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C. Now look at the next page and read the contract Tom and Jane compiled. Compare it with your own suggestions.

Читайте также:
  1. A contract between Continental Equipment and TST Systems
  2. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.
  3. Acceptance in unilateral contracts
  4. Apple uncovers poor conduct at some of its contractors
  5. Approved agreement which then becomes a binding contract
  6. b)Contractul de comision
  7. Before writing your own contract read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.
Tom’s duties: - Gets up with his wife, takes a shower and shaves while Jane picks Jimmy to the kindergarten and cooks breakfast. While Jimmy has breakfast Tom dresses and has a cup of coffee. - Takes Jimmy to the kindergarten; - Returns home and has breakfast with Jane and Suzan; - On week-ends takes children to the Zoo, circus, friends’, etc.; - Twice a week cooks dinner; on Sunday and on Saturday cooks breakfast, on Sunday cooks lunch; - Does shopping for festive dinners; - Washes up 3 times a week; - Makes the bed every morning; - Keeps hard work about the house: cleans the floor, etc.; - 3 times a week bathes the children before they go to bed, reads them tales, puts them to bed; - Has spare time on Saturday; Jane’s duties: - Wakes Tom up on week days; - Cooks breakfast every day except Saturdays and Sundays; - Picks Jimmy to the kindergarten; - Dresses Suzan when Tom takes the son to the kindergarten; - Has breakfast with Tom and Susan; - Plays with Suzan; - Brings Jimmy home from the Kindergarten; - Cooks dinner 5 days a week; - Does shopping every day; - Washes up 4 days a week; - Does the laundry; - Makes children’s bed in the morning; - 4 days a week bathes the children before they go to bed, reads them tales, puts them to bed; - Has free time on Sunday.



Look through the questionnaire. Chose one of the questions you are interested most of all. Ask this question to every person in the group. Present the results of your survey in the group.

1. Do you have any household duties?

2. How much time do you spend on your work about the house?

3. Do you like to do everyday shopping?

4. Is it difficult to keep your flat tidy?

5. How often do you clean your flat?

6. Do you sometimes have to cook?

7. Is it necessary to divide all the chores among the members of the family?

8. Can you subdivide household duties into men’s and women’s ones?

9. Should children have any household duties? At what age?


— 25. Study the table. Make up as many sentences as possible

    To do housework homework an exercise the hair the room shopping ironing laundry repairing good harm     To make a mistake a dress a report tea a cake breakfast a fire a present money friends enemy


— 26. Practice Fill in the gaps with suitable expressions from ex.24:

1. There is a big supermarket not far from my house. I like to _____ there.

2. Your clothes leave much to be desired. You should _____ and _____.

3. I am so busy preparing for the seminar, I _____.

4. I adore baking. Today my friends are coming to see me and I am going to ____.

5. Jim is a very sociable person. It is easy for him to ______ with people.

6. English grammar is my weak point, I always _____ in the dictation.

7. Give up smoking! It _______.

8. Jane is so handy. She never buys clothes. She can _____ herself.

9. I’m sure that physical exercises will _____ to your health. So ______ every morning.


@27. Practice.. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

Andrew is a lazy person. He never jumps … the bed early … the morning. He stays … bed as long as he can. So when he gets.. he is always short.. time. He has no time to take a bath or a shower … the morning, he prefers to do it … night … going … bed. He often has no time to cook something and he has only a cup.. coffee … breakfast. He leaves home … for work almost hungry.

The flat he lives … needs tidying badly. Sometimes he dusts the furniture … the duster, cleans the carpets … vacuum-cleaner, sweeps the floor … the broom. When his mother comes to see him she helps him … the house.

^ 28. Interaction. With different partners, practice the dialogues:


- How long does it take you to tidy up your room?

- It takes me an hour and a half

(to do the flat, to do lessons, to do the laundry, to cook dinner, to polish the floor …)


- Would you mind if I go out tonight?

- Of course not. But first you must wash up the dishes, and then…

- You needn’t go on

(go to the disco / clean the carpet; go to the café / do the laundry; go to the picnic / iron the linen; go to the beach / go shopping …)


- Are you going to take out rubbish?

- Heavens! I’ve already done it! I did ages ago!

(to clean your boots, to wash your jeans, to vacuum the carpet, to wash up the dishes; to lay the table …)


- Do not mind the mess, I’m just doing the room.

- It’s a pity you are busy. I have two tickets to the concert.

- Don’t worry, it never takes me long to do the room.

- I can help you, together we’ll do it in no time.

