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Translation of Indefinite Articles

Читайте также:
  1. Addition as a Translation Problem
  3. Adequate translation and the role of context
  5. Antonymic Translation
  6. Attitude to the Materials for Translation
  7. B) Suggest the methods of translation into Ukrainian of the names of English and foreign companies in the sentences below.

In every language there is a logical notion of definite and indefinite, which is a category of thinking, but not in all languages this idea of definite and indefinite is rendered by grammatical devices with the help of an auxiliary word, i.e. article, as it is observed in English.

There is no article in Ukrainian, and the notion of definite/indefinite is expressed by other language tools:


He had not an enemy on earth. (G.B.Show, H.G.Wells. The Man I Knew)

У нього не було жодного ворога в світі.


Here the indefinite article comes out in its historically original meaning “one”.


She is a Mrs. Erlynne. (O.Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan)

Это некая миссис Эрлинн.

Це якась місіз Ерлін.


Here the indefinite article has another meaning – “some”.


The only sensible solution is a peace which would give the Malayan people the freedom they desire. (D.W., 1952)

Єдине розумне рішення – це встановлення такого миру, який би дав малазійському народові бажану свободу.


Here the indefinite article is used in its classifying function.


Now that the law has been passed… the friendly recommendation of a foreign government… can only be regarded as interference in the internal affairs of Persia. (The Times, 1951)

Тепер, коли закон прийнято, дружні рекомендації будь-якого іноземного уряду можуть розглядатися лишень як втручання у внутрішні справи Ірану.


In this case the indefinite article steps forward in the meaning of the indefinite pronoun “any”.

The indefinite article also requires its rendering in translation, when it stands before proper names, used metonymically:


This was a Guernica, a Coventry, a Lidice. (D.W.)

Це було повторенням Герніки, Ковентрі та Лідице.

Another variant of translation:

Це була нова Герніка, новий Ковентрі, нова Лідице.


In some cases the meaning of the definite article also requires its rendering in translation:


The Europe she (England) had helped to reshape after Waterloo crumbled before her eyes.(Arthur Bryant, English Saga 1840-1940)

Та Європа, яку вона допомогла перекроїти після Ватерлоо, розвалювалась у неї на очах.


In this case the definite article fulfils the function of the demonstrative pronoun and at the same time possesses emphatic meaning.

The definite article fulfilling the function of demonstrative pronoun is used before both the proper names and common noun. Here the emphatic shade meaning, given by this article to the following word, is also present:


There is no harmony between the two foreign powers in Persia. (D.W., 1951)

Щодо Ірану нема згоди між цими двома державами. (Йдеться про суперництво між США та Англією в Ірані).


Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 191 | Нарушение авторских прав

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