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Berries and nuts

Профессиональный английский язык | When the time time how much how about | Flying with a baby | Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary from the text. | RESPONDING TO PASSENGER COMPLAINTS | SAYING GOODBYE | Asking for a Pen. |

• Almond • Hazel nut • Cashew • Peanut • Pistachio • Walnut • Blackberry • Blue berry • Raspberry • Strawberry • Cherry • Cranberry


· Poultry · Chicken (breast) · Duck · Turkey · Beef · Veal · Pork · Mutton · Lamb · Goose · Rabbit · Liver · Pork chop · Beefsteak · Beef stew · Roast beef · Well done. Overdone. Underdone · Sausages · Sausage. (Boiled -. Smoked -) · Ham · Cold boiled pork · Carbonade · (Cold) Tongue


• Drinks=Beverages • Non-alcoholic drinks= Alcohol free drinks= Soft drinks • (Cubes of) Ice • Water (Cold-, Hot-) • Plain water=Pure water • Mineral water • Non-carbonated=Non-sparkling=Still water • Carbonated=Sparkling water • Milk/Cream • Coffee (Instant -, Freshly brewed-) • Tea (Black -, Green -, Fruit-, Jasmine-, Herb-) in bags • Juice (Tomato-. Apple-. Orange-) • To pour out soup/tea • To make tea/coffee


· Spirits=Strong drinks=Firm drinks=Alcoholic drinks= =Liquors · Aperitif · Light drinks · Beer (light, dark) · Champagne · Gin/Gin-Tonic · Liqueur · Wine (white, rose, red, strong, sweet, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, table) · Cocktail · Rum · Port · (Irish) Whisky · Bourbon · Scotch · Cognac · Brandy

Dialogue 1

CA – Would you like to drink anything? We have apple, orange, and tomato juice, pepsi, seven up, and still mineral water.

P – Water, please.

CA – Would you like to have it with some ice or lemon?

P – Lemon, please.

CA – Here is your water with lemon, madam.

Dialogue 2

CA – What would you like to drink for aperitif? I can offer you apple, pineapple, tomato and mango juice.

P – Tomato juice with a slice of lemon, please.

CA – Here you are, madam.

Dialogue 3

CA – For aperitif I can offer you apple and orange juice, seven up and still mineral water. Which do you prefer? Which would you like?

P – Do you have tomato juice?

CA – Unfortunately, we are out of tomato juice. Would you like another drink?

P – No, thanks. If it’s possible I’d prefer tomato juice.

CA – Ok. I will try to help.

Dialogue 4

CA - For aperitif I can offer you apple, orange and tomato juice. Pepsi, seven up and still mineral water. Which would you like?

P – Do you serve wine?

CA – Sorry, madam. We serve only non-alcoholic drinks. Would you like something?

P – So, can I have apple juice with some ice, please?

CA – Here you are.


Dialogue 5

CA – What would you like to have for the main course? We have chicken fillet ['fɪlɪt] with fried potatoes and vegetables and a porkchop with rice.

P – I think I’ll have a porkchop. How is it cooked?

CA – It is well done.

P – Good.

CA – Here you are. Enjoy your meal, madam.

Dialogue 6

CA – For the main course I can offer you curried chicken breast with buckwheat and beef stew with pasta. Which do you prefer?

P – Everything sounds good. I think I will choose chicken with buckwheat.

CA – Enjoy your meal, sir.


Dialogue 7

CA – For the main course I can offer you sturgeon with vegetables.

P – I am allergic to fish.

CA – Unfortunately, the choice of hot meals is already limited, but I will try to help you. Now I can offer you some salad and sandwiches. I recommend ordering a special meal next time when you book Transaero ticket. We have a wide choice of special meals and you don’t have to pay extra money for the order.

P – I had no idea. Thank you.

CA – You are welcome. Enjoy your meal. I will come up to you later.

Dialogue 8

CA – What would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?

P – Coffee, please.

CA – Black or white?

P – Black, please. Thank you.

CA – You are welcome.

Dialogue 9

CA – I can offer you tea or coffee.

P – Tea, please.

CA – Would you like to have it with some milk or lemon?

P – No, thanks.

Dialogue 10.

CA – Would you like some more tea or coffee?

P – Tea, please.

CA – More sugar, sir? If you need some milk, I will bring it to you in a minute…. May I take your tray?

P – Yes, thank you. Everything was delicious.

Dialogue 11

CA – Would you like to drink anything? We have alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Which do you prefer?

P – What kind of alcoholic drinks do you serve?

CA – I can offer you Russian vodka Flagman, Italian dry white Martini, French champagne and Scotch whisky Ballantine’s.

