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Selected Bibliography

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  1. Annotated Bibliography
  2. Bibliography
  3. Bibliography
  5. V- Bibliography ……………………………………………………………. 10
  6. V. Make up a dialogue or a story with the words from the selected vocabulary, be ready to act it out.




Alekseyev, Veniamin Vasillievich. Last Act of a Tragedy: New Documents about the Execution of the Last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Ekaterinburg, Russia: Urals Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996.

Alexandrov, Victor. End of the Romanovs. New York: Little, Brown, 1966.

Alfer’ev, E. E. Pis’ma Tsarskoi Sem’i iz Zatocheniya. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Monastery, 1974.

Baker, Raegan. The Diary of Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna 1913. Pickering, Ontario: Gilbert’s Royal Books, 2008.

Bardovskaya, Larisa. Tsarskoe Selo: The Imperial Summer Residence. St. Petersburg: Alfa-Color Art Press, 2005.

Barkovets, Olga, and Aleksandr Krylov. Tsesarevich. Moscow: Vagrius, 1998.

Barkovets, Olga, and Valentina Tenikhina. Nicholas II: The Imperial Family. St. Petersburg: Abris, 2004.

Bokhanov, Alexander, Manfred Knodt, Vladimir Oustimenko, Zinaida Peregudova, and Lyubov Tyutunnik. The Romanovs: Love, Power and Tragedy. London: Leppi Publications, 1993.

Botkin, Gleb. Lost Tales: Stories for the Tsar’s Children. New York: Villard Books, 1996.

———. The Real Romanovs. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1931.

Brewster, Hugh. Anastasia’s Album. London: Little, Brown, 1996.

Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie. The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia. London: Longmans, Green, 1928.

Bykov, Paul. The Last Days of Tsardom. London: Martin Lawrence, 1934.

Dehn, Lili. The Real Tsaritsa. London: Thornton, Butterworth, 1922.

Diterikhs, M. K. Ubiistvo Tsarskoi Sem’i. Moscow: Veche, 2008.

Eagar, Margaret. Six Years at the Russian Court. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1906.

Esmond, H. V. In and Out of a Punt: A Duologue. London: Samuel French, Ltd., 1902

Eugénie de Grèce. Le Tsarévitch: Enfant Martyr. Paris: Perrin, 1990.

Fomin, Sergei. Skorbnyi Angel. St. Petersburg: Obshchestvo Svyatitelya Vasiliya Velikogo, 2005.

Fuhrmann, Joseph T. The Complete Wartime Correspondence of Tsar Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra, April 1914–March 1917. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.

———. Rasputin: A Life. New York: Praeger, 1990.

Gilliard, Pierre. Thirteen Years at the Russian Court. New York: George H. Doran, 1921.

Ginsburg, Mirra. How Wilka Went to Sea and Other Tales from West of the Urals. New York: Crown, 1975.

Grabbe, Alexander Graf. The Private World of the Last Tsar. Boston: Little Brown, 1984.

Grattan, H. P. Packing Up: Farce in One Act. London: Samuel French, Ltd., 1904.

Halliburton, Richard. Seven League Boots. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1935.

Khrustalev, V. M. Dnevniki Nikolaya II i Imperatritsy Aleksandry Fedorovny: 1917–1918. Moscow: Vagrius, 2008.

King, Greg. The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Reign of Nicholas II. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

———. The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia. New York: Carol, 1994.

King, Greg, and Penny Wilson. The Fate of the Romanovs. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

Kozlov, Vladimir. Dnevniki Imperatora Nikolaya II. Moscow: Orbita, 1991.

Kozlov, Vladimir, and Vladimir Khrustalëv, eds. The Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997.

Kurth, Peter. Tsar: The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra. London: Little, Brown, 1995.

Lieven, Dominic. Nicholas II: Twilight of the Empire. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

Lyons, Marvin. Nicholas II: The Last Tsar. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1974.

Massie, Robert K. Nicholas and Alexandra. New York: Scribner, 1967.

———. The Romanovs: The Final Chapter. New York: Random House, 1995.

Massie, Robert K., and Marilyn Swezey. The Romanov Family Album. New York: Vendome Press, 1982.

Maylunas, Andrei, and Sergei Mironenko. A Lifelong Passion: Nicholas and Alexandra: Their Own Story. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996.

McLees, Nectaria. Divnyi Svet. Moscow: Russkiy Palomnik, 1998.

Mel’nik-Botkina, Tat’yana. Vospominaniya o Tsarskoi Sem’e. Moscow: Zakharov, 2004.

Michael, Prince of Greece. Nicholas and Alexandra: The Family Albums. London: Tauris Parke Books, 1992.

Moynahan, Brian. Rasputin: The Saint Who Sinned. New York: Random House, 1997.

Nekrasov, Nikolai, and Juliet Soskice. Poems by Nicholas Nekrasov. London: Oxford University Press, 1936.

Nepein, I. G. Pered Rasstrelom: Poslednie Pis’ma Tsarskoi Sem’i. Omsk, Russia: Omskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel’stvo, 1992.

Pankratov, V. S Tsarem v Tobolske. New York: Slovo, 1990.

Radzinsky, Edvard. The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Rappaport, Helen. Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs. London: Hutchinson, 2008.

Rasputin, Maria, and Patte Barham. Rasputin: The Man Behind the Myth. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1977.

