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Оригинальная информация.

Контрольные этапы | Выбор информации по порту назначения — порт Аделаида. | Таможенные и карантинные правила. | ПОРТ ПОРТ-АДЕЛАИДА | Выбор причала в порту назначения. | Подбор карт на район порта назначения | Анализ карт на район порта назначения. | Подбор карт на переход. | Подбор книг на переход. | Общая схема перехода. |

Читайте также:
  1. Воспринимающий и информация.
  3. Контекстуальная информация.
  4. Конфиденциальная информация.
  5. Невероятно стильная, оригинальная работа, станет изюминкой интерьера Вашего дома и замечательным подарком человеку с хорошим вкусом.
  6. Оригинальная версия стихотворения

ADELAIDE, S.A.: 34.51 S. 138.30 E. (See Plan)


PORT LIMITS: Northern Limit: a line drawn due East from Lat. 34° 40.42' S., Long. 138°22.55'E. to shore.

Southern Limit: a line drawn due East from Lat. 34° 51.30'S., Long. 138° 24.80' E. to shore.

Western Limit: a line drawn between Lat. 34° 40.42' S., Long. 138° 22.55' E. to Lat. 34° 51.30'S., Long. 138° 24.80' E.

Charts: AUS No. 137, 780, 781, 345 and 444.

Таблица 1.1.1.

DOCUMENTS: No. of copies required

Form M & S 11 (List of crew) 3

Form 42A (Stores List) 1

Form 5 (Articles owned or in possession of Master, Officers or crew) 1

Form B921 - Green - Loading Ports List 3

Form QA3 (Declaration of animals carried as cargo), only if on board 1

Form QA4 (Declaration of ship's pets) 1

Form QA5 (Shipmaster's Bond to cover ship's pets) 1

Form A Q360 (Health Report) 2

Of the above, Forms 42A and 5 need only be compiled at first port of call in Australia. Passenger — individual Passenger Cards are utilised therefore no List of Passengers required. Agents require 7 copies of Manifest of cargo on board and at least 1 set copies Bills of Lading. These normally received by airfreight or airmail direct from Agents at loading port outside Australia therefore not necessary for Masters to be in possession of either Manifest of cargo on board or appropriate copies of Bills of Lading.

Report: 1996.

2 copies Crew List.

2 copies Stowaway List.

1 copy Tobacco/Spirits/Personal Effects List.

1 copy Stores List.

1 copy Health Declaration.

1 copy Deratting Certificate.

1 copy Load Line Certificate.

1 copy Tonnage Certificate.

1 copy Nationality Certificate.

Safety Equipment Certificates.

1 copy Bills of Lading.

1 copy Manifest (unfreighted).

Customs Officers board at the wharf and if any inspections required, Department of Transport officials also board at the wharf. (Information from Guide to Port Entry, Melbourne, p. 158-159)

PILOTAGE: Advance notice 24 hours, telegraphic requests through ship's Agent. VHF Channel 16. Call sign "Adelaide - Outer Harbour" Pilot launch orange hull, yellow deck house, "Pilot" on each side in black letters. Give pilot launch good lee and safe pilot ladder. Pilot boards 1.5 miles seaward of Entrance Beacon.

ANCHORAGES: One mile West of Entrance Beacon.

RESTRICTIONS: Controlling depth in channel to container berth 39 ft. 4 in. (12.0 m.) and to Inner Harbour 30 ft. (9.1 m.) ISLW. All vessels to maintain 1 ft. (0.3 m.) keel clearance in berth at all times.

Night berthing/unberthing subject to Harbour Master's approval.

24 hour operations at Container Terminal.

Keel Clearance: 10% of draft with a minimum of 3 ft. (0.9 m.) under keel at all times.

MAX. SIZE: Inner Harbour - length 206 m. LOA; draft 31 ft. (9.4 m.) Neaps, subject to tide; 34 ft. 06 in. (10.5 m.) Springs.

