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Сергій Соловйов | DIRECT AND HIDDEN ADVERTISEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SCIENCE POPULARIZATION | CORPORATE HEALTH INSURANCE STAFF AS CURRENT INSTRUMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL INVESTMENTS | Порівняльна характеристика розмірів страхових внесків роботодавців на охорону здоров’я персоналу в Росії і Україні | Переваги і недоліки КСЗ для підприємств і працівників | ТОП-5 украінських страховиків по ДМС і ДСЗ за 1 півріччя 2013 р. | Порівняльна характеристика послуг ДМС і ДСЗ у складі портфеля КСЗ | Голованова Е.Н. Инвестиции в человеческий капитал предприятия: учебное пособие/ Е.Н. Голованова, С.А. Лочан, Д.В. Хавин. – М: Инфра-М, 2011. – 88 с. |

Читайте также:
  2. IV. Результативность
  3. ІІІ. Результати атестування
  4. ІІІ. Результати атестування
  5. ІІІ. Результати атестування
  6. ІІІ. Результати атестування
  7. ІІІ. Результати атестування

Основні наукові результати: Дисертаційні дослідження, публікації, доповіді на міжнародних та всеукраїнських наукових конференціях.
Практичне значення одержаних результатів: Укладання на основі проведених досліджень підручників, методичних посібників, ілюстрованих (альбомних) видань, термінологічних словників, видання монографій.

Наукове дослідження присвячене висвітленню та аналізу творчої спадщини образотворчого мистецтва Прикарпаття як цілісного мистецького явища. Досліджується художнє життя краю в контексті розвитку культури, окреслюються передумови виникнення мистецького осередку на Прикарпатті. Висвітлюються історичні етапи становлення та розвитку видів мистецтв в особах митців. Розглядаються культурологічна та педагогічна діяльність художників, аналізуються видова та сюжетно-тематична специфіка їх творчості, образні та стильові особливості, техніки і прийоми втілення художніх образів.

The scientific research is dedicated to the study and analysis of artistic heritage of Precarpathian area as the integral artistic phenomenon. The artistic life of the area is researched in the context of the development of Precarpathian area are pointed. The historical stages of formation and development of the types of graphic art in artists' personalities are revealed. Culturological and pedagogic achivity of artists-graphics are studied, typological and plot-thematic specificity of their creative work, image-bearing and stylistic peculiarities, the techniques and ways of expressing art images are analysed.



n scientific research the characteristics of the plastic arts of Galicia as distinctive historical and cultural region of Ukraine. Based on a comprehensive analysis of artistic processes disclosed multiethnic and multicultural nature of land art. Particular attention is paid to artistic styles and currents in painting, graphics and sculpture. Analyzes the artistic features of the works of leading artists and their role in the artistic process of Galicia appointed period.

In a scientific research identified features of the plastic arts of Galicia as a unique historical and cultural region of Ukraine. Based on comprehensive analysis of the processes disclosed mystetstetskyh multiethnicand multicultural nature of the art land. Special attention is paid to the study of artistic styles and trends in painting, graphics andsculpture. Analyzes artistic features creativity by leading artists and their role in the artistic process ofGalicia in appointed period.


Introduced a new course "Visual Arts Prykarpattya" for specialty "Visual Arts" EQL "Specialist" from the 2010-2011 academic year

1 Fine Arts Carpathians. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture. The program of the course. Specialty - № 8020208 "Fine and applied arts» / life. Lukan VG - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. - 20 p. - 0.63 print. pp.

2 Lukan VG "Dictionary of Artists Carpathians". By training course: Visual Arts Carpathians. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture VG Lukan - 2012. - 20 p. Educational and methodical editions / 1.25. R.10222



1. B. Boychuk, M. Smith, J. archaeological interest Myronyuk Michael Figol / B. Boychuk, M. Smith, J. Myronyuk. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Lily-HB, 2007. - 72 p. - 4.5 printing. pp.

2. Lukan V. Outline (artistic heritage of Michael Figol) / W. Lukan. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing and Design Department of CIT Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik, 2007. - 55 p. - 3.4 printing. pp.

3. Lukan VG Outline Michael Figol / V. Lukan. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Hostynets, 2007- 80 p. - 5 print. pp.

1. Mikhail Pavlovich Figol: Bibliographic index / life. A. Figol, Yu Uhorchak, I. Shymkiv; author of the preface. W. Lukan; nauk.red. A. Hutsuliak; vidp.red. M. Bihusyak. - Ivano-Frankivsk: GVA CIT Carpathian National University. Stefanik, 2007. - 66 p.: il. - ("Series" Scientists of the University of Carpathian "). - Ukrainian. - 4.1 druk.ark.

2. Exhibition of students Michael Figol. Product // order. V.Lukan, M.Dzhychka. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Hostynets. - 2007. - 24 p. - 1.5 printing. pp.

1. Lukan VG Featured Articles on art. Phenomenon. Figures. Names / VG Lukan // Ivano-Frankivsk publisher I. Tretyak, 2009. - 240 p., Ilyust. - 15 print. pp.

1. Boychuk BV Galician iconostasis and church archeology, popular science publications / BV Boychuk, SR Kyyak, IF Myronyuk, Y. Yusypchuk. - Ivano-Frankivsk: "City NV", 2012. - 200 p. Monograph / 12.5. R.10222

2. Boychuk B.Sakralne art Galicia / B. Boychuk, J. Smith, J. Myronyuk. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Lily-NV, 2012. - 250 p. Monograph / 10.4. R.10222


Educational literature:

1. Visual Arts Carpathians. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture. The program of the course. Specialty - № 8020208 "Fine and applied arts» / life. Lukan VG - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. - 20 p. - 0.63 print. pp.