Shelayev, Yuri, Elizabeth Shelayeva, and Nicholas Semenov. Nicholas Romanov: Life and Death. St. Petersburg: Liki Rossi, 2004.

Solodkoff, Alexander von. The Jewel Album of Tsar Nicholas II and a Collection of Private Photographs of the Russian Imperial Family. London: Ermitage, 1997.

Spéranski, Valentin. LaMaison à destination spéciale ≫: La tragedie d’Ekaterinenbourg. Paris: J Ferenczi & Fils, 1929.

Spiridovitch, Alexandre. Les Dernières Années de la Cour de Tzarskoïé-Sélo. Paris: Payot, 1928.

Steinberg, Mark D., and Vladimir M. Khrustalëv. The Fall of the Romanovs. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995.

Swezey, Marylin Pfeifer. Nicholas and Alexandra: At Home with the Last Tsar and His Family. Washington, DC: The American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, 2004.

Syroboyarskii, Aleksandr Vladimirovich. Skorbnaya Pamyatka. New York: privately printed, 1928.

Timms, Robert, ed. Nicholas and Alexandra: The Last Imperial Family of Tsarist Russia. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1998.

Townend, Carol. Royal Russia: The Private Albums of the Russian Imperial Family. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.

Trewin, John C. The House of Special Purpose: an Intimate Portrait of the Last Days of the Russian Imperial Family. New York: Stein and Day, 1974.

Vasyutinskaya, E. F. Na Detskoi Polovine. Moscow: Pinakoteka, 2000.

Vorres, Ian. Last Grand Duchess: The Memoirs of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. New York: Scribner, 1965.

Vyrubova, Anna. Memories of the Russian Court. New York: Macmillan, 1923.

Warner, Elizabeth. Heroes, Monsters and Other Worlds from Russian Mythology. New York: Peter Bedrick, 1985.

Wilton, Robert. The Last Days of the Romanovs (including depositions of Colonel Kobylinsky, Pierre Gilliard, Sidney Gibbes, Anatoly Yakimov, Pavel Medvedev, Philip Proskuriakov). London: Thornton Butterworth, 1920.

Wortman, Richard S. Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, Vol. 2. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.

Yermilova, Larissa. The Last Tsar. Bournemouth, UK: Parkstone Press/Planeta, 1996.

Zeepvat, Charlotte. The Camera and the Tsars: A Romanov Family Album. Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton, 2004.

———. Romanov Autumn. Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton, 2000.

Zhuk, Yu. A. Ispoved’ Tsareubiits. Moscow: Veche, 2008.

Zvereva, Nina K. Avgusteishie Sestry Miloserdiya. Moscow: Veche, 2006



Chebotareva, Valentina Ivanovna. “V Dvortsom Lazarete v Tsarskom Sele. Dnevnik: 14 Iyulya 1915–5 Yanvarya 1918.” Noviy Zhurnal vol. 181(1990): 173–243; vol. 182(1990): 202–250.

Atlantis Magazine, Vol. 4, no. 5 (2003)

King, Greg, and Penny Wilson. “The Departure of the Imperial Family from Tsarskoe Selo.” Atlantis Magazine: In the Courts of Memory: 12–31.

———. “The Murder of the Romanovs: An Annotated Bibliography.” Atlantis Magazine: In the Courts of Memory: 110–140.

———. “The Officer Letters.” Atlantis Magazine: In the Courts of Memory: 73–86.

———. “The Romanov Children.” Atlantis Magazine: In the Courts of Memory: 6–10.

———. “The Timeline.” Atlantis Magazine: In the Courts of Memory: 48–72.



Ashton, Janet. “The reign of the Empress? A re-evaluation of the war-time political role of Alexandra Feodorovna.” http://www.directarticle.org/Alexandras_political_role.pdf/(Accessed November 7, 2009).

Benckendorff, Count Paul. Last Days at Tsarskoe Selo. London: William Heinemann, 1927. http://www.alexanderpalace.org/lastdays/.

Buchannan, Meriel. “Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna.” http://www.alexanderpalace.org/palace/olgabuchannan.html (accessed October 15, 2009).

Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie. Left Behind: Fourteen Months in Siberia During the Revolution. London: Longmans, Green, 1929. http://www.alexanderpalace.org/leftbehind/.

Hanbury-Williams, John. The Emperor Nicholas II As I Knew Him. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1922. http://www.alexanderpalace.org/hanbury/.

Kerensky, Alexander. “The Imperial Family.” http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ImperialRussian/royalty/russia/kerensky.html (accessed July 4, 2009).

Mossolov, Alexander. At the Court of the Last Tsar. London: Methuen, 1935. http://www.alexanderpalace.org/mossolov/.

Volkov, Alexei. Souvenirs d’Alexis Volkov, Valet de Chambre de Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, 1910–1918. Paris: Payot, 1928. http://www.alexanderpalace.org/volkov/volkovmain.html (Translation by Robert Moshein, © 2004).

“Evening Prayers from the ‘Jordanville’ Prayer Book.” http://www.orthodox.net/services/evening-prayers.html (accessed December 27, 2009).



Last of the Czars. Produced by Discovery Networks, in association with Brooks Associates Limited, 1996.

Nikolai i Aleksandra. Castle Communications PLC/Eastern Light Productions, 1994.

Nicholas and Alexandra. Granada Television Limited, for A&E Television Networks, 1994.

Russia’s Last Tsar. National Geographic Video, distributed by Time Warner, Inc., 1995.

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