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  1. D. Передменструальний синдром
  2. EV4.9 Провода для передачи энергии тяговой системе
  3. I. Передача параметров запроса методом GET.
  4. Transmitter specifications (описание передатчика)
  5. VIII ст. перед Христом) www.community.org.ua
  6. А. Эпидемии. Инфекционные заболевания и их классификация. Пути передачи инфекции.
  7. Б) Неисполнение обязанности по передаче доказательств договорного матча в ФФУ

Заполните пропуск

1. More and more people are doing online language ______.


a. degrees

b. stages

c. subjects

d. courses

2. It is since recent times, that the discipline of biology has expanded rapidly into a variety of _______.


a. subfamilies

b. subsystems

c. subcultures

d. subdisciplines

3. Some teachers don’t ________ things very clearly.


a. explain

b. copy

c. underline

d. mean

4. In some countries the educational system is based on streaming which means that children are educated according to their _______.


a. abilities

b. characters

c. opportunities

d. qualifications

5. One can find meanings of the foreign or technical expressions used in the text in _______.


a. index

b. glossary

c. content

d. keys

II. Деловая лексика

Заполните пропуск

1. Tourism has become highly developed _______.

a. pastime

b. job

c. science

d. business

2. We have a _____ for a reception clerk at our new 4-star Portsmouth hotel and conference centre.


a. vacancy

b. trade

c. profession

d. application

3. Being able to use a computer is an important _________ nowadays.


a. license

b. skill

c. qualification

d. degree


4.I am writing in reply to your _________ in The Times.


a. advertisement

b. registration

c. statement

d. explanation

5. _______ building in the workplace creates a sense of collective responsibility.


a. Computer

b. Conflict

c. Power

d. Team

III. Профессиональная лексика

Заполните пропуск

1. The modern _____ is determined by problems of form and by the practical demands of use.


a. stone

b. sand

c. plan

d. picture

2. Space and mass are the _____ materials of architectural form.


a. sand

b. raw

c. stone

d. brick

3. The simplest architectural _____ is a plane, the flat, two-dimensional surface.


a. load

b. sculpture

c. element

d. size

4. _____ bearing piles were originally made of timber.


a. Glass

b. Coloured

c. Solid

d. Warm

5. _____ architecture is produced for the social unit: the individual, family, etc.


a. International

b. Industrial

c. Domestic

d. Agricultural


IV. Термины (Дефиниции)

Заполните пропуск

1. ____ can be called a curved lintel.


a. An arch

b. A frame

c. A column

d. A slab

2. _____ is a block of baked or dried clay used to build walls.


a. Concrete

b. Wood

c. Sand

d. A brick

3. A _____ is upper covering of a building, car, cavity, etc.


a. column

b. temple

c. roof

d. basement

4. A ______ is a storey below ground level.


a. stage

b. staircase

c. floor

d. basement

5. A _____ is a tall structure, especially as part of a church or castle.


a. building

b. mansion

c. house

d. tower

V. Словообразование


Заполните пропуск

1. The last year has shown a slight ________ in the economy.


a. improve

b. improved

c. improvable

d. improvement

2. It was an ________ interesting journey.


a. extremity

b. extremist

c. extremely

d. extreme

3. The whole situation seemed ________.


a. unreal

b. really

c. reality

d. realization

4. Lots of changes were made but all the attempts had little ______


a. effective

b. effectively

c. effecting

d. effect

5. Mike tried _______ to phone Cathy several times.


a. successfully

b. unsuccessfully

c. unsuccessful

d. unsuccess

VI. Местоимения

Заполните пропуск

1. It was a good idea of _____ to go swimming this afternoon.


a. your

b. you

c. yourself

d. yours

2. I don't have _____ free time today. Sorry.


a. some

b. something

c. any

d. anything

3. Children like doing everything by ______.


a. them

b. themselves

c. us

d. their

4. Your flat is bigger than ______.


a. ourselves

b. our

c. us

d. ours

5. Are you taking _______ magazines with you?


a. nothing

b. anything

c. any

d. something


VII. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Заполните пропуск

1. Sandra was not as _______ as Danuta.


a. the most nervous

b. more nervous

c. nervous

d. much nervous

2.The more you work the ______ you know the language.