2. Lukan VG The history of Ukrainian art. Synopsis of the lectures / VG Lukan - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. - 193 p. - 12.06 print. pp.

1. Lukan VG "Dictionary of Artists Carpathians". By training course: Visual Arts Carpathians. Painting. Graphics. Sculpture / VG Lukan - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. - 20 p. Educational and methodical editions / 1.25. R.1022

Scientific articles:

B. Time 1. Lukan draws truth. (The artist's Igor Tokaruka) / W. Lukan // Galicia. - 2005, №1-2. - P. 123-126. - 0.25 druk.ark.

2. Typchuk V. Features of artistic techniques and tools to manufacture items ritual purpose of national artist V. Turchynyaka / V. Typchuk // Bulletin of the Lviv Academy of Arts. - Lviv, 2005. - №15.

3. Typchuk W. architectural heritage of national artist Vasily Turchynyaka years 1900-1939 / V. Typchuk // Bulletin of the University of Carpathian. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2005. - №8. S. 10-20. - 0.68 druk.ark.

4. Chelyak I. associative images Athanasius Zalyvakha / I. Chelyak // MOST (art, history, modernity theory. - K.: BU Studio, 2005. - № 2. - S.287-294. - Print 0.5.ark. (Chmelyk I.)

1. Kuzenko PY Holiday art of fire and metal / PY Kuzenko // Fine Arts - K., 2006. - № 2. - P. 96-99. - 0.25 druk.ark.

2. Kuzenko PY Polivektornist creative expression / PY Kuzenko // Fine Arts - K., 2006. - № 3. - P. 116-117. - 0.13 druk.ark.

3. Kuzenko PY Art crosses Carpathian landscape structure / PY Kuzenko // Actual problems of history. Theory and practice of artistic culture - K., 2006. - S. 242-247. - 0.38 druk.ark.

4. Typchuk VM Interference Boiko and Hutsul traditions in church building and carving the example of certain monuments / VM Typchuk // Bulletin KSADA - Kharkiv, 2006. - № 8. - 0,45 printing. pp.

5. Chmelyk IV Exhibition activity in Ivano-Frankivsk in the 1880-1930's. / IV Chmelyk // Bulletin KSADA - Kharkiv, 2006. - № 8. - P. 148-153. - 0.38 druk.ark.

1. Kuzenko P. Actual problems of modern cultural studies, history and scientific prognostication / AP Kuzenko // culture. Current problems: Scientific Herald / The Institute of Contemporary Art Academy of Arts of Ukraine; Redkol.: O. Fedoruk (chairman), V. Sidorenko and I. Bezhin and others. Vol. 3. - K., 2006. - S. 647-649. - 0.19 print. pp.

2. Lukan Yaroslav V. Academic figures Lukavetska / V. Lukan // Bulletin Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk. Series: Arts - Ivano-Frankivsk: GVA CIT Carpathian National University. Stefanik, 2007. - P. 53-60. - 0.5 printing. pp.

3. Lukan VG Portrait soul artist Miroslav Yasinska / V. Lukan // Galicia. - 2006 - № 12-13. - P. 339-342. - 0.19 print. pp.

4. A. Radchenko Typology decorative details and urban architecture Hutsul Pokuttya end of XIX - the first third of the twentieth century. / A. Radchenko // Bulletin Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk. Series: Arts. - Ivano-Frankivsk: GVA CIT Carpathian National University. Stefanik, 2007. - P. 32-37. - 0.38 print. pp.

5. Interference Typchuk V. Boiko and Hutsul traditions in church construction / V. Typchuk // Bulletin LNAM. Vol. 17. - 2006. - P. 269-276. - 0.44 print. pp.

6. Typchuk VM Carved exterior hrestohrafemy Basil Turchynyaka years 1921-1923 / VM Typchuk // Bulletin Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk. Series: Arts. - Ivano-Frankivsk: GVA CIT Carpathian National University. Stefanik, 2007. - P. 37-40. - 0.25 print. pp.

1. B. Boychuk, Smith I. Arheolohizmy in art and scientific heritage Figol AM / B. Boychuk // Bulletin of the University of Carpathian. V.Stefanyk. Art. Vol. XII-XIII. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. - P. 54-56. Volume - 0.15 print. pp.

2. Dyakiv M. Secular furnished Eastern Galicia late XIX early XX century. / M. Dyakiv // Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. - Kharkov: KSADA, 2008. - №5. - P. 29 - 37. Volume - 0.33 print. pp.

3. Kuzenko AP Art palette Ivano-Frankivsk: History and Modernity / AP Kuzenko // Visual Arts. - № 2. - 2008.- P. 131-133. Volume - 0.08 print. pp.

4. Spiritual sail Kuzenko P. Bogdan Brynskoho / AP Kuzenko // Visual Arts. - № 1.- 2008. - S. 91-92. Volume - 0.04 print. pp.

5. P. Kuzenko not had "a grain of falsehood" / AP Kuzenko // Fine mystetstvo.- 2008.- № 4.- P. 138 - 139 Volume - 0.04 print. pp.

6. P. Kuzenko Ukrainian hrestorobne craft: history and artistic features / AP Kuzenko // Bulletin of the State Academy of Culture and Arts. - 2008. - № 4. - P. 51-55. Volume - 0.17 print. pp.

7. Kuzenko P. History of Ukraine in the visual arts Carpathians / AP Kuzenko // Mystettstvoznavchi note. - 2008. -№ 13. - P. 135-142. Volume - 0.29 print. pp.

8. Lukan VG Graphic sketches of Michael Figol / VG Lukan // Bulletin Carpathian National University. Stefanik. Series: Arts. Vol. XII-XIII. - Ivano-Frankivsk: GVA CIT Carpathian National University. Stefanik, 2008. - S.60-65. Volume - 0.23 print. pp.

