Milling 2.5X machine operation
AlllЗадание 3 семестр. | МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ | ДЛЯ ЭТОГО НЕОБХОДИМО ВЫПИСАТЬ НЕЗНАКОМЫЕ СЛОВА, Т.Е СОСТАВИТЬ СВОЙ СЛОВАРЬ (ДЛЯ СЕБЯ МОЖЕТЕ НАПИСАТЬ ПЕРЕВОД, НО ЧИТАТЬ ЕГО ПРИ СДАЧЕ ТЕКСТА НЕ РАЗРЕШАЮ). | Panning the view dynamically | Displaying models | Displaying standard views | Defining the workplane | Creating a blank contour | Tool Home Position |
To create Milling 2.5X machine operation for Pocket construction entity:
- Click the Milling 2.5X button
on the Machine Operations toolbar. The Mill dialog box appears. - Specify the machine operation parameters. Enter value 8 into the Side step box, and value 0 into the Clearance box.
- Select the More Parameters tab and enter value –8 into the Stock, Boundary box.
- Enter value 1 into the Stock, Internal box.
- Set the Multi-step option on, select the Down step option and enter value 5.8 into the correspondent box. This is the distance between the Z levels.
- Now we will specify the type of milling. Select the Parameters tab, in the Type of milling box select Zigzag option and enter value –90 into the Angle box.
- Approach/Retract parameters. Select the Approach/Retract tab; in the approach field select the Linear option. Enter value 10 into the Length box.
- In the Retract field select the Linear option. Enter value 10 into the Length box.
- Select the Tool tab. Select the Bullnose End mill option from the Type box.
- Enter value 16 into the Diameter box.
- Enter value 1 into the Corner R box.
- Click OK. The third machine operation has been created. The name of the new machine operation appears on the status line (MO: 3 Milling 2.5X/Pocket).
Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.005 сек.)