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Mitigating circumstances

Читайте также:
  1. Dialogues Suggested by Various Temperaments and Circumstances
  2. The Organizing Committee has a right to change the Provisions if the circumstances of the Festival-Contest will change on in a case of force majeure situation.

Different types of crimes have special names. If somebody wants and plans to kill somebody, it is a murder. But if somebody kills somebody by accident - it is a manslaughter.

Sometimes there are mitigating circumstances. A person acts in anger, but immediately calls the police himself and confesses. If he works regularly and has no criminal record the judge gives him a mild sentence.


XI. Найдите в тексте “B” эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

причинить смерть по неосторожности; непреднамеренное убийство (убийство по неосторожности); смягчающие обстоятельства; вызвать полицию; признаться; криминальное прошлое; мягкий приговор


XII. Найдите в тексте “В” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Что такое преднамеренное убийство?

2. Что такое убийство по неосторожности?

3. Что такое смягчающие обстоятельства?


XIII. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

A thief comes to church to get absolution of his sins and mechanically steals the priest’s watch.

“What sins do you have?” the priest asks the thief.

“My last sin is stealing a watch from a nice man. Do you want me to give you this watch?”

“No. You must give it back to the owner.”

“But he does not want it.”

“Then keep it and don’t worry.”


absolution of one’s sins – отпущение грехов

mechanically – по инерции, механически, машинально

an owner – владелец

Then keep it! – (зд.) Тогда оставь их у себя!

* * *

Believe it or not, but…

… in Sarasota it is illegal to sing in a public place if you are wearing a swimming costume.

… in Indiana it is illegal to swim in ponds, lakes and rivers in winter.

… there is a law in Iowa which says that kisses may last not more than five minutes.


ponds, lakes and rivers – пруды, озера, реки

to last - длиться

* * *

Two people meet in the street late at night.

“Is there a policeman somewhere here?”

“No, there are only two of us. There isn’t anyone else around here.”

“Then take off your coat.”

* * *

“Jane is a nice woman.”

“Does she pick up things fast?”

“Yes, she is a shoplifter.”


to pick up – схватывать на лету (о знаниях), воровать




Active vocabulary

punishment - наказание

to punish – наказывать

to break the law – нарушить закон

to sentence – приговаривать

a sentence – приговор

to pay a fine – уплатить штраф

to send to prison – отправить в тюрьму

seldom – редко

death penalty –смертная казнь

to make a mistake – совершить ошибку

severe punishment - суровое наказание

to hang a criminal – повесить преступника

to cut off a head – отрубить голову

mild punishment – мягкое наказание


I. Прочтите и переведите текст “А”.


Text A



The state does many things to stop crimes. If a person breaks the law, the state punishes him. A judge can sentence a criminal to pay a fine, or send him to prison for a long time. Judges seldom sentence criminals to death penalty these days.

Punishment can’t be harder than the crime. Judges must think well before they sentence criminals. It is very important not to make a mistake.

If we look at old times we can see very severe punishments. The judges’ sentences to criminals are: to hang them; to cut off heads; to cut the body into four pieces and other severe punishments. Now the judges’ sentences to criminals are milder.


II. Найдите в тексте “А” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Старается ли общество всеми путями предотвратить преступление?

2. Что происходит, если человек нарушает закон?

3. Какой приговор может вынести судья преступнику?

4. Часто ли судьи приговаривают преступников к смертной казни?

5. Может ли наказание быть более жестоким, чем преступление?

6. Какие наказания мы можем увидеть в прошлом? Это суровые наказания?

7. Стали ли наказания в наши дни мягче?


III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения:

to stop; the law; punishes; a fine; prison; seldom; punishment; harder than the crime

1. The state wants to … the crimes.

2. If a person breaks …, the state … him.

3. A judge can sentence a criminal to pay ….

4. A judge can send a criminal to ….

5. Judges … sentence criminals to death.

6. Punishment can’t be ….


IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

предотвратить преступления; нарушать закон; наказывать преступника; приговаривать к штрафу; отправить в тюрьму; смертная казнь; не совершить ошибку; суровое наказание; суровый приговор; мягкий приговор.


