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Голованова Е.Н. Инвестиции в человеческий капитал предприятия: учебное пособие/ Е.Н. Голованова, С.А. Лочан, Д.В. Хавин. – М: Инфра-М, 2011. – 88 с.

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  2. Анализ капитала, вложенного в имущество предприятия
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  5. Аретино, подобно Рабле и Сервантесу, осознал гаргантюанский, фантастический, сверхчеловеческий смысл книгопечатания
  6. В Человеческий Страшный Суд г. Москвы
  7. Вера или человеческий уровень?

2. Захарова О.В. Управління інвестуванням у людський капітал: монографія / О.В. Захарова. – Донецьк: ДВНЗ ДонНТУ, 2010. – 378 с.

3. Х. Гудрун. Международная практика и тенденции медицинского страхования. Департамент экономических исследований Группы Allianz. [Електронний ресурс]: http://www.insur-info.ru/analysis/840/.

4. Інтернет-журнал «Страхування в Україні». Сайт ЛСОУ. [Електронний ресурс]: http://uainsur.com/stats/analiz/.

5. Інтернет-журнал «Форіншурер Страхування». [Електронний ресурс]: режим доступу http://forinsurer.com/stat/.

6. Цивільний кодекс України: за станом на 1 січня 2004 р. /Верховна Рада України. – Офіц. вид. – К: Парлам. вид-во, 2004. - 352 с. - (Бібліотека офіційних видань).

7. Господарський кодекс України від 16.01.2003 р. № 436-IV. // Голос України від 14.03.2003 - № 49.

8. Податковий кодекс України від 02.12.2010 р. № 2755-VI. //Голос України від 04.12.2010 - № 229, (№ 229 - 230).

9. Закон України «Про страхування» від 07.03.96 р. № 85/96-ВР// Відомості Верховної Ради України від 30.04.1996 - 1996 р., № 18.

10. Про затвердження інструкції зі статистики заробітної плати. Наказ № 5 Держкомстату України від 13.01.2004 р.// Офіційний вісник України від 13.02.2004 — 2004 р., № 4, том 2, с. 569.

11. Про нарахування внесків на загальнообов'язкове державне пенсійне страхування на окремі види виплат. Лист Пенсійного фонду України від 06.12.2005 р. №15407/03-02. Сайт МЕГА-Нау. [Електронний ресурс]. http://zakon.nau.ua/?uid=1041.1.180&title.

12. Закон України «Про збір та облік єдиного внеску на загальнообов'язкове державне соціальне страхування» від 08.07.2010 р. № 2464-VI// Відомості Верховної Ради України від 21.01.2011 - 2011 р., № 2.


Tools of investment in human capital


The corporate health insurance STAFF AS Modern tools of investment in CHELOVECHESKYY CAPITAL




The features of the investment approach to human capital management by corporate health insurance as a tool for investing in health personnel. Comparison volumes of existing investments in health staff in the world, in Russia and Ukraine and determined trends of these indicators. Specifies the meaning of "corporate health insurance", "corporate health insurance" as a component of investment in human capital. Established the content and features of the implementation of corporate health insurance staff as an investment tool. The structure of this tool as a combination of voluntary health insurance sickness and voluntary medical insurance (continuous health insurance). The condition and use of existing indicators of corporate health insurance companies in Ukraine personnel, formed the main stages of economic and organizational features of its implementation.

Tags: business, investment, human capital, corporate health insurance.

Proanalyzyrovanы Features podhoda for the development of the investment management chelovecheskym capital putem corporate health insurance As tools of investment in health personnel. A Comparison obъemov of existing investments in health personnel in the world, in Russia and in Ukraine and opredelenы trends эtyh development indicators. Contents clarified the concepts of "the corporate health insurance", "the corporate insurance medytsynskoe" How sostavlyayuschyh chelovecheskyy of investment in capital. Ustanovlenы Contents and Features Implementation of corporate health insurance personnel As the investment tools. Proposals structure эtoho tools How The combination voluntarily health insurance for illness and voluntarily The case of medical insurance (health insurance continuously). Proanalyzyrovanы STATUS suschestvuyuschye and indicators of application of corporate health insurance staff of enterprises in Ukraine, sformyrovanы Main эtapы and organizational - Economic Features ego Practical implementation.

