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The adverbial modifier of result

Читайте также:
  1. Abnormal results
  2. According to results of the event the winners will be awarded with diplomas and gifts.
  3. Adverbials (B)
  4. Analyse the Adverbial Clauses of Condition. Open the brackets use the correct verb forms.
  5. As adverbial modifier
  6. Assessment of laboratory and instrumental studies of women in obstetrics and gynecology (two laboratory results, and one instrumental)
  7. B) An action which lasted for some time in the past and its result was also visible in the past.

The infinitive constructions

The infinitive may have a subject of its own within sentences. In this case it forms with it a construction called a complex.

We could mark out four infinitive constructions but only three of them are in frequent use:

The Complex Object

The Complex Subject

The For-To-Infinitive construction

The Absolute Infinitive

1. The Complex Object (the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction, Объектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот) consists of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and the Infinitive. It’s mostly translated into Russian by an object clause. (придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как).

Subject + Predicate + Noun (Pronoun) + Infinitive

I want my parents to buy me a car.

She didn’t want her friend to catch a cold.


The Complex Object is used after the following groups of verbs:


1. Mental activity (to know, to think, to consider, to believe, to find, to trust, to mean, to expect etc.)

The verb to be is generally used after these verbs but it could be omitted after the verbs to consider, to find, to declare.


We expect him to solve this problem.

I don’t consider him (to be) a fair man.


2. Declaring (to pronounce, to declare, to report, to teach).


Breathing out, the surgeon pronounced the wound to be a slight one.

He declared the train to arrive at 5 o’clock.


3. Wish or intention (to want, to desire, to mean, to intend, to choose)


The colonel wants you to get in his office immediately.

He intended me to go with him to the Netherlands.


4. Feeling and emotion (to like, to hate, to dislike)


I hate you to talk in this way.

Mr. Domby would like his bosom friend to come to the party tonight.


5. Order and permission (to order, to allow, to suffer, to ask, to forbid)


Jane’s father suffered his daughter to play with Tom. Отец Джейн не охотно разрешил своей дочери поиграть с Томом.


6. Sense perception (to hear, to see, to watch, to feel, to observe)

After such verbs bare infinitive is used. (no «to» is used before the verb)


I saw him get off the train at Wembley Park.

I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.



If the action was fully competed (from the very beginning up to the very end) we use bare infinitive after sense perception verbs.


I saw him cross the street. (A person saw the whole action)


If the action was not completed and is still in progress, we use Participle 1 after sense perception verbs.


I saw him crossing the street (The action was in progress when I saw him).




The verbs to see and to hear could not belong to sense perception verbs in some cases and are used in the different meaning. In these cases to see means to understand and to hear denotes to learn, to be told. Herewith the mentioned verbs are followed by a clause but never by the Infinitive construction.


I saw that she didn’t realize the danger.

I heard that he had left for the south.



Bare Infinitive is used after the following phrases:


1) let smb do smth

My mother doesn’t let me play football.


2) make smb do smth


It is very hard for parents to make their children study English.



If used in Passiv, „to“ is needed.


She said they were made to work illegally long hours for a basic daily wage.


3) have smb do smth = распорядится, чтобы (causative construction)


The President had the waiters bring champagne to all his guests.

I’ll have the documents printed for you. — Я распоряжусь, чтобы вам распечатали документы.


2. Complex Subject (The Nominative-with-the Infinitiv, Субъектно-предикативный инфинитивный оборот) consists of a noun/pronoun in the nominative case and the Infinitive. It’s translated into Russian by a subordinate clause. (неопределённо-личным предложением).

Subject + Predicate + Infinitive

This monument is known to have been built in Spain.

Известно, что этот памятник построили в Испании.


The Complex Subject is used with the following groups of verbs:


1. Sense perception (to see, to hear, to notice, etc)


The car was seen to disappear in the distance.

She was heard to laugh very loudly.


2. Mental activity (to think, to consider, to expect, to believe, to suppose, etc.)


This scientist is considered to be one of the greatest of his kind in this field.

He was supposed to come at 11.


3. to say, to report, to order, to allow, to state, to announce


The Chinese delegation is reported to have left India.

She is said to live in London


4. Word groups:

to be likely/unlikely – вероятно/вряд ли

to be certain/to be sure – несомненно, обязательно, бесспорно, непременно, наверняка

He is unlikely to see them off today.

Mr. Brown is sure to be asked about it.


5. to seem/ to appear – казаться, по-видимому

to prove/to turn out - оказываться

to happen/to chance – случаться


They seem to have quite forgotten us.