V. Составьте предложения, соединив левую и правую колонки:


If a person breaks the law A judge sentences a criminal A judge sends a criminal A judge seldom sentences a criminal Punishment can’t be to prison harder than the crime to pay a fine the state punishes him to death penalty


VI. Найдите в тексте “А” и переведите на русский язык глаголы в форме 3 л.ед.ч. в Present Simple.


VII. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. The state … (to do) many things … (to stop) the crimes.

2. If a person … (to steal) something in a shop, he … (to pay) a fine.

3. If a person … (to kill) somebody the judge …(to send) him to prison for a long time.

4. It … (to be) very important not to make a mistake.

5. Now the judges’ sentences … (to be) milder.


VIII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Does the state do many things to stop the crime?

2. What does the state do if a person breaks the law?

3. What do judges sentence criminals to?

4. For what crimes can a judge sentence a criminal to pay a fine?

5. For what crimes can a judge send a criminal to prison?

6. Do judges often sentence criminals to death penalty?

7. Can punishment be harder than the crime?

8. Is it important not to make a mistake?


IX. Подготовьте пересказ текста “А” на английском языке.


X. Прочтите и переведите текст “В”.

Text B



It is game. You are a judge. This is a list of crimes:

- a person drives at 150 kilometers an hour;

- a person murders a policeman during a robbery;

- a person smokes marijuana;

- a person steals money from a bank;

- a person shop-lifts;

- a person sells drugs (heroin);

- a person makes false money;

- a person drinks and drives.

Study the crimes and give these people sentences. If you don’t know the law for every crime, give your own idea. You must think well. Don’t make the punishment harder than the crime.

XI. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

One morning the king stoops down over the basin to wash his face. The jester can’t stand the temptation and kicks the king. It is an inexcusable insult. The king gets furious and orders to execute the jester. A few minutes before the execution the king feels sorry for the jester and tells him that he will pardon him if he makes such an excuse that will be more impudent than the insult itself. The jester thinks a little and says, “I’m sorry, Your Majesty! But I thought it was the queen”.


The jester can’t stand the temptation… – (зд.) Шут не может противостоять соблазну…

to kick smb – ударить кого-либо ногой

an inexcusable insult – непростительное оскорбление

to get furious – прийти в ярость

to execute smb – казнить кого-либо

execution – казнь

to pardon smb – помиловать кого-либо

impudent – наглый, нахальный

Your Majesty! – Ваше Величество! (обращение к королю)

* * *

Believe it or not, but…

… in Oklahoma, USA, the judge may sentence you to prison if you tease a dog.

… in Alaska it is illegal to throw a living deer out of a flying plane.

… in Connecticut it is illegal to cross the street on your hands.

… in Florida there is a law which forbids unmarried women to jump with a parachute on Sundays otherwise the police may arrest them, fine them or the judge may send them to prison.


to tease – дразнить

a living deer – живой олень

to forbid – запрещать

an unmarried woman – незамужняя женщина

otherwise – иначе, в противном случае

* * *

“Why are you in prison?”

“Just imagine! It turns out one day that the state manufactures the same banknotes as I do!”


Just imagine! – Только представьте себе!

It turns out one day… - (зд.) в один прекрасный день выясняется…




Active vocabulary

to have evidence – иметь улики

to charge a suspect – обвинять подозреваемого

court – суд

Magistrates’ Court – магистратский суд

to try – разбирать в судебном порядке

a criminal case – уголовное дело

a civil case – гражданское дело

lay – (зд.) непрофессионал, непрофессиональный

justice of the peace – мировой судья

to work part-time – работать неполный рабочий день

to preside (at, over) – председательствовать, осуществлять руководство

to decide a case – выносить решение по делу

parking violation – нарушение правил парковки

a stipendiary magistrate – магистрат, находящийся на жаловании

to have legal training – иметь юридическое образование

the accused - обвиняемый

to have the right to trial by jury – иметь право на суд присяжных

to hear appeals – рассматривать апелляции

Crown Court – королевский суд / суд Короны

High Court – верховный суд

County Court – суд графства

Court of Appeal – апелляционный суд

bankruptcy – банкротство

European Court of Human Rights – Европейский суд по правам человека

Juvenile Court – суд по делам несовершеннолетних

I. Прочтите и переведите текст “А”.


Text A


Someone commits a crime. If the police have enough evidence they charge the suspect. The policemen take the suspect to the Magistrates’ Court. If the crime is not very serious (for example, parking violation) the Magistrates’ Court can decide it. The Magistrates’ Courts try the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases. Lay magistrates (also called justices of the peace – J.P.s) who work part-time and don’t get a salary usually preside at these courts. The courts consist of between 2 and 7 magistrates. In some large cities there are also stipendiary magistrates who sit alone and have legal training.