Outer Harbour (Container Berth) - length 945 ft. (288 m.) LOA; draft 37 ft. (11.3 m.) Neaps, subject to tide; 39 ft. (11.9 m.) Springs.

HEALTH: Free Pratique given by radio message.

VHF: Call sign "Adelaide Outer Harbour", Channels 6, 8, 12, 16 and 67.


TUGS: 4 tugs available (33 - 50 tons B.P.).

Таблица 1.1.2.


Berth Length (m.) Depth LW (m.) Type Cargo Cranes

13 & 14 303 9.1 Conventional Steel & scrap 2/6.5t travelling

27 204 10.7 Bulk loading Cereals 2 loaders

29 245 9.8 Dry Bulk and Repair -

H 304 11.0 Bulk loading Cement clinker Loader (Fixed)


1 208 9.8 Bulk Liquid -

2 159 9.4 Bulk Bulk Liquid -

O.H. 1 185 11.3 General Sheep/Cars -

O.H. 2 183 11.0 General General -

O.H. 4 214 11.0 Ro/Ro quarter ramp Containers -

O.H. 6A&6B 453 13.0 Container berths Containers 1x35 and 1x45

container crane 60t on hook


BULK CARGO FACILITIES: Berth No. 27: Bulk Grain Loader: Two travelling loading booms with spouts.

Maximum Outreach from Wharf Edge: South boom 18.1 m., North boom 17.7 m. Potential gross loading rate for wheat 1,450 t.p.h. Boom clearance at wharf edge 15.1 m. above Chart Datum. Berth 'H': Cement/Clinker Loading Berth: Fixed loader with luffing and slewing boom. Vessels shift along wharf during loading. Maximum outreach from wharf edge 17.0 m. Boom Clearance at Wharf Edge above Chart Datum: Clinker- 20.4 m. Cement - 14.4 m. Gross Loading Rate: Clinker- 2,000 t.p.h. Cement 750 t.p.h.

STEVEDORES: No advance ETA required.

MEDICAL: Contact Quarantine Department in ample time.

TANKERS: "Leak free" advice to Harbour Master to be given through Agent. 500 tons slop discharge facilities. Unauthorised persons not allowed on board.


"M" Oil Berth Depth alongside 8.5 m.

"N" Tallow Berth Depth alongside 8.5 m.

OSB. 1 Depth alongside 9.8 m.

DENSITY: Slightly denser than sea water; not affected by tide.

FRESH WATER: Inner Harbour: Through Hydrants at 12 - 15 t.p.h. Outer Harbour: Berths No. 1 - 4: 120 t.p.h.

FUEL: Fuel oil, thin fuel oil, diesel, gas oil. 48 hours notice required. A bunkering barge capable of

transporting 1,000 metric tons of bunkering oils operates in the port. The use of this bunkering barge will enable vessels to bunker without leaving their loading berths or using road tankers.

CONSULS: The following countries are represented: Austria, Guatemala, Norway, Belgium, Italy, Peru, Denmark, Japan, Philippines, Finland, Lebanon, Portugal, France, Liberia, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, USA and Greece.

REPAIRS: All repairs possible.


SURVEYORS: E.J.C. Carr & Assoc. Pty. Ltd, 242 A St. Vincent Street, Port Adelaide, S.A. 5015, Australia. Tel: (08) 84475924. Fax: (08) 83411564.

GANGWAY/DECK WATCHMEN: Optional except for white spirit tankers. Cost varies according to time of shift.

OPENING/CLOSING HATCHES: Carried out by crew.


Last Port Customs Clearance.

Ship's Register.

Load Line Certificate.

Safety Radio Certificate.

Safety Equipment.

Light Dues Receipt.

Ship's Articles (British Vessels).

CUSTOMS ALLOWANCES: Each Crew member 200 cigarettes or 40 cigars or 8 oz. tobacco. Limited amounts of spirits per man.

