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Remuneration of port dues and charges

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  1. The process of a criminal trial starts when an individual is arrested, or charges are filed for a warrant;

1-Tonnage Dues:

1.1- All vessels calling at Port of Sihanoukville shall pay tonnage dues excluding the vessels calling for the purpose of escaping from the sea-peril or medical attendance.

1.2- Tonnage dues shall be levied: US$ 0.25/ GT.

1.3- For vessels calling without discharging, loading cargoes or embarking and disembarking passengers but only for the purpose of performing repairs, replenishing water or bunkering, tonnage dues shall be discounted 30 percent (30%) on point 1.2.

1.4- For tugboat towing fleet of barges, tonnage dues shall be charged on the total tonnage of all barges adding together.

1.5- For “Lash” vessels, tonnage dues shall be charged against the mother-carrier which carries barges, for these charges shall be charged at the same rate as the above- mentioned point.

“Lash” barges which are launched from the mother-carrier riding at anchor to offload cargoes at any wharves or landing places outside port areas, tonnage dues shall be discounted 50 percent (50%) of the rate item1.2.

2-Berthage Dues:

2.1- Vessels berthing at quays, buoys or anchorages shall pay the berth dues.

2.2- Berth dues to be calculated at 3 variants of rates as follows:

A/ At quay: US$ 0.23 /GT,

B/ At buoy: US$ 0.10 /GT,

C/ At anchorage: US$ 0.05 /GT.

2.3- In case of a vessel berthing 2 or 3 different places, the berth dues shall be levied only once, at the highest rate.

2.4- In case of vessels receiving the Harbor Master’s Sailing Order but still occupying a berth, the vessels will be fined as follows:

A/ At quay: US$ 0.70 /meter/hour,

B/ At buoy: US$ 50.00 /hour,

C/ At anchorage: US$ 0.25 /hour.

2.5- The berth charges for tourist ship, passenger ship, and ship calling for marine stores, or other purposes whichever will definitely charge according to the rates as follows:

A/ At quay: US$ 0.003 /GT/hour,

B/ At buoy: US$ 0.001 /GT/hour,

C/ At anchorage: US$ 0.0005 /GT/hour.

2.6- The quotation of dues and service charges for tourist ships berthing at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port is regulated on the basis of Length Over All (LOA) and Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT).

2.6.1-The quotation of dues and service charges for tourist ships berthing at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port is carried out as follows:

· Port dues consist of: Tonnage dues, anchorage dues, channel dues and berthing dues shall be commonly quoted on the basis of Length Over All (LOA) of vessel by fixing the price within the amount of US$ 60 (Sixty US$ Dollars) per meter of Length Over All (LOA).

· Service charges Consist of: Pilotage service, tug assistance service and mooring & unmooring services shall be quoted on the basis of Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT).

2.6.2-Berthing-Shifting charges within Port’s berthing area are carried out as follows:

· For a regular calling tourist ship individually signed an agreement with the Port Authority shall be exempted the said berth-shifting charge.

· For an irregular calling tourist ship the said berth-shifting charges shall be quoted 50 (fifty) percent of the service charges specified as in point 4.2 C.

2.6.3-The quotation of Port dues specified in 2.6.1 is carried out for three-day berthing if the vessel is berthed more than three days, She, therefore, shall

pay for any additional berthage charges in accordance with item 2.5.A and shall be quoted based on her Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT).

3- Canal Dues:

3.1- The canal dues are to be charged at the rate of: US$ 0.50GT – (GT)2 / 200 000.

3.2- For “Lash” vessels, canal dues to be charged at the following rates:

· Barge-carrier: US$ 0.10 /GT,

· Barge: US$ 0.15 /GT.

4- Pilotage Charges:

4.1- All vessels coming into or going out of port or shifting within the port areas carried by pilots shall pay pilotage fees.

4.2- Pilotage charges shall be payable according to the vessel’s Gross Tonnage “GT”.

A/ Coming into and going out of port: US$ 0.030 /GT,

B/ Coming into and going out of oil port: US$ 0.035 /GT, but the minimum rate shall pay US$ 125.00 for one vessel (excluding the motor-boat charges).

C/ For shifting within the Port’s areas to be charged US$ 0.022 /GT,

D/ For shifting alongside wharf without employing pilot to be charged US$ 114.00 /shifting.

4.3-To avoid waiting time, the Master shall send the pilot request to Habour Master

Department 24 hours’ notice. In case of amendment or cancellation, Master shall give the Port Authority written notice 06 hours thereof. Otherwise, vessels shall pay fees for pilot’s standby.

A/ If pilot is still at the starting base, the waiting time to be counted 01 hour.

B/ If pilot has already left the starting base, the waiting time shall be counted from the time the pilot left the starting base to the time he returns to base after having received the notice of alteration.

C/ If pilot has already been to the pilot station, the waiting time shall not exceed five (05) hours, beyond that duration the pilot request shall be considered null and void.

4.4-After having accomplished the mission if the ship’s Master has requested to keep the pilot on board, there shall be payable pilot fees in accordance with the time requested.

4.5-Pilotage standby fees: US$ 30.00 /hour (including the pilot-boat charges).

4.6-Pilotage standby on board: US$ 10.00/hour.

5- Tugboat assistance charges:

5.1- Vessel arrival at or departure from port or shifting to another berth shall be provided with tugboat assistance, which is chargeable, the charges computed by the time of tug service. This service shall be counted from the time that tug left the starting point until it has been returned thereto or to the time another service is required.