If the crime is serious (for example, a murder) the case goes to the Crown Court which deals with the most serious criminal cases and hears appeals from Magistrates’ Courts. The accused has the right to trial by jury there.

Civil cases (for example, divorce or bankruptcy) go to County Courts which are the main civil courts. The High Court hears those civil cases that the County Courts can’t decide.

The Court of Appeal hears both criminal and civil appeals. The House of Lords is the final appellate tribunal. The judges in the House of Lords are the ten “Lords of Appeal in Ordinary” (the “law lords”). Some cases go to the European Court of Human Rights. There are also juvenile courts for criminals under 17.

II. Найдите в тексте “А” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. В каком суде обычно начинается рассмотрение уголовного дела в Великобритании?

2. При каких условиях полиция отправляет дело в магистратский суд?

3. Какие дела может рассматривать магистратский суд?

4. Кто является судьей в магистратском суде?

5. В какие инстанции, более высокие, чем магистратские суды, направляются серьезные уголовные дела? Дайте краткую характеристику функций и возможностей этих судов.

6. В какие инстанции, более высокие, чем магистратские суды, направляются серьезные гражданские дела? Дайте краткую характеристику функций и возможностей этих судов.

7. Каковы функции апелляционного суда?

8. Какова роль палаты лордов в судопроизводстве Великобритании?

9. Дела каких преступников рассматриваются в суде по делам несовершеннолетних?


III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения:

commits; evidence; suspect; Magistrates’ Court; Crown Court; County Court; criminal and civil appeals; European Court of Human Rights; juvenile court; appellate tribunal

1. A criminal is a person who … a crime.

2. The police must have enough … to charge the suspect.

3. The police have evidence against the ….

4. A parking violation case usually goes to ….

5. A murder case usually goes to ….

6. A divorce case usually goes to ….

7. Cases of criminals under 17 go to ….

8. The Court of Appeal hears both ….

9. Some cases go to the ….

10. The House of Lords is the final ….


IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

полиция арестовывает преступника; совершать преступление; иметь достаточно улик; обвинять подозреваемого; вынести решение по делу; магистратский суд; разбирать в судебном порядке; уголовное дело; гражданское дело; мировой судья; работать неполный рабочий день; выносить решение по делу; нарушение правил парковки; иметь юридическое образование; обвиняемый; иметь право на суд присяжных; рассматривать апелляции; суд Короны; верховный суд; суд графства; апелляционный суд; банкротство; Европейский суд по правам человека; суд по делам несовершеннолетних


V. Составьте предложения, соединив левую и правую колонки:


1. If the policemen have enough evidence 2. If the crime is not very serious 3. Serious criminal cases 4. Magistrates’ Courts 5. Crown Courts 6. County Courts 7. Court of Appeal 8. High Court 9. House of Lords a) they charge the suspect. b) go to the Crown Courts. c) the Magistrates’ Court can decide it. d) deal with the most serious criminal cases e) try the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases. f) are the main civil courts. g) hears all civil cases that County Courts cannot decide. h) is the final appellate tribunal. i) hears both criminal and civil appeals


VI. Найдите в тексте “А” и переведите на русский язык глаголы в форме 3 л.ед.ч. в Present Simple.


VII. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. A criminal … (to commit) a crime.

2. The policemen … (to have) evidence against the suspect.

3. The policemen … (to charge) the suspect.

4. The Magistrates’ Courts … (to try) the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases.

5. If the crime … (not to be) very serious the Magistrates’ Court … (can) decide it.

6. A justice of the peace … (to work) part-time and … (not to get) a salary.

7. Stipendiary magistrates … (to sit) alone and … (to have) legal training.

8. The Crown Court … (to deal) with the most serious criminal cases and … (to hear) appeals from Magistrates’ Courts.

9. The accused … (to have) the right to trial by jury in the Crown Court.

10. The High Court … (to hear) those civil cases that the County Courts can’t decide.

11. The Court of Appeal … (to hear) both criminal and civil appeals.

12. The House of Lords … (to be) the final appellate tribunal.

13. Some cases … (to go) to the European Court of Human Rights.

14. Cases of criminals under 17 … (to go) to juvenile courts.


VIII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What happens when someone commits a crime?