P – Actually, I would rather have “Whisky on the rocks” cocktail and something non-alcoholic. What do you have?

CA – I can offer you orange, apple and tomato juice J7, pepsi, seven up, still mineral water and peach ice tea. Which would you like to drink?

P – I’d like to have some apple juice if it’s cold.

CA – I can put a few cubes of ice in your glass, if you don’t mind.

P – That would be great.

CA – Here is your drink and some salted nuts, madam.

Dialogue 12

CA – Would you like a dessert? I can offer you ice-cream and cakes. We have a sponge chocolate cake, a short cake, and Tiramisu cake. Which do you prefer?

P – I’ll have only tea and this strawberry ice-cream.

CA – We have tea AHMAD in assortment – classical English breakfast, peach, strawberry, bergamot ['bɜːgəmɔt] and green tea with or without jasmine.

P – Jasmine tea would be great.

CA – Would you like to have a slice of lemon, honey, or cream?

P – No, I’m fine.

CA – Maybe some cognac or liqueur?

P – Cognac, please. And what kind of coffee do you offer?

CA – Today we serve only instant coffee.

P – No, thanks.


1.Complete the sentences with an appropriate word from the box:

ice cup juice tonic apple glass white cold

1) A pineapple _______;

2) A gin and ________;

3) A ______ of ______ wine;

4) A ______ beer;

5) Two large glasses of Coke with ______;

6) An ______ juice;

7) A ______ of tea.


2.Put food items from the box into the categories below:

Yoghurt butter garlic seafood beans peas chicken tomatoes beef jam cheese potatoes orange cake cream lime pork milk shake grapes salmon chocolate mousse croissant pork chop banana splint carrot pomegranate


Fruit Meat and fish Vegetables Dairy Food Dessert

3.Translate the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) Что вы хотите на первое блюдо?

2) На горячее я могу предложить вам свиную отбивную с макаронами, или форель с рисом.

3) В качестве салата вы можете выбрать салат из свежих овощей, или салат с крабовым мясом.

4) На десерт я могу предложить вам плитку шоколада, слоеное пирожное или конфеты с кремовой начинкой.

5) Что вы предпочитаете?

6) Вы бы хотели яйцо вкрутую или всмятку?

7) Вы будете омлет или блинчики?

8) Через 15 минут мы будем подавать ужин.

9) Через 20 минут мы будем подавать обед.

10) Какую закуску вы предпочитаете – мясную или рыбную?

11) На завтрак мы можем предложить вам омлет с грибами, помидорами и ветчиной, либо сырники и йогурт.

12) Что вы предпочитаете – бисквитное пирожное или шоколадное?

13) В этом супе слишком много специй.

14) У нас на гарнир макароны, рис, вермишель, гречка и картофельное пюре.

15) Из фруктов мы можем предложить апельсины, бананы и виноград.

16) Из фруктов мы можем предложить вам груши, персики и мандарины.

17) Этот салат состоит из капусты, моркови, огурцов, помидоров, репчатого лука, укропа и оливкового масла.

18) Этот салат состоит из редиса, сладкого перца, листьев салата, стручковой фасоли и зеленого горошка.

19) Вы будете говядину или свинину на второе? Вы будете булочку с маком или кунжутом?

20) Сейчас я принесу вам салат с королевскими креветками.

21) Что у вас на завтрак? Яичница глазунья и сосиски.

22) Вы будете салат из морепродуктов? Он состоит из мидий, кальмаров, креветок и овощей.

23) Сейчас я принесу вам стакан молока. Минутку, пожалуйста.

24) Какое вино вы предпочитаете – белое или красное, сухое или сладкое?

25) Через пять минут мы предложим вам слабоалкогольные напитки.

26) Через 10 минут мы предложим вам алкогольные напитки.

27) Вы будете простую питьевую воду или минеральную?

28) Принесите мне, пожалуйста, бокал полусладкого красного вина и апельсиновый сок.

29) Вам заварить травяной чай или зеленый?

30) Вы будете светлое или темное пиво?

31) Вы будете виски или коньяк? Ваш бифштекс хорошо прожарен / пережарен.

32) Из диетического питания мы можем предложить вам морковные или картофельные котлеты.