a. good

b. most good

c. best

d. better

3. She sings _______ than anyone I know.


a. most beautiful

b. more beautiful

c. beautiful

d. much beautiful

4. Where is _______ post-office, please?


a. the nearest

b. nearer

c. more near

d. the near

5. Last year's harvest was bad, but this year's may be even _______ if the weather doesn't change.


a. worst

b. baddest

c. worse

d. badder

VIII. Артикли

Заполните пропуск

1. She is famous for helping ______ poor.


a. -

b. a

c. an

d. the

2. Freda’s ______ astronaut. There are six of them on this mission.


a. the

b. a

c. –

d. An

3. There is _______ good chance we’ll be late for the train.


a. the

b. a

c. -

d. An

4. _______ bananas are a good source of energy.


a. An

b. -

c. The

d. A

5. _______ large steel bridge joins the two banks of the river.


a. An

b. -

c. The

d. A


IX. Предлоги

Заполните пропуск

1. I’ve bought two tickets _____ a football match.


a. for

b. –

c. in

d. from

2. It might be John but I thought he was ______ work.


a. at

b. by

c. in

d. for

3. We’ll begin _______ the solution of the present-day problems of our enterprise.


a. with

b. at

c. in

d. by

4. Many people today are worried _________ global warming.


a. to

b. about

c. with

d. from

5. The summer sale starts _______ 15 June.


a. on

b. to

c. in

d. at


X. Союзы

Заполните пропуск

1. Begin with a minute _____ two of small talk.


a. or

b. but

c. and

d. if

2. You must tell _______ there is a problem.


a. as though

b. if

c. in order to

d. but

3. He is learning English _______ get a better job.


a. as

b. while

c. in order to

d. for

4. She looks _______ she is a model.


a. though

b. because

c. whereas

d. as if

5. Your flat is big _______ mine is small.


a. while

b. or

c. as

d. because


XI. Глагол и его формы

Заполните пропуск
1. When my friend rang me up, I ______ TV.


a. watched

b. was watching

c. had been watching

d. had watched

2. Recently, average annual rainfall in England _______ by about 45%.


a. increase

b. shall increase

c. are increasing

d. has increased

3. My sister is a writer. She _______ a lot of books.


a. wrote

b. had written

c. has written

d. writes

4. Tom _______ his key yesterday. He couldn’t get into the house.


a. has been losing

b. had lost

c. lost

d. has lost

5. - George phoned while you were out.
- O.K. I _______ him back.


a. will phone

b. phoned

c. will be phoned

d. is going to phone

XII. Неличные формы глагола

Заполните пропуск
1. He went to the club instead of ______.


a. have gone home

b. having gone home

c. to go home

d. going home

2. I didn't like the idea of ______ to the cinema.


a. to go

b. going

c. gone

d. go

3. She managed _______ 25 metres under water.


a. to swim

b. swimming

c. swim

d. being swum

4. _______ the difference between two approaches, the scientists offered a new experiment.


a. To understand

b. Being understood

c. To be understood

d. Understood

5. He seems _______ everything about it.


a. knowing

b. known

c. to be knowing

d. to know

XIII. Фразовые глаголы

Заполните пропуск
1. I’ll ______ your children if you are busy tomorrow.


a. look at

b. look after

c. look for

d. look with

2. You may have difficulty with this book at first but you’ll find it easier as you _______.


a. go in for

b. go down

c. go with

d. go along


3. His cold manner _______ people _________.

a. holds...off

b. holds...around

c. holds...about

d. holds...on

4. I told her it was a secret, but she still _____ the plan _____.


a. gave … in

b. gave … off

c. gave … up

d. gave … away

5. The bus had _______ so all the passengers had to get off and wait for another one to come.


a. broke down

b. broke up

c. broke off

d. broke out

XIV. Модальные глаголы

Заполните пропуск
1. You will ______ speak English in another few months.


