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Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary from the text.

Профессиональный английский язык | When the time time how much how about | BERRIES AND NUTS | PASSPORT CONTROL | RESPONDING TO PASSENGER COMPLAINTS | SAYING GOODBYE | Asking for a Pen. |

Читайте также:
  1. Aufgabe 3. Antworten Sie auf die Fragen zum Text.
  2. Card 1. Translate from Russian into English.
  3. Complete the sentences choosing the correct variant. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
  4. Complete the sentences using proper words and phrases in the box.
  5. D. Comparison between English Prison System and American Prison System
  7. Ex. 10. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.

1. Сейчас мы покажем вам местонахождение аварийных выходов.

2. Пожалуйста, прослушайте важную информацию.

3. Следуйте инструкциям бортпроводников.

4. Спасательный жилет находится под вашим креслом.

5. Не разрешается использовать электронные устройства во время взлета и посадки.

6. Сейчас мы объясним вам, как использовать кислородную маску.

7. У вас есть рецепт врача?

8. Пожалуйста, выключите электронные устройства заранее.

9. Покажите, пожалуйста, ваш посадочный талон и рецепт врача.

10. В вашей ручной клади есть какие-нибудь жидкости?


Dialogue 1

CA – Good morning, sir.

P – Good morning.

CA – Let me help you with your hand luggage.

P – Thank you. That would be nice.

CA – I will place your bag in the overhead bin. It is too big to keep it under the seat in front of you during the flight.

P – Thank you.

Dialogue 2

CA – Excuse me?

P – Yes?

CA – I am sorry you cannot leave your bag here.

P – Why not? It’s not in anyone’s way.

CA – No, but it might be. You are sitting next to the emergency exit.

P – So, where should I put it? I will need some things in it during the flight.

CA – There is enough room to put it under the seat in front of you.

P – Thank you. I didn’t know it.

Dialogue 3

P – Excuse me, but I can’t find any place in the overhead bin for my bag.

CA – You can place your bag behind the last row of the seats. Please, follow me.

P – Thank you.

Dialogue 4

CA – I am sorry, madam, you cannot leave your luggage here. It is blocking the emergency exit.

P – But where can I put my duty-free bags?

CA – You can place them in the overhead bin.

P – Thank you.


1.Translate the following words and phrases:

· Airport

· Terminal (Domestic-, International -)

· Waiting Hall= Waiting Lounge

· Arrival Hall

· Departure Hall

· VIP Hall

· Information desk=Information office

· Gate

· Airstairs=ladder=gangway

· Airbridge=telescopic bridge=jet way

· Luggage=Baggage (light/heavy)

· Hand luggage=carry-on luggage

· To put=to place=to stow

· Flight/Flight number

· Fly (flew, flown)

· Taxi(i)ng

· Take off

· Ascent

· Descent

· Landing

· Airplane/ aircraft/ airliner

· Airline

· Wide-bodied/Narrow-bodied aircraft

· Double (two-) decked airplane

· Upper/ lower deck

· Forward/Middle/Tail door

· Exit

· Hatch

· Fuselage

· Wing

· Landing gear=undercarriage

· Nose

· Tail (unit)

· Cockpit=flight deck

· Cabin (forward -, middle -, rear -)

· Business-Class cabin/Economy-Class cabin

· Baggage, mail and cargo compartment

· Passenger (transit-, transfer -)

· First-Class passenger/Economy-class passenger

· Passenger ticket=flight ticket

· Boarding card=boarding pass

· Window

· Window shade=window blind

· Vacant seat

· Seat number

· Row (the last row but one)

· Ceiling

· Floor

· Wall

· Curtain

· Carpet

· Bulkhead

· Overhead panel=passenger service unit

· Airvent (air ventilating system)

· Lighting

· General / main lighting

· Emergency lighting

· Dim lighting

· Individual reading light button

· Overhead (stowage) bin= overhead compartment / overhead rack

· (Illuminated) Sign

· "NO SMOKING" sign


· Passenger chair

· (Reclining) Seat back=backrest

· Button for fixing the seatback in a comfortable (upright=vertical) position

· (Disposable) Headrest cover

· (Folding) Armrest

· Tray- table

· (Safety) Seat belt

· Footstep=footrest

· Seat pocket=back pocket

· (attendant) Call button

· Electronic devices

· Pillow

· Blanket

· To fasten/ to unfasten

· To tighten

· To be out of order (do not/does not work)

