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My Studies at Polotsk State University

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. | Put the adjectives below into two columns. | Make up sentences about what these students are going or not going to be. | Орфографическое правило прибавления окончания (e)d | The Past Continuous Tense | Answer the following questions. Say what people were doing at the time mentioned. | Put the verb in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. | Read and translate the text. | Read and memorize the words. | Модальные глаголы can и must и их эквиваленты |

Читайте также:
  1. Agree or disagree with the statements.
  2. B) Find in the text the factors which determine the choice by in individual of this or that college or university.
  3. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  4. B) Об употреблении Present Simple с глаголами состояния (State verbs).
  5. C) Comment on the character of the landlady. Prove your statement.
  6. East Ukraine Volodymyr Dahl National University
  7. Electronic Configurations & Oxidation States

My name is Nick. I am a first-year student of Polotsk State University. It is one of the most dynamically developing higher schools in Belarus. PSU was founded in 1993 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute.

The University has three departments: Extra-Mural (for students who study by correspondence), Preparatory (for those who want to enter the University) and Day-Time. There are ten faculties at PSU: Civil-Engineering Faculty, Chemical-Engineering Faculty, the Faculty of Geodesy, Radio-Engineering Faculty, Information Technologies Faculty, Financial-Economic Faculty, the Faculty of Law, Machine-Building Faculty, the Faculty of History and Philology, Sports and Pedagogy Faculty.

I study at Radio-Engineering Faculty. It trains specialists in industrial electronics, radio-engineering and radio-design. We must study a lot of different subjects such as higher mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, chemistry, programming, history, English etc. Usually I have 4 periods a day. After classes I come back to my hostel where I live with my group mates.

It is rather difficult to study but it is interesting as well.

I think the students have good conditions for study: new equipment, laboratories, a computing centre, computer rooms, and a library. Our library is the largest information and bibliography centre of the region. We can find all necessary information there. The electronic catalogue makes the search easier and faster. Sometimes I have to go to the library to look for information for writing my course paper.

Our students can take part in student conferences which PSU organizes every year.

We can attend refectories, exhibition space, the gala complex, and use sports facilities. The University has 5 hostels. Most of the students live there including me.

Our life at the University is interesting and diverse. There are different students and sport clubs. As for me I attend volleyball section twice a week. We have got a student theatre. Sometimes I go there with my friends to watch a new play. PSU organizes different concerts, parties, meetings, sporting events for students.

I think our university is a good place to study.


15. Agree or disagree with the following statements using the following expressions: I agree…, I quite agree…, Quite so…, That’s right…, I believe…, I suppose so…, I disagree…, I can’t agree…, I don’t think it’s right, etc.

1) PSU was founded in 1958 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute.

2) The University has two departments: Extra-Mural and Day-Time.

3) There are ten faculties at PSU.

4) Radio-Engineering Faculty trains specialists in information technologies software, computer systems and networks, computer security.

5) It is quite easy to study at the University.

6) Students have good conditions for study: new equipment, laboratories, computer rooms, a library.

7) The University library is the largest information and bibliography centre of the republic.

8) Students can take part in conferences which PSU organizes once in three years.

9) The University has 3 hostels.

10) There is no theatre at the University.

11) Student life at PSU is boring.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-21; просмотров: 431 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Read the sentences and ask for additional information using question words in brackets.| Make up dialogues between students of different faculties. You can use the following questions.

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