1. Dyakiv M. Technicians furniture Eastern Galicia XVI-XVII centuries. / M. Dyakiv // Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. - Kharkov: KSADA, 2009. - № 13. - P. 22-28. Article / 0.5 R.10222

2. Lukan VG John Keyvan as artist and art critic / VG Lukan // Bulletin of the University of Carpathian. Art. Vol. 17-18. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009-2010r., P. Article 54-59 / 0.5 R.10222

3. M. Dyakiv People style furniture trends decorating Galicia late XIX - early XX century. / M. Dyakiv // Bulletin Carpathian National University. Art. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009 - 2010. - Volume XVII-XVIII. - P. 165-170. Article / 0.5 R.10222

4. Dyakiv M. Wooden furniture decor Eastern Galicia XVI-XVIII centuries. / M. Dyakiv // Mystetstvoznavstvo'09. - Lviv: SKIM, 2009. - P. 191-200. Article / 0.6 R.10222

5. B. Boychuk artistic contribution to art education Galicia artists / B. Boychuk // art. - Lviv. 2010. - S. - 198-203. Article / 0.5 R.10222

1. Radchenko AG Wooden building decor village long second half of the twentieth century. / AG Radchenko // Scientific Collection 'Arts'. - Lviv: SKIMU, 2011. Article / 0.5. R.10222

1. Kuzenko AP International Festival of Blacksmith Art in Ivano-Frankivsk / AP Kuzenko // Visual Arts. - № 3-4. - 2012. - P. 96-97. Article / 0.13. R.10222

2. In respect Kuzenko P. Gregory famous Kruk / AP Kuzenko // Visual Arts. - № 1-2.- 2012. - S. 110-111. Article / 0.13 R.10222

3. Dyakiv MV Decoration Furniture Galicia late. XIX - XX centuries. / MV Dyakiv // Formation and development etnodyzaynu: Ukrainian and European experience. Collected Works. - Poltava, 2012. - Book Two. - S. 275 - 280. Article / 0,31 R.10222

4. Dyakiv MV On the history of the city of Galicia, furniture / MV Dyakiv // Bulletin Carpathian National University. Art. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. - Issue 23. - P. 53-58. Article / 0.31 R.10222

5. Dyakiv MV Bar to art Carpathians / MV Dyakiv // Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. - Kharkov: KSADA, 2012. - № 4. - P. 78-82. Article / 0.25 R.10222

6. AV Dyakiv Yavorivskyi system creation wizards weaving / AV Dyakiv // Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. - Kharkov: HDMA, 2012. - P. 74-78. Article / 0.31. R.10222


Other publications:

1. LV Hamster Gravestones dynasty Papizhiv / LV Hamster // Galician Gate. - 2006. - № 3-4. - P. 43-44. - 0.13 druk.ark.

1. Sketch of Lukan W. Michael Figol / V. Lukan // Ethnographer Carpathians. - 2007. - № 10. - P. 46-48. - 0.19 print. pp.

2. Lukan VG In honoring the 80 th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Pavlovich Figol (1927-1999) / VG Lukan // University. - 2007. - № 4. - P. 12-13. - 0.06 print. pp.

3. Typchuk VM Preface to the catalog. Exhibition of students Michael Figol. Product / VM // Typchuk way. V.Lukan, M.Dzhychka Ivano-




Питання до статті:

1.What nature art series based on comprehensive analysis of artistic processes?

2. Artists whose work is mentioned in the article?

3. сarpathian artist whose work can be called the world?

4. The essence polistylizmu Ukrainian culture?

5. The main theme of scientific research?



1.Gerunds A gerund is a verbal that ends in –ing, and functions as a noun. It can take on the role of a subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. Gerund as subject: Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences.· Gerund as direct object: They do not appreciate my singing.· Gerund as subject complement: My cat's favorite activity is sleeping.· Gerund as object of preposition: The police arrested him for speeding.·

2. Participles A participle is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed. There are two types of participles: present participles and past participles. Present participles end in -ing. Past participles end in -ed, -en, -d, -t, or -n, as in the words asked, eaten, saved, dealt, and seen. The crying baby had a wet diaper.· Shaken, he walked away from the wrecked car.· The burning log fell off the fire.· Smiling, she hugged the panting dog.·

3. Infinitives An infinitive is a verbal consisting of the word to plus a verb (in its simplest "stem" form) and functioning as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The infinitive may function as a subject, direct object, subject complement, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. Although an infinitive is easy to locate because of the to + verb form, deciding what function it has in a sentence can sometimes be confusing. To wait seemed foolish when decisive action was required. (subject)· Everyone wanted to go. (direct object)· His ambition is to fly. (subject complement)· He lacked the strength to resist. (adjective)· We must study to learn. (adverb)· Be sure not to confuse an infinitive--a verbal consisting of to plus a verb--with a prepositional phrase beginning with to, which consists of to plus a noun or pronoun and any modifiers. Infinitives: to fly, to draw, to become, to enter, to stand, to catch, to belong Prepositional Phrases: to him, to the committee, to my house, to the mountains, to us, to this addr

4. Gerunds verb + –ing: smiling, going Gerunds are used as nouns. EXAMPLES: Smiling for too long makes my face hurt. He was sent to the principal’s office for going to the gym without permission. Terrence was upset by our leaving the party early

5. Participles verb + –ing or –ed: grinning, grinned; tearing, torn Present participles are formed by adding –ing to the end of the verb. Past participles are formed by adding –ed to the end of the verb. However, some past participles have irregular forms: bringing, brought; seeing, saw. Participles are used as adjectives. EXAMPLES: The grinning boy made me smile, too. (present participle) A dusty lace curtain, tattered and torn, swung in the lazy breeze. (past participle)