· Lift = open


a) Wide-bodied 1) pass
b) middle 2) deck
c) boarding 3) aircraft
d) flight 4) number
e) window 5) door
f) seat 6) devices
g) electronic 7) back rest
h) reclining 8) blind


a) Landing 1) Headrest cover
b) Cargo 2) gear
c) economy-class 3) pocket
d) Individual reading 4) compartment
e) disposable 5) button
f) seat 6) armrest
g) call 7) cabin
h) Folding 8) light button


3.Translate the following sentences into Russian:


1. The number of flight attendants is different according to the number of passengers.

2. What’s the number of emergency exits?

3. Are there any children without parents on board?

4. Please, fasten your seatbelts.

5. Is this a passenger airplane?

6. What’s your seat number?

7. If you need any help, please, press call button.

8. Would you like a window seat?

9. Please, put your hand luggage under the seat in front of you.

10. “No smoking” sign is on.

11. “Fasten seat belt” sign is off.

12. How many passenger chairs are there in the middle cabin?

13. Open the hatches!

14. Please, switch off all electronic devices while take-off.

15. Unfasten your seatbelts!

16. We have 12 first-class passengers on board.

17. Economy-class passengers are in the rear cabin.

18. The signs are off.

19. Your seat is at the window.

20. The seat numbers are shown (indicated) on the ceiling.

21. Excuse me, but you took a wrong seat.

22. Do not put your hand luggage in the aisles and next to the emergency exits.

23. Flight attendants will help you.

24. Please, remove your footrest.

25. Remain on the wing.

26. Safety instructions card is in the seat pocket in front of you.

27. There is a vacant seat.

28. Take any unoccupied seat.

29. Do you understand me? Can you repeat that?

30. The flight is delayed due to bad weather conditions.

31. I want to change the seat. Is smoking allowed now?

32. It is safer to stow your bag on the floor.

33. Thanks for flying with us!

34. Smoking is forbidden. Don’t walk, please.

35. A passenger sitting in the first class, has a business class ticket.

36. Listen to some information about the flight, please.

37. Do not worry! Do not hurry!

38. The first class is in the nose of the aircraft, and separated from the other classes by curtains.

39. Each class differs by the size of the seats and distance between them.

40. The seat number is often indicated on the boarding pass.

41. Our flight time will be 2 hours 45 minutes.

42. The length of the route is 1065 km.

43. We welcome you on our flight to Helsinki.

44. The captain and his crew wish you a pleasant flight.

45. Are you comfortable here?

46. I’m afraid this isn’t your seat.

47. Can you change seats with this lady? Let me help you with your baby.


4. Match the given words with their meanings:

1. blanket a) section of the plane that opens in the case of an accident
2. co-pilot b) feel good physically, able to relax
3. domestic c) person who helps the captain fly the plane
4. comfortable d) warm covering
5. emergency exit e) airfare purchased on the internet
6. e-ticket f) free of charge
7. complimentary g) more expensive seating, with better services
8. first-class h) within the same country


5.Translate the sentences:

1) If you feel cold I can get you a blanket.

2) You might be more comfortable in an aisle seat.

3) We offer complimentary coffee or tea, but you have to pay for alcohol.

4) If the captain gets sick the co-pilot can take over.

5) You should be at the airport two hours ahead of time for domestic flights.

6) Are you comfortable sitting next to the emergency exit?

7) You will need to present your identification along with your e-ticket.

8) When you sit in first-class you get a better meal to eat.



CA – A rug and a pillow for your child, please.

P – Thank you. Can I have a rug too?

CA – Unfortunately, the quantity of rugs is limited today. But if you feel cold I will ask the Captain to adjust the temperature.

P – Oh, I see. Could I ask you to make it warmer in the cabin?

CA – Of course, madam.

6.Translate the senteces below using active vocabulary:


1. Бортпроводники помогут вам.

2. Застегните ремни.

3. Теперь можете расстегнуть ремни.

4. Ваш откидной столик находится в спинке впереди стоящего кресла.

5. Позвольте показать вам, как откидывается спинка кресла.

6. Приведите спинку кресла в вертикальное положение.

