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Павловская И. Г. | Введение | Программа учебной дисциплины | II семестр | МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ (РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ) ПО ИЗУЧЕНИЮ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ | Темы для экзамена | САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА СТУДЕНТА |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Организация, деятельность которой направлена на систематическое получение прибыли от пользования имуществом, продажи товаров, выполнения работ или оказания услуг.
  2. C) Работа над когнитивными структурами и неправильной атрибуцией
  3. E) Переработка чувства, что ты потерпел неудачу
  4. I. Методические рекомендации по выполнению самостоятельной работы студентов.
  5. I. Обработка информации, полученной при обследовании
  6. I. Общая характеристика работы

Задание I: прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Text: Essentials of Marketing.

One of the areas of management is marketing. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. So, marketing is the process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.In simple terms, it means the movement of goods and services from manufacture to customer in order to satisfy the customer and to achieve the company’s objectives.

What is the ‘the marketing mix’? The marketing mix is made up of four components, sometimes called the four Ps. These are: product, price, placement and promotion.

Product: the firm has to identify what products the consumer wants and the way existing products can be adapted to meet consumer preferences more successfully.

Price: a company has to decide on its pricing policy for list prices, discount for bulk-buying and interest-free credit. A low price may make consumer suspicious (‘cheap and nasty’) or the low price may be thought of as a bargain (‘cheap and cheerful’). If the price of the product is too high then the company may be pricing itself out of the market. If the price of the product is higher than what competitors are charging then it must be justified in some way, e.g. because the quality of the product is higher. So, there are three pricing options the company may take: above, with or below the prices that its competitors are charging. Most companies price with the market and sell their goods for average prices established by major producers in the industry.

Promotion: this amounts to choosing methods that can generate sales of the product. Possibilities here include advertising (as in newspaper or magazine), personal selling (as in a department store), publicity and other promotional work. So, communication about the product takes place between a buyer and a seller is known as promotion.

Place: the product has to be in the correct place – retail outlet – in order to capture sales. Exactly where a firm decides to sell its product will depend on the nature of the product. Placement involves getting the product to the customer. This takes place through the channels of distribution. A common channel of distribution is: manufacturer – wholesaler – retailer – customer. Wholesalers generally sell large quantities of a product to retailers, and retailers usually sell smaller quantities to customers.

The marketing strategies of determining product, price, placement and promotion are not planned in isolation. Marketing analysts often look at a combination of these four factors (the marketing mix).

Aspects to be considered in a product include its quality, its features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee, while price includes consideration of things like the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, and possible credit terms. Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, coverage of the market, locations of points of sale, inventory size, and so on. Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. The next stage is to create long-term demand, perhaps by modifying particular features of the product to satisfy changes in consumer needs or market conditions. The marketing task is to manage demand effectively.

One important factor that affects the marketing mix is the position of the product in its life cycle. The period of time over which a product appeals to customer is called the product life cycle. At a given point in time a product will be at a particular stage of its life cycle. The length of this product life cycle differs from product to product.

Before a product is introduced it generally has to be tested on a sample of consumers. In the introductory phase the sales of the product tend to be low and sluggish, and the price of the product may be higher than it will be at later stages in the product life cycle due to the lack of competition and because the firm is trying to get back some of the costs of developing and launching the product.

What is SWOT? SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A company that believes in marketing is forward-thinking and doesn’t rest on its past achievements. It uses SWOT analysis to be aware of its strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats it faces in the market.

Consequently, marketing is the process of developing, pricing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy customers’ needs. Marketing therefore combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement, and so on. According to this definition, marketing begins and ends with the customer.

Essential Vocabulary:

advertising – рекламирование, реклама

bargain – выгодная покупка; дешево купленная вещь

bulk buying – оптовые закупки

to charge a price – назначить цену

coverage of the market – границы рынка

distribution channel – канал распределения

interest-free – беспроцентный

launch – выпуск новых товаров на рынок

list prices – прейскурантные цены

to meet – удовлетворять, соответствовать

point of sale – розничная торговая точка

pricing policy – политика ценообразования

product life cycle – жизненный цикл товара

retail out let – розничная торговая точка

SWOT analysis – SWOT-анализ (анализ сильных и слабых сторон компании, возможностей и угроз рынка)

strength – сила, сильная сторона

weakness – слабость, слабое место

threat – опасность, угроза

Задание II: переведите на русский язык письменно.

1. consumer’s preference

2. the length of the payment period

3. the four Ps

4. launch

5. lack of competition

6. company’s strengths and weaknesses

7. opportunities and threats of the market

8. point of sale

Задание III: найдите эквиваленты и перепишите.

1) предвидеть a) lack
2) дёшево и сердито b) affect
3) дёшево да гнило c) identify
4) скидка d) cheap and nasty
5) распознавать e) preference
6) отсутствие f) rest on past achievements
7) предпочтение; преимущество g) cheapand cheerful
8) почивать на лаврах h) discount

Задание IV: перепишите и переведите на английский язык письменно.

1. приспособить существующие товары

2. удовлетворять потребности потребителя

3. предвосхищать потребности потребителя

4. маркетинговая смесь

5. беспроцентный кредит

6. соответствовать предпочтениям потребителя

7. назначить цену

8. распознать потребности покупателя

Задание V: перепишите и ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1. What is “a product”?

2. What is “a promotion”?

3. What is the definition of “a marketing mix”?

4. What is “a price”?

5. What is “a place”?

6. Can you define the term “marketing”?

7. What is meant by “SWOT”?

8. Why are firms becoming more customer-oriented and less product-oriented?

Задание VI: выпишите из текста 5-6 существительных во множественном числе и укажите единственное число этих существительных.

Задание VII: выпишите из текста прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени (укажите их положительную степень).

Задание VIII: найдите и выпишите из текста.

а) из любого абзаца неправильные глаголы (укажите 3 формы этих глаголов);

б) 2 предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге;

с) 2 предложения с модальными глаголами.

Задание IX: составьте разные по типу вопросы к следующему предложению.

Marketing combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement.

Задание X: письменно составьте краткое содержание прочитанного текста (10-15 предложений).

Задание XI: вставьте необходимые предлоги.

1. Our research was carried … last year but I still haven’t seen the results.

a) on b) with c) out d) over

2. He insisted … using a balanced argument to present the product.

a) on b) in c) under d) to

3. Most companies price … the market and sell their goods or services for average prices.

a) over b) to c) for d) with

4. We made the mistake of setting … a joint venture.

a) on b) for c) into d) up

Задание XII: перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1. The International Monetary Fund has carried out a research recently.

2. The manager whom I complained to about the service has refunded part of our bill.

3. If we received the documents tomorrow, we should start loading the goods on Monday.

4. He won’t finish his work in time unless he works hard.

5. He may know everything about this project, but doesn’t want to tell us.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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