• Currency • Banknote • Coin • Small change • Change • Cash / pay in cash • Credit card / pay by credit card • Sale/to be on sale/to be for sale • To sell • To buy=to purchase • To pay • Purchase • Price (expensive, reasonable, cheap) • How much is it? How much does it cost? • It costs… / It is… • Receipt • Full range • Catalogue • Brand • Souvenir • Gift=Present • Gift set • (Duty-free) Goods • Accessories • Wallet • Belt • Leather • Silk tie • Silk scarf • Sunglasses • Alarm-clock • Silver/Gold/Platinum • Silver plated/Gold plated • Cigarettes (Pack of -, Carton of-) • Tobaccoes • Matches/Lighter
• Make-up • Bronzer • Eye brow pencil • Lip liner • Cleanser • Eye shadow • Eyeliner • Foundation • Lipstick / Lipgloss • Make-up remover • Mascara • Nail polish • Powder • Jewellery • Bracelet • Earrings • Pendant / Necklace • Toys • Ballpoint pen • Mobile phone case • Passport holder • Beauty case • Travel bag • Hair-brush with mirror • Compact mirror • T-shirt • Cap • Postcards •

Ladies and gentlemen, the duty-free sales will begin shortly. Please, prepare your list of purchases. Check the Shopping on Board magazine in your seat pocket. All prices are in local currency and in US dollars, and you can pay in cash or by using a credit card. We accept most major credit cards. Frequent Flyers win points on all sales on board. There are some excellent bargains and there are several items specifically designed for our airline.


Dialogue 1

CA – Duty-free goods, please.

P – Oh, perfect. What can you offer?

CA – We serve perfume for men and women, jewelry, make-up, and spirits.

P – I need to buy a present for my little sister. She is 15.

CA – If she uses make-up, you can buy a DIOR mascara. It is very popular and of wonderful quality.

P – How much is it?

CA – Let me see. It is 20 US dollars.

P – Do you accept only US dollars?

CA – You can pay in euros or roubles as well.

P – How much is it in euro?

CA – According to today’s rate is.. Let me count. 17 euros.

P – Here is 20.

CA – Unfortunately, I have no change at the moment. I will get back to you in a while.

P – Ok, but don’t forget about me.

CA – Do not worry, sir. Thank you for the purchaseHere is your change. I am sorry for keeping you waiting.

Dialogue 2

CA – Perfumes, gifts, chocolates, alcohol, toys..

P – Yes, please.

CA – What can I get for you, sir?

P – Can I see the airline’s specially designed scarves?

CA – Of course. They are pure silk and there are…let me see, 72 dollars each.

P – I’ll take one. Here’s my credit card and my frequent flyers card, too, for the points.

CA – Do you need the receipt?

P – Yes, please.

CA – Here is your receipt, your card and your gift.

P – Many thanks.


1.Put the items for sale in the correct category:

Whisky* a brooch* a USB flash drive* face cream* cigars* perfume spray* cognac* aftershave* a soft toy* chocolates* earrings* lipstick* eau de toilette [əʊ də twɑːˈlet]* vodka* a watch* a model aircraft* a scarf* mascara* a travel plug adapter* a crystal pendant* a travel razor* a bracelet* champagne* a pen* cigarettes* headphones*

Perfumes and jewelry Electric and Electronic Items Alcohol and tobacco Cosmetics Gifts


2.Match the questions and answers about duty-free sales:

1) Any duty free items? Duty free?__

2) Have you got any toys for children?__

3) How much do these scarves cost?__

4) Have you got any aftershave?___

5) How much is this brooch?__

6) How would you like to pay?__

7) Sure. Anything else?__

8) Excuse me, did you give me a receipt?__


a. Fifty-five dollars. They are made of silk.

b. We have special promotion on jewellery: it is only $39 instead of $49.

c. My mistake, I do apologize.

d. Yes, I’d like to see ladies’ perfumes, please.

e. In cash in local currency, please.

f. Yes, we have got two: a model aircraft and a teddy bear.

g. Yes, we have a range of gifts for men.

h. That’s all, thank you.


3. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary:


1. Вы можете оплатить кредитной картой или наличными.

2. К сожалению, кредитные карты мы не принимаем.

3. Могу ли я оплатить в рублях? – К сожалению, мы сегодня не принимаем рубли, только евро.

4. Возьмите вашу сдачу.

5. Я могу предложить в качестве подарка кожаный бумажник, солнцезащитные очки, дорожный будильник и позолоченные часы.

6. Сколько стоят часы? Они стоят 110 долларов.

7. У нас богатый выбор сувениров. Например, вы можете купить матрешку.

8. Вот ваш чек.

9. В какой валюте вы будете платить?

10. Через 20 минут начнется продажа сувениров. Вы хотите что-нибудь приобрести?

11. У вас есть более мелкие деньги? У меня нет сдачи.

12. Я могу дать вам сдачу только в американских долларах.

13. Каталог товаров вы можете найти в спинке впередистоящего кресла.


