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Disintegration of the Golden Horde and foundation new states on the territory of the Kazakhstan - Mogolistan

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  2. Aber ich hatte keine Zeit mehr, das zu entscheiden, denn der Schlaf überfiel mich wie eine ganze Horde Wegelagerer.
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  6. Anti - inflation policy of Kazakhstan.
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Lecture 1

Primitive society.

The objective of the lecture: to show common and peculiarities of the primitive society development on the territory of Kazakhstan. The main stages of the primitive society, evolution of labor instrument, origination of people and formation social institutes.

Outline of the lecture

1. Characteristic of the primitive society.

2. Stages of the primitive society.

3. Historical monuments of the primitive society.

The brief content of the lecture: The problem of the origin of the modern human being and the most ancient stages of his development in the Stone Age according to the scientists terminology in one of the complex problem of the science.

The modern genetics came to conclusion, that labor played the decisive role in the evolution of man. The other factors – biological and social, participated in the process of anthropogenesis. Man is differed from the animal by his knowing how to work and how to make the labor instruments. The first instruments made from stone by man gave the name to the Stone Age, the early and longest period of the history.

By the beginning of the XX. the following division of the Stone Age into periods was established:


I. Paleolithic

1. Ancient Paleolithic:

Doshell – 2,5 mln.-800 th. B.C.

Shell, Ashell - 800-140 th. B.C.


2. Middle Paleolithic

Upper Ashell and Mousterian period – 140-40 th. B.C.


3. Upper Paleolithic

40-10 th. B.C.


II. Mesolithic XII-V th. B.C.

III. Neolithic V-II th. B.C.

The first men on the territory of Kazakhstan appeared about 700-500 th. years ago during the Paleolithic Age. The earliest men lived near rivers Isym, Chu, Betpak-Dala. On the banks of the Arystandy river the most ancient stone instruments were discovered. The more numerous sites of the late times were Shabakty, Temirkazgan, Borykazgan etc. The hand bifaces (hand axes), points more than 5 th. various flint instruments were collected there.


During the Mousterian epoch the method of production of stone instruments developed. Among the Mousterian sites discovered in the Karatau, one was situated in Karasai, on the right bank of the Arystandy river. The enormous concentration of the flint and chalcedony hand-made were revealed and wild animals bones and charcoal were found. The finds of the Mousterian instruments are known in the middle flow of the Sarysu river in Central Kazakhstan and Priirtyshie.

Neolithic. The Neolithic hunters, fisher men and collectors lived in Pri-Ural and Irtysh. The natural environment of that time was almost the same as in our days. The technology of working up of stone in the epoch of Neolithic achieved the highest level, people learned how to saw and polish the stone and make the mini stone-blades (micro-lit). The durable crockery ceramics were made with help of baking by Neolithic people.

In the epoch of Upper Neolithic and Eneolithic one more important event was happened in the life of people. The animals have been domesticated and became domestic animals. People began to be occupied with farming.

The appearance of the beginnings of mining, mastery of metals, soft-ones – copper, gold, lead took place.

During the Neolithic Age the family communes with Matriarchy appeared. At the Neolithic the earliest men began to use fire and make work tools from metal – at first it was copper, then bronze.


Hand axe топор балта
Point остроконечник Шошақ төбе
Chalcedony халцедон халцедон
Charcoal древесный уголь Ағаш көмір
To saw пилить аралау
Blade лезвие Пышақтың жүзі
Durable прочный Берік, мықты
Crockery глиняный Саз, балшық

Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “Chronology of primitive society.”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Evolution of labor tools”.

Home tasks: readF. Engels«Origination of family, private property and state» and prepare annotation.

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.4-16.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.14-19



Lecture 2

Bronze and iron ages.

The objective of the lecture: Characteristic of the bronze and iron ages. The main stages of the bronze and iron ages. Historical monuments of this stages. To show the economy and political development and features of culture.

