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Multiple Choice Questions. 1) Applying the sociological perspective, we see that the high rate of obesity in Canada reflects:

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  1. Ansver the following questions
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  5. Answer the following questions. Say what people were doing at the time mentioned.
  6. Answer the questions after the text.
  7. Answer the questions on the text.


1) Applying the sociological perspective, we see that the high rate of obesity in Canada reflects:

a. bad personal choices people make about their lives.

b. cultural forces that encourage people to eat large amounts of unhealthy fast food.

c. our long history as a nation of people with poor health.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 532

Skill: Applied


2) In North America, the majority of adults and about ______ of children are overweight.

a. ¼

b. ½

c. ¾

d. 7/8


Answer: a

Page Reference: 532

Skill: Factual


3) Society shapes human health because:

a. cultural patterns define what is or is not healthy.

b. social inequality affects a population's health.

c. society's technology affects people's health.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 532-533

Skill: Factual


4) Ideas about health can serve as a type of social control, as illustrated by the notion that:

a. women would risk their health by going to college.

b. a competitive way of life is "healthy."

c. homosexuality is "sick," even though it is biologically natural.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 532

Skill: Factual


5) In the world’s poorest nations today, most people die before reaching:

a. the age of twenty.

b. the age of thirty.

c. the age of fifty.

d. the age of seventy.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


6) According to the World Health Organization, about how many of the world's people suffer from serious illness caused by poverty?

a. 1 million

b. 10 million

c. 1 billion

d. 10 billion


Answer: c

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


7) If you were to visit a low-income nation to study its high death rates, what would you suspect to be the most common causes of death?

a. cancer and heart disease

b. infectious diseases

c. accidents

d. old age


Answer: b

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Applied


8) Poor health in low-income nations reflects which of the following factors?

a. the lack of safe drinking water

b. the lack of access to medical personnel

c. the lack of a nutritious diet

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


9) In poor nations around the world, about what share of all children die before they reach their first birthday?

a. 1 percent

b. 10 percent

c. 50 percent

d. 90 percent


Answer: b

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


10) In Western Europe and North America, scientists began to understand the causes of infectious diseases at about what point in history?

a. 1700

b. 1775

c. 1850

d. 1950


Answer: c

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


11) Advancing medical technology has attacked infectious disease in poor countries with what result?

a. Almost nothing: This technology has had little effect.

b. Populations have increased rapidly.

c. Death rates have dropped to near zero.

d. Most children die earlier in life than ever before.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


12) During the early decades of the Industrial Revolution:

a. rapidly growing cities had poor sanitation.

b. factories fouled the air with smoke.

c. workplace accidents were common.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


13) Which of the following diseases is the biggest killer in today's high-income nations?

a. heart disease

b. influenza

c. pneumonia

d. cholera


Answer: a

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Applied


14) After the Industrial Revolution, there was an increase in the share of deaths caused by which of the following types of diseases?

a. Influenza and pneumonia

b. Heart disease and cancer

c. Cholera and tuberculosis

d. Dementia and Alzheimer’s


Answer: b

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


15) Which of the following is an example of a chronic illness?

a. influenza

b. cancer

c. accidents

d. pneumonia


Answer: b

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


16) Social epidemiology is the study of:

a. the biological basis of disease.

b. the availability of doctors around the world.

c. the age at which people die.

d. the distribution of health and illness in a population.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Conceptual


17) Research shows that masculinity is linked to health because:

a. our culture's definition of masculinity encourages stress and heart disease.

b. men learn to be strong and avoid illness.

c. men avoid many of the lifestyle dangers common to women.

d. None of the above is correct.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 532

Skill: Factual


18) The greatest cause of death among young people in North America today is which of the following?

a. cancer

b. stroke

c. accidents

d. kidney disease


Answer: c

Page Reference: 533

Skill: Factual


19) Which of the following factors has a strong link to life expectancy?

a. race

b. gender

c. social class

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 533-535

Skill: Factual


20) Looking across the life course, which of the following statements is correct?

a. Women have a higher suicide rate than men.

b. Men have fewer accidents than women.

c. Women generally have better health than men.