• Ankle • Arm • Armpit • Body • Buttocks • Cheek • Chest • Chin • Ear • Elbow • Eye • Eyebrow • Face • Feet-Foot • Finger • Forearm • Forehead • Joint • Hair • Hand • Head • Heel • Hip • Knee • Leg • Lip • Mouth • Nail • Neck • Nose • Palm • Shoulder • Spine • Skin • Teeth-Tooth • Throat • Toe • Tongue • Wrist
Ø Disease=Illness Ø Infectious diseases Ø Cholera Ø Yellow fever Ø Smallpox Ø Typhoid fever Ø Plague Ø Malaria Ø Ulcer Ø Indigestion Ø Heartburn Ø Intoxication Ø Diarrhoea=Stomach trouble Ø Vomiting Ø Giddiness Ø Constipation Ø Headache Ø Stomachache Ø Toothache Ø Heartache= Heart trouble Ø To catch a disease Ø To have a slight headache Ø Short breath Ø To fall ill Ø To have a bad toothache Ø Pain (slight -, a bit of -, sharp-) Ø Bleeding (external-, internal-, nose-) Ø Suffocation Ø Sick passenger Ø То feel sick/Airsickness Ø Attack=Fit Ø (Attack of) Epilepsy Ø (Attack of) Asthma Ø Neural fit Ø Spasm Ø Flu=Influenza Ø Angina=Sore throat Ø Cold Ø Running nose=Head cold Ø Cough/Fit of coughing Ø Fever (slight -, high-) Ø To swallow Ø Allergy to Ø To suffer from insomnia Ø To have a bad cough Ø Liver attack Ø Hysterical fit Ø To lose consciousness Ø To break a leg / an arm Ø To look unwell  
• Pulse (normal/ weak/quick) • Blood pressure (high-, low –) • A fracture/to fracture • An injury/to injure • A dislocation/to dislocate • Airsickness bag • Health • To take medicine • Breath • To breathe in=Inhale • To breathe out=Exhale • Pregnant woman • Some fit • (Premature) Delivery=Child-birth • To listen to heart / to lungs  
Ø Medicine (for...) Ø Pill=Tablet Ø Nicotine inclusive remedies Ø Iodine Ø Brilliant green Ø Ointment Ø Drops Ø Powder Ø Ammonia Ø Spirit of camphor Ø Splint Ø (Bactericidial) Plaster Ø Bandage Ø Stretcher Ø Side effects Ø To consult a doctor Ø To administer=Render the First-Aid Ø First-aid kit Ø Drugs kit Ø Thermometer Ø Calmative=sedative Ø Analgesic=Pain-killer=Analgetic Ø Antiseptics Ø Aspirin Ø Paracetamol Ø Antipyretic=Febrifuge Ø Obstipant Ø Inoculation Ø Vaccination certificate Ø To be vaccinated (inoculated) against... Ø A sleeping pill Ø Nasal drops Ø Boiled water Ø Drug / remedy


During the flight some passengers can feel bad (ill), that’s why on board each aircraft a first aid kit is carried to administer first aid. It contains some cardiac, some analgesic, some antiseptic, something for indigestion and other necessary medicines. There are also some bandage remedies, an electronic thermometer and a blood tester.

The medicines are in tablets, drops, powder and spray.

CAs must help a sick passenger if he or she has a heart trouble, a heart attack, a headache, a cold, a headcold, a stomachache, liver or kidneys colic, stomach spasms, a slight or high fever, an asthma attack, a sore throat, a toothache, a pain in the chest, a cough, a blocked nose, some fit, epilepsy, a cut, gets airsick, gets nervous, feels dizzy (giddy).

Every aircraft also carries a drugs kit which is a sealed metal box containing some medicines in ampoules ['æmpuːl] for injections and some medical remedies, but it must be used by a doctor or a medically trained person.

In a more serious case let’s say a premature birth the purser or the captain can make an announcement calling for a doctor or a medically trained person.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a call for a doctor! If you are a physician, or if you are trained for emergency medical procedures, please inform the cabin crew. We need your assistance. Thank you.”


“Ladies and Gentlemen! If there is a doctor on board, please, make yourself known to a member of the crew immediately by pressing your call button. Thank you.”


Dialogue 1

CA – What would you like, sir?

P – I feel ill.

CA – What do you complain of?

P – I have a terrible headache and a cough.

CA – Let me take your temperature. I am sorry, it is high. You have got a fever. Please do not worry. We have got some febrifuge.

Dialogue 2

CA – What can I do for you, madam?

P – I have got a heart trouble.

CA – Have you got any medicine with you?

P – Sorry, no medicine.