2. What do the police do if they have enough evidence?

4. What crimes do the Magistrates’ Courts decide?

5. What crimes do the Crown Courts decide?

6. What crimes do the County Courts decide?

7. What crimes does the High Court decide?

8. What are the functions of the Court of Appeal?

9. Is the House of Lords the final appellate tribunal? Who are the judges in the House of Lords?

10. Which Courts decide cases of criminals under 17?


IX. Подготовьте пересказ текста “А” на английском языке, используя таблицу.

Structure of Courts in England and Wales

(criminal division) (civil division)
CROWN COURTS Judge 2 Magistrates Jury HIGH COURTS 1-3 judges COUNTY COURT Judge and Jury
MAGISTRATES’ COURT 3 Magistrates or 1 Stipendiary Magistrate MAGISTRATES’ COURT 3 Magistrates  

X. Прочтите и переведите текст “В”.

Text B


In the courtroom there are several important people: the judge, the lawyers, the court reporter, the clerk, the bailiff. The judge judges the defendant. The lawyers prepare documents, witnesses, records, etc., for the case. The court reporter records every word during the trial. The clerk is responsible for all documents during the trial. The bailiff is responsible for the order in the courtroom. There is also the jury. During the trial the jury gives the verdict to the defendant: “guilty” or “not guilty”.


XI. Найдите в тексте “B” эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

в зале суда; судебный секретарь (the clerk); протоколист суда (the court reporter); судебный пристав (the bailiff); обвиняемый/подсудимый; свидетели; судебное заседание; отвечает/несет ответственность (за что-либо); выносит приговор; «виновен»; «невиновен»


XII. Найдите в тексте “В” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Какие ответственные лица принимают участие в судебном заседании?

2. Каковы их обязанности?


XIII. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

The defence lawyer is cross-examining a witness. He asks, “So you say you called on Mrs.Adams on June 12. Could you tell the jury what she said?” “I object to the question,” interrupts the prosecutor. There is nearly an hour’s argument between the councels and finally the judge allows the question. The defence lawyer repeats his question and the witness replies, “Mrs. Adams said nothing. She was not at home.”


a defence lawyer – адвокат защиты

to cross-examine smb – вести перекресный допрос

a witness - свидетель

to call on smb – зайти к кому-либо в гости, заглянуть, заскочить

object to smth – возражать против чего-либо

а prosecutor – прокурор

а judge – судья

* * *

Mr.Morton, a manager of a big company, always comes to his office in Manhattan in his own car.

One day he comes out of his office to go to a small restaurant for lunch and does not find his car in the parking lot. He phones the police who promise to find his car as soon as possible.

At the end of the working day when Mr. Morton leaves the company to go home he is greatly surprised to see his car in its place. When he gets into the car he sees on the seat two tickets to the theatre and a note: “Sorry for the trouble. We needed your car urgently.”

The tickets are very expensive and the performance is very popular. It is difficult to get tickets for this performance so Mr. Morton and his wife decide to go to the theatre.

When they return home they see that somebody came to their house while they were at the theatre. The thieves took all valuable things from their house.


to promise – обещать

urgently – срочно

valuable things – ценные вещи



Active vocabulary

Jury – суд присяжных

a juror – присяжный заседатель

ordinary people – обычные люди

selected at random – выбранные наугад

to serve the country – служить своей стране

a citizen – гражданин

fair – справедливый

honest – честный

offence – правонарушение

a resident – житель, обитатель, гражданин

to undertake – брать на себя

to take an oath – принять присягу

to give a true verdict – принять беспристрастное решение


I. Прочтите и переведите текст “А”.


Text A



Trial by jury is an old and important feature of English justice. It is the main element in criminal trials in the Crown Court. Most categories of British residents must undertake jury service.

In the Crown Court trial in England there are twelve jurors. They are ordinary people between 18 and 70 who are selected at random. They don’t get money for their work. Jurors may know nothing about the law.

They listen to the case and decide: “guilty” or “not guilty”. The judge decides all questions of law. The jurors only decide the facts.

A jury is independent. Any attempt to interfere with a jury is a criminal offence.