Keywords: Enterprise, of investment, chelovecheskyy capital, the corporate health insurance.

The features of the investment approach to human capital management by corporate employees health insurance as a tool for investing in health personnel. The comparison of the volume of investment in the existing health personnel in the world, in Russia and Ukraine and identifies trends of these indicators. Clarified meaning of "corporate health insurance", "corporate medical insurance" as a component of investment in human capital. Determined the content and features of the implementation of corporate health insurance personnel as an investment tool. The structure of this instrument as a combination of voluntary health insurance in case of illness and voluntary health insurance (permanent health insurance). The condition and use of existing indicators of corporate health insurance companies in Ukraine staff, formed the main stages of organizational and economic features of its implementation.

Keywords: enterprise, investment, human capital, corporate health insurance.

Introduction. Modern transformation processes in the socio-economic sphere of Ukraine actualize the problem of effective human capital management of domestic enterprises. The practice of human resources management shows that one of the preventive approaches to improve the effectiveness of this control is the use of various tools of investment in human capital.

Scope of investment in human capital covered in the scientific works of foreign scientists - G. Becker, DB. Kwon, O. Northog, H. Saint-Onge, T. Shultz, E. Golovanov, E. Yelistratovoyi, V. Maximova, Vladimir Smirnov, I. Skoblyakov, I. Soshnikova, V. Romanchina, S. Roschina, D. Havin. Among domestic scientific researchers distinguish labor Hryshnovoyi E., G. Yevtushenko, A. Zakharova, R. Kapelyushnikov, V. Savchenko, Tsymbalenko N., V. Yurchenko.

In the current publication highlights the relevance of the use of modern means of investing in human capital in enterprise human resource management, analyzes and tools of investment, characterized by different patterns of investment. However, the practice of investment instruments indicates the presence of significant problems in the implementation of these measures, and modern scientific publications are characterized by insufficient action-oriented conclusions and recommendations for the use of certain tools of investment in human capital.

Problem. The article aims to justify and determine the characteristics of the use of corporate health insurance as a modern instrument of investment in human capital company.

The goal necessitated the following tasks:

- To consider the concept of "corporate health insurance company personnel";

- To analyze the characteristics of practical implementation of corporate health insurance personnel;

- Analyze the current practice and basic directions to use corporate health insurance personnel;

- Identify and justify the efficiency of investment in human capital through corporate insurance health personnel in the management of human resources of the company.

Methodology. Theoretical - methodological basis of the study are general scientific and special methods, the main of which is a systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, systematization, classification.

The results of the study. Analysis of available sources for investment in human capital are allowed to define the main types of investment as vocational training, health, motivation, development, innovation and creativity, staff mobility [1].

The investment component of "health" means that factor from the general level of health psychosomatic, physiological state of man is transformed into a living entity, aimed at extending the period of highly employment of that person's employer. Research various components of investment in total investment in human capital has shown that this component is effective and attractive to local employers [2]. Analyze promising investment performance of health personnel in the world and current indicators for Russia and Ukraine. Projected trends of the volume of social and health insurance in the world shown in Fig. 1. The results for the period from 2011 to 2020 using a conservative model, ie actual results in the following may be higher [3].

Thus, in 2011 the total cost of employers for health care staff of almost 3 trillion. Euro made social insurance contributions (about 6.5% of global GDP), and about 850 billion. Euro - contributions for health insurance. The cost of health insurance personnel in 2011 amounted to 28.3% of social security contributions, or 1.8% of global GDP amounting to 46.29 trillion. Euro. It is expected that by 2020 these costs will rise in the same proportion to the intensity of at least 7% a year.

The current state of employers investing in health personnel is expedient for Russia to analyze the data of corporate medical insurance through an employer (IMR) in two forms - voluntary and compulsory. Voluntary Form CMS implemented a voluntary medical insurance staff (LCA) compulsory - through mandatory health insurance (MHI), which exists in Russia since 1991.