Outline of the lecture:


1. Bronze age. The main stages of bronze age. The cultures of bronze age.

2. Iron age. Sakas. Political and economy development of the Sakas.

3. Culture of the Sakas.



The changing in the economy and mode of the life of the people of Kazakhstan, which were outlined at the end of Neolithic, resulted in the building of the producing economy. In the II th. B.C. people learned to get bronze by the way of addition of tin, lead and zinc to copper. The bronze is the hard, but at the same time very plastic metal, from which the instruments of labour and weapons were made. The epoch, when this metal was the main one in the life people, named the “Bronze age” It was lasting from the end of the III till I th. B.C.


The tribes, dwelt on the territory of Kazakhstan during the Bronze epoch, left the archaeological monument, dated back to the Andronovskaya archaeological culture. Now the time of existing of this culture is divided by the majority of the researches into three period:

Early Bronze XVIII-XVI c.B.C.

The Middle XV – XII c. B.C.

The Late XII – VIII c. B.C.


The Late Bronze period in Central Kazakhstan was marked by formation of the new culture, which was named Dandybai-Begazinskaya.


During the Bronze age Kazakhstan became the center of metallurgy. Copper, tin, iron were mined in Eastern Kazakhstan and Djezkazgan.


The role of a man in family increased – it was the time of Patriarchy. The Andron people’s main occupations were cattlebreeding, farming and fishing. They grew millet near the rivers, lived in houses and when the climate became dry they began to move from place to place. The Andron people invented houses that could put on carriages and moved with people. They began to nomadize.


The question of the tribe’s language investigated by archaeologists, of the race type of these tribes, and their roots and descendants was the most difficult one in the ancient history. Andronovtsy were considered as European physical type and Indo-Iranian language.


Saks tribes. In the I millennium BC a huge territory, including Northern India, Afghanistan, Middle Asia and South Kazakhstan was populated by numerous tribes, called “Saks”. Saks tribes were contemporaries of skiffs, which lived in Northern Prichernomorie and Savromates – in South Cis Ural.


In Akhemenids sources there are a lot of facts and information about sakes. They inform that they were 3 groups: Saks-Haumovarga (Saks that made drink Haom), Saks-Paradaraya (Saks that lived across the sea, Saks-Tigrahauda (Saks that were pointed caps).


Saks took part in many historical events of that time. So, Kir concluded a peace treating with Saks against the king Krez. Kir’s campaign against Saks was not successful. His army was defeated and he died. Kir’s campaign to the Middle Asia were continued by Dariy I (521-486) but he was also defeated. At the end of VI beg. of V c. B.C. in ancient East were taking place Greek-Persian wars. Some Saks tribes took part in those wars being on the side of Persians. Greek-Persian wars (500-449) ended with the defeat of Persians. In 30-s B.C. Greek-makedonians under the control of Alexandr Makedonsky defeated the army of the last Ahemenid of Dariy III and entered the Middle Asia. Massagets and other tribes, living in the Southern Kazakhstan participated in wars against Alexander Macedonsky. Saks tribes which lived in the area of Syrdaria kept their independence. After the death of Alexander Macedonsky his huge empire was disunited because it was just a union of tribes and nations who didn’t have strong economic and political relations.


Nomadize кочевой Көшпелі
Tribe племя тайпа
Defeat поражение Жеңілу, ұтылу
Source источник деректеме


Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “The main tribes lived in bronze and iron ages.”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Culture of Saks”.

Home tasks: read«Archeology of Kazakhstan» and prepare annotation.

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.16-42.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.19-29



Lecture 3

Early class societies (III B.C.-III A.D.).

The objective of the lecture: To show the economy and political history of Uisuns, Kangles and Hunnu.

Outline of the lecture:


1. Uisuns.

2. Kangls.

3. Hunnu.



Uisunes. The tribes of Uisunes, which inherited lands of Saks-Tigrahauda in the Semirechye, came from the depth of Central Asia.

The population of Uisunes was about 630 thousand people and 188 thousand from them were warriors. The head of which was leader, whose title was “Gunmo”.

The main territory of Uisuns situated in the valley of ILLI, frontier on the west was on rivers Chu and Talas, where they bordered with Kangyo.

The capital of Uisuns was Chegu-Chen (the town of red valley) was situated on the coast of Issykkol.

