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Role B, C, D - patients

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  1. Dentists help fearful patients.
  2. German Health Care Attracts Foreign Patients
  4. In patients with atrial fibrillation (AF)
  5. Now listen to the recommendations that a dietitian gives to her patients. Fill in the table after listening to it twice.
  6. Patients and methods
  7. Principles of care for seriously ill patients

The sleep doctor listens to his patients’ complaints and give his / her recommendations. It’s asvisable for the doctor to read the text “Some Things to Consider for a Good Night's Rest”. Mind that the doctor never prescribes any pills to the patients, he / she improves their conditions only by introducing changes into their habits and daily routine.

Some Things to Consider for a Good Night's Rest

ü Temperature: Body temperature and the brain's sleep-wake cycle are closely linked. It is important that the bedroom is reasonably cool, somewhere between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius.

ü Going to sleep: The last 10 - 30 minutes before you go to sleep determine the quality of your sleep. You want to wind down from your day, turn off the TV, especially if you are watching crime shows and late night (not so pleasant) news. Stay away from your computer screen for this time and give yourself some time to read, reflect on the day, talk to your partner, children, parents or friends or play with your pets.

ü Waking up: The first half an hour will determine the quality of your day. Think about the kind of alarm you are currently using and the state in which you wake up. Use music or mediation to start your day.

ü Bedroom: the bedroom is best to be dark and quiet. Research has found that exposure to noise at night can suppress the immune function even if the sleeper does not wake.

Role A

Name -Alice BurtonAge -21 Occupation -a student, studies philosophy as her major subject Marital status -single Peculiarities of life style –frequently keeps late hours, reading up for seminars; experiences constant stress because of the heavy load of home work; limited social life; very few friends; has to get up very early at weekdays. Sleep problems –drifts into sleep with great difficulties, the process can take 2-3 hours; often wakes up at night without any reason at all; dreams are strange and recurrent, often in her dreams she dispute with famous Greek philosophers; in the morning feels jaded and rundown.


Role B

Role B

Role B

Name –Alfred SomanyAge -36 Occupation –a senior manager in an international company Marital status -married, two chidren: a boy (6 years old) and a girl (7 months old) Peculiarities of life style –a sedentary stressful life; constantly under time pressure; no opportunity for relaxation at home and at work; in the habit of having hearty late suppers; late phone calls from colleagues and boss; several times a night sleep is disturbed by the baby crying. Sleep problems –constant haunting nightmares, sometimes night terrors;sleep is light and restless; sometimes he doesn’t hear the sound of the alarm-clock and as a result oversleeps. nnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnm    

Role C

Name –Peter BrownAge -59 Occupation –a factory worker Marital status -divorced, lives alone Peculiarities of life style –works in shifts, has night shifts as well as day ones; no fixed sleep patterns; a heavy smoker; a glutton; suffers from overweight, spends weekends in a pub drinking beer; often has noisy quarrels with neighbours and coworkers. Sleep problems –difficulties with falling asleep and waking up; sometimes feels extremely drowsy in the daytime; occasional sleepwalking; loud snoring especially when intoxicated.  


No Smoking

Section 1. Warming-up

1.1. Are there many smokers among your friends and aсquaintances? Are they heavy smokers? How many cigarettes a day do they smoke? Have they ever tried to quit smoking? Did they succeed? Do they smoke in public places and make other people passive smokers? Has any of them ever offerred you a cigarrete to smoke?

1.2. Read the statistics on smoking in Russia. The figures look daunting, don’t they? What facts impressed you most of all?

По заявлению Роспотребнадзора, за последние 20 лет число курильщиков в России увеличилось на 450 тысяч человек. Так, в возрасте 15-19 лет курят 7% девушек и 40% юношей. В среднем в день они выкуривают 7 и 12 сигарет соответственно.

В абсолютных числах эта статистика курения выглядит так - в России курят более 3 миллионов подростков: 0,5 миллиона девушек и 2,5 миллиона юношей.

В России заметна чёткая тенденция по увеличению количества потребления сигарет ежегодно. Так, в 1985 году было выкурено 200 миллиардов сигарет. В 2008 году этот показатель составил уже 414 миллиардов штук.

В настоящее время в России курят 30% женщин и 65% мужчин. И это является самой распространённой вредной привычкой. По статистике по причине курения в России преждевременная смерть ждет 25% курильщиков. В среднем они потеряют 10-15 лет жизни. Хотя могли бы пожить еще....

Section 2. Reading

2.1. Can you suppose at what age most people start smoking and what motivates them to take up this harmful habit? Write down your ideas and compare them with specialists’ data which is presented in the text below.

While reading don’t forget to do the vocabulary work given below.

Why do People Start to Smoke?

There are not many smokers about who started smoking after the age of eighteen. In fact, the majority of smokers took up the habit in their early or mid teens. At such a young age, you don't really think about the health risks of smoking and you certainly do not realise how addictive smoking can be. As a teenager you probably think that you can try smoking a few times and then take it or leave it. However, the reality is that it doesn't take long to become addicted to nicotine and smoking.

Within a short period of time, children can experience the same cravings and withdrawal symptoms as an adult, as well as smoke as many cigarettes or more. There are several reasons why children or teenagers start smoking. Peer pressure plays an important part. Many children start smoking because their friends have tried it or smoke themselves.Those children may have started as they have grown up in an environment where their parents, grandparents and older siblings smoke, and so they smoke in order to look and act like them. Other children start smoking as an act of rebellion or defiance against their parents or people of authority.

Some children may also begin to smoke if they have low self-esteem. Smoking may get them in with the "in crowd" and help them to make friends. If they smoke, then they will be accepted by their peers. Some children have said that they smoke to appear older and more grown up, especially if they are surrounded by young adults who smoke.

A number of children are only experimenting with smoking and just want to try it so see what all the fuss is about. As it is prohibited to smoke until the age of sixteen or even eighteen in some countries, children who smoke and get away with it without being caught, can get a thrill or a feeling of excitement out of breaking the law and doing what grown up adults do all the time. Whatever the reason that a teenager has for starting to smoke, it is apparent that no matter how much you try to tell him or her that smoking is bad, a great number of them are going to try it anyway. At that age, a teenager is more likely to be influenced by what their friends are doing rather than doing what their parents would like them to do. Some teenagers may take up smoking because their favourite film star or pop star smokes. They may think that if they smoke just like their favourite idol does, then they will appear more glamorous, attractive or sexy, like them.

The manner in which some tobacco companies advertise their cigarette brands also has a major influence on young people. Some adverts give the impression that smoking is sociable. You can make new friends by smoking or you can attract your ideal partner by looking sexy, sultry and smoky! Cigarette advertising is being banned in some countries and tobacco companies are becoming limited in where they are allowed to advertise. In some countries they are not permitted to advertise on billboards, television, radio, in magazines or newspapers or on buses or trains.

Vocabulary work

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 149 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Now try to find definitions for the notions which are closely related to health. | Healthy Eating | Now listen to the recommendations that a dietitian gives to her patients. Fill in the table after listening to it twice. | The Family and the State are to Blame | Study the lexical units you are going to hear in the recording. | Insert appropriate prepositions into the gaps. | Mark the sentences below as true or false. | Stress in our Life | Healthy Lifestyle | Sleep Disorders |
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Listen to the conversation once again and while listening arrange the remarks of the dialogue in the correct order.| The Confession

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