a. be able to

b. may

c. ought to

d. must

2. The phone is ringing. It ______ be Jack.


a. can

b. must

c. need

d. would

3. A lot of pupils in Russia _______ wear uniform.


a. is able to

b. need

c. ought

d. have to

4. Nobody answers the phone. They _______ be out.


a. have to

b. must

c. should

d. ought to

5. _______ I make some coffee, or do you prefer tea?


a. Have to

b. Must

c. Shall

d. Can


XV. Бытовая сфера

  1. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

    Mother: “_______________”

    Daughter: “Thank you!”


a. Are you ready for your lessons?

b. Have you any chance to do it now?

c. Have a nice weekend!

d. What a nice day we are having today!

  1. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

    Daughter: “_____________________”

    Mother: “You’d better return home now.”


a. I want to do the shopping just now.

b. I am going back home.

c. It is great to be at home again.

d. It looks like raining. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Заполните пропуск
    Hostess: Thank you for coming.
    Guest: ________________


a. Not at all. You are welcome.

b. Thank you for inviting us, it was a lovely evening.

c. Good bye! See you later.

d. Many happy returns!

  1. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
    Your friend: “I’ m sure we’ll have a great time at Joan’s party tomorrow night”.
    You: “Yes, _______________”


a. I’m afraid. All our friends will be there.

b. I am not sure. All our friends will be there.

c. I disagree. All our friends will be there.

d. I agree. All our friends will be there.

5. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Hostess: “Would you like some tea or coffee?”
Guest: “_______________”

a. No, thanks. Don’t trouble yourself, please.

b. Here you are.

c. Help yourself.

d. Very well indeed, thanks.

XVI. Профессионально-деловая сфера

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

1. Consultant: “Who do you work for?”
A person: “____________________”


a. I am with ABC Software Company.

b. My work is for me.

c. My Boss is a high class expert.

d. I don’t want to work anywhere.

2. Manager: “____________________”
Secretary: “They’ve forgotten to send a price list with the catalogue.”


a. What’s wrong with a price list?

b. Why diol they forget about the catalogue?

c. When did they send the catalogue?

d. Did they forget to send a price list?

3. Woman: “Mr Granger, I’d like you to meet Nick Thomas, from our Boston office.”
Mr Granger: “____________________”


a. Hi, Nick!

b. Hello, everybody!

c. Yes?

d. How do you do, Nick!

4.Your business partner: ‘I’d like you to meet Mr. White.’
You: “_______________”


a. Would you like something to drink?

b. Glad to meet you, Mr. White.

c. What is your first impression of me?

d. Let’s get down to business.

5. Boss: “All the workers of our plant are on strike!”
Secretary: “_______________”


a. What don’t they need strikes for?

b. That’s really awful of you to say that!

c. I don’t believe you.

d. I can’t believe it



XVII. Учебно-социальная сфера

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

1. Mate: “Did you pass the exam in physics?”
Paul: “_________________”


a. I did it with honours.

b. Actually we passed all the necessary credits in physics.

c. I didn’t like this subject.

d. In fact, I have no idea of what you mean.

2. Teacher: “Let me help you with the translation.”
Student: “___________________”


a. Here you are.

b. I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you.

c. You are welcome. Don’t mention it.

d. It’s all right. I’ll manage, thank you.

3. Students: “______________________”
Tutor: “Certainly, you have four credits this term.”


a. Have we got any credits this term?

b. Have we got any terms for our credits?

c. Have we got four or five credits this term?

d. How many credits have we got this term?