For Ukraine, employers investing in health personnel describe only the contributions under contracts LCA, since mandatory health insurance in Ukraine. During 2009 and 2010 (before the introduction of the single social contribution) data on Ukraine not considered.



Fig. 1. Forecast of spending on social and health insurance in the world: SS - social insurance; MS - Health Insurance (authoring).


Table. 1, the amount of money invested in health care workers in the form of insurance premiums paid by employers to insurance companies under contracts LCA (Russia and Ukraine) and the Fund of obligatory medical insurance (only Russia). For the valuation estimates of the amount of contributions to OMS and DMS attributed to the amounts of assessed contributions for national pension insurance (ZDPS) in Russia and Ukraine.

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of the premiums employers on health personnel in Russia and Ukraine

Types of insurance premiums Years

2009 2010 2011 2012


OMS1 18.9% 238 13.3% 255 19.5% 548 23.1% 720

DMS2 5.8% 73 4.4% 84 3.4% 94 3.5% 109

ZDPS3 100% 1261 100% 1916 100% 2815 100% 3120


DMS4 - 0.762 - 0.810 1.1 0.78% 0.83% 1.33

ZDPS5 - - - - 100 139.1% 100 158.8%

Sources: 1.3 - Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (http://www.pfrf.ru) and the Federal MHI Fund of the Russian Federation (http://www.ffoms.ru); 2 - Federal Service of Russia on finrynkam (http://www.fcsm.ru); 4 -Natskomfinposluh Ukraine (www.dfp.gov.ua); 5 - Pension Fund of Ukraine (www.pfu.gov.ua).

Based on the data table. 1 built comparative chart of existing levels of investment in health care personnel in Ukraine and Russia in 2011 and 2012 (Fig. 2). The chart shows that the amount of additional funds to companies investing in healthcare personnel for MLA is over 22%, and for VMI 3.5% of the mandatory pension contributions of these companies, with more than 25% of the amount required 'compulsory pension contributions. It meets world trends of investment in health care personnel. For Ukraine this figure is investing less than 1%.



Fig. 2. Comparative diagrams scope of investment in health care personnel in Russia and Ukraine in 2011 and 2012 years (authoring)

Consider proposals for improving the efficiency of investment in personnel by implementing health insurance program staff. It is obvious that the proposed measures should be aimed at achieving the main goals and objectives of the enterprise - namely, reduction of costs, increase profitability and performance of its profitability.

According to [4], interest in corporate health insurance (KSZ) increases every year. More and more employers seek to join this service, and enterprises that already apply KSZ continue to draw it to their employees. Health insurance is used as a part of social package most companies providing additional social benefits staff as corporate health insurance - affordable and effective way to provide high-quality medical personnel and financial assistance, which can not guarantee gratuitous budget in the absence of medicine in Ukraine is required 'compulsory health insurance.

Corporate health insurance of employees are investing in employees meet their social needs and financial compensation invested in staff labor effort. This investment combined type, because the expected result has both monetary and non-monetary in nature. Implementation of this investment tool for the enterprise has both positive and negative consequences summarized in Table. 2.



Table 2

Advantages and disadvantages KSZ for companies and workers

"Pros" KSZ "minus" KSZ

1. Increasing competitiveness in the labor market.

2. Improving the quality of health care workers.

3. Reducing unproductive loss of working time of employees due to acceleration time of treatment.

4. An additional factor of stabilization frames.

5. Improving the quality of health workers, increase work efficiency and reduce production losses on sick leave.

6. Optimize the cost of organizing preventive medical examinations, vaccinations and health center staff.

7. Financial protection in connection with damage to the health of workers far exceeds the costs of insurance premiums.

8. The financial responsibility for damage to health workers transferred from the enterprise-employer insurer. 1. Increased financial burden on the budget of the company.

2. The absence of tax benefits on KSZ.

3. Low motivating effect for young workers with good health and have no significance factor support it.

4. The additional load on the administration when implementing KSZ. Of particular importance in high turnover of personnel and internal rotation (if, for example, the level and value of the policy package KSZ services tied to job levels).