7. Пожалуйста, уберите ваш откидной столик.

8. Позвольте показать вам ваше место.

9. Покажите, пожалуйста, ваш посадочный талон.

10. Если вам жарко, вы можете включить вентилятор.

11. У вас есть посадочный талон?

12. Занимайте места согласно вашим посадочным талонам.

13. Вот ваше место, присаживайтесь.

14. Ваше место находиться позади вас, у прохода.

15. Ваше место справа от вас, в среднем ряду.

16. Ваше место слева от вас, у иллюминатора.

17. Это место занято.

18. Это место свободно.

19. Занимайте любое свободное место.

20. Номер места указан на спинке кресла.

21. Номер места вы можете увидеть на верхней багажной полке.

22. У нас свободная посадка.

23. Вы можете занять любое свободное место, кроме переднего ряда, потому что этот ряд предназначен для пассажиров с детьми.

24. Извините, но вы заняли неправильное место.

25. Пожалуйста, поменяйтесь местами с пассажиром рядом с вами.

26. Ваше место в предпоследнем ряду.

27. Пожалуйста, проходите в следующий салон.

28. Пожалуйста, проходите во второй салон.

29. Держитесь правого прохода.

30. Вы можете взять вашу ручную кладь с собой в салон.

31. Ваша ручная кладь должна быть помещена под кресло перед вами.

32. Не кладите вашу ручную кладь в проходе между рядами, а так же рядом с аварийными выходами.

33. Извините, но в целях безопасности, запрещено размещать ручную кладь в проходе.

34. Закройте багажную полку до щелчка.

35. Полки над вами предназначены для верхней одежды и мелких вещей.

36. Вы можете разместить ваш багаж за последним рядом кресел.

37. Откройте шторку на иллюминаторе.

38. Чтобы улучшить видимость, просим вас опустить шторки на иллюминаторах.

39. В целях безопасности воздержитесь от использования электронных приборов во время взлета и набора высоты.

40. Выключите, пожалуйста, ваш мобильный телефон, фотоаппарат, видеокамеру.

41. К сожалению, количество пледов ограничено.

42. Я принесу вам плед и подушку после набора высоты.

43. Я заберу у вас плед перед посадкой.

44. Позвольте предложить вам дорожный набор.

45. Позвольте мне разместить вашу сумку на багажной полке так, чтобы вам было удобно во время полета.

46. Курение запрещено на борту самолета.

47. Пожалуйста, не курите в течение всего полета.

48. Вызывайте нас в любое время.

49. Потушите сигарету.

50. Я принесу вам салфетку-подголовник.

51. Снимите обувь. Уберите ее под кресло перед вами.

52. Кнопка вызова находится на вашем подлокотнике.

53. Пожалуйста, выполняйте наши указания.

54. Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни.

55. Нажмите кнопку вызова, если вам понадобиться помощь.

56. Вызывайте меня в любое время.

57. Хотите сесть у окна?

58. Теперь вы можете расстегнуть ремни.

59. Пожалуйста, выключите все электронные устройства.

60. Откройте люки!

61. Ваше место находится у иллюминатора.

62. Извините, но это не ваше место.

63. Занимайте любое незанятое место.

64. Вы меня понимаете?

65. Держите вашу сумку под креслом.

66. Вы можете повторить?

67. Пожалуйста, уберите вашу подставку для ног.

68. Курение запрещено.

69. Спасибо, что летаете с нами!

70. Прослушайте информацию о полете, пожалуйста.

71. Первый класс находится в носовой части самолета.

72. Номер места указан в посадочном талоне.

73. Время нашего полета 8 часов 50 минут.

74. Можете поменяться местами с этим мужчиной?

75. Позвольте помочь вам с ребенком.

76. Не беспокойтесь!

77. Не торопитесь!


1. Вам нужен международный терминал.

2. Проходите в зал ожидания.

3. КВС находится в кабине экипажа.

4. Я потерял мой посадочный талон.

5. У нас есть свободное место в салоне эконом класса.

6. Номер вашего места 28B.

7. Извините, мой вентилятор не работает.

8. КВС включил табло пристегнуть ремни.

9. В бизнес классе 20 пассажирских кресел.

10. Извините, я не могу поднять подлокотник.