4. Student: ________________________
Teacher: Not really. Why can’t you come?


a. I don’t want to attend the English lesson tomorrow.

b. Is it OK if I miss the English lesson tomorrow?

c. I won’t attend the English lesson tomorrow.

d. I am going to miss the English lesson tomorrow.

5. Student: “What additional literature can you advise?”
Teacher: “_______________”


a. I have one technical booklet.

b. Oh, dear, you can look up in the library yourself.

c. Your list of literature is available at the laboratory.

d. There are two new text-books in our reading hall and a technical encyclopedia.



XVIII. Социально-деловая сфера

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

1. Receptionist: “Welcome to the equipment exhibition. Where are you from?”

Participant: “______________________”


a. Thank you for invitation.

b. Thank you. The exhibition was useful. I’ve made a lot of contracts.

c. Thank you, I am from France.

d. The equipment is from Moscow.

2. Employee: “As far as I understand, it’s almost impossible to operate the production line so quickly.”
Manager: “___________________________”


a. I think you should give up this idea.

b. Yes, I get the ideal decision.

c. You have no right to get on with this job.

d. Well, you are quite right, but we are to do our best.

3. Nurse: Health Helpline, how can I help you?
Patient: __________________


a. Look here! I need some help.

b. Help!

c. I don’t know it for sure.

d. I’m not feeling very well. I wonder if you might be able to help me.

4. You: “Would you like to come to our party tomorrow?”
Fellow employee: “Er, thanks for the invitation, _______________”


a. I shouldn’t come. I’ll be working all day tomorrow.

b. but I’ve got lots of work at the moment. I’ll be working all day tomorrow.

c. I’ll come. I’ll be working all day tomorrow.

d. I will never come. I’ll be working all day tomorrow.

5. Tourist: “Excuse me, can you tell me, where is the nearest post office?”
Policeman: “_______________”


a. No, I don’t know.

b. Oh. It’s far way from here.

c. Yes. First you turn to the left and then you go straight.

d. Find it on the map, please.

XIX. Великобритания

Заполните пропуск
1. The oldest part of London is _____.


a. Hyde Park

b. the East End

c. the City

d. the West End

2. The oldest university in Britain is ______.


a. London

b. Edinburgh

c. Oxford

d. Cambridge

3. The most ancient monument in Great Britain is ______.


a. the Tower Gate

b. Stonehenge

c. Hadrian’s Wall

d. the lower West Gate

4. _______ is a district in London famous for theatres, restaurants and cinemas.


a. The West End

b. West Point

c. Broadway

d. Downing Street

5. The capital of Wales is _______.


a. Cardiff

b. Edinburgh

c. London

d. Belfast



Заполните пропуск
1. Detroit is the centre of _____ industry.


a. automobile

b. ship building

c. tourism

d. textile

2. The USA is a federal republic consisting of ______ states.


a. 52

b. 48

c. 50

d. 54

3. The main lakes in the USA are the ______ in the north.


a. Gigantic Lakes

b. Grand lakes

c. Large Lakes

d. Great Lakes

4. A well-known name for the USA is ______.


a. “crazy tribes”

b. “old empire”

c. “wild world”

d. “melting pot”

5. _____ is not an Ameican writer.


a. Agatha Christie

b. O’Henry

c. Mark Twain

d. Salinger


XXI. Канада

Заполните пропуск
1. French is an official language in _____.


a. Canada

b. New Zealand

c. India

d. Sweden

2. The capital of Canada is ______.


a. Quebec

b. Toronto

c. Ottawa

d. Montreal

3. The National flag of Canada is popularly known as ______.


a. Stars and Stripes

b. Uncle Sam

c. Union Jack

d. Maple Leaf


4. The official head of state in Canada is the ______.

a. House of Lords

b. Monarch of Britain

c. Senate

d. House of Commons

5. Canadian’s native people are _____.


a. Americans

b. Indians

c. British

d. French



XXII. Выдающиеся личности англо-говорящих стран.

Заполните пропуск
1. Stratford-on Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet and writer _____.


