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Direct and hidden advertisement in the sphere of science popularization

Порівняльна характеристика розмірів страхових внесків роботодавців на охорону здоров’я персоналу в Росії і Україні | Переваги і недоліки КСЗ для підприємств і працівників | ТОП-5 украінських страховиків по ДМС і ДСЗ за 1 півріччя 2013 р. | Порівняльна характеристика послуг ДМС і ДСЗ у складі портфеля КСЗ | Голованова Е.Н. Инвестиции в человеческий капитал предприятия: учебное пособие/ Е.Н. Голованова, С.А. Лочан, Д.В. Хавин. – М: Инфра-М, 2011. – 88 с. | МИСТЕЦТВО ГАЛИЧИНИ ХІХ-ХХ СТОЛІТЬ | Результати | Major foundations outdoor advertising? nfinitive |

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Direct and hidden Advertising for the Popularization of Science


Sergei Solovyov


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

st. Melnikov, 36/1, 04119, Kyiv, Ukraine

E-mail: inst@journ.univ.kiev.ua


The article discusses some aspects of the popularization of scientific and technological developments in the media as a form of advertising innovative products.

Keywords: Live in hidden advertising, press.


The relationship of science and the application of its achievements in practice largely provided by the channels of mass communication, including - print media. Articles in the press, reporting on new inventions, scientific development, embodied in goods, interests of consumers newest parameters, to encourage the purchase of products or services that offer users a wider range of possibilities. In turn, this allows us to fund further scientific research, which is embodied in the implementation of relations "Science - Technology - Industry".

Understanding that "it is necessary to conduct a coherent national policy implementation of new technologies" [16] does not mean significant changes and actions in this direction. The process of scientific research and implementation of results linked, but it is a problem. It is "finding effective ways of commercialization of scientific and technological activities, mechanisms harmonious combination of market factors management, transfer them to a field of research" [2, p.16].

Analysis of the research authors with issues that raised in the article [19 s.40-41], [1, p.3], [9, p.42], says: consumer interested in the product with new characteristics. However, "... the results of innovation in many cases occur at a relatively long period in the final consumer product innovation" [1, p.3; 19 s.40-41]. Thus, there is a need to activate the implementation of scientific and technical developments.

Sponsored publication in the press and is one of the factors that are designed to solve this problem. The article is an analysis of advertising messages direct and indirect print media to identify certain patterns in the way the impact on the audience.

Deeper look at the process of creating advertising messages reveals several factors that govern their appearance, structure, and therefore, ultimately, influence [3, s.21-22]. Exploring types of advertising regulation in Ukraine, we turn to the public, professional, author of regulation - the species most closely related to the subject of this article.

Here is the definition of these factors and point to their influence in the creation of publications.

1. "State regulation, ie control of advertising activities by public authorities (legislative, executive and judicial), which is based on law." This is a basic principle that it should be taken into account in the preparation of advertising publications - full conformity with laws.

2. "Professional regulation involves consideration of legislation and acts of managers and specialists of agencies, and to develop their" rules of the business game. " As it is realized in creation and in advertising; informal accompanied by customer, customer and partner relationships. " Construct the previous norm and needs arising from the order advertisers - to create advertising that would, on the one hand, the formal requirements of the law is not violated, and the other - the most approached their destination due to the impact of communication (advertising, which would be perceived readers say how to care for their health, welfare, etc.)

3. Copyright regulations "on the one hand, is a purely personal matter for the creator or manager, and the other - integrated as components combines many types of control and responsibility. It is embodied in specific advertising materials (layout, commercials, booklets, leaflets, posters, etc.) - in text and image, and in the ways and forms of accommodation. " Creative toward publication - demonstrate the author found a solution that satisfies both parties and does not contradict other factors. Here, in printed material, sformulyuvano advertiser needs in sales and consumer - in purchasing the product.

In the practice of the print media is widely used two approaches to the presentation of advertising information - in the form rubrykovanoyi advertising, that is one that clearly distinguished from journalistic works, in the form of hidden advertising. The latter approach is embodied in different genres publications that popularize innovation, talking about the problems of science and technological achievements, highlighting the biographies of outstanding scientists and others. The shape is not advertising, but in essence the following publications completely fall within the advertising model, say, SABONE [8, s.269]. This model explains the main reasons that make purchases: security S, attachment A, comfort, pride Oh, novelty E. Pay particular attention to the latter factor - novelty. New features embodied in the product, stimulate product approval process.

Let us some of the differences that most clearly demonstrate the difference between advertising messages open and hidden.

The first difference. Advertising works open nature, particularly with such important characteristics as consistency and repeatability. Constancy means that advertising work includes steel elements: title, slogan, call the manufacturer or dealer logo, brand, price, details. The second characteristic involves the periodic appearance of advertising publications in the familiar form for the reader. For hidden advertising these signs are not typical - publications in the form of articles, notes, reports, correspondence do without these ingredients, because established under the laws of the genre. Time (in relation to information about a product) is also not peculiar to this type of advertising. Compare, for example, a series of advertisements in the newspaper "Ukraine young" "The new generation portable cash registers" (outdoor advertising) and a note entitled "Buy Ukrainian - Mobility Friends," the first Ukrainian smartphone (hidden advertising).