d. Old people generally have better health than young people.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 533-534

Skill: Factual


21) Read the following statements about health in Canada. Which of the statement is correct?

a. The children of rich families have the best health in the world.

b. Children in poor families are as vulnerable as children in some low-income nations.

c. High-income people assess their own health more positively than low-income people.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 535

Skill: Factual


22) The country in the world hit hardest by H1N1 is:

a. United States

b. Canada

c. Sweden

d. Mexico


Answer: b

Page Reference: 535

Skill: Factual


23) Which of the following is NOT a poverty-related chronic disease that affects Aboriginal people in Canada?

a. obesity

b. asthma

c. diabetes

d. swine flu


Answer: d

Page Reference: 535

Skill: Conceptual


24) Gender is linked to all of the following except:

a. visits to the physician

b. major causes of death

c. susceptibility to viral infections

d. life expectancy


Answer: c

Page Reference: 535

Skill: Conceptual


25) The greatest preventable cause of death in Canada is:

a. sexually transmitted diseases.

b. automobile accidents.

c. cigarette smoking.

d. drinking alcohol.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 536

Skill: Factual


26) Which of the following categories of people is especially likely to smoke cigarettes?

a. married people

b. divorced people

c. people with college degrees

d. people in the labour force


Answer: b

Page Reference: 536

Skill: Factual


27) Research shows that college women believe that:

a. physical looks are less important than “what’s inside.”

b. being thin is key to being attractive.

c. they are thinner than men would like them to be.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 536

Skill: Factual


28) What percentage of those who have eating disorders are women?

a. 25%

b. 48%

c. 93%

d. 100%


Answer: c

Page Reference: 536

Skill: Factual


29) The biggest eating relating problem in North America is:

a. anorexia nervosa

b. bulimia

c. compulsive dieting

d. obesity


Answer: d

Page Reference: 537

Skill: Conceptual


30) Which of the following is a factor contributing to widespread obesity in Canadian society?

a. fewer of today's jobs involve the physical labor common in the past

b. more work around the house is done by machines

c. the typical diet involves more both food and more salty and fatty food

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 537-538

Skill: Factual


31) Which sexually transmitted disease infects 45 million U.S. adults and adolescents (about one in five)?

a. syphilis

b. genital herpes

c. gonorrhea



Answer: b

Page Reference: 539

Skill: Factual


32) An exception to the general decline of infectious diseases in the United States is the increase in ______ after 1960.

a. cancer

b. obesity

c. flu

d. sexually transmitted diseases


Answer: d

Page Reference: 538

Skill: Applied


33) Which of the following world regions is experiencing the most severe epidemic of AIDS?

a. Latin America

b. sub-Saharan Africa

c. the Middle East

d. eastern Asia


Answer: b

Page Reference: 539

Skill: Factual


34) Upon infection, people with HIV:

a. display obvious symptoms.

b. get very sick right away.

c. display no symptoms at all.

d. get mildly sick from time to time.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 539

Skill: Factual


35) Which of the following is considered a behaviour placing people at high risk of HIV infection?

a. anal sex

b. sharing needles

c. using drugs that impair judgment

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 540

Skill: Factual


36) The concept "euthanasia" refers to:

a. assisting in the death of a person suffering from a terminal illness.

b. people’s legal “right to die.”

c. providing medical treatment to seriously ill people.

d. providing medical assistance to those who cannot afford it.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 541-542

Skill: Conceptual


37) The Canadian Medical Association was established in:

a. 1776

b. 1867

c. 1914

d. there is no Canadian Medical Association


Answer: b

Page Reference: 542

Skill: Factual


38) Scientific medicine typically develops in:

a. pastoral societies.

b. agrarian societies.

c. industrial societies.

d. postindustrial societies.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 542

Skill: Conceptual


39) The rise of scientific medicine in Canada began about when?

a. 1960, with advances in computer technology

b. 1917, about the time of World War I

c. 1890, as the rate immigration increased

d. 1865, with the establishment of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration


Answer: d

Page Reference: 542

Skill: Factual


40) It is correct to say that the medical establishment in Canada is oriented towards which of the following?