  1. R. Burns
  2. W. Shakespeare
  3. Ch. Dickens
  4. B. Show


2. The Queen’s eldest son’s name is _______.


  1. Edward
  2. Charles
  3. Andrew
  4. Philip

3. The Queen who ruled for the longest period in British history was ______.


  1. Margaret
  2. Mary
  3. Anna
  4. Victoria

4. The reign of the Queen _______ is known as the “Golden Age” in English history.


  1. Mary
  2. Anne
  3. Elizabeth I
  4. Elizabeth II


5. _______ was the British Prime Minister during the Second World War.


a. Margaret Thatcher

b. Benjamin Disraeli

c. Winston Churchill

d. John Major



XXIII. Оформление делового письма.

1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке


□ 627 North Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63105
3 August 2008


□ Mr Clarence T. McPherson
Recruiting Specialist
The Hyde Park Group
92401 South Broadway, Suite 140
Kansas City, MO 64154


□ Dear Mr McPherson,


□ Recently I’ve learned that the Hyde Park Group routinely recruits and hires college graduates. Having lived in the Kansas City area for ten years, I am very familiar with your organization and its reputation for being a leader in the management consulting industry and I am certain that my education and experience would compliment the Hyde Park Group's tradition of excellence.


□ Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
LaRhonda S. Jackson
Kansas Community College Graduate


2. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке


□ Mr Rodney Giles
Manager, Customer Support
Inter-Office Solutions Inc.
1289 Luxor Station Rd.
Cedar Springs, IL, 34985


□ Yours sincerely,
Marilyn French
Senior Consultant


□ Chicago
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
One North Wacker
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Telephone: [1] (312) 298 2000
20 July 2006


□ Dear Mr Rodney,


□ This is further to our meeting of last week at which we agreed to hold a series of meetings over the next two months to review your experiences with the pilot implementation of the 1to1 Customer Relationship Management Program.
If you have any questions or would like to add anything please give me a call at 745-9878. We look forward to seeing you at the August 14th meeting.

3. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке


□ Dear Sirs


□ We are writing to ask you to represent our interests in what we consider to be a clear case of
breach of contract.
We welcome your comments on this matter and would be grateful if you could convince DV-
Electronics that any further attempt to press their claim would prove futile.


□ Yours faithfully


□ Newtown Electronics
36 Barton Road
Herts HT9 7PQ
28 March 20 __


□ Messers Cotton, Gummersall & Palmer
Windsor House
1008 East End Road
SW16 7UJ

4. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

□ ……………………
We feel that this is a good time to investigate Telecom stock with a view to a substantial
commitment in the medium term.
Should there be any last-minute developments we will e-mail you immediately.


□ IBA Investmentfonds
Hohe Brück 44
60437 Frankfurt am Main


□ Dear Mr Kaltwasser


□ Yours sincerely
Prendergast & Johnson

□ Prendergast & Johnson Investment Consultants
52 Carter Lane
London EC5 7ZG
10 February 20__


5. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке


□ Yours sincerely
John Smith
J.L. Smith
Sales Manager


□ Mr Harald Jaspers
Wein- und Spirituosen GmbH
Eschbachweg 24
D-40625 Düsseldorf


□ XYZ Company
PO Box 32901
London EC4T 2VC
Telephone: 0171 429 5000
Telefax: 0171 320 429

3 July 20__


□ Dear Mr Jaspers


□ Thank you very much for your recent enquiry about …
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

XXIV. Оформление конверта


Перед Вами конверт

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.


1) the street name in the mailing address

2) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

3) the addressee’s name

4) the sender

5) the ZIP Code in the return address

6) the addressee’s position

2. Перед Вами конверт

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает


1)Recipient’s city name

2)Street address and suite number of addresser

3)Name of organization

4)Addresser’s city name

5)State abbreviation

6)Street address and suite number of recipient



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