(to tidy up the flat / to the theatre; to do the laundry / to the circus; to do the ironing / to the cinema; wash the windows / to the exhibition …)


& 29. Reading .

First reading.

Read the questions below before reading the “ Dear Marla“column. Think about the question as you read. After reading write answers to the questions.

1. Why is the lady “Almost Dead in Derby”?

2. Is she satisfied with her work?

3. Is she satisfied with her husband’s and children’s contribution? Why?

4. What advice does she expect?


Dear Marla, I’m almost too tired to write this letter. Why? Because I work three jobs. I’m a mother, a wife, and a supervisor at a clothing factory. No, I do not work at the factory for luxuries. I work because it takes more than one salary to keep food on the table, clothes on our backs, and a roof over our heads. After 8 hours of handling other people’s problems, I come home to work – the cooking, the cleaning, and money-saving jobs like sewing. Frankly, I wish I didn’t have to work. I do not have enough time to enjoy my kids. Before I know it, they will be grown and on their own. I wish I could put more time into the house, too. It could look a lot better than it does. I also wish I had some time for myself. I have a weight problem, and it doesn’t take a doctor to tell me what’s wrong. I didn’t use to be overweight, but now every time I’m under stress, I eat. Where is my family in all this? Well, my husband is working as hard as I am. He does most of the shopping, he fixes things around the house, he drives the children to the church activities, ball games, etc. Until recently, he used to pick them up from their activities too,but now he can’t because he has to work the 3-11PM shift. Now they have to wait an hour or more for me. The kids, a boy 14 and a girl 12, do not have time to help during the week. They are always busy with their homework or school and church activities They study a lot on weeknights. They are good students, but not brilliant. So if they are going to be successful in the future, I don’t want to cut into their study time with chores. It’s their attitude on weekends that’s driving me crazy. They have some activities, of course, but they also have time to help me and they do not volunteer to do anything. Can’t they see how hard their father and I work? Why won’t they just pitch in? Do I have to get down on my knees and beg them to help? Jennifer, I will appreciate any advice you can give me. Almost Dead in Derby.  


— Second reading.

Read the letter again and answer some more questions:

1. Do you think that the writer has positive or negative relationship with her children? Find evidence in her letter to support your opinion.

2. Where does the stress in her life come from? Could she change anything to reduce her stress?

@ The task after reading

Write a response to “Almost Dead in Derby”

@30 Practice. Translate from Russian into English

1. Кто ведет хозяйство в вашей семье? – Мама, но фактически мы все ей помогаем.

2. Как вы делите домашние обязанности? - Мы не делим их, а делаем все вместе.

3. Не обращай внимания на беспорядок, пожалуйста, я как раз убираю свою комнату - Давай, я тебе помогу - Нет, я привыкла все делать сама.

4. Я хотела, чтобы ты мне помог со стиркой. Твоя одежда оставляет желать лучшего.

5. Ты бы постирал свои джинсы, им необходима стирка.

6. У меня много стирки и глажки. – Разве ты не отдаешь белье в прачечную, - нет, я предпочитаю стирать сама.

7. У меня не работает фотоаппарат. – Тебе нужно починить его.

8. – Ты не возражаешь, если я пойду погулять сегодня вечером? – Нет, конечно, но сначала ты должна помыть посуду, приготовить обед, прибрать в доме, …- Можешь не продолжать.

9. Я редко покупаю одежду. Я люблю шить платья, юбки, костюмы сама.

10. Не выключай утюг, мне нужно погладить юбку.

11. Я не готовлю завтрак по утрам, так как у меня всегда мало времени.

12. Как правило, утром мне некогда подметать пол, вытирать пыль и мыть посуду. Я только убираю постель и открываю окно, чтобы проветрить комнату.

@31. Writing. Write about the household duties in your family



(a Russian folk tale)

Once there was a man whowas always angry with his wife. He was sure she did not do as much work as he did. He was also sure that the things which she did she didn't do in the right way.

One day he was at work in the field. Nothing went right that day. He did not cut enough hay. And when evening came, he broke his sickle. As he went home he talked to himself in an angry voice, and when he came home, he was still angry.

"You can do nothing right." he said to his wife. "Why I can do as much work in one day as you do in three."

"Don't be so angry", said his wife. "In the morning we shall change about. Yon will do my work in the house, and I shall go to the field and cut the hay."

"Very well", he said. "You can go to the field in the morning. You will see what it is like to do a man's work."

"Yes" said his wife, "and you will see what it is like to stay at home and take care of the baby and do all the work about the house."


