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Контрольная работа №2


Читайте также:
  1. I. Работа над диссертацией
  2. I. Работа со справочной литературой.
  3. I. Учебная работа
  4. II. Научно-исследовательская работа и практика
  5. III. Работа с претензиями клиентов
  7. IV. Работа с интервьюерами и проведение опроса

I. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную ременную форму (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Past Indefinite)

1. I (not) call him yesterday, I was busy. 2. The newspaper (come)? – Yes, Ann is reading it now. 3. When he (arrive)? – He (arrive) at 2.00. 4. The rain nearly (stop) when he (reach) his hotel. 5. He (close) the window and (sit) in his armchair, reading a newspaper. 6. She already (answer) the letter. 7. I cannot go out because (finish) my work. 8. I (drive) to the airport when the plane (take off). 9. He (translate) the article by 5 o’clock yesterday. 10. (be) you to Paris? – Yes I (go) to Paris 3 years ago.


II. Переведите предложения, подчеркните глагол в пассивном залоге, определите временную форму.

1.That day she was seen little of. 2.A man who is much spoken about is always very attractive. 3. He could see that the bed was empty, and that it had not been slept in. 4. That is the thing I have not been accused before. 5. She is quite well thought of in Cambridge. 6. About an hour or so later I was sent for and found Marry unconscious.


III. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках в пассивный залог и нужную временную форму.

1.I do not want to hear another word. I ___ never ___ so ___ in my whole life. (to insult) 2.But what will I do if you ___? (to kill) 3. In 1834 the Houses of Parliament ___ by fire. (to destroy) 4. We ___ if we ___, but never mind (to scold, to see) 5. He [Arthur] went up to his room. Nothing in it ___ since his arrest. (to change). 6.Rumania is a Balkan State which ___long ___for its mineral springs. (to know)


IV. Поставьте данные предложения в пассивный залог, где это возможно.

1.A teacher asks a student to tell the story again. 2.He is sneezing again. 3.Someone has written the story of this place. 4. They have a lot of money in the bank. 5.They arrived at 7 yesterday. 6.Peter will explain this rule to you.


V. Найдите в предложениях инфинитив, подчеркните. Укажите его форму и функцию в предложении. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He began to feel some curiosity. 2. I have never been learnt to read or write. 3. I cannot run so quickly. 4. It is useless to discuss this question. 5. I did not come here to be shouted at! 6. To be recognized gave her great joy. 7. She was glad to have been allowed to join us. 8. I have nobody to say a kind word to me. 9. He gave her a knife to cut the bread with. 10. He brought us a book to read.


V. Подставьте частицу to там, где это необходимо.

1.I like __ play the piano. 2. My brother can __ write poems. 3. We had __ put our overcoats because it was cold. 4. It is high time for you __ go to bed. 5. May I __ use your phone. 6. I would rather __ stay at home today. 7. Would you like __ go to England? 8. I wanted __ speak to Nick but I could not – find his telephone number. 9. Let me __ help you with your homework. 10. I was planning __ do a lot of things yesterday.


VI. Подставьте инфинитив в нужной форме.

1. Mr Abbot was the first ___ the silence. (to break) 2. He complained that he was always the last ___ (to inform). 3. These houses were among the few ___ after a great fire (survive). 4. I am glad ___ to you (to introduce) 5. Her mood seems ___ for the worse (change) 6. This poem is easy ___. (to memorize) 7. The teacher expected him ___ a better answer at the examination (to give) 8.There __ so many things. (to do) 9. I did not expect __ this question (to ask) 10. I am sorry __ you. (to disappoint) but I did not mean anything of this kind.


VII. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я рад, что дал вам эту книгу. 2. Я рад, что мне дали эту книгу. 3. Мы хотим проинформировать вас об этом. 4. Мы хотим, чтобы нас проинформировали об этом. 5.Мы рады, что его встретили на станции. 6. Я не думал (mean) прерывать его. 7. Я не предполагал, что меня прервут. 8. Мне неловко, что я причинил вам столько беспокойства. 9. Он будет счастлив повидаться с вами. 10. Он был счастлив, что повидался с вами.


VIII. Подчеркните причастие в предложении, определите его форму. Переведите предложения на русский

1.The running dog barked furiously.

2.The shot bird fell near the hunter’s feet.

3.The article being written now will be published in the next issue of the journal.

4.Writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible.

5.Having been forbidden by the doctor to go out, I stayed at home.

6.Being pressed for time, I could not even have breakfast.



IX. Выберите нужную форму причастия, переведите предложения на русский.

(Making/being made) by a professional tailor, the suit looked very nice.

2.Not (known/ be known/ knowing) what to do we decided to wait.

3.Not (having been received/ receiving/having received) a letter from Mike, we sent him an urgent telegram.

4. (Having thought/ having been thought/thinking) he was asleep I switched off the radio.

5.She sat silent (having looked/looking/ be looked) at his angry face.

6. (Having heard/ hearing/ be heard) the news she burst into tears.


X. Заполните пропуски следующими модальными глаголами и оборотами : can, could, be able to, must, have to.

1. I ___ not go to the theatre with them last night; I ___ revise the rules and words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and ___ get up early. 3. All of us ___ be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he ___ stay at the office after work. He need not stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and he ___ get home early. 5. ___ you ___ work hard to do well in your English? 6. “___ we discuss this question now?” – “No, you ___ do it tomorrow”. 7. I am glad you ___ come. 8. “___ you ___ come and have dinner with us tomorrow?”


XI. Переведите предложения на русский, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1. They must be in time for work. 2. You must go and see the new English film. 3. Must I begin the work at once? 4. A child must not play with matches. 5. They had to stay in town last summer. 6. Do you have to go on foot every morning? 7. How well can you type? 8. When will I be able to speak English fluently? 9. My son could play chess when he was only five years old. 10. Can I have your pencil for a minute?


X. Переведите предложения на английский, обращая внимания на временную форму глагола.

1.Что ты делаешь в моей комнате? – Я ищу книгу. – В моей комнате нет твоих книг. 2. В 1978 году он уехал на юг. Это лучшее место для него. Он много работает. В следующем году он приедет к нам. 3. Я звонил тебе вчера. – Когда ты звонил, я был в душе. Я собирался пойти в театр. 4. Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Париже? - Да, я там был в прошлом году. 5. Мы обедали, когда Джон пришёл. 6. Ты встретил её вчера? – Я опоздал. Когда я пришёл, поезд уже ушёл. 7. Вы поедите в Москву на следующей неделе? – Я не знаю. Я жду очень важное письмо из Москвы. Если я получу письмо в понедельник, то поеду. 8. В Англии часто идёт дождь. Да, когда мы приехали, шёл дождь. 9. Вы поедите в Крым. – Нет, сейчас я много работаю. 10. Вчера вечером поужинал и начал читать книгу. 11. Он мог говорить на пяти иностранных языках. 12. Ты должен помочь ему решить эту проблему.




Дата добавления: 2015-07-16; просмотров: 408 | Нарушение авторских прав

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