Ethnic group of Uisuns still isn’t clear. Some investigators think that Uisuns were Turc ancestors and spoke in Turcik, another, that Uisuns were from West-Iranian tribes.

Uisuns were nomads.



Creation date IV-III cc.B.C.
Geography From Zabaikalye to Tibet, from Eastern Turkestan to the middle flow of Huanhe river.
Main cities Near the Kyrgyz Nur lake (Chjichji residence)
Main activity Nomadic cattle-breeding. Main animals: horses, oxen, camels, sheep and goats.
Other names Syunnu, Gunnu
Type of state Nomadic type of life. Hunnu can be called as a military state too.
Religion Hunnu was paganists.
People, nations Proturk tribes with mongoloid faces. The population is 1,5 mln. Of people.
Language One of Altai language family branches.
Society structure There were 4 supreme origins, the most noble is “Luan’di” only from which the Shanyuis could be elected. Hunnu had slavery.
Military successes Hunnu fought together with Kangui against Uisuns but couldn’t succeed completely. Hunnu successfully fought against China, which them tribute, conquered Dunhu, part of Uisuns and Sayan-Altai tribes.
State army Whole army was 300-400 th.men, “t’ma” – 10 th. horsemen. There were 24 heads of t’mas called “temniks”. The army consisted of center and two wings.
Historical Literature “historical writings” by Chinese historian Sym Tsyan about Hunnu’s invasions and conquered lands.
Famous events, political history In 206 B.C. Mode made reforms for state enforcement. In 47 the stae was divided into South and Northern parts. Chjichji tried to return the state unity, but China pressed on Hunnu and forced them to move through Tian-Shan to Kazakhstan. There they first contacted with Kangui tribe close. This was the first wave of great people’s migration. The second one started in I c. AD., when Hunnu again moved west from China’s pressure. Under Hunnu’s pressure there was started the tribes movement in Central Kazakhstan, on the north of Syrdarya and also in Aral and Caspian sea regions. The “Great People’s Migration” took its period since II till V centuries AD. And under Attila’s supervision, the migrating people made the great collapsing hit to the Roman Empire. Hunnu increased the quantity of Turkic roots among the people in the Kazakhstan region.



Inherited наследовать Мұра етіп алу
Middle flow среднее течение Орта ағым
Valley долина аңғар
Supervision руководство Басшылық, жетекшілік


Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “The main tribes lived in III c. B.C.-III c. A.D..”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Foreign policy of Uisuns and Hunnu”.

Home tasks: Make a table: “Kanguys”.

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.43-55.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.30-36



Lecture 4 -5

Feudal states in Kazakhstan in VI-XII cc.

The objective of the lecture: To show the political history of feudal states. Development of economics. Relationships of these states between each other and neighbor states. Reasons of the collapse of these states.