6. Infinitives to + verb: to smile, to break, to be Infinitives are used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. EXAMPLES: My goal is to smile for a total of three hours every day. (noun) Displaying all your teeth is the best way to smile widely. (adjective) To smile genuinely, a person must be truly happy. (adverb)

7. Gerunds To create a gerund, add –ing to the end of a verb. KEY POINTS • A gerund is used as a noun. • Students may find it difficult to tell the difference between a gerund and a present participle. Emphasize that to identify a gerund correctly they will have to understand which part of speech the word is. Participles To create a present participle, add –ing to the end of a verb. To create a past participle, add –ed to the end of a verb. KEY POINTS • A participle is used as an adjective. • A present participle ends in –ing. A past participle usually ends in –ed. • Some past participles have irregular forms: the bent or broken branch. Infinitives To create an infinitive, add to before a verb. KEY POINTS • An infinitive can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. • Students may confuse infinitives with prepositional phrases. Remind them that an infinitive consists of to plus a verb, while a prepositional phrase consists of to plus a noun or a pronoun. • It’s really okay to split an infinitive. This myth got started because a lot of our language comes from Latin words. You can’t split infinitives in Latin because in Latin the infinitive is simply the verb without to before it. TEACHING WITH THE MODEL PASSAGE 1 To find the subject of this sentence, ask yourself, “What sent the writer swimming in space?” The complete subject is Waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Since Waking is used as a noun, it’s a gerund. 7 Notice that there is no punctuation setting off the gerund from the rest of the sentence. Gerunds don’t require any punctuation. TEACHING WITH THE MODEL PASSAGE 2 Swimming is a present participle because it acts as an adjective modifying me. 4 Both uses of treading are verbs; they go with the verb was. Looking is a present participle. 6 Burned by the sun and bitten by the cold are adjectives describing the writer. Both are past participles, and bitten is an irregular participle. TEACHING WITH THE MODEL PASSAGE 3 Some verbs, such as begin, decide, agree, and want, are followed by infinitives. 5 This sentence contains a split infinitive—the adverb quickly splits the infinitive to get. Grammar


Стаття на тему: «Реклама та ПР»

Детальніше питання правового регулювання зовнішньої реклами регулюються Типовими правилами розміщення зовнішньої реклами, що затверджені Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29 грудня 2003 року № 2067 (надалі – Правила) на виконання положень Закону “Про рекламу”.

1. Розміщення зовнішньої реклами у населених пунктах провадиться на підставі дозволів, що надаються виконавчими органами сільських, селищних, міських рад, та в порядку, встановленому цими органами на підставі типових правил, що затверджуються Кабінетом Міністрів України. При видачі дозволів на розміщення зовнішньої реклами втручання у форму та зміст зовнішньої реклами забороняється.

Питання розміщення зовнішньої реклами у населених пунктах відноситься до прерогативи органів місцевого самоврядування. Однак основні принципи розміщення зовнішньої реклами визначає Кабінет Міністрів України, який затверджує типові правила розміщення зовнішньої реклами. На основі цих типових правил виконавчі органи сільських, селищних та міських рад ухвалюють порядки розміщення зовнішньої реклами, у яких прописують місцеві особливості розміщення зовнішньої реклами. В цих правилах прописано порядок розміщення зовнішньої реклами, подачі заявок та отримання дозволів на розміщення зовнішньої реклами. Виконавчі органи сільських, селищних та міських рад при цьому грають роль дозвільних органів, які на підставі законодавчих норм видають або вмотивовано відмовляють у видачі дозволів на розміщення зовнішньої реклами. Однак в процесі видачі дозволів на розміщення зовнішньої реклами ніхто не може втручатися у форму та зміст зовнішньої реклами. Таким чином суворо заборонено відмовляти у видачі дозволів на розміщення зовнішньої реклами з огляду на форму та зміст зовнішньої реклами, або вимагати задля отримання такого дозволу зміни форми та змісту зовнішньої реклами.

Правилами надано визначення деяких термінів, що наводяться у Законі “Про рекламу”, зокрема, під “дозволом” слід розуміти документ установленої ф

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орми, виданий розповсюджувачу зовнішньої реклами на підставі рішення виконавчого органу сільської, селищної, міської ради, який дає право на розміщення зовнішньої реклами на певний строк та у певному місці.

Заборона органам, уповноваженим надавати дозволи на розміщення зовнішньої реклами, втручатися у форму і зміст розміщуваної реклами викликана чітким розподілом компетенції органів державної влади у сфері контролю за дотриманням законодавства у рекламних правовідносинах.

Зовнішня реклама на територіях, будинках та спорудах розміщується за згодою їх власників або уповноважених ними органів (осіб).

При розміщенні об’єктів зовнішньої реклами на територіях, будинках та спорудах, що знаходяться у приватній чи колективній власності, розповсюджувач реклами зобов’язаний отримати від їх власників або уповноважених ними органів (осіб) письмову згоду на розміщення зовнішньої реклами.

Розміщення зовнішньої реклами на територіях та об'єктах поза населеними пунктами провадиться лише за згодою їх власників або уповноважених ними органів (осіб).

При розміщенні об’єктів зовнішньої реклами на територіях, будинках та спорудах поза населеними пунктами, що знаходяться у приватній чи колективній власності, розповсюджувач реклами зобов’язаний отримати від їх власників або уповноважених ними органів (осіб) письмову згоду на розміщення зовнішньої реклами.

Стягнення плати за видачу дозволів забороняється.

