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Тренировочные упражнения. 1. Прочитайте следующие предложения в нисходящем тоне:

Гласные фонемы | АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ | Тренировочные упражнения | Чтение буквосочетаний гласных | Отработайте чтение следующих буквосочетаний. | Прочитайте, сравнивая произношение звуков и написание слов. | Упражнения для самоконтроля | Чтение согласных и буквосочетаний | Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки. | Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки. |

Читайте также:
  1. II. Упражнения
  2. IV. Повторение изученного в 5 кл. Тренировочные упражнения(15 мин.)
  3. PGC-1 и физические упражнения
  5. Ваш интерес к таро ближе к оккультизму Алистера Кроули или к эстетическим упражнениям в духе Итало Кальвино?
  6. Вспомогательные упражнения
  7. Вспомогательные упражнения

1. Прочитайте следующие предложения в нисходящем тоне:

а) ' This is a ↓pen. It is a ↓good pen.

'These are ↓bags. They are ↓large.

'That is an ↓apple. It's a ↓red apple.

There is a ' picture on the ↓wall.

There were 'many ↓people in the hall.

'Ann is a ↓student. 'She is my ↓friend.

She is not ↓married. Ann will ' be a ↓teacher.

b) Come ↓in. Come ↓here. Sit ↓down, please. 'Stand ↓up. Go ↓out. Be ↓quick. Take the ↓pen. Don't be ↓late. Don’t ↓tell me about it. Don't ↓cry. Let's ↓do it. Let’s go to the ↓park. 'Let me ↓help you. Let them ↓wait a little.

c) What’s ↓this? Who's ↓that? 'What's your ↓name? How ↓old are you? Where are you ↓from? When were you ↓born? What is your ↓mother? What are you ↓interested in? 'Where do you ↓live? 'How many ↓children have you?


2. Прочитайте следующие предложения в восходящем тоне:

а) 'Is this a ↑pencil? Is this a ↑black pencil? Are 'these ↑pens? Are those pens ↑to? Is this ↑salt? 'Is there any ↑butter on the plate? ' Do you ' want to ↑eat? Have you ever 'been to St, ↑Petersburg? Did come home ↑late yesterday?

б) A ↑picture, a ↑book and a ↑pen are on the ↓table. There is a ↑table, six ↑chairs and an ↓armchair in this room. I like to play ↑football, ↑volleyball, ↑basketball and ↓handball. In the ↑South I’ll ↑swim, lie in the ↑sun and play ↓volleyball.


3. Прочитайте, обращая внимание на интонацию альтернативных и расчленённых вопросов:

а) It this а ↑bed or а ↓sofa? Are these ↑books or ↓notebooks? Is this a ↑good or a ↓bad car? Are these ↑big houses or ↓small ones? Is the day ↑long or ↓snort. Is the school ↑new or ↓old? Is there a ↑TV set or a ↓radio-set in the room?

б) He is a ↓foreigner, ↑isn’t he?

You are ↓not Londoner, ↑are you?

Your friend has just returned from ↓London, ↑hasn't he?

You’ll do your ↓best, ↑won’t you?


4. Отработайте чтение фраз, выражающих просьбу:

Say it a↑gain. Come ↑here. Will you open the ↑window?

Come ↑in. Let's ↑go there. Give me your ↑book, please.


5. Обратитесь с просьбой к своему собеседнику, используя данную модель:

Give me your ↑pen, please.

— Here you ↑are. ('Here it ↑is).

— ↑Thank you.

— ' Not at ↑all. (Don't ↑mention it).

6. Отработайте чтение фраз, обозначающих приветствие и прощание:

Good ↓morning! Good- ↑bye.

Good ↓afternoon! So ↑long:

Good ↓evening! 'See you ↑soon (later).

How do you ↓do! 'See you to ↑morrow.

Не↓llo! 'Good ↑night!

↓Hi. ' Bye- ↑bye.


7. Отработайте чтение фраз, выражающих благодарность, и возможные ответы на них:

Thank ↑you. Спасибо.

Thank you very ↓much. Большое спасибо.

That’s ↓nice of ↑you. Это мило с вашей стороны.

You are very ↓kind. Вы так добры (любезны).

Thank you for ↓pleasure. Благодарю за доставленное удовольствие.

I'm very ↓grateful to you. Я вам очень благодарна.

б) Not at ↓all. Don't ↓mention it. He стоит благодарности.

That’s all ↓right. That’s O. ↓K. Ну, что вы. Не стоит благодакности.

No trouble at ↓all. Мне это не трудно.

It’s a ↓pleasure for me. Мне это доставляет удовольствие.

You are ↓welcome. Пожалуйста, не стоит благодарности.


8. Отработайте чтение следующих фраз общения. Употребите их в своих ситуациях:

a) Ex↓cuse me, (please). Простите меня. Извините меня.

Ex↓cuse me, (for) a moment. Простите, я на минутку (выйду).

(I am) ↓sorry. Простите. Виноват.

↓Pardon. I 'beg your ↓pardon. Простите. Прошу прощения.

Please, ac cept my a↓pologies. Примите мои извинения.

Not at ↓all. He стоит.

It's all ↓right. Все в порядке.

Never ↓mind. He имеет значения.


9. Отработайте чтение диалога, соблюдая заданную интонацию:

Lena: He↓llо, ↑Ann.

Ann: He↓llo, come ↓in. Glad to ↓see you. Don't mind the ↓mess. I'm doing my ↓room.

Lena: Can I ↑help you? What am I to ↓do?

Ann: If you don't ↑mind you may dust the books in the ↑bookcase while I put everything in its ↑place and clean the ↓floor.

Lena: Oh, you have lots of ↓books here. 'Have you read ↑many of them?

Ann: ↓Most of them. You ↑know I'm very fond of ↓books.

Lena: By the ↑way do you like this book by Jack ↑London?

Ann: ↓Which one? Martin ↑Eden?Oh, ↓yes, I ↓love it.

Lena: Can I ↑borrow it from you?

Ann: ↓Sure you can.

Lena: ↓Thank you. Meanwhile I've ↓finished. Now the room looks quite ↓tidy. Is there anything ↑else to do?

Ann: ↓Nothing else. ↓Thank you. Now we may go to the ↓cinema. There is an interesting on. It be gins at twelve ↓sharp.

Lena: That's a ↓nice idea, in ↓deed. Come ↓on then.


10. Подготовьте фонетическое чтение текста:


Pavel is ↓30. On ↑May 1, the day of his ↑birth his friend ↑Nick came to visit ↑him and his ↓family. He brought an interesting ↓book as a ↑present and ↓said: "Many happy returns of the ↓day". Pavel thanked him. He said: "It's a long ↑time I saw you ↓last. How ↓are you?" I'm ↑fine, ↓thank you", answered Nick. Then they had ↓tea together.

After ↑tea the friends were talking about the fine ↑times they spent to ↑gether when they were ↓young. They also talked for a long time about ↑politics and the economic situation in our ↓country.

Late at ↑night Nick said: "It's time for ↑me to go ↓home. Come and ↓see me soon". The friends shook and said good-↓bye.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 95 | Нарушение авторских прав

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