Outline of the lecture

1. Turkic states on the southern Kazakhstan.

2. Turkic states on the Central Kazakhstan.

3. Turkic states on the eastern Kazakhstan.

4. Turkic states on the western Kazakhstan.



State and existing duration Capital and borders Political structure and social relations Economy, culture, population Political history
Turk and Western-Turk Kaganate (552-703) Middle Asia, lands from Caspean sea till North India The main person was kagan – a supreme head. Then there are yabgu, shad and elteber. Administrative functions were provided by buyuruks and tarhans. They considered their origination from wolf. Economy was generally based on nomadism and cattle-breeding. Population was busy with trade, cattle-breeding and crafts. Towns and culture of farming were formed by Sogdiana people, the Turks, people from Syria, Persia. Religion represented by tengreism, Buddhism, Christianity. Firstly ethnonim “Turk” was mentioned in Chineese scriptures in 542. In 546 there was a war between Turrks and Awars As the result, on the disturbirngs of this state it was appeared Turks Kaganate. In 551 Bumyn accepted the title of Kagan.
Turgesh state (703-756) United the tribes of Semirechey, Altai, Cenytral Asia. The capital – Suyab. Suluk-Kagan replaced capital to Taraz.   Cattle-breeding, trading. The most powerful the Kaganate was during the reign of Suluk-kagan. He established diplomatic relations with China, took parts in the war against Arabs in Central Asia. In 751 battle between Arabs and Chinese at Atlakh. Chinese were defeated.
Karluk state (756-940) The Karluks came to Semirechey from Altai. The settled from the Djungarian Alatau to the central part of the Syrdarya, in the valley of the rivers Ili, Chu, Talas..Capital was replaced from Taraz to Kashgar. The presence of highly-developed forms of tribal system. The power of Karluk jubgu was nominal. The upper position was occupied by Kagan. Strong inequality of poor and rich. A common population consisted of cattle-breeders. They had to oppose China – the Tan empire, which captured Semirechye. The Karluks waged wars against Uigurs, the Oguzes. It possessed rich towns in Semirechey (25 towns), trade routs, controlled the routs to China. This state fell after attack of the Turks from Eastern Turkestan, who formed the state of Karahanids in Kashgaria.
Karakhanid state (942-1210) Semirechye, Southern Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. The state was divided into two main parts: eastern with the center in Kashgar and Balasagun (near the town Tokmak in Kirgizia). The power belonged to two tribes unions: the Chigili and Yagma. The Kagan took the title of “Kagan of all Kagans”, it meant that that he had power over all the Turks. Karakhanid state had another system of administration. The leader of the state – Tamgach-Khan ruled over the country through the nobles who were the chi4es of the regions. The nobles were given the right to take taxes from their land. The land had been given to them for state and military service. This land was called “Ikta”. In 955 Islam was proclaimed as an official religion. The famous Khan – Satuk Bogra-khan. In XII c. Karakitais conquered Semirechey. In 1210 Naimans invaded to Eastern part of the state. In 1212 the last Kagan of the Western part Osman was killed and the Fergan branch of Karakhanids disappeared.
Karakitay state (1128-1213) Territory of Manchjur and Ussuri. Balasagun is a capital. Mongolian-speaking tribes. The main person – gurkhan. Strict military system Cattle-breeding, caravan trading, crafts. In 1128 Eluy Dashi occupied Balasagun, and defeat Karakhanids. Conquered Bukhara and Maveranakhr. In 1208 Naimans under the leading of Kuchluk escaped to Karakitais.
Oguzes (IX-X cc.) From Caspean sea to the Balkhash. The capital is Yangikent. Djubgu is a head of state. Oguzes have consisted of 24 tribes. The Oguze state was divided on uruks and aimaks. The council of large military-tribal aristocracy limited the authority of the Supreme governor. There was a personnel management and system of regular taxations.   In 965 they concluded the military treaty with the Russian duke Svyatoslav against Kazars. In 985 the Oguzes waged wars against the Bulgars in the union with the Russian duke Vladimir.In XI c. promotion of oguzes to Iran and Forward Asia began State fell under the attack of the Kypchaks.
The Kimak and Kipchak state. (VIII-X cc.) The Kimaks lived in Altai and near Irtysh river. From the second half of the VIII c. the Kimaks and Kipchaks began to settle in Semirechey. Some groups reached the Caspean sea. Kagans had the supreme power, they appointed tsars or khans to the regions. Power was hereditary. Plots of land were given to the tsar or khans for service by the Kagan. The chief of the regions had rights to collect taxes. Inequality appeared and the tribes were divided into aristocracy and poor nomads or poor peasants (djataks). Occupation of these tribes was nomadic cattle-breeding. Remains of the irrigation system and palaces in towns are the evidence of semi-settled way of life. 16 towns were in state. They hunted djeirans, kulans sables, foxes. Farmers cultivated millet, pea, bean, rice, grapes. In the XI c. after the fight against Oguzes the Kipchaks opened the way to the riches of the Middle Asia. The struggle with the stateof the Khorezmshakhs for towns near Syr-Darya led to the establishment of diplomatic and family relations between Kipchaks and Khorezmshakhs. The Kipchaks were used in many armies of many states. In the XII c. the internecine disputes between Kipchaks tribes split their state. Later they were captured by Mongols.
The Naimans and Kereits. (X-XIII cc.) They settled in Eastern Kazakhstan where they come from Eastern Turkestan. All the territory was divided into uluses, the rules of uluses had their personal pastures for summer and winter grazing. Khan’s residence was called “horde”. In 1007 Naimans and Kereits adopted Christianity of Nestorian teaching. The rulers of this state persecuted the supporters of the Islam and had a conflict with the Islamic Khorezmshahs. The Naimans and Kereits had lower development in social life and economy. The main occupation was nomadic cattle-breeding and hunting, trade and craft. In 1211 their khan Kuchluk captured Semirechye and put the Karakitai’s gurkhan into prison.