2. Зовнішня реклама повинна відповідати таким вимогам:

розміщуватись із дотриманням вимог техніки безпеки та із забезпеченням видимості дорожніх знаків, світлофорів, перехресть, пішохідних переходів, зупинок транспорту загального користування та не відтворювати зображення дорожніх знаків;

Зовнішня реклама може бути розміщена лише за умови дотримання техніки безпеки, зокрема, вона не має перекривати дорожні знаки, світлофори, перехрестя, пішохідні переходи, зупинки транспорту загального користування. Крім того, заборонено відтворювати в сюжетах та формі зовнішньої реклами зображення дорожніх знаків, їх кольорові рішення.

освітлення зовнішньої реклами не, повинно засліплювати учасників дорожнього руху, а також не повинно освітлювати квартири житлових будинків;

Це означає, що світло об’єкту зовнішньої реклами не може бути настільки сильним, щоби заважати учасникам дорожнього руху побачити інші елементи дороги. Так само світло об’єкту зовнішньої реклами не має бути настільки сильним, щоби освітлювати квартири житлових будинків.

фундаменти наземної зовнішньої реклами, що виступають над поверхнею землі, можуть бути декоративно оформлені;

Фундаменти зовнішньої реклами – бетонні “тумби”, на яких кріпляться об’єкти зовнішньої реклами – можуть виступати над поверхнею землі, і власники таких конструкцій можуть по своєму бажанню декоративно їх оформити: кольоровою плиткою, зеленими насадженнями тощо. Однак органи влади не можуть вимагати обов’язкового декоративного оформлення таких фундаментів і не можуть втручатися у форму та зміст такого оформлення.

опори наземної зовнішньої реклами, що розташована вздовж проїжджої частини вулиць і доріг, повинні мати вертикальну дорожню розмітку, нанесену світлоповертаючими матеріалами, заввишки до 2 метрів від поверхні землі;

Якщо зовнішня реклама розміщується на опорах (стовпах) вздовж проїжджої частини вулиць і доріг, то задля дотримання норма техніки безпеки такі опори необхідно розфарбувати вертикальною дорожньою розміткою висотою до 2 метрів від поверхні землі. Розмітку необхідно наносити світлоповертаючими матеріалами.

нижній край зовнішньої реклами, що розміщується над проїжджою частиною, у тому числі на мостах, естакадах тощо, повинен розташовуватися на висоті не менше ніж 5 метрів від поверхні дорожнього покриття;

у місцях, де проїжджа частина вулиці межує з цоколями будівель або огорожами, зовнішня реклама може розміщуватися в одну з фасадами будівель або огорожами лінію.

3. Забороняється розташовувати засоби зовнішньої реклами:

на пішохідних доріжках та алеях;

Засоби зовнішньої реклами не можуть розміщатися на пішохідних доріжках та алеях, якщо вони перешкоджатимуть вільному руху пішоходів.

Правилами визначено, що під терміном “пішохідна доріжка” слід розуміти елемент дороги, призначений для руху пішоходів, облаштований у її межах чи поза нею і позначений дорожнім знаком. Термін “алея” означає дорогу в парку, саду, сквері, лісопарку, на бульварі, обсаджена, як правило, з обох боків деревами та чагарниками.

у населених пунктах на висоті менш ніж 5 метрів від поверхні дорожнього покриття, якщо їх рекламна поверхня виступає за межі краю проїжджої частини;

поза населеними пунктами на відстані менш ніж 5 метрів від краю проїжджої частини.

4. Розміщення зовнішньої реклами на пам'ятках та в межах зон охорони пам'яток національного або місцевого значення, в межах об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду дозволяється за погодженням з центральними або місцевими органами виконавчої влади у сфері охорони культурної спадщини.

Дана вимога передбачає погодження з центральними або місцевими органами виконавчої влади у сфері охорони культурної спадщини виключно на предмет безпеки розміщення рекламних конструкцій для охоронюваних пам’яток, зон охорони пам'яток національного або місцевого значення, об'єктів природно-заповідного фонду, не завдання перерахованим об’єктам шкоди. Втручання зазначених органів у форму та зміст реклами не допускається.

5. Перелік обмежень та заборон щодо розміщення зовнішньої реклами, встановлений цим Законом, є вичерпним.


Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

4. The Law of Ukraine of 11 January 2001 "On protection of economic concentration

kurentsiyi "// Supreme Council (BD). - 2001. - № 12. - Art. 64.

5. Ibid.

6. Udalov TG Competition Law Ukraine: Textbook.

- K.: School, 2004. - S. 56.

7. Scientific and practical commentary of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

6th ed., Be refurbished. and fulfill. / Ed. M. Miller, MI Havronyuk.

- K.: Legal Opinion, 2009. - S. 679.

8. Malskyy O., A. Boychuk How to combat cartels? International

experience and Ukrainian prospects // Zerkalo Nedeli. - № 35 (714). -

20-26 September 2008: www.dt.ua

9. Ibid.

10. Medvedev A. Peculiarities of the formation and development of legislation

the Protection of Economic Competition // Business, Economy and

right. - 2008. - № 2. - P. 13.

11. Malskyy O., A. Boychuk How to combat cartels? International

experience and Ukrainian prospects // Zerkalo Nedeli. - № 35 (714). -

20-26 September 2008: www.dt.ua

12. Report of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for 2008: official

website Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine: www.amc.gov.ua

13. The prison agreement Lyannoy I. // Finance of Ukraine. - 2009: www.finance.ua

The article was received on 05.07.09.

UDC 347,136 NA Skrytska,

Assistant Professor of International

and European law,

SHEI "Vadym Hetman KNEU"

Trade: the definition of

The article is devoted to the study and analysis of different approaches to

the definition of advertising proposed by researchers, scientists

and normative acts. The study zrob-

Leno concluded that the concept of advertising is complex, reflecting riznoma-

nitni human activity and scientific knowledge.

Keywords: advertisement, advertising, information, a person good.