5.2- Tug assistance charges are to be charged in accordance with the Gross Tonnage “ GT “ of vessel requested assistance at the following rates:

KIND OF VESSEL BY “ GT “ Charges US$ / hour
Below: 1,000 GT 105.00
From: 1,001 to 4000GT 178.00
From: 4,001 to 10,000GT 190.00
From: 10,001 to 15,000GT 237.00
Over 15,001 GT every subsequent 1,000 GT to be charged in additional 20.00

5.3- The operation of less or more tug assistance is the capacity and competence of the Port Authority.

6-Mooring and unmooring charges:

- All vessels berthing at quays or buoys will pay mooring and unmooring charges as calculated in the following table:

At quay At buoy
US$ / time US$ / time
Below: 1,000 GT 16.00 50.00
From: 1,001 to 4,000 GT 33.00 83.00
From: 4,001 to 10,000 GT 50.00 116.00
From: 10,001 to 15,000 GT 66.00 132.00
Over 15,000 GT every subsequent 17.00 53.00
1,000 GT shall be added.

* Lump sum of USD 0.8/ GT is calculated for cement vessel and barge including port dues and charges as per in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 12.1.

7- Charges for opening-closing hatches:

7.1- All vessels or barges will be charged for opening or closing hatches which are performed by port stevedores as per the following table:

KIND OF VESSEL BY “ GT ” Charges for each opening or closing of one hatch
Removing off or putting on hatch without beams Removing off or putting on hatch with beams
US$ / hatch US$ / hatch
Below: 5,000 GT 13.00 26.00
From: 5,001 to 10,000 GT 23.00 46.00
From: 10,000 to 15,000 GT 36.00 73.00
Over 15,000 GT every subsequent 1,000 GT shall be added. 13.00 26.00

7.2- For vessels equipped with machinery for opening and closing hatches:

A/ If opening-closing hatches are operated by crewmembers the vessels shall be free of charges,

B/ If opening-closing hatches are operated by stevedores, the charges shall be paid 30 percent
(30%) of the rate as the above table,

C/ If opening or closing hatches operated by port’s mobile crane, the vessel shall pay additional charges to such cranes lifting capacity.

8- Charges for sweeping and cleaning hold:

8.1- For sweeping and cleaning hold of vessels and barges by stevedores, the charges shall be applied as per table hereunder.

8.2- The vessels shall supply water and tools for sweeping-cleaning holds.

8.3- On sweeping and cleaning a multi decked hold, each deck shall be charged as one hold.

8.4- Vessels’ holds, which are to be swept and cleaned, shall be entirely clear of cargoes, otherwise additional discharging charges shall be paid.

List sweeping-cleaning hold charges

Sweeping and cleaning hold after discharging innocuous cargo Sweeping and cleaning hold after discharging dangerous cargo
US$/ hold US$/ hold
Below: 5,000 GT 33.00 53.00
From: 5,001 to 10,000 GT 41.00 83.00
From: 10,001 to 15,000 GT 56.00 116.00
Over 15,000 GT every subsequent 1,000 GT shall be added. 10.00 23.00

8.5- According to Master’s request for sweeping-cleaning decks and holds, the charges shall be chargeable as per the volume of work done, thus:

A/ With water supplied by vessel: US$ 0.17 / m2,

B/ With water supplied by port: US$ 0.20 / m2,

C/ Minimum charges for sweeping and washing: US$ 50 / time.

9- Garbage removal charges:

· If the port Authority has not issued any other regulation, the vessels staying in port will have their garbage removed every 5 days by dumping service.

In case of garbage removals being operated before 5 days at the request of ship’s Master, the vessels shall pay additional charges as per the above- mentioned table.

10-Charges for fresh water supplied:

10.1 At quay : US$ 1.20 /m3
10.2 At buoy or anchorage : US$ 3.50 /m3

(US$ 0.5GT - GT2 / 200 000) + US$ 50

X2 / 200 000

11-Charges for delivery and receiving of cargoes:

11.1 Cargo in bags : US$ 0.50 /tonne
11.2 General cargo : US$ 0.70 /tonne
11.3 Vehicle-machinery : US$ 5.00 / unit
11.4 Container : US$ 1.00 / unit

12-Charges for clearance:

12.1- All kinds of vessels shall pay clearance fees: US$ 100.00 / trip.

12.2- Charges for vessel safeguarding: US$ 1.50 /person/hour.

12.3-The owners of import-export cargoes shall pay the charges for sweeping –cleaning and port washing, the berth beside by which the vessel occupied for discharging and loading at the rate of US$ 12 / day “ counted from the time of commencement of operation up to the time of completion thereof “.

13- Discount Dues:

13.1-Cambodian ship exploited in transportation through the International Shipping Route, discount shall be 20 percent (20%) for tonnage dues and canal dues.

13.2-Whereas the Cambodian ship “ Coasting Vessel “ exploited in transportation from one port to another domestic port – the coaster shall be discounted as follows:

13.3-In case of force majeure such as sea-peril, and the vessels being obligated to anchor in order to safeguard the port and vessel, the berthage dues shall be exempted but the vessel shall pay tug assistance charges, pilotage fees and mooring-unmooring charges.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 278 | Нарушение авторских прав

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