The first experiment proved to be a success.



Он, кажется, не знает этого предмета – He doesn’t seem to know this subject.



Complex Subject is often used with all infinitive forms.

He is said to live in London. Говорят, что он живет в Лондоне.


The water seems to be boiling. Вода, кажется, кипит.


They are reported to have finished the construction. Сообщают, что они уже закончили строительство.



Complex Subject can not refer to the future except for the verbs - to expect, to be sure/certain, to be likely/unlikely


We are sure to come to an agreement. – Мы обязательно достигнем соглашения.



If there is an adjective after words to prove, to seem, to appear, the verb to be can be omitted.


She proved (to be) very clever.

The For-To-Infinitive construction


Preposition-For precedes a noun/pronoun. We use subordinate clause (придаточное предложение) or an infinitive to translate such sentences.


Subject + Predicate + For + Object + Infinitive


It was hard for me to understand what he was saying.


This construction denotes different functions in the sentence.


The subject


It’s easier for me to dine out instead of having dinner at home.

It’s not for us to decide.



It (be) nice/kind/sensible/silly/stupid/tactless of smb to do smth.

It was silly of you to ask this question.

How kind of you to stay with me.


The object


to wait/to arrange/to be anxious for smb to do smth

to make it difficult for smb to do smth

to think easy


He thinks it best for you to stay in bed today.

3. The attitude = определение

It’s only thing for smb to do smth

The right time

There is nothing


It was the only thing for me to do.


4. The adverbial modifier of purpose = обстоятельство цели

He moved away for us to pass by. Он отступил в сторону, чтобы мы могли пройти


The adverbial modifier of result

This weather was very cold for him to have a good time.


4) The Absolute Infinitive is rarely used in modern language. This construction consists of two parts where the first one has its own subject and predicate; the second one involves an infinitive and a second subject. The absolute construction is commonly used in law and technical literature. This Infinitive translates into Russian using preposition причём.

Subject + Predicate, Subject + Infinitive

The sellers offered the buyers 5,000 tons of oil, delivery to be made in October. Поставщики предложили покупателям 5.000 тонн нефти, причем поставка должна быть произведена в ок­тябре


This application should be forwarded by a registered letter, the text to be written in English. – Это заявление должно быть отправлено заказным письмом, причем текст должен быть на английском языке.



1) Ходят слухи, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.

2) Президент распорядился, чтобы его поручение было выполнено в течение месяца.

3) С его стороны было глупо заставить лорда Экройда приобрести участок земли в Кенте.

4) Она задала мне множество вопросов и, по-видимому, считала почти позором службу в итальянской армии.

5) В тот момент, когда я заметил, как Джон пересекает дорогу, у меня зазвонил телефон.

6) - Кажется, кто-то стучит в дверь.

- Будет лучше, если ты откроешь ему, и не заставишь гостя больше томится в ожидании.

7) Машина шла слишком быстро, чтобы я смог рассмотреть лицо водителя.

8) - Наверняка она написал письмо мистеру Брауну.

- По правде говоря, слабо верится в это.

9) Мистер Мердстон хотел, чтобы Пеготи отказали от места, но миссис Копперфильд не могла допустить, чтобы её верная служанка ушла от неё.

10) «Петух, может быть, хорошо кукарекает, но яйца всё-таки несёт курица». Говорят, это цитата принадлежит Маргарет Тэтчер.

11) Многим женщинам приходится своих мужей поить, а то, пока они не выпивши, с ними и житья нет.

12) Делегация немецких дипломатов, скорее всего, уже прибыла в Лондон.

13) На улице было недостаточно места, чтобы припарковать автомобиль.

14) Поговаривали, что покойный отец Эмили был знатным и богатым джентльменом

15) Вы думаете, мне легко отказаться от этой мысли?

16) Я почувствовал, что кто-то внимательно смотрит на меня.

17) Сообщается, что сейчас в мусульманских странах проходит акция протеста.

18) Именно мистер Смит не смог заставить Джейн подготовить план данного проекта.

19) Вряд ли его спросили об этом в полиции.

20) После того как меня подстригут, мы, по-видимому, направимся в кафе.

21) Пик, прошу вас, ведите себя прилично. Облачимся в наши лучшие воскресные манеры ради девчонки, которую мы вытащили из грязи.

22) Казалось, что он все время размышляет над тем, что его вдохновляет, причём мысли эти не выходят из его головы.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 222 | Нарушение авторских прав

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