Advertising in the modern world - a true portrait mixture

spilstva, a reflection of public attitudes, likes and phobias

© NA Skrytska, 2009

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

to which it responds faster than most other social investment

tute. Watching the advertising for modifications prytaman-

them her methods and techniques to influence the audience can playback

dig the economic, social and psychological portrait "the medium

statistical "citizen, a true representative bilsho-

STI without going to the sociological, demographic and other

data obtained scientific ways [1, p. 2].

In our opinion, the main factor that complicates harmo-

Night of advertising development in Ukraine is the lack of

conceptual approach to understanding of advertising and advertising

activities. In turn, this is the "blur" base

Closed definitions and their inconsistency with the general terminology

information legislation. These factors make it difficult

application of the law in practice.

The term "advertising" in the encyclopedic reference works, Law-

tion and at the household level seems clear and ustale-

him, but only - at first. It should appeal to to legal

cal and economic dictionaries, encyclopedias, to understand

how ambiguous is the definition of the concept in their advertising.

That this is due to the relevance of this research.

The urgency of the research subject due to the fact that continue

Advertising notion mostly studied in the works of scientists -

economists and sociologists. In particular, work should be called in rek-

Lama foreign economists - Beauvais Cortland, Charles G. Sendy-

Jha, V. Frayburger, K. Rottsolla, A. Deyyana.

Problems promotional activities also studied vitchyz-

nyanymy scientists: IM Volkov, Yu Voldmanom, VL Muzy-

piping, G. Titov, I. Rozhkov, LK Tereshchenko, K. Yu Tot-


Some issues of legal regulation of advertising

considered in the works NA Saniahmetovoyi, AI Cheremnovoyi,

S. Kuznetsov, LV Mamchur, AV Strelnikov, AR cones.

However, studies of different approaches to the definition of

advertising were not subject to special legal studies.

A common source of advertising concepts considered Latin

verb reclamo, which means "exclaims call." After the French

cue exposure (fr. reclame) this token came in Ukrainian language and

Now we use the term "advertising", meaning spread

Rennie information about someone, about something in order to populyary-

tion [2, p. 579].

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

In English-speaking countries since the beginning of the XIX century widely vyko-

rystovuyetsya noun «the advertising», which is still in XV-XVI con-

anniversary meant a message about something [3, p. 12].

According to Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising" (hereinafter -

Law) Advertising - information about a person or product, disseminated

Jena in any form and in any way and is designed prop-

muvaty or support consumer awareness of advertising and in-

Teres about such persons or goods [4].

According to the legal definition of advertising -

this information. Law of Ukraine "On information", the term "in-

formation "is defined as documented or publicly announced

information about events and phenomena occurring in society,

the state and the environment. Mentioned

Law served as the definition of media under

which is understood as publicly distributed printed and audiovizu-

tial information [5].

Advertising should be attributed to the media, because it

extended to indefinite circle of consumers of advertising.

Since advertising is defined as information law, not assumed to

ular advertising various kinds of special events organized or

No events designed to spread advertising information


By advertising includes information about certain objects: entities

and products. It should be noted that, for example, may PSAs

also have other objects (eg, values, attitudes, etc.).

Advertising information may be distributed in any

form, ie through any media and means, and

as provided by the Law and any In other

we. In fact, a form of distribution of advertising may be any

form distribution media.

The main purpose of the advertising information is formula

bath or maintaining awareness indeterminate number of consumers

vachiv advertising and their interest in objects of advertising.

An important characteristic that distinguishes advertising information

tion from the usual information, it is clearly defined "custom"

Paid nature [6, p. 5].

In addition, it should be borne in mind that any information

has certain properties, features, aspects that are important for

law, including the legal regulation of advertising di-

tivities. In particular, properties such information may buffer

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

you include: fixation of information - without being matter, in-

formation can be perceived only in a fixed form; invariant

antnist - the ability to record information in any language,

any alphabet; translyatsiynist - the possibility of transferring

information from one medium to another; multyplikatsiynist - possible

of the banks to the simultaneous existence of the same information in different

media; utility - information can be usefully applied

Wang some targeted actions [7].

Law provides for certain exceptions regarding media

of the person or product is not considered advertising.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph. 2. Art. 2 of the Act, the effect of the Law to waste

intended to encompass the relations connected with the spread of information

tion, mandatory placement and publication of which is determined

other laws of Ukraine. At the same time, para. 3. 2 provides that

provisions of the Law do not apply to individuals ads without

related business.

Thus, Art. 2 of the Act defined as kinds of exceptions in-

formation of persons or goods aimed at indefinite range

Consumer information, are not considered advertising. That, ne-

redusim is the information bound announcing its placement and

ment of which is determined by other laws of Ukraine. Examples of well

vein information are mandatory placement in a known print media

MOST issuance of securities, the annual reports of joint stock Relief

Society, information about the liquidation of companies and more. Act and-

also makes an exception for ads individuals not related

with business activities (eg announcement pro-

dazh, purchase, lease of personal property of citizens, marriage oho-

loshennya etc.) [6, p. 9].

At the same time, it is worth noting that the said law gives BASED

meaning as the term "product" and the term "person".

Thus, goods - any object of economic circulation in

including products, works, services, securities, objects of in-

telektualnoyi property.

The definition of "goods" establishes a list of objects that

belong to the category of goods. The law stipulates that range Relief

Vary includes any object of economic circulation,

ie objects of civil rights for which compensatory possible absence

alienation, by transfer of possession, use and

Regulation (ownership) to others. The Code Civil

catfish Ukraine stipulates that the objects of civil rights is the way,

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

including money and securities, other property, property rights reform

results of works, services, results of intellectual and creative activities

ness, information, and other tangible and intangible benefits.

According to the above law, a person - a physical

person, including entrepreneur, legal

on the face of any form of ownership of non-residents


Definition of the term takes the list of related entities

resulting in orders, production, publicizing

and consumption of advertising.

