. Which is the deepest lake and where is it? What’s its depth?
  7. Why do we say that the climate in Russia is various?
  8. What influences the climate of large territories in our country?
  9. What mineral resources is Russia rich in?
  10. What has been created in our country after the 1917 Revolution?
  11. What can you say about the first atomic power station in the world and about the first atomic ice-breaker?
  12. When and where was the first sputnik launched into space?
  13. Who was the first to make a space flight? When did it happen?
  14. What kind of state is the Russian Federation?
  15. What period is the president elected for?
  16. What are the three branches of power in our country?

Exercise II

Complete the sentences:

  1. The greater part of the territory of Russia …
  2. The Urals divide Russia …
  3. Lake Baikal is …
  4. The climate of Russia is …
  5. The Arctic Ocean influences …
  6. The European part of Russia is in …
  7. Our country is very rich in …
  8. After the 1917 Revolution there have appeared such …
  9. The first atomic power station in the world began …
  10. In 1957 … was launched in Russia.
  11. On the 12th of April we celebrate …
  12. The Russian Federation is …
  13. The legislative branch is …
  14. The executive branch is the government …
  15. The judicial branch is headed …



Exercise III

Read and translate the dialogues:

Dialogue 1

REPORTER: (Addressing Mr.Butler who headed an expedition to Kamchatka): How do you do, Mr. Butler? I’m Alexander Somov, a reporter for the St. Petersburg Times.

MR. BUTLER: How do you do, Mr. Somov?

R.: Our newspaper is very much interested in the results of your expedition. Have you had a good journey? Have you seen much of our country?

B.: The journey was quite safe and comfortable. As to your country, it’s really very large. We especially felt it when were coming back by train. It was very interesting to cross the whole country from the Far East to St. Petersburg.

R.: What impressed you most during your expedition?

B.: First of all, it’s Kamchatka itself with volcanoes and unusually high geysers.

R.: And what about Siberia? What have you seen there?

B.: We have visited Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and some other industrial and cultural centers. We saw your beautiful Lake Baikal. We met many interesting people. I must say that Russians are very friendly. I’m very sorry, Mr. Somov, but we are in a hurry now. Goodbye!

R.: Thank you for the interview, Mr.Butler. Goodbye!

Dialogue 2

(Somov is phoning Mr. Butler on the next day)

SOMOV: Is that you, Mr. Butler? Good morning!

MR. BUTLER: Good morning, Mr. Somov!

S: Could I ask you a few more questions, Mr. Butler?

B: Yes, of course. I’m free now and I’m ready to talk to you.

S: Mr. Butler, you have seen our Far East, Siberia, you have been to Altai. Is there anything else you would like to see?

B: Yes, there is a region in your country which greatly attracts tourists. It’s the “Golden Ring of Russia”. I’ve heard a lot about it but I don’t know what it is.

S: Oh, it’s a really popular tour which embraces a number of towns in Central Russia: Zagorsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal and some others. They are old Russian towns which are famous for their ancient architecture, churches and monasteries. If one wants to have an idea of the life of Russians a few centuries ago, one should certainly make this tour. You will admire an unusual excursion to the past and it will certainly help you understand present Russia much better.

B: Thank you for your advice, Mr. Somov.


Exercise IV

Make up your own dialogue on the topic.

Exercise V

Answer the questions:

  1. Have you ever traveled about Russia?
  2. What places have you been to?
  3. Where did you go last time?
  4. Why did you go there?
  5. What did you like (dislike) there and what impressed you most?
  6. What places would you like to visit in the future?
  7. What region of our country do you live in?
  8. What places of interest are there in your region and in your town?




Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of Moscow’s history. Gradually the city became more and more powerful. In the 13th century Moscow was the centre of the struggle of Russian lands for the liberation from the tartar yoke. In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the new united state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg in 1712, Moscow remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack. Three quarters of the city was destroyed by fire during Napoleon’s occupation, but by the mid-19th century Moscow had been completely restored. After the October Revolution Moscow became the capital again.

Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers (ancient Moscow occupied the territory of the present-day Kremlin). The population of the city is over 9 million.

Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The Kremlin and St Basil’s Cathedral (Vasily Blazheny) are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. St Basil’s Cathedral was built in the mid-16th century in memory of the victory over Kazan. There’s a legend that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik, because he didn’t want them to create another masterpiece.

There are a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. Now Moscow is being reconstructed and we all hope that in a few years the city will become even more beautiful.

There are more than 100 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Other unique museums in Moscow include the All-Russia Museum of Folk Arts, the Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian Art, Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, Mikhail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture and many others.

Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best-known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama Theatres and studios are also very popular.

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 100 higher educational institutions in it.

Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and the centre of political life of the country.


Ivan the Terrible – Иван Грозный Peter the Great – ПетрВеликий (Петр I) The Tzar-Cannon – Царь-пушка The Tzar-Bell – Царь-колокол

The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great – Колокольня Ивана Великого

St Basil’s Cathedral – собор Василия Блаженного

the Bolshoi Opera House – Большой театр оперы и балета

The State Tretyakov Gallery – Государственная Третьяковская Галерея

Mikhail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture - Музей музыкальной культуры им.Глинки

Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum – Театральный музей имени Бахрушина

the All-Russia Museum of Folk Arts- Всероссийский музей декоративного, прикладного и

народного искусства

the Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian Art- Музей древнерусского искусства имени

А. Рублева

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts –Музей изобразительных искусств имени А.С.Пушкина


Exercise I

Answer the questions:

  1. When was Moscow founded?
  2. Is there a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow? Where is it?
  3. When did Moscow become the capital?
  4. In 1712 the capital was moved to St Petersburg, wasn’t it? When did Moscow become the capital again?
  5. Was ancient Moscow a big city? What’s the total area of modern Moscow?
  6. What’s the population of Moscow?
  7. What places of interest in the centre of Moscow do you know?
  8. What do you know about St Basil’s Cathedral?
  9. What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?
  10. What are the most famous Moscow museums? (art galleries?)
  11. What theatres in Moscow do you know?
  12. What is your favorite place in Moscow?

Exercise II

Translate from Russian into English:

Москва – это столица России с населением примерно (some) 9 миллионов человек. Москва – самый большой и один из старейших городов нашей страны. Она была основана Юрием Долгоруким в 1147. В 1997 году Москва отпраздновала свое 850-летие.

Москва – крупный индустриальный и культурный центр. Здесь более 550 исследовательских институтов и более 80 высших учебных заведений (institutes of higher education), более 50 музеев, около 1000 библиотек. Москва- это политический центр России, где находятся президент, парламент и правительство.






to border – граничить oil shale – горючий сланец

to stretch – протягиваться silicate clay – силикатная глина

pine –сосна native sulfur – самородная сера

magnificent – великолепный sodium chloride – поваренная соль

distinct – явный elk - лось

annual – годовой roe deer - косули

average -средний fertilizer - удобрение

drought – засуха ball-bearing - шарикоподшипник

fossils – полезные ископаемые spirit - спирт

significant – существенный to maintain - поддерживать



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