If ten of the twelve agree – it is a decision. Jury service is an important job. The jurors serve their country and citizens. They must be fair and honest. The jurors take the oath to give a true verdict.


II. Найдите в тексте “А” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Сколько присяжных в английском суде?

2. Кто становится присяжным?

3. Как избираются присяжные?

4. Оплачивается ли работа присяжных?

5. Необходимо ли присяжным знание закона?

6. Кто решает все вопросы, связанные с законодательством?

7. Что и как решают присяжные?

8. Какими качествами должны обладать присяжные?

9. Какую присягу принимают присяжные?


III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения:

twelve; ordinary; the law; the facts; important; fair; honest


1. There are … jurors.

2. They are … people.

3. Jurors may know nothing about ….

4. The jurors decide ….

5. Jury service is an … job.

6. Jurors must be … and honest.


IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

oбыкновенные люди; выбранные наугад; не получают денег; не разбираться в законах; слушать дело; служить своей стране; служить гражданам; быть справедливым и честным; принять присягу; вынести беспристрастное решение.


V. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Twelve; there; jurors; are.

2. They; people; between; 17 and 70; are; ordinary.

3. Jurors; selected; are; at random.

4. Money; don’t get; work; their; for; they.

5. Law; about; know; nothing; jurors; can; the.

6. They; “guilty”; decide; “not guilty”; or.

7. The facts; the jurors; only; decide.

8. Service; is; an; jury; job; important.


VI. Найдите в тексте “А” и переведите на русский язык глаголы в форме 3 л.ед.ч. в Present Simple.


VII. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. The jurors … (to be) ordinary people between 18 and 70.

2. They … (not to get) money for their work.

3. Jurors … (may) know nothing about law.

4. The judge … (to decide) questions of law.

5. The jurors … (to decide) the facts.

6. Jury service … (to be) an important job.

7. Jurors … (must) be fair and honest.


VIII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How manyjurors are there in a Crown Court trial in England?

2. What kind of people can jurors be?

3. Do the jurors get money for their work?

4. Must jurors know the law?

5. What does the judge decide?

6. What do the jurors decide?

7. Must the jurors be fair and honest?

8. What oath do the jurors take?


IX. Подготовьте пересказ текста “А” на английском языке.


X. Прочтите и переведите текст “В”.

Text B



Nobody knows exactly the origin of the jury system: perhaps, in old Europe, beginning with inquisition. Trial by jury begins in England by the Normans in 1066. We know ordeals in old Europe. Ordeal is a judgement of the truth. God decides who is guilty or not. The most common ordeal is by fire or water. For example, people say, a woman is a witch. They tie her arms and legs and drop her into the water. If the water takes her at once she is innocent. If not she is guilty.

In 1215, by the Catholic Church decision, the trial by ordeal is called superstition, and priests cannot take part in it. As a result, the jury system becomes a new method of trial.

The role of the jury now is to decide facts on the basis of what they hear in court.


XI. Найдите в тексте “B” эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

знать точно; происхождение; возможно; инквизиция; суд присяжных; тяжелое испытание; «суд божий»; суд правды; испытание огнем или водой; ведьма; бросить в воду; невиновный; виновный.


XII. Найдите в тексте “В” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Известно ли точно происхождение суда присяжных?

2. Что такое «суд божий»?


XIII. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

A jury consists of twelve persons who must decide who has the better lawyer.


to consist of – состоять из…

* * *

It is interesting to know that…

… the average life expectancy in Bangladesh is thirty-five years. Forty-five per cent of those who die are mothers and children. A child has only a fifty-fifty chance of living past five. Yet in this country only 11 per cent of the population visit doctors, at least once.

… the average life expectancy for women in the United States is nearly twice what it was a hundred years ago.


the average life expectancy – средняя продолжительность жизни

* * *

The jury acquits a man accused of stealing a watch on insufficient evidence. Outside the courtroom he comes up to his lawyer and asks, “What does this mean – to acquit?”

“It means,” says the lawyer, “that the court finds you innocent. You are free to go.”