Graze Пастбище өріс, жайылым
Cultivate выращивать өсіру
Forward Asia Передняя Азия  
Authority власть билік


Tasks for IWS: Prepare report: “Towns of Kazakhstan in VI-XII cc.”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short essay: “Economics of Kazakhstan in VI-XII cc”.

Home tasks: Find information about religions of Kazakhstan in VI-XII cc..

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.56-77.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.37-52

Lecture 6

Mongolian invasions.

The objective of the lecture: To show the foundation of Mongolian empire. Chingiskhan’s activity. Invasions to the territory of Kazakhstan and struggle of Turkic people against this invasions. Economy, political and cultural consequences of invasions.


Outline of the lecture:


1. Foundation of Mongolian empire.

2. Invasions to Kazakhstan.

3. Consequences of invasions.


Foundation of Mongolian empire. In the half of the XII c. Mongol tribes directed to the west from Orkhon and Kerulen. Mongols placed on the territory from Baikal, banks oof Enisey and Irtysh on the north to the desert Gobi.

In the end of the XII c. Mongol tribes disintegrated and classes formed. Rulers of tribes captured lands, pastures, slaves. Endless wars between Mongols and Turkic tribes – Mongols, Kereits, Naimans, Tatars, Kongrats and others finished at the beginning of the XIII c. When Mongol empire was founded, which was headed by Chingiz-khan.


Temuchin was born in 1155 (1162) in the family of the famous representative Mongol nobility – Yesugey – bagatur. He lost his father in the childhood (when he was 9 years old). But the Heaven’s way unknown. He organized a group of confident fellows and became as brave man due to lucky campaigns. He was one oof the powerful leaders in Central Asian steppes.


In 1206 Mongol Nobels proclaimed him a main ruler – Chingis-khan.


Mongol state was formed on the principles of military-administrative organization. Territory and population were divided in three military-administrative okrugs: Barun gar, Djun gar and Cul. Each okrug consist of Tumens (10 thousand), each thousand – of 10 hundreds. Lowest unit is “ten”- when the froup of nomadic tribes were obliged to give 10 warriors.


Conqests of Mongols in the beginning of XIII c. In the 1211 Chingiz-khan conquered the Northern China with the capital Beipin (Peking). Mongols recognized military technology, machines and broght it to Mongolia and it improved military power of army. Chingiz-khan had all information about state, which he want to conquer, which recieved from traitors, from moslem merchants.


Naimans and Mongol-speaking tribe – Merkits were defeated in 1208 on the Yrtysh bank. Naimans, who saved moved with their khan Kuchluc to Zhetysu (Karakitay’s land) and Merkits to Kypchacs into the steppe of Central Kazakhstan.


In 1219-1221 Chingiz-khan invaded to Khorezm. Khorezm-shakh sent two missions to Mongolia. Chingiz-khan sent a trade caravan to Khorezm-shakh. The caravvan arrived to Otrar in summer 1218. The governor of Otrar Kypcak Gair-khan Inalchik suspected merchants in espionage and ordered to kill them and plundered the caravan. This incident became a reason of Chingis-khan’s war aggainst Khorezm. Chingiz-khan moved from Irtysh to Syr-Darya – across Zhetysu.


On the coming to Otrar, Chigiz-khan sent for it’s seizure troops under the command of his sons – Chagatai and Ugedei, Djuchi was sent to the lower Syrdarya. From 20000-50000 warriors headed by Gair-khan defended Otrar during five months. The number of troops gathered by Chingiz-khan is unknown, but there were, probably, about 150000 warriors including allies – the Karluks of Zhetysu and Uigurs of Eastern Turkestan. The town was taken and Gair-khan executed by Chingiz-khan (melted silver was poured in his eyes and ears).