The subjects of these relations among individuals can buffer

you citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens and persons without citi-

dyanstva, including individuals - entrepreneurs

Activities that have received a certificate for conducting entrepreneurial

vein activities (particularly in advertising) in the prescribed Law-

tion order.

Among the entities subjects of relations in the sphere of advertising

can be any legal person, including a company,

scientific, cultural, sports institutions, civic, religious or

charitable organizations, public authorities and local

government. Enterprises can market participants rek-

Lama regardless of ownership or organizational-legal

form. The list of legal entities is not exhaustive.

Parties to the advertising may also be

of non-residents in Ukraine are not legal

persons under the laws of Ukraine, but can make

different kinds of business transactions on behalf of non-residents, whose

they represent. The functions of these offices can employ

nate as individuals who provide appropriate resident

powers and nonresident structural units that

acting on its behalf.

In our opinion, is necessary as study and research

the concept of advertising, which is enshrined in the legal, economic slov-

nykah and encyclopedias.

Yes, SV Mocherny notes that advertising (lat. Reclamo -

shout) - target information about consumer properties of goods

and services for the purpose of popularizing and marketing. Advertising - any

form messages that uses the firm for information,

beliefs or a reminder to people about their products, services,

the idea of ​​social activity [8, p. 277].

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

According to McMillan, advertising - a company actions that contribute

increase sales of its products, while the main methyl

and is increasing the number of customers who prefer

the company's products, not products of its competitors. This can be pre-

syahty two different ways. First, advertising may be used

tovuvatysya to inform consumers of the existence and location

of the goods to which it is directed. Second, advertising

can influence the nature of consumer preferences in favor

their products. It is alleged that advertising is a source nedosko-

nalosti market, in particular by creating entry barriers and di-

differentiation of products, solid firms have some freedom

steps in setting a price. Thus, advertising can be maintained

wool existing levels of concentration in the industry. Moreover,

N. Kaldor argues that because the advertising market is not productivity

Volume, the consumer is unable to determine the amount of advertising,

he would get. On the other hand, advertising is a source

information on prices of goods and properties available to potential

buyer. Thus, advertising increases the flow of market information

tion and therefore strengthens the competitive market forces. Increasing volume

Sales, advertising also allows the company to achieve a minimum environmental

nomic effective size and hence for economies of mass

Staff. Recent theoretical and empirical studies suggest

the idea that advertising can be seen as investments.

This assumption means that advertising costs contribute

goodwill of the company, which is gradually reduced over time [9, p. 455].

S. Shemshuchenko notes that advertising - a special infor-

tion of individuals or products which distributed in any form

and in any way for direct or indirect

profit. Aimed at indefinite range spozhyva-

chiv, ensuring the formation or maintenance of interest in the absence

relevant persons or goods, promotes the sale of goods, shows

impact on potential customers, creates in them some idea

of particular individuals or entities and they produce

products, etc. [10, p. 766].

VA Konoplitskyy considers advertising as commercial infor-

mation about products, services, etc. to notify consumers and

creating demand for these goods and services. Advertising is one of the

components of marketing that promotes the product to market. Carried

snyuyetsya special service of the manufacturer and independent

advertising agencies [11, p. 573-577].

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

According VE Kolomoytseva advertising - targeted

impact on the consumer by means of information for prosu-

tion products on the market. Advertising introduces consumer Relief

Vary or services offered by the company, organization

firm [12, p. 265].

RG Ivanchenko said that firstly, advertising - any

impersonal form of proposals and promoting business ideas,

goods or services at the expense of a clearly defined customer. Secondly,

advertising - advertising business. Thirdly, advertising - publications

tion of advertisements in the press [13, p. 144].

AY Sukharev determines that advertising (fr. Reclame, from the Latin.

reclamare - shouting) - according to Russian bills

tion disseminated in any form, by any

means information about a natural or legal person, goods, ideas

and initiatives (advertising information) that is designed to uncertainty

values ​​range of people and aims to form or maintain

interest in the natural or legal persons, goods, ideas and continue

chynan and promote the sale of goods, ideas and undertakings [14, p. 591].

E. Romat provides a definition of advertising using communi-

tion approach, arguing that advertising is a type of social

mass commercial communication, which is formed and paid

advertiser (seller) and is aimed at potential poku-

ptsiv (consumers) of the advertising (goods, services, image,

ideas, people, organizations, state, territory, etc.) aimed komuni-

cation is to form a specific landing instructions recipients rek-

lamny treatment facility on advertising [15, p. 38-39].

Kotler defines quite traditional advertising as any

paying particular subject and form of nonpersonal presentation

promotion of ideas, goods or services [16, p. 558].

The most popular not only foreign, but also Ukrainian

Specialists are definitions adopted by the American Association

Marketing, stating that advertising - is any form of non-

personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services,

paid well established customer [17, p. 12].

Accordingly, we can conclude that terminal

tech complexity advertising is a complex nature,

reflecting the variety of human activity and scientific

knowledge that confer its own conceptual apparatus elements.

Often in the proposed definition is not clear enough

focus on the recipient - does not include subject-object relations

Rights of the economy. 2009. № 9

children, which is the basis of advertising communication and specificity

kind of advertising.

If ydehsya of scientific understanding regarding advertising ma-

etsya mean a set of sciences studying society and the Law

HN its functioning: history, economics, polito-

logy, sociology, psychology, law and so on. Each of

Science describes these ads on their own merits and cognitive perspectives

tives, based on identical facts to her collection system and principles

ciples, their conceptualization and terminology or conceptual equipment is

RAO. However, as a result, comes a special, peculiar present

it science definition.

Past studies suggest that oc-

er burden in the concept of advertising relies not on the way to popularity

polarization, and the same information as any advertising -

always information.

