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Low German dialects

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German dialects

Low German and High German

All German dialects consist in the West German dialect continuum, which also includes the Dutch. On the territory of modern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy and the Netherlands are three major groups of dialects: Low German (Niederdeutsch), srednenemetskuyu (Mitteldeutsch) and South German (Oberdeutsch, the latter two groups is usually regarded as a part of High German dialects. Boundary between Lower and Upper German dialects is called a line Benrath. Individual national dialects and variants included in each of these groups are also distinct in addition to geographic differences of language, folding over time under the influence of cultural, geographical and historical factors. Thus, the features in phonetics and vocabulary Austrian and Swiss have options, which are characterized by different articulation of the initial p-, t-, k-, the use of foreign words in speech, and avstritsizmov gelvetsizmov and other features that are not characteristic of the literary German. As supradialectal forms, they nevertheless do not can be considered a break from the dialects - Bavarian and Alemannic, respectively.



Low German dialects

Low German dialect group (Niederdeutsch, Plattdeutsch) prevalent in northern Germany and the eastern part of the Netherlands. Lower Franconian dialects in the Netherlands are generally isolated as dialects of Dutch, but their historical connection with the German language does not allow to consider them a break from each other. [62] The list includes all the major dialects of this group without distinction of their distribution area. Lower Saxony, also called West Low German, Low German dialects and East Low German combined concept. Western dialects of the language differ from eastern primarily historically, phonetic rules and vocabulary, as dialects northeastern Germany in the Middle Ages were influenced by Slavic languages. East Low German dialects some space intersect with the east srednenemetsk dialects.



For example:

Dutch dialect (niderl. Hollands, it. Holländisch) - Dutch dialect common in the historical region of Holland (North and South Holland).

History. Originally a Dutch dialect descended from the North Sea (ingveonskogo) language that unites him with drevnefrizskim and Old English. In the XI century it has undergone the influence of the Frankish language. Vsrednem century Dutch strongly influenced by neighboring dialects, so in written sources of the XV century the Dutch language can not be called clean. Later there was a process of mixing of grammatical gender in Dutch, which influenced the development of its kind in modern Dutch.

In the XVI century, when formed literary Dutch, played an important role and it is Dutch Brabant dialects. It is for this reason informally called Dutch Dutch, and residents of the state Netherlands - Dutch. Speaking Dutch closest to the standard pronunciation, but it does the citizens of Haarlem and is considered the cleanest. In Belgium Speaking opposite strongly deviates from the rules because there are common Flemish, Brabant and Limburg dialect. In this case the State's territory is still prevalent in French. In Friesland there are places where there remains a Dutch dialect, despite the significant impact of the Frisian language.

Dutch dialect includes under dialects. Most of them belong to the lower (for example, the South Dutch), part of the Frisian more susceptible to influence (Friesland dialects).


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