“Does it mean that I can keep the watch?” asks the client.


to acquit smb – оправдать кого-либо

a man accused of stealing a watch – мужчина, обвиняемый в краже часов

on insufficient evidence – за недостатком улик

innocent – невиновен

to keep the watch – зд. оставить в себя часы




Active vocabulary

to control public order – контролировать общественный порядок

to prevent a crime – предотвратить преступление

to detect a crime – обнаружить преступление

to enforce laws – следить за соблюдением законов

the London Metropolitan Police – лондонская столичная полиция

similar organizations – подобные организации

to appear - появляться

well – known – хорошо известный

in pairs - парами

to keep law and order – охранять закон и порядок

a nickname - прозвище

an area – район

a separate police force – отдельное полицейское управление

to co-operate -взаимодействовать

to operate - действовать

senior – старший

to carry guns – носить оружие

on special occasions – по особым случаям

armed robbery – вооруженное ограбление

I. Прочтите и переведите текст “А”.


Text A


Police controls public order and prevents and detects crimes. The basic police mission is to enforce laws. The history of police forces in England began in 1829. The British police became the world’s first modern organized police force with the name the London Metropolitan Police. Soon similar organizations appeared in other countries.

The British police officer is a well-known figure. They walk in pairs down the streets or drive specially marked police cars. They keep law and order. “Bobbies” is one of their nicknames. “The cops” is another nickname.

In England each of 52 areas has its separate police force. The forces co-operate with each other but usually each force operates in its own area. Sometimes, if a crime is serious, a Chief Constable (the most senior police officer of a force) asks for the help of London’s Police force which is at Scotland Yard.

In most countries the police carry guns. In Britain they don’t. Only on special occasions, e.g. terrorism, armed robberies etc.

II. Найдите в тексте “А” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Чем занимается полиция?

2. Какова основная задача полиции?

3. Когда и где впервые была организована полиция?

4. Почему британский полицейский хорошо известен во всем мире?

5. Как организована полиция в Британии?

6. Вооружены ли британские полицейские?

III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения:

сontrols; prevents; to enforce; well – known; walk in pairs; drive; nickname; senior; carry; on special occasions

1. Police … public order.

2. Police … crime.

3. The basic police mission is … laws.

4. The British police officer is a … figure.

5. They … down the streets or … specially marked police cars.

6. “The cops” is their ….

7. Chief Constable is the most … police officer.

8. In most countries the police … guns.

9. In Britain the policemen carry guns only ….

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

контролировать общественный порядок; предотвращать преступления; обнаружить преступление; следить за соблюдением закона; подобные организации; появляться в других странах; британский полицейский офицер; хорошо известная личность; прохаживаться парами по улицам; охранять закон и порядок; каждый район имеет отдельное полицейское управление; взаимодействовать друг с другом; действовать в своем собственном районе; Главный констебль; старший полицейский офицер; просить помощи; носить оружие; в особых случаях.

V. Соедините левую и правую колонки:

1) Police controls a) to enforce laws.
2) The history of police forces in England b) a Chief Constable asks for the help of London’s Police force.
3) The basic police mission is c) public order.
4) If the crime is serious d) began in 1829.
5) Similar organizations e) down the streets.
6) The British police officer f) appear in other countries.
7) They walk in pairs g) has its separate police force.
8) They drive h) is a well – known figure.
9) In England each area i) with each other.
10) The forces co-operate j) specially marked police cars.

VI. Найдите в тексте “А” и переведите на русский язык глаголы в форме 3 л.ед.ч. в Present Simple.


VII. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. Police … (to control) public order and … (to prevent) and … (to detect) crimes.

2. The name of the world’s first modern organized police force … (to be) the London Metropolitan Police.

3. In England each area … (to have) its separate police force.

4. The forces … (to co-operate) with each other but usually each force … (to operate) in its own area.

5. The British police officer … (to be) a well – known figure.

6. The British policemen … (to walk) in pairs down the streets.

7. They … (to drive) specially marked police cars.

8. The nickname of the policemen in Britain … (to be) “the cops”.



VIII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does police control?

2. What does police prevent and detect?

3. What is the basic police mission?

4. What is the history of police forces?

5. What do the British police officers do?

6. What is the organization of the police in England?

7. What happens if a crime is serious?

8. What is Scotland Yard?

9. Do the police carry guns in Britain?


IX. Подготовьте пересказ текста “А” на английском языке.


X. Прочтите и переведите текст “В”.

Text B

POLICE WORK (continued)

There are ranks in the police forces: Chief Constable, Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. 10 per cent of the policemen in the British police forces are women.

