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I. Translate into English. Make reference to the film.

Читайте также:
  2. A. Read and translate the text.
  3. Accurate job inquiry references solicited
  4. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  5. Analyse and translate the following sentences
  6. B) Define the meanings of the idioms from the context, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
  7. B) Your teacher will offer you one of the variants given below. Translate the sentences into English in writing.


Word (stylistic notes) Definition Derivatives or related words Translation Collocations (translated) Synon. Anton.
  Ambitious Determined to be successful rich and powerful, etc. Ambitiously Ambitious-ness; Ambition Ambitionist (книжн. че-столюбец) 1. Честолюби-вый; 2. Стремя-щийся (к чему-либо), страстно добивающийся чего-л); 3. Трудо любивый, актив-ный, инициатив-ный; 4. Гранди-озный, величест-венный; 5. Пре-тенциозный Ruthlessly ~ (не останавливающийся ни перед чем в своих честолюбии-вых замыслах), ~ of wealth/ honour/ love, ~ to do smth, an ~ boy, ~ plans, an ~ attempt to climb the dangerous mountain. He is ~ of (for) power = он стремится к власти.    
  To strangle To straighten To settle To pick To tap To dump To grab To check To snort To doubt          
  Outfit Impact Edge To reject To refuse To accept To occur To mock To attend To ride          


REFERENCE: Новый большой англо-русский словарь в трех томах (под ред. академика Ю. Д. Апресяна). Москва, 2003


Part I. Ambitious, to strangle, to straighten, to settle, to pick, to tap, to dump, to grab, to check, to snort, to snore, to doubt. Part II. Outfit, impact, edge, to reject, to refuse, to accept, to occur, to mock, to attend, to ride.


I. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words and phrases:

1. [crowd gasps], [trolley bells ding], [horns honk], [giggles], [stop yelling], [buzzing], [scattered applause].

2. Adj.: seemly, vague, ridiculous, gorgeous, harsh, tense, mauve, sedate, prompt, frizzy, dizzy, weird.

3. Verbs: to shlump, to tuck, to sue, to hock, to spin, to fawn (over), to cope.

4. Nouns: posture, carriage, complexion, ankle, pantyhose, tights, stockings, rehearsal, hawk, pumps, cheerleaders, a freak, a jerk.

5. Interjections: Whoa! Whoo! Oops! Wow! Gee whiz! Golly wolly!

6. Phrases: a non-riot hearse, the diplomatic pouch, to date an undertaker, to be sworn to secrecy, (smth) is a given, to 86 the flags, to be under scrutiny, to rag (on smb), to fess up, to look like Shaft, to be (down) in the dumps.


II. Look up the following words in the dictionary:

To daydream

2. To conquer

3. To doubt

4. To dump

5. To strangle

6. To settle down

7. To straighten

8. To tap

9. To be allergic

10. To check

11. To crown

12. To pick

13. To snort

14. To exchange

15. To be a show-off

16. To accept

17. To barf

18. To hurl

19. To be scared


III. Make sure you know the following expressions:

1. A dumb class

2. Casual clothes

3. A control issue

4. A negative argument

5. Against proposition

6. The rebuttal

7. A huge tip

8. To get a divorce

9. Emotional complications

10. A snobby lady

11. To be the natural heir to the throne

12. To be royal by blood (by marriage)

13. To be invisible


Names: Mia (Amelia) Thermopolis, Lilly, Michael, Josh Bryant; Clarisse Renaldi, Philippe, Charlotte, Joseph, Paolo Puttanesca, Baron and Baroness von Troken; Genovia.

Task I. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the action take place?

2. What did you learn about Mia Thermopolis?

3. What is the debatable proposition?

4. What are the affirmative and negative arguments?

Task II.

Answer: What are the Queen’s expectations?

Write down the topic of her conversation with Mia.

Figure out the meaning of the following slang words (give their definitions in English, translate into Russian, find a synonym): “ shoot ”, “ shut up ”, “ rewind and freeze ”.


Task III.

Mia learned that her father was a royal. Now she can become a princess by blood. She is the only natural heir to the throne. If she refuses to accept the offer, Genovia will cease to exist. Thus, the future of the country is in the hands of a 15-year-old. There’s going to be an annual Genovian Independence Day ball. Clarisse, her grandmother, wants to present Mia to the press and the public on that occasion. Definitely, the girl needs some instruction. Mia promises to attend princess’ lessons until the ball and neither to accept nor to reject the granny’s offer to become royal till the event.

What do you think the princess’ lessons should include?

What are pros and cons to becoming a princess after you have had a “normal” childhood?


Task IV. The press attention.

What do you think about the stunts the reporters use?

Who do you think told on Mia? What was his/her motif?


Task V. Mia had to attend a fancy dinner. List the things that went wrong.

Task VI. Amelia has been invited by Josh to a beach party.

How far do you think the reporters can go?

What “techniques” do they use in their work?

What principles/standards must journalists keep to?

What intensions and expectations does each personage have?


Task VII.

The Queen of Genovia is discussing the ‘press problem’ with Mia.

Watch the sequence with the sound off and describe their emotions.

Watch it again and write down the dialogue between the Queen and Mia, and between the Queen and Joseph. Use the following words and phrases:


To be worth a thousand words, to embarrass the family, to make a wise decision, to abstain from the job, to come to the ball, to send smb into exile, to invite guests, to do some damage control, the way smb should act, to use smb, to be a device, to get 15 minutes of fame, to have enough common sense, to act beyond smb’s years, to accept criticism, to be harsh, critical.

Task VIII.

Mia decides to reject the offer. Her grandmother Clarisse asks her to come to the ball and to renounce the title officially by making a public speech. But after Mia has read her father’s letter (“people who are brave do not live long, but the cautious do not live at all”), she is about to make another decision.

Predict some intelligent points she is likely to make in her speech.

Watch the episode and arrange the following quotations in the order they follow:


1. Earlier this evening I was going to give up my claim to the throne and my mother helped me by telling it was OK.

2. Sometimes I even get sick.

3. Now I choose to be forevermore Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, princess of Genovia.

4. I am really no good at speech making.

5. Sorry, I’m going too fast.


Home assignments:

Learn the dialogues (tasks VII and VIIII) by heart and role-play them in class.



I. Translate into English. Make reference to the film.

1. Я здесь, чтобы встретиться со своей бабушкой.

2. Я хорошо об этом позабочусь.

3. За 15 лет ты не нашла минуту, чтобы сказать мне, мой твой отец принадлежит к королевской семье?

4. Я королева благодаря своему замужеству, ты – по крови.

5. В своих самых смелых мечтах я никогда не могла представить, что это произойдет.

6. Кажется, у меня нет выбора.

7. Вы слишком долго носите траур.

8. Кто изуродовал тебя? Тебе следует подать в суд.

9. Пришла дипломатическая почта.

10. Через несколько недель мы даем ежегодный бал, и я надеюсь, что это замечательная возможность представить тебя прессе и публике.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 110 | Нарушение авторских прав

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