CA – I will bring you some medicine. Would you like a tablet or some drops?

P – Tablets, please.

CA – I will be back in a moment. Please, put it under your tongue, do not swallow it. If you feel worse, do not hesitate to call for me.

Dialogue 3

CA – I am at your service.

P – Sorry to trouble you.

CA – No trouble. How are you feeling?

P – I’m getting airsick.

CA – Use an airsickness bag which is in the seat pocket in front of you. Would you like me to bring you a tablet or a glass of water with a lemon slice?

P – I am allergic to some medicines. A glass of lemon water, please.

Dialogue 4

P – I feel like vomiting and I also have a stomach trouble.

CA – I see. We have got some medicine for indigestion. But at first I must isolate you from other passengers. Please, follow me, take this seat and use the rear toilet.

Dialogue 5

CA – Press the mask firmly. Is oxygen flowing? Inhale (breathe in) through the nose, but exhale (breathe out) through the mouth. Breathe normally for two or three minutes.

Are you OK? Please, take off the mask. How are you feeling now?

P – Much better. Thank you for your help.

CA – You are welcome. If you need some more oxygen, please, call me any time.


Dialogue 6

P – I can’t fall asleep though I’m feeling like sleeping. Have you got any sleeping tablets for insomnia?

CA – No, but we have got some sedative drops. Would you like to take them?

P – Are they effective?

CA – Yes, they are and harmless as well.


1.Translate the following sentences and use them in your own dialogues:

a. Please, do not worry! I will stay with you.

b. There is no need to worry. Everything is fine on board.

c. I need to take your temperature.

d. Breathe deeply.

e. I am not trained for giving you injections.

f. I want you to calm down. We will do our best to help you.

g. Are you allergic to any medicine?

h. Where does it hurt?

i. I feel dizzy / giddy. I have a sharp pain in my ear.

j. Has the pain gone? How long have you had this pain?

k. Do you need a doctor?

l. Would you like to reseat?

m. Do you feel vomiting?

n. Can you walk by yourself?

o. Who is accompanying you?

p. Did you eat anything before the departure?

q. Lean back in your seat.

r. Bend your knee.

s. If you feel worse, I will inform our Captain.

t. We will start descending shortly. Sit back and relax.

u. Please, do not cry.

v. Everything will be alright.

w. Ambulance will be waiting for you.

x. Breathe through the mask until you feel better.

y. Swallow this tablet after a meal.

z. What medicine do you usually take?

2. Fill in the announcement with the words from the box:

nearest important anticipate divert updated prepare inconvenience remain


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an ________ announcement. We have a serious medical situation on board and we need to ________ to Mumbai, the ________ airport, as soon as possible. The flight attendants will now ________ the cabin for landing. I ________ being on the ground within the next 15 minutes. After landing at Mumbai, you must _______on board the aircraft. I do apologize for any ________ this diversion may cause. However, I’d like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding. After landing at Mumbai, we will keep you regularly ________ with our plans for your continued flight today.

3. Translate the sentences below into English using active vocabulary:

1. Откиньте голову на подушку.

2. Если вам станет хуже, я принесу вам лекарство.

3. Если вам не станет лучше, мы вызовем скорую помощь по прибытии в Домодедово.

4. Не волнуйтесь, бортпроводники хорошо обучены для оказания первой помощи.

5. У вас насморк? Вам принести капли?

6. Как вы себя чувствуете?

7. У вас есть аллергия? Вы предпочитаете лекарство в таблетках или каплях?

8. Позвольте измерить ваш пульс. Вдыхайте через нос, выдыхайте через рот.

9. Позвольте оказать вам первую помощь.

10. Я принесу вам градусник через несколько минут.

11. Подождите минутку, я принесу вам таблетку от головной боли и стакан воды.

12. Не глотайте. Положите таблетку под язык.

13. У вас болит живот / голова / зуб?

14. Проглотите таблетку. Вам лучше?

15. Где чувствуете боль? Что болит? Вы чувствуете острую боль?

16. Позвольте нанести йод на ваш палец.

17. Позвольте наложить шину.

18. Вам нужен пластырь?

19. Позвольте измерить вашу температуру. У вас высокая температура, я принесу вам жаропонижающее.

20. Вам нужно болеутоляющее?

21. На борту каждого самолета есть аптечка первой помощи.

22. В случае необходимости, бортпроводники окажут первую помощь.

23. Гигиенический пакет находится в кармане впереди стоящего кресла.

24. Если вас тошнит, вы можете воспользоваться гигиеническим пакетом.

25. Не волнуйтесь, все хорошо. У нас есть лекарства.

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