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Читайте также:
  1. Bob’s Shopping
  3. Shopping
  4. Shops and Shopping in London

The worst nurse


13. At the railway station

Mr. Grey: \ Hey!|| This \train’s \late.|| \fhI’ve been waitinghere for \/ages!||

Porter: \Which /train, sir?||

Mr. Grey: The àeight eigh\teen,| to \Baker street.||

Porter: The eight eigh/teen?|| \fhI’m afraid you’ve made a \mistake, sir!||

Mr. Grey: A /mistake?|| \fhMy timetable >says:| “\fhBaker street /train| àeight eigh\teen”.||

Porter: àOh, \no, sir!|| The \fhBaker street >train| >leaves| at àeight \o[əu] eight.||

Mr. Grey: At àeight o[əu] /eight?||

Porter: You >see, sir,| they \changed the timetable| at the àend of \April| it’s the àfirst of \May to/day.||

Mr. Grey: /Changed that?|| May I \see the new time/table?|| What does it /say?||

Porter: It \says:| “àBaker street /train| àeight o [əu] \eight.||

Mr. Grey: \Hm|…So the \train \isn’t late||…\I’m late.||


14. Mike, Myra and Violet.

Myra (smiling): /Hello, 0Mike!||

Mike: \Hello, /Myra.|| \Hello, /Violet!|| You’re àlooking \nice,| /Violet.||


Mike: \fhWould you like some ice -\cream,| /Violet?||

Violet: àNo, \thanks, 0Mike.|| àI’m busy \typing.|| \fhTalk to me some \other time.|| I have àninety- nine \pages| to àtype by \Friday.||

Mike: àNever /mind.|| \fhDo you like /riding, 0Violet?||

Violet: Some/times.||

Mike: \fhWould you like to come riding with me to\night, /Violet?||

Violet: àNot to\night, /Mike.|| -I’m àgoing for a \drive| with \Nigel.||

Mike: àWhat about \Friday?||

Violet: àI’m 0going \climbing| with \Miles.||

Mike: Hmm!|| \Oh, àall \right.|| \Bye!||

Myra: /Violet,| he’s \fhput something behind your \typewriter.||

Violet: \fhIs it something \nice, /Myra?||

Myra: \No.|| It’s a \spider.||

15. Joyce’s Rolls Royce.

Garage boy: àWhat a ^ terrible \noise?||

Joyce: /Eh?||

Garage boy: \sthWHAT A TERRIBLE \NOISE? This is the \fhnoisiest Rolls \Royce|| I’ve ever \heard.||

Joyce: It’s àout of \oil.||

Garage boy: Out of \oil?|| And \look!|| The \water is 0boiling.|| \Madam,| \sthRolls Royce isn’t a \toy.|| Perhaps you’ve àspoilt the \motor| or even \destroyed it.||

Joyce: How \annoying!|| \fhWhile you’re changing the \oil|| I’ll \fhgo and visit my \boyfriend,|| \Roy.||

16. A mouse in the house.

Mrs.Broun: \fhI’ve found a \mouse.||

Mr.Broun: /\/Ow!|| You’re \shouting àtoo \loudly.|| àSit \down| and àdon’t \shout.||

Mrs.Broun: I’ve àfound a \mouse| in the \house.||

Mr.Broun: A /brown 0mouse?||

Mrs.Broun: \Yes.|| A רlittle רround \mouse.|| It’s àrunning \around| in the \lounge.||

Mr.Broun: àOn the /ground?||

Mrs.Broun: \||Yes. It’s àunder the \couch| \now.||

Mr.Broun: Well, /rhget it \out.||

Mrs.Broun: \How?||

Mr.Broun: \sthTurn the couchupside \down.|| àGet it out \some/how.|| We רdon’t רwant a \mouse in our /house.|| >Ours| is the \sthcleanest house in the \town.||

17.Snow in October.

Joan: \/Joe!|| \Joe!|| /\/JOE!|| /Hello!||

Joe: \/Oh!|| \fhWhat is \it,| 0Joan?||

Joan: \fhLook out of the \window.||

Joe: \No!|| My \eyes are 0closed,| and I’m \fhgoing to go to |sleep 0again.||

Joan: \fhDon’t go to \sleep, /Joe.|| \fhLook at the \snow!||

Joe: S/now?|| But it’s àonly Oc\tober||. àI \know there is \no 0snow.||

Joan: \fhCome over to the \window, 0Joe.||

Joe: You’re \joking, 0Joan.|| There’s àno \snow.||

Joan: àOk.|| I’ll àput my coat /on| and àgo /out| and àmake a \snowball| and \throw it at your 0nose, 0Joe /Jones.||

18. A Bearded Mountaineer.

Mr.Lear: \fhLet’s have a \beer here,| /dear!||

Mrs.Lear: àWhat a \good 0idea!|| They have àvery \good /beer here.|| We àcame here \last year.||

Mr.Lear: The àatmosphere /here is àvery \/clear.||

Mrs.Lear: And it’s \windier then the 0last 0year.||

Mr.Lear: àTwo /beers, 0please.||

Mrs.Lear: \Look, /dear.|| \fhLook at that mountain\neer| drinking \beer||.