11. Принесите мне, пожалуйста, другой подголовник.

12. Заберите подушку и одеяло.



§ Galley – (Pantry) § Galley Equipment § (Electric) Boiler § Kettle § Tea-Pot § Coffee-Maker § Coffee-Pot § Metal Container § Vacuum Flask § (Heating) Oven § Refrigerator § Meal Trolley § Wardrobe (compartment) § Over coat § Jacket § (Clothes) Hanger § To hang Ø Toilet=lavatory Ø Wash-basin Ø Mirror Ø Waste-bin Ø Water-closet pan=Bowl Ø (Liquid) Soap Ø Towel Ø Smoke detector Ø Socket Ø Electric razor Ø Toilet roll Ø Toilet flush Ø Tap
Ø Flight Crew Ø Cabin Crew Ø Crew Members Ø Captain Ø Co-Pilot Ø Flight Engineer Ø Flight Mechanic Ø Navigator Ø Purser Ø Cabin Attendant=Flight Attendant=Air Hostess=Stewardess, Steward Ø Flight Trainee § Magazine § Newspaper § Entertainment program(me) § Volume control: «plus» and «minus» buttons § Channel selector § To select channels § Adjust the volume § Audio system § Sound § Headphone/headset § To distribute § Individual monitor § Headphone socket § To switch on/off § Laptop computer § (Photo)camera § Video camera


Вставить Кр 15 упр 7,8

Вставить Кр 5


Dialogue 1

CA – Let me offer you newspapers and magazines in Russian, English and German.

P1 – What kind of newspapers in English do you have?

CA – We have The Moscow Times and The Moscow News. Which would you like to read?

P1 – The Moscow Times, please.

CA – Here it is, sir. Enjoy the flight. And you, sir?

P2 – The same for me.

CA – I am sorry but we are out of the Moscow Times. I can offer you the Moscow News.

P2 – Yes, that’s fine.

CA – Have a nice flight.

Dialogue 2

CA – Would you like to read some newspapers or magazines? We have newspapers in Russian and German.

P – Do you have any newspapers in English?

CA – Unfortunately, the choice of newspapers is limited today.

P – I see. Give me, please, any newspaper in German.

CA – Here it is, sir. Enjoy the flight.



Dialogue 1

CA – Let me offer you some sweets / candies.

P – Thank you. Could you take away my glass?

CA – Please, put it in the seat pocket in front of you. I will come up to you in a few minutes.

P – Yes, please.

CA – Please, put your seatback in the upright position and stow your footrest.

P – Of course.

Dialogue 2

CA – Could you fasten your seatbelt and pull it tightly?

P – OK.

CA – May I ask you to switch off your laptop computer for take-off and ascent?

P – Can I use it during the flight?

CA – Yes, but only when the captain switches off the “ FASTEN SEAT BELT” sign.

P – Thank you.

Dialogue 3

CA – Excuse me, sir, but you are not allowed to use photo and video cameras during the flight. These devices might interfere with the work of our navigation equipment.

P – Sorry, I had no idea.

CA – Could you switch off your player and take off your headphones, please, and also put down the armrests of your seat and open the window shade for take-off.

P – Just a moment.

CA – Thank you, sir.

Dialogue 4

CA – Excuse me, madam. We have a special safety belt for your baby. Let me show you how to use it. It is necessary to use this supplementary belt for take-off and landing.

P – Oh, thank you so much.

CA – You are welcome.

Dialogue 5

CA – Sir, your baby is so small. Please, keep him (her) in your arms for take-off and landing but do not fasten the baby with your own seat belt.

P – OK, thank you very much.



Dialogue 1

CA – Let me offer you a travel kit.

P – Thank you. I can’t find my headphones in the front seat pocket.

CA – Please, do not worry. We will distribute headphones shortly, madam.

Dialogue 2

CA – Headphones, please.

P – Thank you. Where can I plug them in?

CA – The headphone socket is in the left (right) armrest of your seat.

P – And how can I adjust the volume and select channels?

CA – The volume control buttons and the channel selector are also on the armrest of your seat.

P – Thank you. But I think something is wrong with my headphones. I can’t hear any sound.

CA – I will bring you another set of headphones in a few minutes.


1.Complete the flight attendant’s description of how things work. Use these words:

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