In the similar heroic way defended themselves citizens of other Syrdarya towns – Sygnak, Ashnaz and others. In 1221 Djuchi-khan moved into the steppe of Kazakhstan to the north-east of the Aral sea. Having met the resistance of the Kypchaks, he defeated them utterly in a bloody battle.


To the spring of 1221 Middle Asia and Kazakhstan were conquered by Mongols. In 1223 troops of Djebe and Subedey destroyed Alans, Kypchaks and Russians near the river Kalka and through the Kazakhstan returned to Horde of Chigiz-khan.

So, after Mongolian invasions in 1219-1221 Kazakhstan became a part of the great Mongolian empire.




Espionage шпионаж тыңшылық
Ancestor предок Тек, баба
Feuds междоусобицы Тартыс, қақтығыс
Confident доверие сенім
Proclaim провозглашать Жария ету
Betray предавать Сатып жіберу


Tasks for IWS: Prepare a report: “Consequences of Mongolian invasions.”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short essay: “Political arrangement of Mongolian state”.

Home tasks: Find information about division of Kazakhstan territory by Mongols and prepare a map.

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.97-104.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.53-56



Lecture 7

Disintegration of Mongolian empire and foundation of new states

The objective of the lecture: Peculiarities of new sates, which were founded after disintegration of Mongolian empire.

Outline of the lecture:

1. Ak-Horde

2. Khanate of Abulkhair

3. Nogai Horde


New state Ak-Horde was founded on the territory of Eastern Dasht-I-Kypchak in the XIII – in the beginning of XV cc. (1300-1425).

Orda-Edjen one of the sons of Djuci received the eastern part of Djuchi’s ulus. At first, Ak-Horde occupied the territory of north-eastern Semirecheye, banks of Irtysh, steppe of Ulutau and Karatau.

Beyween Jaik, Irgiz, Tobol and Sarysu and lowest part of Syrdarya was established Ulus of another son of Djuchi – Shaiban.

In the middle of XIIIc. The capital of Ak-Horde was situated near the lake Alakol. In the XIV c. the power of the sons of Orda-Edjen spread on Ulus of Shaiban and all territory of Kazakhstan, expect Semirecheye, submitted to Orda-Edjen’s son, only Semirecheye was under the power of Chagataids. Political center of Ak-Horde displaced to the south of Kazakhstan and Sygnak became the capital of Ak-Horde. Ak-Horde was inhabited by turkicspeaking tribes. Some of them were local tribes, some of them came after Chingiskhan’s invasion from eastern regions. So, kypchaks, naimans, uisuns, argyns, karluks, kereits, kanglys, mangyts and others lived on the territory of Ak-Horde.

Social-political arrangement of Ak-Horde.The political history of Ak-Horde we can divide into three parts:

1. Ak-Horde fought for liberation of Eastern Dasht-I-Kypchak from Golden Horde.

2. Khans of Ak-Horde interfered in internal affairs of Golden-Horde.

3. Struggle against aggression of Maveranakhr’s governor – Timur and Timurides.

Ak-Horde received full independence from Golden Horde when khans Erzen and Mubarak ruled. Development of Ak-Horde begun in the ruling of Urus khan in 60-70-s of XIV c. In the first quarter of XV c. Ak-Horde was divided into two parts: on the west Nogai Horde was founded, Nomadic Uzbek Khanate on the East.

Khanate of Abulkhair

Khanate of Shaibanid Abulkhair was founded on the territory of Kazakhstan in 20-s of XVc. Disintegration of Ak-Horde and feuds of Djuchides was a result of separation of Abulkhairs Khanate. Strives of Djuchides finished by death of Barak, khan of Ak-Horde. In 1428 Abulkhair – son of Davlat-sheikh – oglan, was declared a khan. Abulkhair created independent state and ruled 40 years (1428-1468).