a. holistic treatment

b. herbal healing

c. traditional healing arts

d. scientific medicine


Answer: d

Page Reference: 542

Skill: Factual


41) Holistic medicine asserts that:

a. the most important task is treating symptoms of disease.

b. patients should rely on themselves—not just physicians—to ensure their health.

c. treatment of patients should be impersonal.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 543

Skill: Conceptual


42) In which of the following nations is almost all medical care under the control of government?

a. China

b. Great Britain

c. Japan

d. the United States


Answer: a

Page Reference: 544

Skill: Factual


43) Of all high-income nations, which country relies the most on a direct-fee market system to pay for medical treatment?

a. Great Britain

b. Sweden

c. the United States

d. Japan


Answer: c

Page Reference: 544

Skill: Factual


44) The concept "socialized medicine" refers to which of the following?

a. government insurance programs that pay for medical care

b. a medical system mostly owned and operated by the government

c. programs to improve health by giving people support groups

d. All of the following are correct.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 544

Skill: Conceptual


45) Which of the following is NOT true of Obama’s plan for health care insurance in the United States?

a. Insurance companies can legally refuse to provide coverage to those with a pre-existing condition.

b. All families will pay an insurance tax.

c. Parents can use their health care plans to include children up to age 26.

d. Insurance companies cannot set caps on the amount of money they will pay to an individual for medical expenses over a lifetime.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 545

Skill: Factual


46) In North America, an important medical issue is:

a. a surplus of nurses.

b. a shortage of nurses.

c. the fact that many hospitals are going bankrupt.

d. doctors making less and less money.


Answer: b

Page Reference: 546-547

Skill: Factual


47) Who was voted the “Greatest Canadian” for his role in bringing universal health care to Canada?

a. Pierre Elliott Trudeau

b. Sir John A. Macdonald

c. Emmett M Hall

d. Tommy Douglas


Answer: d

Page Reference: 545

Skill: Factual


48) In his structural-functional analysis, Talcott Parsons claimed that society responds to illness by:

a. punishing ill people.

b. withholding treatment to those who need it most.

c. using the "sick role" to relieve ill people of many daily responsibilities.

d. forcing people, sick or not, to perform important work.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 548

Skill: Conceptual


49) Talcott Parsons described the physician-patient relationship as which of the following?

a. permanent

b. egalitarian

c. unpleasant

d. hierarchical


Answer: d

Page Reference: 548

Skill: Factual


50) A criticism of Talcott Parsons’ approach to health and medicine is that it:

a. says little about the issue of prevention.

b. places doctors rather than people in charge of health.

c. assumes sick people can afford to take time off from work.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 548

Skill: Factual


51) A symbolic-interaction approach to health and medicine emphasizes:

a. the meanings people attach to health and illness.

b. social inequality in terms of health.

c. how societies must excuse ill people from most responsibilities.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: a

Page Reference: 548-549

Skill: Conceptual


52) The topic of psychosomatic disorders is of greatest interest to sociologists guided by which theoretical approach?

a. the structural-functional approach

b. the symbolic-interaction approach

c. the social-conflict approach

d. the sociobiological approach


Answer: b

Page Reference: 549

Skill: Applied


53) From a social-conflict point of view, capitalism fails to support human health because:

a. it does not encourage development of new medical techniques and technologies.

b. physicians have little financial incentive to work.

c. it makes quality of care dependent on income.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: c

Page Reference: 549-550

Skill: Conceptual


54) Following the social-conflict approach, patterns of health and illness are seen largely as a product of:

a. technology.

b. how people define the situation they experience.

c. how culture defines health and illness.

d. social inequality.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 549-550

Skill: Conceptual


55) Current research on human genetics promises to:

a. not just treat disease, but stop it before it develops.

b. give people information about their future medical condition.

c. allow parents to assess the health profile of a future child.

d. All of the above are correct.


Answer: d

Page Reference: 551

Skill: Factual


56) Which of the following occupations is NOT noted in the text as among the most dangerous jobs in Canada?

a. farming

b. coal mining

c. truck driving

d. electrician


Answer: d

Page Reference: 552

Skill: Factual



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