5. Insurance companies save by reducing the level and scope of health care services by increasing their cost.

6. Non-receipt of expected positive

the effect of the introduction KSZ (not all employees used the service, etc.).

7. Lack of choice of medical institutions by criteria: price, quality, range of services and so on.

Source: authoring


Regarding workers KSZ practically has no "cons" that would worsen the socio-economic situation, but gives them the following benefits:

1. Guarantees to quality and timely medical care.

2. The additional financing in complex cases related to health.

3. Insurer as a consultant helping insured workers get the necessary quality medical care.

4. The insurer provides protection of the interests of the insured employee in a conflict situation with the medical establishment and the possibility of compensation in cases of medical mistakes or poor quality of health services.

Corporate health insurance protection officer realized the two types of services for voluntary personal insurance - insurance in case of disease NHS and health insurance LCA. To choose an insurer in the implementation KSZ, analyze the performance of insurance companies which occupy leading positions on health insurance and health insurance in Ukraine (Table. 3) [5].

Table 3. The data shows that services have LCA 6 times higher average level of payments (72%) than service health insurance (12%). This indicates a higher level of demand VMI services and the best amount of insurance protection. Therefore, the presence of LCA consisting KSZ guarantees insurance coverage to more workers.

Table 3:

TOP 5 by DMS to the Ukrainian insurers and the NHS for the 1st half 2013

Number Strahovi kompaniyi Premiyi,

thousand. UAH. Vyplaty,

thousand. UAH. Level


1 Neftegazstrakh (LCA) 123,640.2 82,646.6 66.84

2 The (LCA) 84 079.1 65 324.6 77.69

3 INGO UKRAINE (LCA) 59 230.5 58 275.4 98.39

4 ASKA (LCA) 59 014.4 32 544.8 55.15

UNIQA 5 (LCA) 25 198.3 29 519.8 117.15

The average value of claims paid on the market for LCA, 72.07%

1 DELTA (PES) 13 811.0 959.0 6.94

2 ASKA (PES) 6 368.8 510.7 8.02

3 TRUST AND WARRANTY (PES) 6 133.0 143.0 2.33

4 ASKO-Donbass (PES) 4 751.1 1 961.3 41.28

5 ALFA INSURANCE (PES) 2 143.2 13.0 0.61


forinsurer.com - magazine about insurance


The average value of claims paid on the market for the NHS, 12.70%

Source: Internet magazine "Forinshurer insurance" [5].


Having examined the basic indicators of health insurance companies, move on to the analysis of market prospects in the coming years KSZ. Experts predict a rise in private health insurance market in 2013... 2015 by 15-20%, mostly due to corporate customers (corporate share is now 95% market health insurance). The number of insurance companies dealing with classic KSZ gradually decreases in the forecast to 20-25 companies [4].

Capacity offers a potential market for health insurance is sufficient to meet the needs of the national economy, but the awareness of companies about the possibility of insurance is still low. The demand for medical services and health insurance over the next years should rise as a result of unfavorable conservation socio-economic and demographic situation in the country, while insurers pin their hopes on the growth of this market with the level of insurance culture in society.

The structure of the customer portfolio insurers for corporate customers should be preserved. This will facilitate employers' personnel policies aimed at increasing corporate health insurance of their employees, negative outlook of the average wage, which does not rely on the development of individual health insurance segment and diagnostic facilities weakening public health institutions. However, there is a real threat reduction KSZ when introducing in Ukraine compulsory social health insurance.

The introduction of the enterprise corporate health insurance is impossible without a proper understanding of the content and purpose of the insurance products that make up the concept of "health insurance". In addition, we must note features a true election as insurers and optimal programs for specific KSZ labor collective compliance with the objectives of this insurance as an investment in the development process of the labor collective enterprise. Consider the basic steps of this process.

The first stage - the definition, which requires KSZ and which company will get the result. The goals may be different: maintenance workers (increase staff loyalty) to attract highly qualified specialists, raising the status of individual employees, raising the status of the company in the business community, etc.


Контрольна робота №3

Стаття на тему: «Образотворче мистецтво»

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 251 | Нарушение авторских прав

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