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Shells, trusses and space frames. Text: Shells, trusses and space frames

Define the type of each door and window. | Find the synonyms. | A) Past Indefinite; b) Future Indefinite. | FOUNDATIONS | Define the type of the given foundations. | Read and translate text 2 using a dictionary if necessary. | Translate the following derived words according to the models. | BEAMS AND THEIR TYPES | Build up Participles II and translate them into Russian. | BEAMS AND THEIR TYPES |

Читайте также:
  1. Electrical power supply in space
  2. Fill in the spaces.
  3. Identify the type of the given trusses. Explain the difference between the Pratt and the Warren truss systems.
  4. Rectors, higher education, national school, fields of study, education, standards, abilities, integration, take into account, state policy, principles, space
  6. Space could solve water problems

Text: Shells, trusses and space frames


· Compound adjectives

· Participle I, Participle II (continued)

New words:

1. align [q´laın] строить в линию, выравнивать

2. axial [´æksıql] осевой, по направлению оси

3. barrel [´bærql] цилиндр, барабан, вал

4. circumferential [sqkAmfq´renS(q)l] кольцевой, окружной

5. chord [kO:d] пояс

6. corrugated [´kOrqgeıtıd] гофрированный, рифленый

7. curve [kE:v] гнуть

8. distort, v. [dıs´tO:t] искривлять

9. fold [fqVld] складывать, сгибать

10. joint [GOınt] узел (фермы)

11. masonry [´meıs(q)nrı] кирпичная кладка

12. linear [´lınıq] линейный

13. plane [pleın] плоскость

14. rib [rıb] ребро жесткости

15. ridged [rıGd] остроконечный

16. rigid [´rıGıd] жесткий, устойчивый

17. post [pqVst] стойка (фермы)

18. shell [Sel] оболочка

19. slope [slqVp] наклон

20. strut [strAt] раскос (фермы)

21. tie [taı] узел, связь

22. triangle [´traıæNgl] треугольник

23. truss [trAs] ферма

24. vault [vO:lt] свод

25. space frame [speıs freım] структура

26. deep beam балка-стенка

1. Read the following international words. What Russian words do they associate with?

To act, cable, to demonstrate, economy, element, equivalent, form, geometry, ideally, individual, limit, membrane, motive, original, role, parallel, practical, stable, stress, term, type.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Fill in the gaps with the words from the text.| Read and translate the following compound adjectives.

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