Читайте также:
хлеб: круассан, ржаной хлеб, парижский багет, пшеничный хлеб, хлеб с отрубями, деревенский хлеб; маргарин, подсолнечное (кукурузное, оливковое, арахисовое, кунжутное) масло, свиное сало;
твердые сыры, мягкие сыры, сыры с плесенью:
сметана, козье молоко, творог, моцарелла, пармезан, рокфор, стилтон, бри;
лук-порей, лук-шалот, резанец, зеленый лук, репчатый лук, чеснок;
батат, спаржа, ревень, сельдерей, кольраби, салат-латук, китайская капуста (пецай), бело-, красно-, зелено-кочанная капуста, шпинат, щавель, перец (желтый, зеленый, красный), стручковый перец, корнишон, черри, тыква обыкновенная, хрен, редька, редис, репа, турнепс;
пряности: гвоздика, горчица, перец (черный, белый, розовый, зеленый), мускатный орех, тмин обыкновенный, кардамон, корица, шафран, карри, мак, имбирь;
специи: укроп, анис, лавровый лист, ориган, эстрагон, базилик, шалфей, чабрец, мята, петрушка, кориандр, розмарин, мелисса;
фисташки, сосновое семя, кешью, миндаль, лесной орех, грецкий орех, кокосовый орех, каштан;
финик, айва, бергамот, хурма, фейхоа, гуайява, маракуйа;
злаковые: рис, пшеница, овес, рожь, просо, кукуруза, ячмень, гречка;
мясо: бифштекс, гуляш, отбивная, фарш, рулька, филейная часть, жаркое, ребрышки, копченый (вареный) окорок, потроха, дичь;
колбасные изделия: салями, кровяная колбаса, франкфуртские сосиски;
моллюски: осьминог, кальмар, морской гребешок, улитка, устрица, мидия;
рыба: камбала, карп, щука, окунь, судак, анчоус, сардина, сельдь, корюшка, скумбрия, угорь, тунец, мерлан, форель, морской окунь, треска, лосось, осётр, семга
A Here are some of the many phrasal verbs with put.
He put his own name forward to the committee. [propose]
He's good at putting his ideas across. [communicate to others]
Please put away all your toys at once. [tidy]
He is always putting her down. [make someone look small]
We had central heating put in last year. [install]
I'm going to put in an application for that job. [submit]
Every now and then she would put in a remark. [interject]
They've put off making their decision for another week. [postpone]
Her sniffing really puts me off my dinner. [discourage]
The school is putting Hamlet on next year. [present]
He's good at putting on all sorts of accents. [pretend to have]
The fireman quickly put out the fire. [extinguish]
Please don't let me put you out. [inconvenience]
You're not allowed to put up posters here. [fix]
I can put you up for the weekend. [give accommodation to]
The government is sure to put up taxes soon. [raise]
How do you put up with such rudeness? [tolerate]
Ex. 1. Complete the responses to the following statements or questions using any appropriate phrasal verb above.
1 How should we publicise our play?
2 This room is in a terrible mess.
3 Any chance of a bed on your floor this weekend?
4 Why have you suddenly lost interest in the project?
B Notice also the following common expressions with put.
to put your foot down: to be firm about something
to put all your eggs in one basket: to risk all you have on a single venture
to put your mind to: to direct all your thoughts towards
to put two and two together: to draw an obvious conclusion
to put something in a nutshell: to state something accurately and in a few words only
to put someone's back up: to irritate someone
a put-up job: something arranged to give a false impression
Ex.2. Using the expressions above, reword the following sentences without changing their meaning.
1 He's bound to draw the obvious conclusion if you keep on behaving like that.
2 I find her terribly irritating.
3 It's sound business advice not to risk everything at once.
4 Please concentrate on the problem in hand.
5 She's very good at stating things succinctly.
6 You really should be firm with him or there'll be trouble later.
Ex.3. Write down three nouns which could follow each of the verbs. Remember that their meanings might be different depending on the noun which follows.
Example: put in money / a comment / a telephone system
1 put out 3 put off 5 put up 7 put away
2 put forward 4 put across 6 put on 8 put up with
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C General appearance, presentation and quality | | | Ex.1. Cross out the incorrect verbs in these sentences. Both verbs may be correct. |