Territory of Abulkhair Khanate stretch from Jaik on the West to Balkhash on the East, from the lower part of Syrdarya and Aral sea on the South to the Tobol and Irtysh on the North. The ethnical structure of Khanate was very complicated:

Kypchaks,Naimans, Mangyts, Karluks, Kangles, Uisuns, Uigurs and others.

Subsequently, on the territory of Abulkhair khanate was forming Middle zhuz of Kazak people. In the end of XIV – and in the first half of XVc. they were known as a “Uzbeks” and khanate of Abulkhair as a state of nomadic Uzbeks or Uzbek Khanate.

40-years ruling of Abulkhair was a period of civil strives (feuds) and uninterrupted wars. In 1430 he conquered Khorezm and plundered Urgench. In the 1446 he took away from Timurids such towns as Sygnak, Suzak, Ak-Kurgan, Uzgend, Arkuk and presented this towns to leaders of tribes, which supported him.

Sygnak became the capital of khanate (Tara and Ordu-Bazar were the capital of Ak-Horde before). In 50-s of XY he plundered Samarkand and Bukhara, he interfered in internal feuds of Timurides. But in the 1457 he was defeated by oirats near the Sygnak. Oirats invaded to the South-eastern and South Kazakhstan.

The Chingizids dissensions weakened Abulkhairs Khanate and sultans left him. In 50-60-s of XVc. Sultans Zhanibek and Girey quarreled with him and struggled against the Shaibanids for restoration of power of Ak-horde khans dynasty. Zhanibek was a son of the last ruler of Ak-Horde Barak-khan. Zhanibek and Girey, having united tribal groups of nomad and semi nomad population of Dash-I-Kypchak, which were depending on them, moved to the territory of Western Zhetysu in Mogulistan in the form of protest in 1459-1460. Esen-Buga, the ruler of Mogulistan united with the kazak leaders, hoping to protect of Mogulistan’s borders from Abulkhair, Timurids, Kalmyks.

In 1468 Abulkhair began campaign to Mogulistan, but he died on the way to Mogulistan. His successor Shaikh Khaidar was killed in feuds between numerous Djuchides. Khanate of Abulkhair was disintegrated.

Nogai Horde

Nogai Horde was founded on the territory of Kazakhstan after disintegration of the Mongol empire: between Ural and Volga (Jaik and Edil) and occupied part of Western Kazakhstan.

Ak-Horde, Mogulistan and Nogai Horde had many common in state system: ulus organization of the nomad population, structure of the ruling (khan) power and army, taxation system. In general, these forms and structure were taken from Mongolian empire and were remained in the Kazakh Khanate.

Nogai Horde separated from Golden Horde at the end of XIIIc. And process of separation was ended in the ruling of Edyge (1396-1411) and his son Nur-ad-din (1426-1440). So, Edyge was the first khan of Nogai Horde. He hold all power in Golden Horde during 15 years. He had 20 sons and through them he ruled by Golden Horde.

What tribes inhabited Nogai Horde?

Mangyts – played the main role in political life, but konrat,sargyns, alchin, salash,tama and so on inhabited Nogai Horde.



Successor приемник мұрагер
Claim требование талап
Feuds междоусобицы өзара соғыс, тартыс
Stretch простираться Созылу
Complicated сложный, запутанный Курделі, құрамды
Rob, plunder грабить тонау
Take away отобрать Алып қою
Dissension разногласие алауыздық


Tasks for IWS: Prepare a report: “Consequences of Mongolian invasions.”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short essay: “Political arrangement of Mongolian state”.

Home tasks: Find information about division of Kazakhstan territory by Mongols and prepare a map.

List of reference of the theme:

3. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.97-104.

4. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.60-66



Lecture 8

Disintegration of the Golden Horde and foundation new states on the territory of the Kazakhstan - Mogolistan

The objective of the lecture: To show reasons of the disintegration of the Golden Horde. Ulus of Chagatai. Foundation of Mogulistan.