Mr.Lear: His \beard is in his \beer.||

Mrs.Lear: His \/beard| has ànearly disap\peared| into his 0beer.||

Mr.Lear: Sh, /dear!|| He àmight \hear.||

Waiter: àHere you /are, 0sir.|| \Two 0beers.||

Mr.Lear: \Cheers, /dear!||

Mrs.Lear: \Cheers!|| Here’s to the \fhbearded moun\taineer.||

19. A Pair of Hairbrushes.

M: \sthI’ve losttwosmall \hairbrushes, 0Clair.|| They’re a \pair.||

C: \fhHave you looked carefully /everywhere?||

M: \Yes.|| They’re \nowhere /here.||

C: \fhHave you lookedup /stairs?||

M: /Yes,| I’ve àlooked \everywhere,| /upstairs and \downstairs.|| They àaren’t \anywhere.||

C: \Hm!|| \fhAre they /square, 0Mary?||

M: \Yes,| they’re àsquare \hairbrushes.|| Have you \fhseen them \anywhere?||

C: \Well,| you’re \wearing one of them in your \hair!||

M: \Oh!|| Then \fhwhere’s the \other one?||

C: It’s over \there| under the \chair.||

20. Passports, please.

Officer: /Passports, 0please!||

Mr.Tupman: I \think| I’ve \lost the 0passports,| \/Poppy.||

Mrs:Tupman: How \stupid of you, /Peter.|| \fhDidn’t you put them in your /pocket?||

Mr.Tupman: àHere’s a /pen…a /pencil…my /pipe…a àpost /card…an /envelop…a /stamp…a \pin…||

Mrs:Tupman: Oh, \fhstop takingthingsout of your \pockets.|| Per\fhhaps you put them in the plastic \bag.||

Mr.Tupman: àHere’s a news/paper…an /apple…a /pear…a àplastic /cup…a /spoon…some àpaper /plates…a àpiece of pork /pie…a \pepper 0pot…||

Mrs:Tupman: Oh, \fhstop pullingthing out of the plastic \bag, /Peter.|| This \fhpeople are getting im\patient.||

Mr.Tupman: Well, \help me, \/poppy.||

Mrs:Tupman: We’ve \lost our 0passports.|| \fhPerhaps we dropped them on the \plane.||

Officer: Then \sthlet the otherpassengers \pass 0please.||

Mr.Tupman: \Poppy, \fhwhy don’t you \help?|| You רaren’t 0being very \helpful.|| \sthPut the things in the plastic \bag.||

Officer: àYour \name, /please.||

Mr:Tupman: \Tupman.||

Officer: \fhPlease, go up stairs with this \policeman, Mr./Tupman.||

21. Happy birthday.

Bob: Hel\lo, \Barbara.||

Barbara: Hel\lo, /Bob.|| It’s àmy \birthday to/day.||

Bob: Oh, \yes! àYour \birthday!|| àHappy \birthday, 0Barbara.||

Barbara: \Thanks, 0Bob.|| \fhSomebody gave me this \blouse| for my \birth/day.||

Bob: \sthWhat a beautiful \blouse!|| It’s got <\fhbrown> and <blue> \butterflies 0on it.||

Barbara: And \sthbig black \buttons.||

Bob: Did \Ruby buy it /for you?||

Barbara: \Yes.|| And my \bro/ther| \fhgave me a \hairbrush| and a \fhbook about baby \birds.||

Bob: àI didn’t re\member your 0birthday, 0Barbara.|| I’m àterribly \sorry.||

Barbara: /Well,| àyou can >buy me| a \fhbig battle of \perfume, 0Bob!||

Bob: \fhI’ve got a \better 0idea.|| We’ll àget into a /cab| and àgo to a \pub| and I’ll \sthbuy you a battle of \beer!||



Twilight. [ v-w ]

It àis the \hour| àwhen from the /boughs||

The ànightingales high \note his heard.||

It àis the \hour| when àlovers \vows.||

àSeen \sweet| in sth\every whispered word.||

And àgentle \winds| and àwater \near||

àMake \music| to the àlonely \ear.||

àEach \flower| the \dews| have àlightly /wet.||

And àin the \sky| the \stars are met.||

And àon the \wave| is àdeeper \blue.||

And àon the /leaf| a \browner hue.||

And àin the /haven| the àclear /ob\scure.||

So àsoftly \dark| and àdarkly \pure.||

Which àfollows the decline of \day.||

As àtwilight \melts| beneath the \moon away.||


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