In the first case, the reader meets a clearly defined advertising that periodically appears in the permanent design a magazine, offering range of new products in the second - with a single serving under the heading "How" of the new mobile phone. There are no data on the purchasing, technical parameters etc. Etc. Of course, some influence may have such a publication, but for action, culminating in the acquisition, the consumer must go through several stages: cognitive (send a message), affective (emotional attitude determination), suggestive (suggestion) and konatyvnyy (formation courses).

Hidden advertising may have a different look, reporting the necessary information about the product, which will direct the audience to the place of purchase, indicate the main parameters of the conditions of purchase. For example, in the publication "Gazeta in Ukrainian", "miraculous bed therapist" with the subtitle "Mechanical doing massage spine" reports the invention of Korean doctors. Correspondent edition takes quite promotional information under the guise of reporting on visiting the salon. Signs of such information - the list of symptoms, which deprive the product in specifying an time that a session lasts, even called the number of sessions and cost. Attractiveness of product description and promotes personal feelings journalist from treatment session. Reader underline and photo illustrations that clearly visible logo manufacturer demonstrates the process of treatment.

So named publication has features which allow to classify it as advertising, at the same time no heading, no other way about it said.

However, it is clear that a publication can not fully cope with the task of attracting an audience at the same time filing multiple claims to the desired effect.

The second difference - in the approach to the creation of texts. According to practitioners, publicity work should include "1. Expected message; 2. Unexpected creativity; 3. The exact angle to trademark "[11, s.90-91].

Other authors also point to such criteria, recalling the "degree of novelty advertising material" [17, p.22], or the need to develop "new marketing moves, original ideas, non-standard decisions" [10]. It can be argued that these requirements relate to more purely promotional publications, not one that promotes scientific excellence, even in case a particular product.

To explain the present advertising in the newspaper "Metro", where consumer interest the modern complex - climate treatment center air KS (R) -55, which allows you to moisturize, cleanse, ventilate, heat, cool and ionize the air. We give an image of the device, details. The rational element advocate the benefits that the product will receive the owner: improving air quality, reducing the spread of viral infections, neutralization of harmful radiation, improved microclimate villages as a whole. This provided scientific and technical developments embodied in the product.

Title "offer weather" stops the reader's attention to some unusual, still believed that the weather is not one of those processes or phenomena that may be offered for sale. Thus, the necessary communication effect achieved.

The third difference can be defined as the difference in order publications. Rubrykovana advertising openly declares goal (to sell a particular product), using an attractive consumer motivation. Hidden advertising, rather, is a kind of precursor of direct advertising. It promotes inventions, research, interests prospects of new technologies on historical material creates a positive attitude towards science in general. "It is believed that information and psychological effect on the object is in two steps: creating an atmosphere of trust between communicators and implementation of information in the mass consciousness as a significant social component" [15, p.87]. For example, this illustration may be published in the newspaper "Day" entitled "The European launch vehicles will be our engine" main engine of development for the fourth level of the new European rocket "Vega" (heading "Company News"), "Intelligent Screwdriver" (column "Inventions"), "Gillette: shaving machine with the engine."

In these examples, the reader does not offer to buy a product does not indicate the place of sale, does not appeal to emotions. This information forms the positive attitude of certain consumers for innovations and only indirectly influence decisions of the recipient subsequently become the owner of a product created through new approaches in science and technology.

The fourth difference find, determining authorship. Open advertising under the law has clearly defined the author (for example, the manufacturer). In hidden, which promotes invention claimed author publication may be devised character, journalist, researcher, project manager, team, institution statesman that directly can be in no way associated with the manufacturer. And this is no definition of relations "principal-by-animator" that make up the device [12, p.61], but the source of the information that may be important for consumers who trust certain individuals or entities. A source of distortions typical of indirect advertising. For comparison, consider publishing a weekly "Zerkalo Nedeli" O. Artemenko "Lanos" becomes popular "dedicated to the achievements of the domestic automotive industry, and advertising appeal" Volvo S60. Athlete intended. Volvo - by vocation ". As a second example clearly indicates the stakeholders - the vehicle manufacturer, as evidenced by the demonstration of brand popularization concrete benefits specific product details, the first publication provides no basis for determining authorship. Prepared by its editorial staff, but the connection between the journalist and the publication or manufacturer, now trading undefined. This relationship may exist, but may be absent.

The fifth difference - determining categories. Direct advertising is filed under heading that clearly states this, advertising is hidden (even of the same commodity) is often offered under various headings (eg, drugs are marketed under the rubric of "not sick", "Cheers", "On health I! ")

A kind of compromise between the presence of the category "Advertising" and its absence is a sign marking the text (for example, the letter "R" in a circle), which formally treats publication as advertising, but not actually seen the potential consumer, as the sign is hardly noticeable.