Outline of the lecture:

1. Foundation of Mogolistan.

2. Political history of Mogulistan.

Mogulistan. In the middle of XIV c. State of Chagataids disintegrated: on the western part was founded Maveranakhr, on the eastern part Mogulistan. Mogulistan on the east bordered with lands of Kalmyks, on the north bordered lake Balkhash, on the west with Turkestan and Tashkent, on the south with Fergana, Kashgar, Aksu and Turfan. So, Mogulistan occupaied the territory of south-eastern Kazakhstan and northern Kirgizia.


Borders of Mogulistan changed during 150 years of existing of Mogulistan. In the ruling of Togluk-Timur it was a territory of south-eastern Kazakhstan and Eastern Turkestan was a vassal of Mogulistan. Later Eastern Turkestan was occupied by Timurides. In 80-s of XV c. Mogul khhans conquered Tashkent and Sairam, but lost Semirechyye. In the beg. Of XVI c. Mogul khan Said sultan occupied only the territory of Kashgaria.


What means the term “Mogulistan”. Term “Mongol” was written and pronounced in turkic and Iranian sources as “mogol”.


Mogulistan were inhabited by duglats, kangles, kereits, uisuns, argyns and others. Duglats played the main role in political life of Mogulistan. The main part of this tribes, who occupied the territory of Semirechey participated in the forming of Kazakh people. Some tribes, who occupied the territory of Pritjanshanye and Eastern Turkestan participated in the forming of Kirgizes and Uigurs.


Almalyk was the first capital of Mogulistan. First mogul khans kept ulus system. They conducted new taxes and taxation reforms.


Political history of Mogulistan. Togluk-Timur (he belonged to Chagataid dynasty) was the first khan of Mogulistan (1347-1362). Togluk-Timur and his son Iljas-khodja (1362-1380) tried to join Chagataid state and submit Maverankhr. The first campaign for unification began in 1360. Emirs of Maveranakhr didn’t resist him, because feuds were spreaded all over state. One of the emirs – future conqueror – Timur was obeyed to Togluk-Timur and gained Kesh for obedience. But Togluk-Timur couldn’t conquer Maveranakhr, because the biggest uprising began in Mogulistan. Togluk-Timur came back in Mogulistan for suppresion rebelion. After suppression of rebelion Togluk-Timur began new campaign to Maveranakhr in 1361 and fixed his son – Iljas-khodja a ruler of Maveranakhr.


After death of Togluk-Timur Iljas-khodja returned to Mogulistan and was declared a khan of Mogulistan In 1365 he undertook new campaign to Maveranakhr. The battle was on the bank of Syrdarya. Army of Timur was defeated and during the retreat more than 10 thousand warriors were trampled down and this battle was called “dirty battle”. This victory opened the road to Maveranakhr. But Moguls couldn’t take Samarkand because dwellers of town resisted to them.


In 70-80 of XIV c. other khans Hyzr-khodja, Enge-tore, Kamar-ad-din fought with Timur. As a result Mogulistan disintegrated into numerous small parts.


But in the ruling of Mukhammad-khan (1408-1416) Mogulistan consolidated and became independence from Timurides, he released territory Chu and Talas. He spread Islam in Mogulistan by force.


In the ruling of Vais-khan (1418-1428) the eastern borders of Mogulistan exposed to offensive of Oirats. Vais-khan fought with them many times and he transferred his capital from Turfan to Ilibalyk in Semirechey. Son of Vais-khan Esen-Buga (1433-1462) tried to unite Mogulistan, but it was useless and he ruled only on the territory of Eastern Turkestan.



Conduct проводить өткізу
Resist сопротивляться Қарсы тұру
Obey слушаться, повиноваться Тыңдау, тіл алу
Rebellion мятеж, восстание Көтеріліс
Retreat отступать шенгіну
Plunder ограбить тонау
Fix назначать тағайындау
Set free отпустить на волю Еркіне босатып жіберу
Trample down затоптать таптау
Capture захватить Алып қалу


Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “Political history of Mogulistan”

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Timur’s invasion to Mogulistan”.

Home tasks: Compare economics and political history of Ak-Horde and Mogulistan.

List of reference of the theme:

1. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. Алматы: Дауир, 1993, с.97-104.

2. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб.пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000, с.60-66


Lecture 9-10

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