CARGO GEAR: This must comply with Australian Regulations, as issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

When working cargo with ship's gear, certificates should be available to attest to identification and good condition of all such gear. If vessel on first visit to Australia and certificates not available, a declaration by Master will be accepted provided gear in order. On subsequent visits certificates and identification of each item of gear must be readily produced. (Information from Guide to Port Entry, Melbourne, p. 162)


AIRPORT: Adelaide Airport 8 miles, regular airlines.

Таблица 1.1.3.

TIME: Daylight saving is adopted in some States in accordance with table below:

Standard Daylight Saving

Western Australia GMT + 8 hours No change Northern Territory GMT + 9.5 hours No change Queensland GMT +10 hours No change

South Australia GMT + 9.5 hours GMT + 10.5 hours Victoria GMT + 10 hours GMT + 11 hours

Tasmania GMT + 10 hours GMT + 11 hours

New South Wales GMT + 10 hours GMT + 11 hours Date of change may vary by as much as 14 days from state to state (normally late October to early or mid-March). (Information from Guide to Port Entry, Australia General, p. 84)

HOLIDAYS: Christmas Day, Waterside Workers' Picnic Day (late January), Good Friday, Anzac Day (25th April), Adelaide Cup Day (3rd Monday in May), Eight Hours Day (2nd Mon. October). Restricted holidays, Boxing Day, New Year's Day.

POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Port Adelaide Police 8207-6444. Fire Brigade 8204-3825.

TELEPHONES: Available.

SERVICES: Garbage disposal, cleaning out and fitting out and compass adjusting.

IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Not required to be carried by crew going ashore in Australia. However, Section 23 of the Migration Act 1958/1964 provides that Masters of vessels entering Australia from overseas shall have in their possession an identity card in an approved form for each member of crew. These provisions included in the Act to ensure positive identification available to departmental officers should any Seaman, not being an Australian citizen, desert vessel. Should vessel arrive in Australia without required Seamen's Identification Cards, seamen are unable to go ashore until photographer called to vessel in order to photograph each crew member, and identification cards completed.

Following nationalities need not complete identification card required under Migration Act provided Crew members in possession of relevant Seamen's Identity certificates/discharge book; Canada, Denmark, Fiji, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, South Africa, South Korea, Pakistan, United Kingdom.

Masters of vessels, Australians and New Zealanders are not required to have such an Identification Card.

Masters are reminded that Crew members' travel documents and Commonwealth of Australian Forms M.315, where applicable, are to be retained in the custody of the Master at all times, and are to be produced to Customs Boarding Officers upon demand. (Information from Guide to Port Entry, Melbourne, p. 162)

GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Compulsory daily garbage collection service using plastic mobile garbage bins (M.G.B's) of 240 Itr. capacity which are placed on board. Charges: $ 40.00 plus $ 2.70 per person per day. Contractors: Waste Management Services Pty. Ltd. Tel: (08) 8260-2122.

WASTE OIL DISPOSAL: Liquid road tankers (1 x 16,000, 1x8,000 and 1x10,000 Itr. capacity) available from Envirogaro (Cleanaway). Tel: (08) 472777. Fax: (08) 3411829.

SEAMAN'S CLUBS: Seafarer's Centre, 2 Nelson Street, Port Adelaide Tel: 84475733. Services: Telephone, snacks, bar, television, beds, table tennis, snooker, library, showers, money exchange. Open daily from 1600 hrs.

AUTHORITY: Ports Corporation South Australia, P.O. Box 19 296 St. Vincent Street, Port Adelaide,S.A.5015, Australia Tel: (08) 84470611. FAX: (08) 84470603. Cables: Depmah Email: ports.corp.sa@adelaide.on.net WWW: www.portscorp.com au Contact: Division Manager, Port Operations.

1.1.2. Информация, переведённая с английского языка.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 58 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Система оперативной навигационной информации по маршруту перехода.| Аделаида, Южная Австралия, Широта 34.51S. Долгота 138.30E.

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