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Grammar focus 1

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter 8: It’s All About Them: How To Become More Effective By Being More Focused On People And Behaviours
  4. Ex. 5 Choose synonyms from the focus vocabulary.
  5. Focus / Фокус
  6. FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the lead-in and the letters.
  7. FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the lead-in and the letters.

Look at the underlined nouns in each sentence. Circle the noun that is incorrect. Write the correct form of the nouns you have circled.

Example Size, shape,, and color constancies help us understand

and relate to the world better.

You should circle ‘bright’ because the noun form is brightness.

1. Memory and experience play an important part in perceptual constancy.

2. In addition to past experience and learn, several personal factors color our perception.

3. Our familiar with a symbol or object affects our expectation of how the object should look.

4. Our perceptions are also influenced by our individual ways of dealing with environment and by our cultural background, values, motivated, personality, and cognitive style.

5. Visual illusions occur when we use a variety of sensory cues to create perceptual experiences that do not actually exist.

6. An example of physical illusions is the bent appearance of a sticks when placed in water.

7. Perceptual illusions depend on our own perceptual processes and occur because the stimulus contains misleading cues.

8. One important ways our perceptual processes work is through distinguishing figures from the ground against which they appear.



Below is a paragraph Perceiving Distance and Depth. Match the beginnings of the sentences from the left column with their continuations from the right column.

1. We can perceive distance and depth through a. aerial perspective, elevation, texture gradient, shadowing, and motion parallax.
2. Superposition is a monocular distance cue in which one object, b. for the different images each eye receives.
3. Linear perspective is another monocular cue to distance and depth based c. monocular cues, from one eye, or binocular cues, which depend on the interaction of both eyes.
4. Other monocular cues include d. by partly blocking a second, appears closer.
5. With binocular cues, the stereoscopic vision makes e. over animals whose vision is limited to monocular cues.
6. Retinal disparity is responsible f. as loudness and distance require only one ear.
7. Convergence is another g. perception of depth and distance clearer.
8. Humans and apes with the ability to use binocular cues have a distinct advantage h. on the collaboration of both ears.
9. Sounds, too, add to our sense of space. Monaural cues such i. on the fact that two parallel lines seem to come together at the horizon.
10. Binaural cues depend j. binocular cue.



1. The process that involves converting physical energy into nerve impulses is referred to as __________.

2. Match the following terms with their definitions:

______ cornea a. colored part of the eye

______ pupil b. center of the visual field

______ iris c. receptor cell responsible for color vision

______ lens d. protective layer over front part of the eye

______ fovea e. contains the receptor cells that respond to light

______ retina f. focuses light onto the retina

_____ rod g. receptor cell responsible for night vision

_____ cone h. opening in the iris through which light enters

3. The process whereby the rods and cones adjust to lower levels of illumination is known as ________.

a. dark adaptation

b. light adaptation

4. The place in the retina where axons of all the ganglion cells come together to leave the eye is called the __________.

a. fovea

b. blind spot

c. optic chiasm

d. visual cortex

5. Placebos and acupuncture may affect the sensation of pain by _______.

a. closing the pain gate

b. releasing endorphins

c. blocking pain receptors in the skin

6. The process by which we create meaningful experiences out of the jumble of sensory information is called _________.

7. In the case of reversible figures, we have difficulty distinguishing the ______ from the _______ behind it.

8. Match the following principles of perception with their definitions:

_____ similarity a. tendency to perceive a whole object even where none exists

_____ continuity b. elements that continue a pattern are likely to be seen as part of the pattern

_____ proximity c. objects that are like one another tend to be grouped together

_____ closure d. elements found close together tend to be perceived as a unit

9. The perception of loud sounds as being closer than faint sounds is a common ______ cue to sound localization.

a. monaural

b. binaural

10. Examine a few passages of your favorite song. Explain how the Gestalt principles of organization (proximity, similarity, closure, etc.) operate in the perception of music.


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