First the man cleaned the floor. Then he had to churn the cream. He took the cream from the top of the big bowls of milk and put it into the churn, and sat down to churn.

"This is not work", he said to himself. "It is just play when you can sit down and work. I'll have the butter in a moment."

But just then the baby almost fell into the fire. As the man went up to the baby to pick her up, the pig came into the house and upset the churn. So the cream ran all over clean floor.

The man looked around and saw the pig with his feet in the cream. He ran after the pig. But the pig ran around the room until there was cream all over the floor. At last the man put the baby down. Then he caught the pig and threw it out into the yard.

By this time the baby was in the cream too. The man had to stop his work and change all her clothes.

"There is more to do now than when I started this morning", the man said to himself.

He cleaned the floor and put the cream from the other two bowls into the churn. Then he sat down again and began to churn butter.

He said to himself, "I must watch the baby or she will fall into the fire again."

Suddenly he thought of the cow. "She is still in the barn", he said, "but she must eat grass in the field." So he went to the barn, but suddenly he remembered the cream.

"This is all thecream that we have", he said, "and we must have butter for dinner". The baby may upset the churn. I'd better take it with me."

He tied the churn on his back and went out to the barn to take the cow to the field.

"The cow has had no water this morning." he remembered. So he went to the well to get some water for the cow. He had to bend to pull the pail out of the water. As he did so half the cream ran out of the churn over his head and into the well. I must save little cream which is still in the churn,” he said. “I shall put the churn on the top of the house where the pig and the baby can not get it”.

He climbed up and put the churn on the roof of the house. Nice green grass grew on the roof. When the man saw the green grass, he said: "I have no time to take the cow to the field. I shall put her up here, on the top of the house."

There was a small hill near the house, and the man made a little bridge from the hill to the top of the house. Then he made the cow go up the hill and over the little bridge to the top of the house.

"When night comes", thought the man "I shall not have to go to the field to take the cow back home."

He took the cream from the top of the house, went into the house and began to churn again.

Then he thought of the cow. "She may fall off the house", he said. "But I know what I shall do." He went out to the well and took the rope. Then he climbed up on the top of the house and tied one end of the rope around the cow's neck and put the other end of the rope down the chimney. Before he sat down to churn again, he tied the rope to one of his feet.

"Now" he said. "I shall know if anything happens to the cow."

By this time the morning was almost over, and the man thought: "I must put the porridge on the fire. It will soon be time for dinner."

Just as he started to pour water into a pot, there was a pull on his foot, and the next moment he was pulled up the chimney, the cow had fallen off the house, and the rope had pulled the man up the chimney.

At that time his wife was coming home from the field. When she came near the house, she saw the cow half-way between the roof and the ground with a rope round her neck. The woman ran to the house as fast as she could and cut the rope with her sickle. Down came the cow and it isa wonder that the cow was not dead.

Then the woman ran into the house.

"Where is mybaby!" she cried. The churn was again upset and the baby was placing in the cream on the floor. When the woman had cut the rope, the man fell into the big pot. And there he was in the pot with his feet up in the chimney!

She pulled him out of the pot and asked.

"What were you doing here?"

"I was doing everything." he answered, "but still nothing is done."

"It is a wonder that the cow is not dead", said the woman. And it is a wonder that you are not dead. Just look at the baby's clothes! And where is my dinner? I have worked hard all morning, and you have done nothing."

"My dear wife", said the man. "I asked you not to say a word. I shall do my work in the field, and you may do your work in the house. I shall never again say that I can do us much work in one day you do in three."

So after that he did his own work and his wife did her own work. He was never angry with her again. And he never told her again that she did not do any thing right.

Ex. 1. Find in the story the English for:

Сердиться на кого-либо, все шло не так, косить сено, взбивать сливки, маслобойка, перевернуть, колодец, веревка, труба.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions:

1. Why was the man always angry with his wife?

2. What did the woman suggest him doing one day?

3. How did his morning begin?

4. Why did the cream run all over clean floor?

5. Why did the cream run out of the churn over the man’s head?

6. How did the cow found itself on the roof?

7. How did it happen that the man was pulled up the chimney and the cow fell off the house?

8. What did the woman find when she came near the house?

9. What is the end of this story?

Ex.3 Discuss the following:

· Characterize the man. Was he a hardworking or a lazy man? Why did everything go wrong though he worked hard?

· Do you agree that the wife was a wife woman? Give the evidence.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 167 | Нарушение авторских прав

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FAMILY CONTRACT| Ex.4. Retell the story.

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