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department. Its members are detectives.

A police officer has the power to stop and search people and cars. A police officer has the power to arrest suspected people. A police officer has the power to detain people and take them to a police station. A detained person can refuse to answer police questions or give evidence. He has the right to speak to a solicitor free of charge and to call home. If a detained person has no charge the police can release him on bail.


XI. Найдите в тексте “B” эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. звание; главный констебль; помощник главного констебля; главный управляющий; главный инспектор; сержант; уголовный / криминальный / «убойный» отдел; полицейский уполномочен остановить и обыскать людей и автомобили; задержанный; отказаться отвечать; отказаться давать показания; право говорить с адвокатом бесплатно; обвинение; отпускать на поруки.

2. Полицейский уполномочен арестовать подозреваемых.

3. Полицейский уполномочен задержать людей и отправить в полицейский участок.

XII. Найдите в тексте “В” предложения, отвечающие на следующие вопросы:

1. Какие звания в полиции Британии?

2. Какие полномочия имеет полицейский офицер?

XIII. Прочтите и переведите текст “С”, предварительно изучив следующие слова и выражения:

to restrain freedom – ограничить свободу

an intent – намерение

to charge smb with a crime – обвинить кого-либо в преступлении

to investigate – проводить расследование, расследовать

Text C


The police play an important role in protecting citizens from crime. Police have the power to investigate which often means to stop and question people, to arrest criminals, etc. The society gives police the right to use force if necessary.

What is an arrest? When is a person “under arrest”? Are you under arrest only if the police officer says that you are? Are you under arrest if a policeman stops you in the street and asks you to explain why you are there and what you are doing? Are you under arrest if a police officer asks you to follow him to the police station?

These are difficult questions to answer. The answers are not clear even to police officers and judges themselves. Basically there are two views. Some people say that a person is under arrest the moment the police officer comes up to him and restrains his freedom to walk away. Others say that an arrest is an intent of the police officer to take a person to the police station to charge him with crime. What do you think?


XIV. Найдите в тексте “B” эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и фраз:

1. играть важную роль; защищать граждан от преступлений; иметь полномочия проводить расследования; арестовать преступников; находиться под арестом; полицейский участок; трудный вопрос; ограничить свободу; намерение полицейского; сопроводить человека в полицейский участок; обвинить кого-либо в преступлении.

2. Общество дает полиции право использовать силу в случае необходимости.

3. Арестованы ли Вы, если полицейский говорит, что это так?

4. Находитесь ли Вы под арестом, если полицейский останавливает Вас на улице и просит объяснить, почему Вы здесь находитесь и что Вы делаете?

5. Арестованы ли Вы, если полицейский просит Вас проследовать за ним в полицейский участок?

6. На эти вопросы трудно ответить.

7. Ответы на эти вопросы неясны даже самим полицейским и судьям.


XV. Попытайтесь ответить на последний вопрос текста “С”, организовав ролевую игру. Для проведения ролевой игры разделите всех присутствующих студентов на несколько групп, представляющих различные точки зрения, и организуйте дискуссию по данному вопросу.


XVI. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

The police charge a man with stealing a horse. After a long trial the jury acquits him. Some time later the man comes back to see the judge.

“Judge,” he says, “I ask you to arrest my lawyer. He is a bad man.”

“What is the matter?” asks the judge in surprise. “Didn’t he win your case? Why do you ask me to arrest your lawyer?”

“Well, it is this way, sir,” answers the man. “You see, I don’t have the money to pay my lawyer. So he wants to take the horse I stole.”


to steal (stole) a horse – украсть (украл) лошадь

to acquit smb - оправдать кого-либо

* * *

It is interesting to know that…

…a 1975 Gallup poll shows that Latin America has the highest crime rate in the world. Next comes Africa and then the United States. According to this poll, people from richer countries report themselves happier, find their lives more interesting, worry less, and want fewer changes in their existence than those from more impoverished nations. Only 8 per cent of Latin Americans and 6 per cent of Africans are satisfied with their lives.

… the nation with the highest murder rate in the world is Nicaragua – there are 30 homicides per 100,000 people every year. In 1975 the western nation with the lowest murder rate was Spain, with one killing per million people per year.


a poll – опрос общественного мнения

the crime rate – уровень преступности

an impoverished nation – обнищавшая нация

homicide – убийство



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