Another option to avoid direct reference to advertising is the placement of advertising messages under the heading "Image-Information". However, perceived such publications as advertising because of its recognizable structure in particular appealing slogan: "Ariston Washing machine: more colorful events." The desire of the manufacturer to submit your product is not under the definition of "advertising", not on advertising pages to a certain extent is understandable: such information are trusted more [13, s.456]. And at the same time advertising it is in the first place in terms of promoting the efficiency of certain consumer goods [7, p.122].

It is interesting to compare the coverage of the appearance of various editions of the same new product. Entering the market of sports shoes that can resize, noted in his report "Zerkalo Nedeli" (№145, 6 Aug. 2004) and "Young Ukraine" (№140, 8 Aug. 2004). In the first case, the note contained pictures of "Sneakers, resizing" (topic "New Market"). In the second - note "dimensionless shoes" (heading "Mosaic"). Publications relating to the same invention embodied in a product, but reported its development from different angles, which may have an impact on the consumer.

The sixth difference is the passing or failure to pass through publication of promotional advertising department, agency.

Direct advertising is being prepared by experts in the relevant structures, where the creation passes certain stages: a preliminary study of the market, the use of appropriate media and creative strategies, development slogans, tested in focus groups, etc.

Indirect advertising, approaching the efficiency to journalistic publications, often preparing editorial employee who does not use special communication technologies, but rather announces technical innovation as the event. Of course, this also has consequences - "... we must remember that the impact on the imagination of man can fundamentally change its behavior..." [14, s.323] as any communicative action, but the advertising - it is an example namely professional communication and it should perform very specific tasks. Broadly speaking advertising discourse "reduces the distance between science and mass consciousness" [18, p.97], in a narrow - driving seller with the buyer to sell the goods.

Publications, popularizing scientific achievements, thus preparing the ground for a positive perception of the audience of advertising appeal. They can be considered as already mentioned, precursors and original advertising messages, and implementation of educational methods to the public. And the proximity of the two functions under certain conditions may increase the effectiveness of the first of these. For example, a user interested in scientific and popular publication is likely he will feel confidence and described the development, embodied in the product. And following advertising appeal devoted to the emergence of products on sale will have a corresponding impact generated publication.

Content analysis publications open and hidden advertising, published in the weekly "Mirror of the Week" in 2004 (Figure 1), gives a visual representation of the relationship between these appeals. Total number of publications rubrykovanoyi advertising - 48 hidden - 52. That is, we can assume that in this case the approach to the creation of two types of advertising used equally active and advertisers interested in both.



The distribution of public advertising messages: medicine and healthcare - 22, computers, communications, digital technology - 8 trucks - 11, other - 7.

Materials from hidden advertising action on the subject as follows: medicine and healthcare - 14 papers, computers, communications, digital technology - 12 trucks - 7, defense industry - 3, the rest for other areas of human activity.

Note that the printed material open and covert advertising direction, reporting on the latest products, sometimes have much in common in filing information. For example, attract the consumer article in "Zerkalo Nedeli" "The driver did not notice the puncture tires," which reports on technology patented by Goodyear. The driver with the latest vehicle tires can travel certain times even in the absence of pressure in the tire. Indicate the name of the new product, which certainly encourages consumers to purchase it. The publication has the category "Advertising", contained in paragraph band allotted for news reports, but we note that the title itself sounds like a slogan notes containing a unique product offering. This product provides a homogeneous group, so the product information will interest the audience.

The need for research and broad implementation of their results does not require special comment. "Biosphere twentieth century.



1. What are the types of advertising regulation in Ukraine?

2. What type of advertising regulation is the most effective?

3. What kind of advertising is the most effective impact on the audience? (Newspapers, outdoor advertising, TV, etc.)

4. Do I need to carry out a consistent state policy of introducing new technologies?

5. What are important characteristics of a promotional nature outdoor works?



1.The three verbals— gerunds, infinitives, and participles —are formed from verbs, but are never used alone as action words in sentences. Instead, verbals function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs

2.These verbals are important in phrases.

3. The gerund ends in -ing and functions as a noun.

Jumping is fun.

He liked skiing.

He had a unique way of whistling.


4. The infinitive is the base form of a verb with to. Usually it functions as a noun, although it can also function as an adjective or adverb.

To jump is fun. (noun; subject of the verb is)

I like to ski. (noun; direct object of the verb like)

She had a suggestion to offer. (adjective modifying suggestion)

He called to warn her. (adverb modifying the verb called)


5. A participle is a verb that ends in -ing (present participle) or -ed, -d, -t, -en, -n (past participle). Participles may function as adjectives, describing or modifying nouns.

The dancing parrots entertained the crowd.

The wrecked sailboat washed up on shore.


6. But participles have another function. When used with helping verbs such as to be and to have, they are action verbs and form several verb tenses.

She is thinking of the children.

The conference room had been cleaned before they arrived.


7..A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition.

8. Gerund as subject:

9. Gerund as direct object:

10. Gerund as subject complement:


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