Arguably, the most encyclopedic-dovid-

ductor definitions noted that advertising - a target, commercial

tional or specific information.

After analyzing the above, we can conclude that

both legal acts, and in the scientific literature, there

a common approach to how promotion. Yes, advertising in-

formation may be distributed in any form, that is,

through any media and tools.


Контрольна робота № 4

Стаття на тему: «Реклама та зв’язки з громадськістю»

More issues of legal regulation of outdoor advertising regulated Model Regulations outdoor advertising, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2003 № 2067 (further - Rules), pursuant to the Law "On Advertising".


1. The placement of outdoor advertising in the settlements made on the basis of permits rendered by village, town and city councils, and in the manner prescribed by those authorities on the basis of standard rules, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In issuing permits for outdoor advertising intervention in the form and content of outdoor advertising is prohibited.


Questions outdoor advertising in the settlements related to the prerogatives of local governments. However, the basic principles of outdoor advertising is determined by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which approves common rules for outdoor advertising. On the basis of the standard rules of executive bodies of village, town and city councils approve the orders of outdoor advertising in which local characteristics prescribed outdoor advertising. These rules spelled out the order of placement of outdoor advertising, filing applications and obtaining permits for outdoor advertising. The executive bodies of village, town and city councils thus play the role of licensing authorities that on the basis of legislation or issue a motivated refuse to issue permits for outdoor advertising. However, in the process of issuing permits for outdoor advertising Nobody can interfere in the form and content of outdoor advertising. So strictly forbidden to refuse to issue permits for outdoor advertising because of the form and content of outdoor advertising, or require an authorization for changing the shape and content of outdoor advertising.


Rules provided definitions of some terms that are in the law "On Advertising", particularly by "resolution" should be installed fax document




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ormy issued distributor of outdoor advertising by a decision of the executive body of village, town council, which entitles outdoor advertising for a certain period and in a certain place.

Prohibition body authorized to issue permits for outdoor advertising, to intervene in the form and content of placed advertising caused a clear division of competences of public authorities in monitoring compliance with legislation on promotional relationship.


Outdoor advertising in the territories, buildings and structures located on the consent of their owners or their authorized bodies (persons).


When placing objects outdoor advertising in the territories, homes and buildings that are privately or collectively owned, advertising distributor shall obtain from their owners or their authorized bodies (persons) written consent to the placement of outdoor advertising.


Outdoor advertising on territories and sites outside the settlements made only with the consent of their owners or their authorized bodies (persons).


When placing objects outdoor advertising in the territories, buildings and structures outside settlements that are privately or collectively owned, advertising distributor shall obtain from their owners or their authorized bodies (persons) written consent to the placement of outdoor advertising.


Charges for issuing permits is prohibited.


2. Outdoor advertising must meet the following requirements:


displayed with the requirements of safety and to ensuring visibility of road signs, traffic lights, intersections, pedestrian crossings, public transport stops and reproduce images of road signs;


Outdoor advertising can be placed only on compliance with safety regulations, in particular it does not block traffic signs, traffic lights, intersections, pedestrian crossings, public transport stops. In addition, it is forbidden to play in the plots and form of outdoor advertising images of road signs, their color solution.


outdoor advertising lighting not, should dazzle road users and should not illuminate apartment houses;


This means that the light object outdoor advertising can not be so strong in order to obstruct road users to see other elements of the road. Just light object outdoor advertising should not be so strong, so that light apartment houses.


foundations ground outdoor advertising, protruding above the ground, can be decoratively designed;


Foundations of outdoor advertising - concrete "stone" on which are mounted objects outdoor advertising - can act above the ground, and the owners of such structures can voluntarily place their decorative, colored tiles, green spaces and more. However, authorities may not require mandatory decoration of foundations and can not interfere with the form and content of such registration.


Outdoor advertising support ground located along the roadway of streets and roads, should be vertical road markings inflicted Reflective materials up to 2 meters above the ground;


If the outdoor advertising placed on supports (pillars) along the roadway of streets and roads, for compliance with safety standards such support is necessary to paint the vertical road markings up to 2 meters from the surface. Partitioning is necessary to put optical materials.


the lower edge of the outdoor advertising that is placed on the road, including bridges, overpasses, etc., should be located at a height of not less than 5 meters from the surface of the pavement;


in places where the roadway street bordered cap buildings or fences, outdoor advertising can be placed in one of the facades of buildings or fence line.


3. Do not use the means of outdoor advertising:


on footpaths and alleys;


Means of outdoor advertising can not be placed on footpaths and alleys if they prevent the free movement of pedestrians.


Regulation stipulates that the term "footpath" should be an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians, equipped in its inside or outside the designated road and sign. The term "alley" means a road in the park, garden, park, forest park, on the boulevard, lined, usually on both sides by trees and shrubs.


in towns at altitudes of less than 5 meters from the surface of the pavement if their advertising surface extending beyond the edge of the roadway;


outside the settlements at a distance of less than 5 meters from the edge of the roadway.


4. Outdoor advertising on the sites and within zones of monuments of national or local importance, within the nature reserve fund permitted in coordination with the central or local authorities in the field of cultural heritage.


This requirement implies coordination with the central or local authorities in the field of cultural heritage solely in terms of security placement of advertising structures for protected sites, zones of monuments of national or local importance, the nature reserve fund not listed objectives objects damage. The intervention of these bodies in the form and content of advertising is not permitted.


5. List of restrictions on outdoor advertising established by this Act is complete.



Питання до статті

1. 1. Features and specific outdoor advertising?

2. Terms of outdoor advertising?

3. How is outdoor advertising on private land?

4. Basic requirements for outdoor advertising?ї

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 98 | Нарушение авторских прав

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